Why a girl won’t let herself be kissed and what a man should do in this case

A long-awaited meeting with the girl he likes goes wrong, but when a boy tries to kiss the girl, she unexpectedly rejects him. So why didn't the girl you like kiss you? What does this have to do with it? What to do next? This is a question that interests guys in a similar situation. You need to understand the reasons for this unusual behavior of the girl. Every guy is able to create such conditions so that his beloved can trust him and agree to a kiss.

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Not sure if she likes you

One of the likely reasons why a woman refuses to kiss on the lips is that she has no feelings for the man. His actions just turn her off. There is also a possibility that the girl does not perceive the guy as a sexual object, their relationship is friendly. Most likely, the girl will agree to spend several evenings together to find out if he really suits her. In this case, there is a small chance that she will like him.

Lack of hygiene, bad breath, dental problems that cannot be discussed on the first date make a guy reluctant to kiss. To avoid such a mistake, you should prepare for the meeting by taking care of fresh breath.

Wants to wait

There are times when a girl is worried about a guy's pressure; his insistence on trying to quickly get close to a girl can push her away. The guys' persistence and haste can have the opposite effect than expected; the girl will refuse to kiss her lips.

There's no need to rush when it comes to getting her, but make sure you create an environment that's comfortable for a gentle kiss so she can relax. This is especially true if you have just started dating. The length of the relationship also plays a role; the lady needs time to get used to the guy.

Negative experience

Past negative experiences can also affect your desire to kiss. Childhood traumatic experiences or sexual abuse may dissuade a girl from truly wanting a kiss. To find out the reason for his reluctance to kiss, the guy asks questions. During the conversation, the girl can share what prevents her from sincerely wanting a kiss. The degree of trust in a guy depends on the level of her relationship with the girl.

In addition to negative experiences from the past, the girl’s restraint and her awareness of her own insecurity prevent kissing. The guy gently and tactfully put the girl in front of him, noticing her advantages, later discovering her real pearl, which she did not even suspect.

Wants to “tie you to yourself” (cause even greater desire)

The girl believes that the guy’s refusal to kiss inflames his desire even more. In this situation, we can say that he met a real flirt who plays with his feelings. He likes to be defeated, to win his heart. Then the guy is patient, and the long-awaited kiss promises to be passionate. Usually such girls like to play by their rules and achieve them, but it is difficult for them to admit it.

Doesn't want to seem approachable

Also, a woman does not want to kiss because of her upbringing, she does not want to seem easy in the eyes of a guy. Since childhood, her parents taught her refined manners and proper behavior. Guys will not convince such wayward ladies; their behavior will be unyielding.

In this case, the young man must decide whether he really likes the girl or whether he is ready to wait a while until she is ready to kiss him. Such girls need much more time to develop relationships, the guy must be attentive to his chosen one, it is better not to raise the topic directly, inattention will scare away the chosen one.

How to determine a person's character by a kiss

Now let's reveal some secrets concerning women . Do you want to know what it really is? Determine her character by kissing her!

  1. Decisive in her actions, but timid when kissing, the lady is actually very shy. Usually such women hide their complexes behind an iron mask of arrogance. Most likely, sex with such a woman will be classic, where the guy will dominate. These girls really like “bad” guys who like to experiment in bed, are bold and a little rude.
  2. “Wet”, slobbery kisses are typical for inexperienced young ladies. Such girls are very unpredictable in their feelings and desires. Therefore, guys often have a question: “Why did the girl begin to ignore me after the first kiss?”

I’ll tell you right away - it’s not your fault. It's all about women's insecurities and excessive drama. This type of girl can be divided into those who begin to learn quickly and those who withdraw into themselves.

  1. Aggressive kissing is a sure sign of a selfish character. Such ladies only care about their mood and satisfaction. The man will always obey her or she will leave him. While guys are looking for an answer to why the girl lost interest after the first kiss, girls are looking for a new relationship object.

Although there are exceptions. Some women hide their fear of loneliness behind their power and aggression. But there are still more of the first.

For what reasons does the woman you've been dating for a long time not want to kiss?

Many couples who have been married for a long time remember that they have not kissed for a long time. The wife’s reluctance to kiss her is due to her physical condition; perhaps her body is suffering from some kind of illness. In this case, the partner shows understanding and the relationship improves.

In a survey conducted for the study, many married women reported reluctance to kiss; only 25% of couples surveyed exchanged kisses while on duty. The number of kisses committed by young people during the day reaches 11 times.

Otherwise, this is caused by the partner’s emotional closeness and her reluctance to make contact. Sometimes a crisis in marital relations takes its toll, a woman is drawn into the whirlpool of family life, and caresses and kisses do not have the strength and will to do so.

