How to understand that a girl is really in love with a guy, but for some reason she hides it

The great gift of nature is love, undoubtedly the brightest feeling nesting in the human heart. Raising us to the seventh heaven, giving us bright moments of joy. The young man is lucky if his chosen one immediately openly reciprocates.

True, girls themselves cannot always correctly understand what is happening to them. They begin to hide and diligently veil emotions. Maybe she is in love, but hides her emotions? The young man is tormented, at a loss as to what is really going on in his beautiful head and how to understand that a girl is in love, but is hiding the emergence of a bright and beautiful feeling.

Psychology of a woman in love

When a woman falls in love, she is bombarded with different emotions and thoughts.
She changes behavior on a subconscious level, becomes whiny and sentimental. All thoughts are occupied by the object of love, sexual fantasies awaken. At such moments, girls in love make unexpected and wrong decisions, because they are driven by one thing - to arouse the mutual sympathy of the guy. They take all lyrical compositions personally; any manifestation of romance in films is accompanied by tears and thoughts about how they understand the main character.

Nonverbal signs of falling in love

Psychology divides communication into two types: nonverbal and verbal. The first includes movements and external manifestations that hint at feelings. You can make it clear about your sympathy without using words, but it is impossible to hide it. In such situations, everything suggests that the girl has fallen in love, and the people around her understand this.

If a guy takes a close look at his companion, he will understand how she treats him. Nonverbal signs will help determine love.

General style

If a girl is truly in love, changes in her are visible to the naked eye. Her appearance changes, and for the better, because the lady tries for the man. If she is not sure of the reciprocity of sympathy and is worried about possible refusal, then her appearance changes for the worse.

External signs of falling in love:

  1. Outfit. Clothing becomes brighter, a provocative style is preferred, because the young lady strives to attract attention.
  2. The lady changes her hairstyle. She will dye her hair, curl her hair, or get a new haircut.
  3. Bright makeup. If a girl has taste, she is unlikely to wear a lot of makeup, but she will definitely highlight her lips with gloss.
  4. Perfume. When a woman falls in love, she smells fragrant. Deodorants, pleasant perfumes, “delicious” shampoos will be felt from afar.


Her look will help you understand that a lady is hiding her feelings. The eyes are filled with a mysterious sparkle.

They will make it clear that they are in love by the following signs:

  1. Sparkles. One gets the impression that the eyes began to sparkle.
  2. Pupils. At the reflex level, a person’s eyes ring out if he sees an object of sympathy. If there is mistrust in communication, then they narrow.
  3. Frozen gaze. A close look at a guy for a few seconds clearly hints at the presence of sympathy.
  4. A glib look. If a young lady glances at a guy and averts her eyes, it means she is modest and embarrassed to show feelings.
  5. Examination. When a man is of interest, a lady will carefully examine his figure and details of clothing.
  6. Control. It is important for a woman to know what the object of her sympathy is doing, so she will carefully follow him with her eyes.
  7. Color. When a young lady looks at her beloved man, her eye color changes. They take on a lighter shade.

Gestures and facial expressions

A lady in love is revealed by her gestures, facial expression and posture. When she meets a guy, her behavior becomes unnatural.

In an attempt to hide her feelings, the girl betrays herself:

  1. Worried. The young lady blushes or turns pale. The look becomes confused, she constantly hides her eyes. Trembling is noticeable.
  2. The lady tries to straighten her back and move her shoulders back, turning towards the guy. If a man is behind her, she will not turn her back to him.
  3. Touch. She will constantly touch something: hair, lips. He will try to touch him accidentally.
  4. Copying. On a subconscious level, each person tries to repeat all the movements and gestures of their loved one.
  5. Hands. The girl will keep them at waist level or under her chest.

Changes in appearance

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If a woman is in love, her image changes, she tries to look better - these are the main signs. The appearance of a girl in love changes due to internal changes: a sparkle appears in the eyes, a pleasant smile, facial features become softer. A woman in love often has her head in the clouds, her muscles relax, and her face becomes friendly.

