How to kiss a guy on a date and not make mistakes

A kiss is a great way to share feelings and emotions with your chosen one, as well as show the depth of passion and desire. The first touch on a girl’s lips should still be more gentle, since it is this that often becomes decisive in the transition of relationships to a more serious level.

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to push her away, but, on the contrary, to attract her to them. Improvisation, of course, is a good thing, but it is still better to prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

How to behave with a guy after your first kiss? —

First kiss. We all remember him. Some had it at an early age, others a little later, but nevertheless we remembered it for the rest of our lives. There are a lot of feelings and memories associated with this kiss: first love, first date, first boyfriend, first “serious” relationship, and first kissing experience in general.

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A common situation: you really like each other, start dating, and sooner or later, as was bound to happen, one fine evening he took you home and, standing at the entrance, your lips closed together under the phrase “kiss.” And here it is - your first, such a desired innocent kiss, after which your head goes spinning and emotions overflow. And everything would be fine, but there is only one problem - childhood shame, which everyone has gone through. Are you starting to hide your eyes, are the thoughts in your head starting to slow? but you are confidently confused and the question arises by itself: “How to behave at the moment?” Let's try to decide together how to behave correctly with a guy after the first kiss?

Many girls, because they start to get nervous, can’t even really understand “whether it was a kiss.” Very often, this is due to fear of the process itself and its consequences. The very fear of the first kiss can be explained by comparing it with the fear of changing something, of learning something new, unknown before. But the state after a kiss is comparable to the subconscious feeling that you did something wrong, something unusual for you, to some extent even shameful, wrong. Fear that your partner will judge you. This, of course, is a normal fear; almost everyone is afraid of it. And it is because of this that different thoughts begin to swirl chaotically in your head, causing obvious shame and fear on your face.

First of all, stop being nervous, after all, you didn’t do anything criminal, this is all a natural process that had to happen, because it’s what our mother nature wants (let’s say thank you to her for this unforgettable moment). As soon as you pull yourself together and put your nerves far away, you will immediately begin to think more rationally and clearly. You will immediately perceive the situation much calmer and more adequately. Look at it from the other side - now you have something to brag about to your friends, and you also finally kissed for the first time, even if he (your boyfriend), as it seemed to you, doesn’t know how to do it (by the way, you’re talking about this you’ll remember it more than once later with laughter), but it happened. Therefore, “get your nerves out!” will be our first principle to avoid “post-kissing syndrome.”

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Shame - well, as I said above, this is a natural process, by the way, the kiss itself is already over, which they will already be ashamed of, everything is done and everyone is alive. The worst thing you and your boyfriend have already experienced, why panic? Therefore, stop constantly hiding your eyes, lowering them to the ground, your boyfriend is not there - he is in front of you. After all, who are you ashamed of? Is it him? Stop it, believe me, he is ashamed too, support him with your gaze.

We sorted ourselves out, and now as for the guy. Immediately after the kiss, try to hold back your laughter. Wait for the moment when you find yourself at home and you will give free rein to your emotions; by the way, you will have the whole night for this (believe me, you will hardly be able to fall asleep). So, put aside the laughter, imagine what it will be like for your boy when you start laughing hysterically, I don’t think you will envy him. Put yourself in his shoes. It’s better to joke something, lighten the situation and smile, so you can relax your tense atmosphere together. And also, it would be nice to say some beautiful romantic words like: “this is our first kiss - I will remember it” or something else of that kind, you’re a girl, and as you know, we shine with imagination in any situation. I forgot to say, but finally stop rushing home, he will think that you are running away from him, and not at all from a kiss. Guys, despite their first or second kiss, are much calmer about this and because of your eagerness to hide from him behind the walls of your home, he may think something completely different (that you are running away from him, for example, because that he is, well, just a very bad kisser).