A word of warning! When a wife refuses to kiss her husband, it is a sign of an impending breakup and the disappearance of her feelings for that particular man. A kiss is a direct expression of a couple's emotions and feelings. As they disappear, the need for their expression disappears. If the absence of kisses has become the norm, but it was different before, then this is a serious reason to think about the future of the couple.

The girl may doubt that the feelings she previously experienced are real. There is no point in setting expectations at this stage; it is advisable to find out what to do in order to think about possible ways to revive feelings in couples.

Emotional closedness.1

Most often men suffer from this. They suffer because a person incapable of emotions cannot be considered normal socially and personally.

Psychologists name several reasons. As a rule, the problem extends from childhood. When a boy was treated too coldly, especially by his mother, he does not learn to show emotions initially. The same thing happens when he does not see any manifestations of feelings between parents.

It happens less often that such barriers appear due to the girl’s incorrectness, when offensive behavior causes irreparable psychological damage.

What to do and how to act as a guy

The boy should first find out the real reason for this behavior and get to the bottom of the matter. Having discovered the essence of the problem, it will be easier to get long-awaited kisses from the girl. Then trust your loved one and respond with the desired tenderness.

Useful tips for a guy:

  • If your loved one rejects you, it shouldn't knock you down. To win a girl’s affection, restrain your emotions; a sharp outburst of anger will push her away;
  • Keep your nervous system intact, find constructive ways to overcome aggression and find a common language with your loved one;
  • During a quarrel with a girl, be restrained, do not fall into personal dilemmas, so that the nervous tension between you goes away.

Humor in favor

Girls prefer cheerful guys who radiate positivity and good energy. Girls are happy to let these guys kiss each other. Desire comes naturally. Relatively light humor helps to woo a girl, and the desire to kiss a guy arises naturally and naturally.

All the proposed methods and tips really work, each girl is unique in her own way, so an individual approach will be appropriate, and the effect of a passionate kiss will not be long in coming.


A kiss is a heavenly pleasure, full of energy, awakening the best in a person. During this contact, lovers for one moment become one. Only a truly loving man can caress his woman, give her all his inner warmth and do this at the behest of his heart.

Are you sure that she is delighted with your kisses?

Still from the film “Crybaby”

Kissing is a classic and natural action. But while it's a sweet process for both of you, there's a lot that can go wrong when you kiss someone. Meanwhile, a bad kiss can even kill attraction.

In 2007, a study was conducted in the journal Evolutionary Psychology in which more than 200 people took part. They were all asked the question: “ Have you ever felt attracted to someone, but after the first kiss you discovered that you were no longer interested in him or her?”

. More than 60% (!) of respondents responded positively.

To prevent this from happening to you, we will tell you about the main signs of bad kisses and tell you how to avoid mistakes.

You don't know each other well

Each person is unique in their own way, be it their upbringing, be it their own point of view. So, often the reason for refusal and reluctance to kiss may be that you don’t know each other well. She was brought up from childhood that a guy should courtship for a long time, that you shouldn’t allow him to kiss you on the first meeting because it’s not beautiful and that’s what girls of easy virtue do…. Plus, to all this, such an ideal picture of a kiss was imposed on society through films and books. It looks something like this: A guy invites a girl to a restaurant, dinner by candlelight (it doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a billionaire, that’s how it’s supposed to be!), then they walk through the city center and unexpectedly catch a taxi, and the guy decides to take her home (why not , maybe there will be a kiss), they drive up, stand at the house, have a nice conversation, and the girl thinks (well, everything seems fine, I liked everything, maybe I should kiss him?), and then the guy just doesn’t know what to do and stands there smiling sweetly…. Well, after some time the long-awaited kiss happens and everyone is happy.

I think many people are familiar with this picture and have seen it on television more than once. So, awareness and knowledge of this should motivate you to destroy patterns and stereotypes.

When you understand everything written above and want to make a breakthrough, then you will need to learn to take responsibility in your communication... read more about this

Body language that shows attraction

Gesture and facial expression experts say that when we meet someone we like, certain physiological changes begin to occur in our body.

Muscle tone increases, we stop slouching, the body straightens, and we look younger and more attractive. Men straighten their chests and try to take a dominant position, while women tilt their heads, touch their hair and show their wrists.

Body language shows how approachable, attractive, and ready, or maybe even desperate, we are for a relationship.

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to know if a girl likes you?

You tilt your head away from your partner

Research from the University of Bath found that most people tilt their head to the right when kissing, although this may change depending on who initiates the kiss (left-handed people may be more inclined to lean to the left).

In another study conducted by the University of Dhaka, participants found that when they tilted their head in the opposite direction from their partner, they experienced discomfort. So if you have any doubts, then follow your partner's example and lean in the same direction as her.

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