A girl can change her clothing style and wear dresses more often, even if she previously preferred jeans. Suddenly you may have a desire to change your hairstyle or hair color, or do makeup. All this in order to win the attention of the object of sympathy.

Girl putting on makeup

In the presence of a man, the fair sex wants to look perfect, sometimes this goes beyond the bounds of reason. She can go overboard with cosmetics and jewelry, and wear high-heeled shoes where this is not appropriate.

Note! Often girls in love attract the attention of not only the object of their affection, but also other men. The lover radiates warmth, her movements become light, one gets the impression that she loves everything around her. It is this state that attracts the opposite sex; another man may like her.

Verbal signs

If non-verbal signs determine the presence of sympathy, then verbal signs allow us to understand how strong it is. Their combination reveals all the deep feelings and emotions of the young lady. A man can simply draw the appropriate conclusion based on the totality of characteristics, otherwise he will miss the chance to find true love.

Strange behavior

Some women don't wait for a guy to pay attention to them and take control of the situation. They choose extravagant methods for this, which seems strange.

But if a man understands female psychology, he will understand the true reason why a girl in love behaves strangely:

  1. Rude manner of speech, attempts to insult.
  2. Demonstrative ignorance.
  3. Frequent display of sarcasm.
  4. Using barbs and sarcastic compliments.
  5. Constantly trying to be visible.
  6. Uses flirting and coquetry.
  7. He often asks her for help.


This is one of those emotions that is almost impossible to hide if a person falls in love. When a woman has tender feelings, she will be jealous. It’s worth taking a closer look at her reaction when a guy starts flirting with other girls. The look of an interested girl, like her facial expression, instantly transforms. She will look slightly scared and terribly angry. The young lady blushes or turns pale, which also indicates emotional unrest.

In some situations, she may begin to follow the young man, begin to control his communication with other ladies, and check where he is.


Showing caring and adequate compassion is an essential definition of commitment. True emotions imply constant sensitivity to the state of your beloved. She will be eager to feed him, give him a rest, fix or wash his suit, and provide any possible assistance. It is important that this is done on time. Showing care brings satisfaction to the woman herself. She intends to come to the rescue of all the guy’s relatives and friends so that he will pay attention to her.


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Conversation and correspondence

Correspondence and frequent conversations will help you find out that she really fell in love. There are signs that distinguish young ladies in love. The main one is that she is available at any time. Besides:

  1. Gets in touch as soon as the guy appears online.
  2. Writes first.
  3. Replying to a message takes literally 2-3 seconds.
  4. Writes in detail.
  5. Always talks about his plans.
  6. Regularly shares photos.
  7. Sends jokes, funny videos or pictures.
  8. Instantly agrees to a date.
  9. She offers to meet.


When a man has a devoted friend in the form of a woman, he can be sure that the lady wants to build a relationship with him. She intends to come to the rescue in any matter and always takes the man’s side in any dispute. A young lady can even sacrifice her interests for the sake of the affairs of her loved one.

She will invariably come to the guy’s rescue, even if for this she has to give up a walk with her friends or an exciting evening. She doesn’t care about his position in society or his monthly income; the advice of strangers also doesn’t matter to anyone. You can safely trust such a friend with any secrets, because she claims to be a companion.

How to understand that there are feelings, but she hides them

In some episodes, the girl hides her love simply because she is not sure about the person, and therefore does not see any reason to communicate. Because of this, guys have to come up with unusual methods to win a lady's affections.

