“The problem is not the problem. It all lies in your attitude towards her."

Capt. Jack Sparrow

In our lives, rarely anything goes according to plan. But no matter how our path turns out, all difficulties strengthen our character and help us become better. In addition, the challenges we face from time to time help us appreciate victories even more and makes us look at the world around us differently. And today's world dictates completely different rules, which makes it almost impossible not to encounter certain types of difficulties.

The key to solving a problem lies in how you deal with it. So read on for some tips that may help you maintain your confidence during the next difficult time when everything around you seems to be falling apart.

11 things to remember when everything falls apart

Bad days make you appreciate the good ones even more.

Without bad days, you wouldn't even know there were good days, because everything would turn into one gray solid mass. The funny thing about life is that we cannot know pleasure without pain, sadness, struggle, etc. We live in a dualistic reality, meaning we experience opposite ends of the same spectrum in most life experiences. Cherish the experiences this world has to offer because often your worst brings out your best.

Read also: “It’s too late for me”: how not to humiliate yourself with age

What to do if life has reached a dead end: advice from a family center psychologist

When things don’t go as we would like, and the “dark streak” drags on, our attention concentrates on the negative aspects. Gradually one gets the feeling that there is complete negativity around and there is no light. Family psychologist Svetlana Timchenko tells how to find a way out of a protracted crisis.

Find support

35-year-old Marina came to the family center for psychological help. She was so upset that she couldn't even clearly formulate her request. “Everything is very bad for me, and I can’t change anything. Some kind of dead end. “I feel like my life is being wasted,” the woman shared, almost bursting into tears. The psychologist suggested that Marina take the simple projection-drawing test “Wheel of Balance.” Based on its results, they began to gradually figure out what exactly was happening.

The test showed that “bad” felt in the areas of finances, career and personal growth. When asked about her family, she answered that everything would be fine, but there was not enough money: her husband earns little, and she herself cannot yet go to work - the children are too small. Then they discussed her hobbies, and it turned out that Marina was a good drawer, but her hobby didn’t bring in any money. Interest in drawing became the basis on which the psychologist built his work.

“When we are faced with crisis conditions, it is always important to find a resource to rely on at first. By turning to the “Wheel of Balance” technique, you can carefully walk through all areas of your life and discover where energy flows and where that very nutritious source is,” says the psychologist.

The art therapeutic technique “neurography” helped in working with Marina.

This is intuitive drawing, working with the unconscious; you don’t need to be able to draw here. The technique allows new thoughts to appear on a white sheet of paper. Line is thought, colors are feelings.

As a result of drawing, new neural connections are formed in the brain and thinking changes. The work of the right and left hemispheres is activated, and this quickly leads to a resourceful state.

Marina began to study this direction and practice it. Over the course of two months, the woman’s emotional state began to noticeably improve, and along with it, the atmosphere in the house calmed down. The cheerful woman began to fill the rest of the family with her energy. The results were not long in coming: the husband felt the strength and motivation to find a new job and increase his income, and Marina discovered the potential of entrepreneurship.

How to use the Wheel of Balance test

“This exercise will help you assess your potential in all areas of life. You can go through it on your own, but doing it with a psychologist is always more effective, because a person in crisis is very fixated on his troubles and his attention automatically shifts to the negative,” comments the psychologist.

We draw a circle, divide it into eight equal sectors, and it turns out to be a kind of pie, cut into pieces. Each sector has its own conventional name and reflects one of the main vital areas: health, environment, family, personal life, career, business, money, finance, creativity, personal development, brightness and fullness of life.

You need to rate your current level of satisfaction from zero to ten in all these areas of life. "0" is a point on the circle. The marked points are then connected to each other, and you can see your wheel.

Completing this test clearly shows what is happening in each area of ​​life, where there really is a failure, and where there is a resource. Having found it, you can align the remaining spheres.