By the way, if, if your boyfriend already has experience in how to kiss properly and immediately after your kiss he made a remark to you on the topic that you are doing it badly. Don’t be shy, guys always like to show that they are better than us girls in everything. Therefore, confidently and boldly answer him something like: “nothing, with a teacher like you, I still have time to learn... so, everything is ahead.” The guy will take this as a positive compliment and at the same time here's a joke. If the guy remained silent, don’t even think about telling him that he’s a bad kisser (unless, of course, you didn’t like the way he does it). I hope you at least understand a little how to behave correctly with a guy after your first kiss. Remember, the first kiss is the best kiss. It happens only once in life and don’t spoil this moment with all sorts of prejudices and racking your brains about whether you did it right, and if he didn’t like it, I probably don’t know how to kiss. As they say, Moscow was not built in one day. If you don’t know how now, you’ll learn later.

If a guy doesn't dare kiss you?

You just started dating and it’s already your second or third date, but the awkwardness between you still hasn’t gone away. If you see that a guy wants to kiss you, but feels awkward or is afraid to take the initiative, don’t be afraid to make the first step. Sit a little closer, touch his hand, look into his eyes, in general, do everything to make the awkwardness between you disappear. You can smile at him affectionately or look at him playfully, this will be perceived as permission to take a more decisive step. If you are a brave girl and you are tired of waiting for decisive action on the part of your loved one, look into his eyes and slightly tilt your head towards his lips. If he wants to kiss you, he will definitely do it. The first kiss will most likely be a little timid and short-lived, so no matter how good you are at kissing, trust your partner completely. You can prove yourself many more times during your next kisses.

If you are going to kiss a girl for the first time

You ask a girl out on a date, and your number one job is to make a good impression on her. Bouquets of flowers, a good cafe, gallant manners are, of course, very important, but it is especially important to kiss your chosen one correctly. If this is your first date, you should not immediately kiss the girl on the lips, wait until the end of the date, and then you will feel for yourself whether the girl wants to kiss you or not. Some couples manage to get over the awkwardness already on the first date and, naturally, they don’t hesitate to kiss. If some stiffness still remains, it is better to wait for the second date, where you can express yourself at your best. Before the first kiss, it is important to prepare yourself mentally. It's not just about fresh breath, but don't forget to always have chewing gum in your pocket. Although you are a confident guy, courageous and attractive, you, of course, become shy as soon as you see the girl you have been pursuing for a long time. Cast aside all your fears and show your beloved that you are the leader in your relationship. It is very important to win over the girl, so try to smile more during a date and make your chosen one happy. Find a better place for your first kiss. It should not be public, so if you are in a cafe, it is better to kiss the girl when you leave it and go for a walk. Twinkling stars, a light breeze and twilight create a unique romance that brings the couple closer together. A car or a bed is not very suitable for the first kiss; the girl may begin to worry that you want something more from her and subsequently the kiss will fall through. It is important that the girl herself wants to kiss you, so make every effort to do this. As soon as you see that the girl tilts her head towards you or sits closer, do not waste the opportunity and kiss her, otherwise it may offend her. The first kiss should be romantic and natural, so save your passion and intensity for the 4th or 5th date. Take the girl by the hands, walk a little closer to her and touch her lips, first softly and gently, and then move your tongue and lips a little stronger and more intensely. You can hug the girl around the waist or run your hands through her hair, the main thing is that everything was very affectionate and gently. Girls also like it when a guy’s gentle hands hug her face and stroke her cheeks. You can make a girl's heart flutter if you pause the kiss a little, look into her eyes, and then kiss her again, but more forcefully. Another way to kiss beautifully is to first touch her nose with your lips, and then her upper and lower lips. While kissing, you need to adapt to the girl’s feelings. If you feel that she doesn't like your assertiveness, make the kiss more gentle. As soon as the girl stops moving, end the kiss softly and tenderly, but do not move away from the girl immediately, but stand next to her, take her hand and kiss her palm. Make her feel your sympathy.

How does a hickey appear?

