A letter to a beloved man. Romantic letter: how to write

It would seem that what’s so difficult about writing a letter to the man you love?! Moreover, this can be done both in the traditional way using pen and paper, and with the help of modern gadgets and mobile devices. But it’s not so easy to find the right words and use them to attract your lover’s attention to your person. We will tell you how to write such letters correctly, the manner of writing and much more in this article.

When should you write letters to your loved one?

A love letter is a wonderful way to express your feelings, emotions, share experiences, opinions and innermost thoughts. When does the need arise to write a letter to the man you love?

Let's consider a specific case. Your loved one was forced to leave you and his home due to duty. You are too attached to him and are having a hard time with your separation, even if it is temporary. And in order to smooth out the endless hours of loneliness, you decide to write a letter to your spouse or friend.

Second case. You are madly in love with one person who does not pay attention to you. Previously, you did not dare to write to him and tell him about your feelings, but now his birthday has arrived. You chose a suitable envelope and postcard, wrote a couple of beautiful phrases and sent a letter to your beloved man.

Third case. You have been communicating with a married man for a long time. He swears his feelings, but does not plan to leave his family. You decided to present all your conclusions to him in writing and finally put an end to such a hopeless relationship.

Simply put, with the help of a letter you can convey to your loved one information that you cannot convey with words.

Original design for a New Year's letter

Children love to write New Year's letters asking for gifts, but to make this activity more exciting and entertaining, you must first work on preparing the envelope and paper.

A beautiful design of a letter to Santa Claus, which can be done with a child, can be carried out according to this example:

  1. It is worth taking a sheet of A4 format and drawing it out, forming lines for filling with text.
  2. In the lower right corner you can make a drawing with a winter theme according to the usual standard.
  3. A more original option is to create palms from colored paper. Invite the child to trace the child’s palms and then cut them out.
  4. Make a Christmas tree from your palms, gluing the elements with glue. On top of the finished product, glue Christmas tree decorations made of paper on which wishes or requests are written.

This technique is a common appliqué that children love so much.

In what form should you write letters to your loved one?

A letter to a loved one is not a job application that can be written according to a standard template. It should be written in any form and reveal the essence of the message as much as possible.

Most often they write a letter to a loved one in prose. Messages written in verse are much less common. Basically, such letters can be created by gifted individuals who know how to express their feelings using rhyme. Sometimes letters to loved ones can have erotic overtones.

Who can write a message for a loved one?

Anyone can write a few pleasant lines to someone you like. A man, a woman, a teenager, and an elderly person can cope with this perfectly. In nature, there are no restrictions or specific requirements for future letter writers.

These can be people of completely different ages, taste preferences, religion and gender. The main thing is that they have a sincere desire to share their thoughts with the object of their adoration and write a letter to their loved one about their feelings.

Touching confession to a guy

It is often difficult to say directly about feelings, but it is much easier to write:

  1. Darling, I’m writing to you because I don’t dare tell you in words. You became not just a person in my life, you became life itself. I feel inspired when I'm with you and empty when I'm alone. Love you.
  2. I don’t know why I’m writing this, I probably don’t have the courage to say it directly. But I understand that I can’t hide it any longer. Before, I couldn’t imagine that you would become more than a friend to me, but that’s exactly what happened.
  3. I’m afraid to utter loud words, I know that all this is unexpected, but there is no point in remaining silent any longer. Regardless of your decision, I tell you about my love. I dream of a response, but I’m in no hurry, because everything “like a snowball on my head.” True love does not require reciprocity and, if you do not consider it necessary to respond to it, I will be grateful for your honesty in this case. I love and hope.

What are the main elements of a letter?

A love note, like any other letter, consists of the following parts:

  • introductions;
  • main part;
  • endings with possible conclusions.