In Marina’s case, problem areas were identified: career, finances, family. There was a low level of satisfaction. But creativity was rated higher, but personal fulfillment was also not satisfactory. The only resource in this case, according to the client, could be taken from creativity. That’s why we used art techniques to imbue the client with positive emotions, reduce internal tension and redirect attention.

Help is at hand

If you feel that your crisis has dragged on and there is no way forward, seek psychological help.

28 city organizations work to support Moscow families: 25 “My Family Centers”, as well as the Crisis Center for Assistance to Women and Children, social rehabilitation centers for minors “Vozrozhdenie” and “Altufyevo”.

Center specialists work to restore relationships between children and parents, provide legal and psychological assistance, conduct trainings, developmental classes and much more. If necessary, targeted assistance is provided: social electronic certificates are issued for food, clothing and household appliances.

Detailed information about services can be found on the “My Family Center” portal page. For the convenience of Muscovites, an “Online Consultations” section has been created on the portal, where every city resident can leave a request and be contacted within one business day.

If you want to get support, better understand yourself and your personal guidelines, we recommend signing up for free webinars at the Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population on the website www.msph.ru or coming for a free face-to-face consultation with a psychologist at one of the service’s departments. The emergency psychological help line 051 (landline) and +7 (495) 051 (mobile) and psychological support chat are available 24/7. Details on the website www.msph.ru


Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

If everything is falling apart in your life

If everything in your life is falling apart right now... Perhaps a loved one left you, or you lost your job, were left completely without money, without self-confidence, without support and help from the outside, if you have sunk to the very bottom of your life, know that at this moment your Soul awakens...

She waited a long time for you to begin to hear her quiet voice behind the bustle and haste... She had to create a situation where you would be left alone with yourself... Create a moment in which you pray to the Higher powers and surrender to circumstances... The moment when you are ready to hear the wise advice of your your own Soul... And this moment is the best gift for your awakening, for reuniting with your True Self, for choosing your new path on which you can realize all the desires of your Soul, all your amazing talents...

My most important wish for all of you who are now facing such a choice is to know that if this moment has come into your life and you are reading these lines right now, then you are just one step away from the New, you are already ready for the New Path, for your New life, the Universe has already answered your prayers, and you are here, trust Yourself and wake up!!! Push off from this bottom, throw away unnecessary ballast and... float up!!!

Now it’s safe !!! Tell yourself these words, these words - let them become the main prayer for you for this period... All your New Elections, the Choices of your Soul - are now safe !!!

You are ready!!! You are awakening from a deep sleep... You slept for a long time, simply because you decided to experience many fears and limitations in life... You decided to go through all experiences and all states... You learned what betrayal and pain are, you learned what insignificance and dislike for yourself, you went through lack of money and fear of illness and death, through many insults and misunderstandings with your family...

You have learned a lot... You are a wise Soul who knows in practice all aspects of life... Now the time has come for awakening... This situation has been given to you so that you wake up quickly (remember when in the morning you have a terrible dream and you can’t sleep anymore, you wake up in a cold sweat, and... it turns out that the alarm clock did not ring and this nightmare woke you up on time).

This happens in life too... If you find yourself at the bottom now, you simply did not play your role, you did not choose “your dream” and did not listen to the voice of your Soul, because if you go back, you will remember that there were many calls to you that you were going you're in the wrong place...

These bells came to me in the form of the books “Anastasia” by V. Maigre 15 years ago from my mother as a gift, in the form of my uncle’s advice to change my life, then many illnesses of children and troubles at work and in the family... All these bells were the voice of my Soul , but my sleep was so strong that only a dive to the very bottom of my life, which I wrote about at the very beginning (this was also my personal story), could direct me along a different path, could make me finally hear the voice of My Soul !!! And I am grateful for this to myself and my Soul...

And if you are now also in a critical situation - know that this is your New Birth, this is the moment to which you have been walking for more than one life... And now it is safe !!!

safe for you to learn to trust yourself and hear yourself!