A hickey can form in 3 cases. First, you can simply kiss a girl so intensely that her skin turns red. Secondly, the bite will definitely leave a red mark on her neck or shoulder. Thirdly, a hickey can be formed as a result of sucking during a kiss. If, for example, you kiss her hand this way, it will develop redness, indicating that the capillaries beneath the surface of the skin have been damaged (to see what effect this will have, you can first try making a hickey on your hand). Sometimes you have to wait almost half an hour for a mark to appear. And when your girlfriend sees what you did to her, depending on her character, she will either love you or hate you. This is not always predictable.

What are girls afraid of?

What girls are afraid of
Before the first kiss with a guy, a girl is often afraid that he will catch her inability to kiss and, perhaps, even laugh in her face. Most representatives of the fair sex go further and even assume that an unsuccessful first kiss can lead to an inevitable breakup. In any case, it is quite natural for a person to be afraid of doing what he does not know how to do. But on the other hand, kissing is a completely natural process, and the ability to kiss is inherent in us by nature. Therefore, in this case, it is important to simply try and further hone the kissing technique.

And yet, if the fear that a guy will make you laugh is above all, just catch one thought: men by nature are not at all mocking and stupid creatures, they are also prone to worries, excitement and sentimentality. And an exceptionally complete bastard is capable of such a thing as laughing at a girl in love after a kiss. A guy in love, even if he notices some flaws in the technique, on the contrary, will be glad that he grabbed an inexperienced girl and will happily teach her all the intricacies of kissing.

The right time to kiss

The very first thing you need to remember is that your relationship with a guy cannot be in the dating stage. After all, you can’t just go up to a stranger you like in the park and try to kiss him. Of course, you can try, but after that you definitely won’t get the desired result.

It’s best to start thinking about the question of how to kiss a guy after several walks together. Psychologists say that the most appropriate moment for a kiss comes at the end of your date, because the very romantic atmosphere of such a date is a great start to the upcoming kiss.

What should a first kiss look like?

It is extremely important just before your first kiss to remember the basic rule - you should always control your emotions. Because the emotions that we experience in such amazing and unforgettable moments of the gentle touch of our lips may well create certain problems. The incredible pleasure that such moments can bring is so great that it can often make us completely forget about everything that is happening around us in this world. The pleasure of the first kiss makes our head spin, sometimes even makes our knees tremble and, as a rule, contributes to an absolute loss of control over ourselves. It is absolutely forbidden to be embarrassed or even afraid of such moments and thereby incredibly strain yourself and your partner during the first kiss, and in no case!

It is generally accepted that the rules for a successful first kiss, this kind of reaction to a kiss is absolutely adequate, and some attempt to control this reaction will most likely create even more significant emotional complexity. Such difficulties, in turn, may well form a kind of psychological barrier. But it will be extremely difficult to overcome such a barrier later. So, in order to prevent you from developing a panicky fear of kisses at a later age, you should, without a doubt, give your first kiss with absolute, unrestricted freedom, while not at all afraid of the wrong reactions and, in principle, of anything bad or negative without thinking.

Moreover, the rules of the first kiss also include some mandatory conditions not to get carried away too much by your own impressions that are little understood by anyone. And, of course, we should not forget about the feelings of our own partner. Remember, having decided to touch the tender lips of her lover for the first time, a girl is simply obliged to feel and experience not only her own emotions, but also his feelings and reactions. Moreover, the young lady should try to let her loved one feel how wonderful she is with this person at the moment. Definitely, in such moments, you shouldn’t even think about how right/wrong or skillfully/unskillfully she learned to kiss. All this can only convey some of the tension to the guy, and then the absolute pleasure from the kiss itself can be completely lost or worse, simply ruined. In addition, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that absolutely everything happens by itself, as if reflexively.

It should be frankly admitted that most young boys and girls, as a rule, have an internal fear, a certain fear of the first kiss. These are the very feelings that globally prevent such young people from fully concentrating on the kissing process itself and relaxing while enjoying it. Typically, fears of this kind can manifest themselves in those people who are inherently capable of taking into account (or rather, taking into account) the opinions and desires of those around them or loved ones.