The following signs will help you understand that she is hiding her feelings:

  1. In embarrassment, he lowers his gaze and averts his eyes. Looks scared or lost if she makes eye contact with a guy.
  2. Doesn't know where to put his hands, blushes slightly, says remarks out of place. In addition, her voice trembles and she can hear her breathing.
  3. She is sensitive to her appearance, which becomes noticeable when meeting a guy. He always tries to fix something in his outfit or hairstyle.
  4. Excessive stiffness, which is expressed in a momentary loss of voice or even flight.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Sometimes it is very important to understand in time whether a girl likes you or not. Here's how to understand that she only needs you as a friend:

  1. She doesn't call just to talk. On her part, contact occurs only if help is needed.
  2. He constantly talks about relationships with ex-boyfriends, although everyone knows that this topic does not attract men.
  3. If the young people have already met, but the guy decided to break up, then it’s worth looking at the woman’s reaction. The lady in love will show sincere grief. If the message about the breakup is followed by indifference, it means she doesn’t love him.

How to find out about your ex-girlfriend's feelings

Often, after a breakup, a guy cannot forget his beloved, thinks about her all the time and wants to restore the relationship. To find out if his ex-girlfriend loves a guy, you need to ask about it directly and calmly discuss the current situation. True, the young lady is unlikely to be able to talk without emotions, because the resentment is still strong. But you can say anything, but you can’t deceive body language. He will give her away completely.

If the ex allows you to touch her and does not step aside, then there is still a chance of renewing the relationship.

What to do if recognition is not mutual

Decide in advance how you will behave in a situation where you are refused.

You shouldn’t at least outwardly become depressed, burst into tears, swear or blame the man. Your calm acceptance and gratitude for listening to him will more likely be the key to maintaining friendly relations, and it is more likely that he will someday change his attitude.

The first reaction is not always final; a man would rather think about everything later, in private, or discuss it with a close friend. Give him time.

After confessions, give freedom: persecution and imposition will only ruin everything. It's like playing chess. You made your move, now it's up to him. After all, building relationships is a path where two people move towards each other, rather than one catching up with the other.

Determining a woman's feelings according to an astrological horoscope

Everyone wants to build strong relationships that will last a long time, so it will be very useful for men to learn the peculiarities of the psychology of ladies in love, depending on their zodiac sign. This will help you understand how to act with a young lady if you suddenly want to get to know her better. Stars can influence character. This is why different signs fall in love differently.


Understanding that an Aries girl has fallen in love is quite simple. She is distinguished by extraordinary energy, which often splashes over the edge. In addition, the young lady is prone to expressing feelings in an overly impulsive manner, but she is always honest and sincere. A representative of this zodiac sign falls in love at first sight and passionately. Relationships with her will begin to resemble a bright show, in which there will be room for only two actors.


A girl born under the sign of Taurus is created for love, so the inspired state of this sign is the norm. It is important for her to build truly strong and lasting relationships. All care will be devoted exclusively to the beloved man. But he should not forget that his chosen one has a jealous character and will not tolerate betrayal. This is the most faithful sign of the zodiac.


The Gemini girl is characterized by inconstancy and changeability. She is absolutely unpredictable in her desires and actions, but at the same time she will be faithful to her loved one and under no circumstances will she commit treason. Thanks to her talkative nature, she will not be able to hide her feelings for long, and an interested look will indicate her sympathy very quickly. He hates lies and will never stoop to deception. She is economical and will become a wonderful wife. She prefers family evenings, so there will be no quarrels or scandals in her house.


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Ladies born under this sign are very finely tuned natures. They have a penchant for daydreaming and love to bring romance into their lives. For such a woman, a successful marriage and family are the goal of life and the foundation of personal happiness. She may hide her crush for some period of time, but she does it very ineptly, so everyone around her knows about her attitude towards the object of her desire. It’s easy to understand a lady’s feelings. It's enough just to ask her for a favor. She will do anything for the sake of her loved one.

a lion

Leo ladies are leaders by nature, so it is clearly not the guy who will command the pair. In relationships, the Lioness takes the main role for herself, but at the same time she is capable of anything for the sake of her family and loved one. Characterized by loyalty. It is important for her chosen one to remember that Leos do not tolerate boredom. If he wants to maintain a happy union for a long time, then he must make sure that his partner is always interested in him.