  • It's safe to open your heart and love!
  • It's safe to be honest and brave!
  • Safely take responsibility for your life!
  • Safe to go to New!
  • It’s safe to step out of boundaries and limits!
  • It's safe to dream!
  • It's safe to wish!
  • It's safe to be yourself!!!
  • It's safe to just be!!!

You are ready for this, and I hug, understand and congratulate you! This is your New Birth, your New Opportunities, your New Path!!!

This Path to yourself is now safe for you!

It is in your hands now to make this choice to wake up or turn on the other side and fall asleep again... Choose, wake up and join our circle.

now safe for you to be happy and live in Love !!!

Create your New Elections, follow the path of Love and Light! As soon as you make this choice, decide to take a new Path, opportunities will immediately come your way - these are people who will help you, situations will begin to resolve themselves, books, posts that open up new energies within, the whole Universe will become your Ally on the path to Itself! !!

You are great Wizards !!! Remember this! Now it’s safe !!!

With love and gratitude to each Creator of Your Life, Irina.

Solve the problem

You calmed down and analyzed the situation. Here are the conclusions you can come to.

There is a problem and you can solve it

In this case, it would be correct to draw up a detailed action plan and progressively deal with difficulties. True, from time to time you will have to return to the first step and calm down. Because excitement and panic only get in the way. But feeling in control of the situation will in any case eliminate the feeling that life is going to hell. Because it is in your hands and you can direct it anywhere.

There is a problem and you can't solve it

This happens when difficulties arise due to external circumstances. A pandemic, a financial crisis, a natural disaster—you can't reverse them. All you can do is wait out the situation in the most comfortable conditions possible. Lifehacker has detailed instructions on how to act in such cases.

No problem

You were simply tired, succumbed to emotions, or did not have all the data, so you exaggerated the scale of the troubles. All that remains is to be happy and move on with your life.

Take a break and calm down

The advice sounds a little strange. The feeling that you are standing on the ashes of your own life, and you are asked to sit down and bake potatoes in these ashes. But in fact, this is the first and very important step in order to get out of the crisis.

You need to regain your sobriety. When everything in life goes wrong, we attack ourselves with a cocktail of adrenaline and cortisol. They make the heart beat faster, the blood drains from the brain and flows to the muscles so that we can escape from danger. But in modern conditions this does not work as nature intended. On the contrary, we should calm down and think.

Tatyana Khodzhaeva

social teacher, psychologist

A simple way to calm yourself is to breathe slowly. Sit back and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling, thinking only about them. Perhaps some of the problems will be eliminated already at this stage, since under stress and panic we tend to exaggerate the scale of difficulties.

Everything in life goes wrong: reasons

Surely many people wonder why this happens. Psychologists name the main reasons why everything goes wrong in life:

  • High expectations.

We often set overly ambitious goals for ourselves, and expect people to behave and treat us in a certain way.

But the world will not play by our rules. No one can achieve every single goal that they have set for themselves. And the people around us are free to do as they want, not us.

To avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from life. Work on yourself and thank fate for what you have today.

  • Focusing only on failures.

Sometimes, when troubles occur in one area of ​​our life, we unconsciously transfer the negativity to other aspects. And we don’t notice all the good things that happen to us.

Failures on the personal front overshadow promotions or receiving a well-deserved bonus. Conversely, difficulties at work make us forget about what a wonderful family we have.

  • Fear and uncertainty.

Sometimes we subconsciously believe that we are unworthy of what we strive for and dream about. We are overcome by doubts or disappointments in ourselves. If there is a feeling deep within us that we do not have something rightfully, then we will eventually lose it. Hidden fears and complexes push us to destroy what we have already achieved.

Often due to lack of confidence

  • Idealization of your desires.

Many people give too much importance to their desires. And when they don’t get what they want, they lose emotional balance. You need to let go of your dreams. Try to be happy, even if your plans do not come true.

  • Comparing yourself with others.