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Let us note that in order to completely get rid of such fears of the first kiss, it is necessary to try with all your might to create a strictly defined environment appropriate to the occasion for that single and decisive step. So, for example, you can turn on some extremely romantic music, dimming the lights a little, or simply find a beautiful place hidden from prying eyes, say somewhere in a park, and so on. In addition, it should be clearly remembered that, in principle, none of us kissed in a perfectly correct way for the first time. And perhaps this is even very good, since learning then the ideal forms of kissing directly together with your beloved and loving person is incredibly interesting and, most importantly, as pleasant as possible.

An incredible number of young people often think about how they could decide to give the first kiss when inviting a young lady on their first date. And is it worth it? After all, the sensations that people get from their first kiss, without a doubt, can never be repeated again in their lives. These sensations are similar to magic, and it will be impossible to return moments of such magic. It should be said that in the case when a further relationship with a beloved guy lasts long enough, kissing, as a rule, becomes habitual and much less exciting than the first time. At the same time, it is the first kiss that remains in the memory as something that caused an indescribable and indescribable excitement, which in some cases can be extremely difficult to cope with.

Literally all phrases describing first kisses can indicate such strong excitement of people that many forgot the power of speech. This is actually why you shouldn’t think of the first kiss as something out of the ordinary, as they say. Rather, it’s exactly the opposite, if immediately before the start of the first date or the first kiss you are not at all worried - this is not so good, or rather, it is some kind of deviation, which is just as bad. As a rule, such a lack of excitement can indicate either the absolute callousness of the human soul, or the complete absence of any feelings towards a specific partner.

Although we agree that on the first date it is still incredibly early to talk about the presence/absence of true feelings. And how then can you decide to have that very first kiss if you are not very confident in either yourself or your boyfriend? It will probably be much better in such a situation if you allow some time to pass, and then perhaps you will have a real opportunity to understand how much you need and important this or that person. And you must agree, only then will it be possible to really determine whether you have a desire to kiss this person.

Main types of kisses

The first kiss on the lips, as a rule, is very tender and reverent, but it all depends on the temperament of the partners. In any case, it is better to prepare for this action in advance and familiarize yourself with the technique:

  1. Touch
    . The young man should tilt his head slightly to the side and lean towards the lady's lips, and then touch them. You can freeze for a few seconds to feel the beauty of the moment and enjoy it.
  2. Intensity and penetration
    . You should not immediately frighten your chosen one with your aggressiveness; only the lips should participate in the first kiss. If you want to use your tongue, you can move it slightly without penetrating your mouth.
  3. Completion
    . After the kiss, you need to hug the girl, hold her close and say something good.

Kisses can be completely different; experts distinguish several types. Here are the most popular ones:

  • "Even" kiss
    . The young man must purse his lips into a tube and “suck” the girl’s lips into himself. In this case, it is very important to touch your partner’s tongue.
  • "Bashful"
    . This is the kiss when the girl moves her lower lip.
  • "Inato"
    . It is a romantic and tender kiss, best suited for the first time. Performed without tongue.
  • "Fight of Mouths"
    . Is one of the most popular. During such a kiss, they bite the partner’s lips a little, very lightly. But remember that it is extremely important not to cause harm, but to give pleasure.

The first kiss should be romantic, but not too intrusive. Over time, you can try different techniques and types, but for starters, it’s better to choose a standard, no-frills option.

How to kiss correctly for the first time

Today, there are many kissing techniques, ranging from a gentle and affectionate touch to a passionate and exciting manner. But remember that there is a time and place for everything. There is no need to try to be overly enthusiastic on the first date and play the embarrassed girl on the tenth.