The introductory part usually begins with a greeting and a brief background. The main part reveals the essence of the appeal and expresses the main idea. At the end, the outcome of the appeal is summed up and, ideally, conclusions are drawn. At the end, a romantic letter to your loved one is signed in a standard or non-standard way, for example, instead of a signature, you can decorate the paper with a kiss.

Possible design options

Beautiful letter design can be done using several simple techniques, as well as a combination of them. The most popular, effective and easy to implement are the following options:

  • On a regular sheet of paper, make a compositional picture from colored, corrugated, decorative paper.
  • The corners of the sheet can be decorated according to the principle of a snowflake for the New Year - prepare a layout from small parts and cut them out using a stationery knife.
  • Using ordinary pencils, it is easy to make a colored background picture on which the text will be placed.
  • To decorate paper, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, beads and stickers, which are applied to the surface of the workpiece.

You can use any available materials, having previously thought through their interpretation. All you have to do is show a little imagination and put in a little effort, and even the simplest pencil drawing can become a real masterpiece.

What should be the content of the letter?

The most important thing in any letter is its content. In this case, we are talking about the meaning that each author of a note is obliged to put into it. For example, this could be a declaration of love from a girl or woman to a male representative; a letter written for moral support of the subscriber, a letter of request, a plea for help, a note of accusation, etc.

It can also be a kind letter to a loved one or, conversely, a message filled with anger and notes of despair. In a word, the words in the note must fully reflect the mood of the author and convey the meaning that was originally intended by him.

How to write letters for loved ones?

The design of letters addressed to different people will differ depending on the effect you want to achieve. For example, for a love letter, a letter painted pink or reddish, covered with hearts and kisses, is suitable. In an envelope with such a message you can put a photo of the addressee, a beautiful postcard, a valentine in the shape of a heart, and also sprinkle a drop of your favorite perfume.

A tender letter to your loved one can be designed in the form of a collage, using photographs of you together, clippings from magazines and newspapers, and sparkles. In addition, the sheet itself can be designed in the form of two cooing doves, a flower bouquet, or hearts.

The anger sheet may contain dark colors, images of thunder and lightning, skulls, and the request letter may contain hands folded in prayer.

Are there any sample letters to your loved one?

As such, there are no samples of such letters. However, there will always be people who managed to create real handwritten masterpieces dedicated to such a subtle and serene feeling as love. “I’m writing to you - what more?” — do you recognize it? This is the famous “Letter of Tatiana to Onegin”, created by the wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is a shining example of beautiful and open love letters. And although this work was written a long time ago, today it has not lost its popularity.

Of course, you can find a ready-made text, make some modifications to it, change the name and correct other details, and then write your letter to your beloved guy about your feelings. However, do not forget that such a message will not express your real feelings. On the contrary, it will resemble some kind of remix of other people's experiences and your conclusions.

In addition, if the text of your modified letter is widely publicized, you may well be accused of copyright infringement and plagiarism. Therefore, it is best to make such messages yourself.

See how it's done

“I was wrong. But I love it. Would you forgive me? I admit that I am not a gift. Actually, I admit a lot of things. And I tell you this sincerely. Don't you believe me? I love you very, very, very much. Always and for a long time. my love will not fade away. You are the first person who has sunk so deeply into the depths of my soul. I do not want to lose you. No quarrel should separate us from you. I can’t live without such a wonderful guy like you! Forgive me, please forgive me... I would beg on my knees for forgiveness, honestly. If you allow me, I will do so. I am ready to do everything for the sake of your forgiveness. I'm sorry, even if it's not my fault. Oh, how important your forgiveness is to me! I'm picking up the phone now. I’m thinking… showering you with messages, but I don’t want to seem intrusive. I'm like this when I'm bored, I remember. But I urgently want to get rid of this very bad quality. I love you. Forgive me, please, my love.”...

A couple of examples for writing love letters

Let's say you decide to write a beautiful letter to your loved one who is away. Start expressing your thoughts by saying that you really miss you. Write about how you spend a lot of time thinking about him. You come home from work, turn on the kettle, stand by the window and succumb to your memories.