If your life is about being no worse than others, then disappointment is inevitable. Comparing yourself with those who have succeeded more always leads to depression. Focus on your strengths and victories.

  • The habit of controlling everything.

Some people are used to being in control of everything. But in life, not everything depends on us. And sometimes events happen that we simply cannot influence. Loss of control over a situation is often the cause of emotional disorders.

  • Wrong goals

When in some area of ​​your life everything is going wrong for a long time, it is worth considering whether you are moving in the right direction. Perhaps there is a different path destined for you. And what you are doing is contrary to your true purpose.

There are wrong goals

  • Movement in a circle.

It's amazing how often we step on the same rake. When you cannot achieve positive results, you need to try other solutions. Do not repeat actions that were once ineffective. Look for alternatives. Why do over and over again what leads to defeats and failures?

  • Maximalism.

This wonderful quality can serve you poorly. The “all or nothing” principle often prevents us from soberly assessing current events. In reality, there are no hopeless situations. There is always a way out, we just may not be entirely happy with the results.

  • Not accepting the world as it is.

Each of us has our own model of the “correct” world order. And when the imagined world does not coincide with the real one, we begin to experience a lot of negative emotions. But we did not create the world. Therefore, it is not for us to condemn him.

Rejection of the world

  • Reluctance to limit yourself.

Some people were very spoiled as children. Their wishes were fulfilled before being formulated. And yesterday's children grew up with the firm conviction that all their demands must be met. It is difficult for such people to limit themselves in anything. Therefore, not getting what they want, they remain in a state of eternal dissatisfaction.

Try to understand what is causing your current problems. Awareness of the reasons is the first step to overcoming them.

Ten signs it's time to treat your depression


Depression is a serious illness that can range from mild to severe. Mild depression and sub-depression (a state close to depression) usually do not require immediate professional help. In many ways, a person can overcome this condition on their own through physical activity, employment, meditation, self-care and other methods to achieve well-being.

However, moderate and severe depression significantly impair the quality of life and require professional help. At the same time, many people with depression do not understand this, because it seems to them that they are simply in a bad mood (for six months now), and their sleep and appetite have deteriorated due to all sorts of stress. There may also be a feeling of “some kind of wrong self.”

One or two symptoms may not mean anything for now. But if there are a lot of them, they cause discomfort and last long enough, then it’s time.

If you don’t greatly exaggerate the symptoms and don’t make mountains out of molehills, then you can name a few of the most critical signs that you are not just in a bad mood and stressed. If you find these signs in yourself, then this most likely means that it is time for you to take care of your well-being with the help of psychotherapy and (or) medications.

So, it’s time for you to go to psychotherapy if...

... your depression is moderate or severe

Of course, you won’t be able to make an accurate diagnosis on your own. Remember that it is impossible to make a diagnosis over the Internet! However, some professional tests can provide at least some guidance or background information. Take the depression tests on my website to check how you are feeling.

…it has become more difficult for you to do normal daily activities

The point is that ordinary everyday activities can cause difficulties and difficulties. It would seem that nothing special happened, and it is impossible - or extremely difficult - to force yourself to get up and do routine cleaning. I have absolutely no strength to go to fitness or English classes. There is no desire to cook something delicious like before. Concentration has become worse, so studying is more difficult. Some people report that they even begin to read, write and speak more slowly than usual, or with greater difficulty. In general, it is somehow difficult to cope with ordinary tasks and activities at school, work or around the house.

...you want to isolate yourself from other people

People with depression often do not want to communicate with people. Communication begins to become “straining”; you get the feeling that no one understands you. Thoughts may arise that communication is a pointless waste of time and vanity.

On the other hand, others do not always understand that a person is depressed; it seems to them that he has become somehow uninteresting, tedious and boring. As a result, the frequency and quality of communication decreases on both sides, which brings additional negative experiences.

If your coworkers start asking you if you're okay, don't view it as a mean comment. Rather, it's a sign that it's time for you to pay attention to how you really feel.