You come close to your partner, gently hug his neck, look into his eyes. As you approach the guy, slowly lower your eyelids, tilt your head slightly and touch his lips with your lips. Touch once, then move away a little, as if playing with him. You can lightly touch his tongue with yours. We do everything without pressure or aggression.

This type of kiss symbolizes passion and ardor of feelings. It is better to switch to them the second or third time. So, hugging your partner tightly, press your chest against him. While kissing, make circular movements with your tongue, lightly sucking your partner's lips. The manifestation of imagination is welcome. Just don't make a tornado or a windmill. Guys don't like excessive pressure and fussiness.

Learn to combine the two previous kisses. First, play lightly with his lips, then go on a counterattack. Surrender to the will of your feelings, act boldly and decisively. The only thing is, you shouldn’t dig into your boyfriend like a vampire. Otherwise, there will be a bruise or bruise on the skin.

At first, the girl gently sucks the guy’s sweet lips, then quickly runs the tip of her tongue over his, as if a bee is throwing out its sting. Then he goes back to the tender kiss. Please note: you should not stick your entire tongue in to reach your tonsils.

A soft kiss differs from others in that during the process itself, the partners’ teeth are also felt. But be careful not to hit your significant other and knock out his jaw. So, when kissing, lightly stroke his teeth with your tongue, occasionally touching yours.

Lightly touch the guy's palate with the tip of your tongue, gently moving left and right, up and down. But do not press too hard as this may cause discomfort.

Signs that a guy wants to kiss4

The ideal situation is that the initiative for the kiss comes from the young man. But often, at the most crucial moment, guys begin to behave hesitantly. To find out whether a young man really wants to be kissed and doesn’t mind taking your relationship to a new level, you need to pay attention to the main signs in his behavior.

  • Eyes are the mirror of the soul. A concentrated gaze into the eyes shows sincere interest in any person. Modest men seem to “shoot with their eyes”: they either lower their gaze, then look away, look up, and actively bat their eyelashes. If a man catches a girl’s eye, this shows that he is mentally trying to calculate her level of interest in him. Therefore, the best way to show your lover that you want to kiss him is to smile at him.
  • Movements can tell a lot. An interested young man unconsciously begins to mirror the facial expressions and movements of his companion. At the same time, all his movements will be a little constrained, because he is trying to understand whether he is interesting.
  • The importance of touch. The guy tries to hug his girlfriend, wants to take her hand? This means that he strives to enter her territory of comfort and gain a proper position there. Wise guys try to behave as carefully and affectionately as possible, so as not to accidentally frighten off their beloved.
  • Common interests may not always be united. If a man supports a girl’s interests with interest, this does not always mean that they are two halves. Sometimes a girl's charm can temporarily deprive a man of his personal opinion and it may actually seem to him that he and the lady think alike.

  • A voice can speak volumes. A chesty, measured and low timbre of voice speaks of confidence and possible plans for a common future. Such guys are not afraid of further developments in the relationship and are clearly in the mood for a kiss. Stuttering from excitement, a twitchy and broken voice - says that he might want to kiss, but is afraid of the response and therefore is nervous. In this case, you will have to take the initiative yourself. An even and cold voice shows that this guy doesn’t care how the date ends.
  • The man is trying to prolong the date. This is how guys hint at a kiss. Most likely your kiss will be very touching and tender. Passion will be added later when the gentleman is confident in reciprocity.

What do you need to remember?

Despite the apparent simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points that can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and “chemistry” that is emerging between you.

Tip no. Take your time

For some guys who want to appear cool and macho, a kiss on the first date is considered mandatory or completely natural. We will not argue with this opinion, but there is still no need to rush.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow the following rule - a kiss on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to make sure of the seriousness of the gentleman’s intentions, and still others have not kissed at all, so they are somewhat scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing even at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will clearly hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to take risks, so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

Tip no. "Practice"

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Having learned all the intricacies of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to actually kissing on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers become embarrassed when their noses touch each other.