Remind yourself of those moments when you felt good together. Tell us what associations you have when thinking about those times. For example, listening to one of the tunes on the radio, you remember how you danced to it, how you hid from the rain, how you saved a homeless wet puppy, etc.

If, for example, you decide to break up, you can write an effective written statement indicating the reason. In this case, it is also worth remembering the positive moments in your life. If you plan to write a note in the form of a request for something, it is also recommended to first make a short introduction, indicate the reason and the request itself.

For example, if you decide to write a touching message to your friend who is in the army, tell him how you really feel about him.

Secrets regarding the design of sheets for letters

Beautiful letter design does not have to take a lot of time; you can significantly shorten this process. At the same time, if artistic talent is completely absent, then the problem of decorating the envelope and sheet can still be solved.

To do this, you should use ready-made or semi-ready templates for letters. You can purchase a special set for beautiful design of letters with any subject.

It’s easy to make a blank yourself if you use regular transfer paper. Simply select a design and copy it onto the prepared surface. Decorative stamps and seals are also suitable.

How to write a letter correctly?

If you decide to write a letter to your loved one in prose, first make an action plan. Write down in detail all the points that you plan to cover in your letter. Create a layout for your future letter, indicating the specific location for the text and possible images. Consider the manner of writing the note, the text of the message, and the length of the letter. Decide for yourself how long your letter will be, for example, whether you will create a 10-page poem or whether you can highlight the most important things and describe everything in three sentences.

In order to relax and tune in to the right wave, it makes sense to turn on romantic music and light scented sticks with a drop of lavender oil. And then, pick up a pen, mouse or keyboard and let your hand express all your experiences and feelings on paper or electronic media.

Preparing the sheet for further processing

Initially, you should choose only high-quality thick paper that can withstand certain types of decoration. After choosing the main material, it is worth preparing it:

  • Remove unnecessary elements from the surface, such as metal staples, clips, stickers.
  • Straighten bruises or folds that have arisen under certain circumstances.
  • Before you start designing, it is worth preparing the surface for work and it is advisable to have a blotter so that the text or decor does not reprint.

A beautiful letter design can only be achieved if you carefully select the tools and materials to complete the work. Before applying paint or ink to a piece of paper, it is worth checking the preliminary effect of the substance on a specific type of cellulose.

What should and should not be written to your loved one?

Let's say you decide to write a letter to your beloved man. What should and what should not be said at all in your message to your beloved? So, first of all, you should talk about your feelings, about your first date (if you had one), about pleasant romantic encounters, remember your vacation together, say positive and romantic things.

You cannot insult the subscriber in a letter or say obscene phrases or humiliate him. Also, you should not mention your partner’s mistakes, which can lead to a decrease in his self-esteem and the appearance of complexes. There is no need to say phrases such as “you must”, “I am obliged”, “I demand”. It is better to choose an easy and even humorous form of communication, which will make it possible to gain the favor of your loved one.

Short notes of confession to your loved one

Such notes can be thrown to a neighbor, classmate, colleague when you don’t want to talk for a long time, but just convey the main meaning:

  • I don’t know how to speak beautifully - know that there is a girl nearby who is not indifferent to you;
  • I have a few words that are bursting out of me - I love you;
  • I look forward to meeting you like a miracle. I myself did not expect that I would fall in love so seriously;
  • Tell me, has this happened to you? You see a person and realize that this is your person? This happened to me the other day when I saw you;
  • I can’t believe it myself, but it so happens that without you I feel sad and lonely. When you are near, happiness overwhelms me;
  • I’m so looking forward to meeting you, and I’m surprised myself - have I really fallen in love? Apparently this is so, it’s not without reason that I’m drawn to you like a magnet.

You need to write just such messages, men don’t like unnecessary words, everything is accessible and understandable.

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