Virgo women generally consider love to be a weakness and try not to fall under its spell. They do their best to avoid falling in love. But if a man can prove that it will be easy and comfortable with him, Virgos will give up. They dive headfirst into the pool and become wonderful housewives, mothers and lovers.


Libra girls have a hard time making decisions, especially about relationships. By nature, they are very slow to draw conclusions and always think for a long time before giving a final answer. But as soon as they realize that the young man is suitable for the role of a life partner, they fall in love passionately and for a long time. For them, marriage is the goal of life, so they will tear anyone apart for their family. The husband can only rejoice that he was able to win such a devoted woman and try to make her the happiest.


A persistent and demanding sign that always achieves its goals. The Scorpio girl does not accept defeat or refusal; she is a very sensual, passionate and jealous nature. In a relationship, in any situation, she will achieve her goal and will go to the end for this. Scorpios really do not like displays of feelings in public, but in private they will prove to their partner that it is not for nothing that the fire element is considered their patron.


The zodiac sign is distinguished by some frivolity and love of freedom; in love, it is in no hurry to change its views on life. It takes a Sagittarius girl a long and difficult time to get into a serious relationship, but as soon as she realizes that she has found her person, she becomes the most faithful friend and the best wife.

It is important that the husband does not try to put her in the cage of home comfort. This will only provoke scandals and can lead to a break in relations.


Understanding Capricorn women is difficult, and few people can do it. These are very ambiguous natures, who often themselves do not know what they need at the moment. A young lady can simply confuse a man by not showing her feelings in any way, but at the same time expecting active actions on his part.

It is impossible to determine by her appearance and behavior whether a girl is in love, since she is a good psychologist and hides her emotions well. Nevertheless, Capricorn girls are sensual people.


Aquarius women tend to idealize their lovers. Sensitive to external stimuli. They give a man fluffy and tender love. A woman will always support her chosen one and help him under any circumstances. A guy should appreciate such a companion, because she will remain nearby even in the most difficult moments of life.


The extraordinary and unpredictable nature of Pisces women is capable of the most unexpected manifestations of their love. He is distinguished by his ability to suffer romantically, but at the same time he can overcome any wall standing in his way with an attack. She's flexible, but doesn't let anyone get too close. She takes relationships seriously, although she lacks the determination to take the first step towards love.

Gives the guy gifts10

Panties and socks, by February 23, don’t count here. The gift from the girl to the guy was chosen individually by her. Taking into account all the characteristics of the guy, depending on what the girl wants to say with this gift, and the level of seriousness of the relationship. It can be a gift, either with or without an occasion.

Advice from psychologists

In some situations, analyzing standard manifestations of falling in love is not enough, so you need to observe your partner’s behavior. The following signs will help you make an accurate conclusion:

  1. A loving woman will never cheat.
  2. She is afraid of losing her husband. This rule can be applied to both the breakup of a relationship and the death of a partner.
  3. A girl always takes care of her loved one. Even if she doesn’t understand anything about a specific issue, she will try to help at least with advice.
  4. A woman who loves a guy will accept all his shortcomings and will always compromise.
  5. A lady in love will never lie to her object of affection.

As you can see, by the girl’s behavior it is easy to determine that she was hooked. It is important to notice the signs of emerging sympathy in time and let the young lady know whether she can count on reciprocity. Sometimes people are afraid to take the first step, but this way they can miss the chance to find their true love.

Why do you need it

The main question you have to ask yourself is: what do you get from this recognition?

Photo by Anna Tarazevich: Pexels

The problem with almost all girls is that they only expect reciprocal recognition and a beautiful happy ending. For them, this is a way to get the man they are interested in, transfer responsibility to him and even oblige him to love in return. Of course, all these motives are often unconscious, and the girl feels like the heroine of “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin.

Remember: if you even slightly think that it is he who needs recognition, you are mistaken. This is an additional responsibility for a person, the need to somehow change his life, even if he did not want it.

Therefore, the only reason that really exists is that you feel the need to speak out and dot all the i’s.

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