There are a lot of techniques for touching lips, and the kissing process is very diverse, so describing them is a thankless task. So rehearsal is extremely important, but don't forget about expressing your true emotions.

Your sympathy and sincere desire can smooth out any missteps.

Tip no. Choose the right moment

It is extremely important to choose the right moment and time to kiss on the lips. Determining the signs of a girl’s “readiness” is not so difficult if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that the young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • it allows you to enter your personal comfort zone (less than 50 cm);
  • When communicating, she twirls her hair and touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips during a conversation;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • reacts positively to short touches (does not move away).

In addition, it is important to choose the right place for this “sacrament”. Many girls are embarrassed to kiss in front of a large crowd of people, fearing that their friends will see them.

The last rows of a movie theater are not always the ideal place for kissing, since for some young ladies it is important to see their partner at this important moment.

Tip no. Avoid sudden movements

Honestly, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. You should not push, let alone force, this process, as this will create a characteristic impression of yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura possible, to let the young lady know what your intentions are. The ideal option consists of three components:

  • get closer to your lover (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • Touch your lips slowly and gently.

When you approach the girl's lips slowly, this gives the young lady the opportunity to evade if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to move on to such a close acquaintance.

Tip no. Take rejection calmly

Girls may react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels discomfort when other people are looking at her at this moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, others want to test a man’s reaction to refusal.

It's important to show that her decision doesn't hurt you, so continue the conversation and be positive. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

Proper preparation

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. By penetrating a girl’s personal space, you become closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only about the kissing technique, but also about hygiene and accuracy.

  1. The pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. So be sure to use a good men's cologne, but don't overdo it.
  2. Another logical point that should still be mentioned is brushed teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Chapped lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you wouldn’t like the chappiness and unattractiveness of your partner’s lips.
  4. Women's opinions on facial hair are divided. Some have a positive attitude towards a beard, others like clean-shaven men, and others do not pay attention to such a male feature at all. Of course, if you have a beard, you still shouldn’t shave it off, but giving it a well-groomed look is a must.

For everything to go well, you need to stop worrying and “shaking.” Your excitement will definitely be transferred to your partner, who may think anything - even to the point that she is unpleasant to you.

Therefore, pull yourself together, cast aside unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

How to learn to kiss if there is no lover

Love will unexpectedly appear at any moment and you need to be prepared for it. In the meantime, while there is no loved one, we offer proven ways to learn how to kiss correctly with or without tongue in order to avoid mistakes in the future.

On the hand

  • Make an OK sign with your left hand, placing your thumb on your index finger.
  • Insert the thumb of your right hand into the resulting letter O, close it with your left hand and remove it. You have a simulator on which you will learn how to kiss correctly.
  • Touch your lips to your closed fingers. Gently move your tongue over imaginary lips, kiss and focus on the sensations. They are the ones who are important - your boyfriend or girlfriend will feel the same.
  • The next step is to tickle the skin of your palm with your tongue. Watch how you feel and whether the kiss is too wet. Periodically change the technique and strength of movements to understand when it starts to work out.

On fruits and vegetables

  • Take a fruit or vegetable with elastic skin - a tomato or peach. Bite off a piece so that the opening resembles a half-open mouth waiting for a kiss.
  • Make exciting movements with your lips and watch the position of your tongue. When you learn how to move your lips over your makeshift mouth without biting, start kissing with your tongue.


  • Buy a bun or a round bun and bite off enough so that a semblance of a half-open mouth appears on the side.
  • Do the same steps as with a tomato or peach.
  • It is important to learn to feel the force of pressure - this way you will understand how your kissing partner will feel.


The main action when kissing is the contact of lips, their clasping. However, if you limit the entire list of potential movements to only two steps, kissing ceases to be an art.

It is advisable to change techniques. Not only the pressure force or duration, but also other features. Use your tongue, try biting, sucking your lips, rubbing them. For those who want something unusual, the Eskimo kiss or the “butterfly flutter” are suitable.

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