...you are having suicidal thoughts

In fact, all people have thoughts about death from time to time. There is nothing like that. However, if you notice that you have begun to think in detail about this topic, or are thinking about different ways to take your own life, then this is one of the most critical signs that you need help. Moreover, the faster, the better.

...you feel hopeless or helpless

And we are not talking about some specific complex matter, we are talking about a global sense of oneself and what is happening. You may think that “everything is bad and not getting better”, you may worry that “you will never feel the same, fun and carefree”, that “no one or nothing can help you or fix this situation” " etc. Hopelessness is a vicious circle: the more hopeless you feel, the more depressed you become, and the more depressed you become, the more hopeless you feel.

...you feel constant sadness or melancholy

If you feel hopeless, helpless, guilty or lonely, these are signs that you need help.

Most of the time, for weeks and months, you feel sadness or sadness that affects your daily activities. Because of this boredom, you don't feel like doing certain things like you used to, or you are unable to concentrate on what you have to do, and therefore nothing gets done.

...you feel guilty, ashamed, worthless (worthless)

Guilt, feelings of worthlessness, and irritability are often symptoms of depression.

You have also become irritable, intolerant, and get excited too easily. They have become like this recently, and have not always been like this (like this). Because if you have always been an angry person, easily irritated, and you have always been easily angered, this suggests that you are not very good at handling your negative emotions, and not that you are depressed. However, if you notice excessive irritability and impatience that seem to be unusual for you before, this may be an indirect sign of depression.

Shame, guilt, and a sense of worthlessness often accompany depression because, unfortunately, depression is often thought of as something more like a lack of willpower or a weakness of character rather than a disease that limits a person's capabilities. Because of this understanding of depression, people perceive themselves to be much worse than they really are.

…you get tired easily, are exhausted, have less energy

It is believed that depression very often first manifests itself in the body. Something hurts, insomnia or excessive sleep, poor appetite, fatigue, powerlessness, no strength to get out of bed, and so on - may well be signs of moderate or stronger depression. There may also be headaches, pain in the back or other parts of the body. As with the previous signs, you need to look specifically at the change in your usual lifestyle, and not at what it is like. If you used to be a fan of snacking consistently 3-4 times a day, and now suddenly the food has begun to seem less appetizing and you don’t want to go to a cafe at all - this change requires you to pay attention to it.

…your condition lasts several weeks or months

During our lives, a lot of different events happen to us: both bad and good. It is absolutely normal if after negative events your mood deteriorates, your health worsens, irritability or even sadness appears. However, as a rule, such stress reactions last several hours. If you notice any of the signs listed above for a long time - namely weeks or months, then this indicates that it is time for you to seek professional help.

...if this has already happened to you, and now again

If you remember that several years ago (a year or two or three...) you already had a period lasting several months when you experienced depression, depression, melancholy, powerlessness, etc., then for some reason you got out of there, and Now you feel that the same thing is approaching (or starting) again - this is a sign that it’s time for you to see a psychotherapist. Such returns may be a symptom of chronic or untreated depression: about half of people with depression will get it again within the next 2 years.

Provided by SendPulse

Everything goes wrong: what to do?

Happiness is not the absence of problems, as many people believe. This is the individual's ability to solve these problems. In crisis situations, we test ourselves for our ability to adequately perceive reality and the ability to overcome difficulties.

What to do when the world around you is collapsing and everything is going wrong?

  • Accept what has already happened.

You cannot turn back time and change what has already happened. No matter how difficult it is, accept this situation. Don't waste your energy worrying about something that can't be fixed. Buddha said that our suffering is caused by our resistance to current events.

  • Don't beat yourself up.

Don't attribute troubles to your personal shortcomings. Don't consider yourself unworthy of happiness. It’s just that circumstances have developed this way now.

Don't beat yourself up

  • Try to manage your emotions.

When we are very excited, we often jump to conclusions and make bad decisions. Don't do anything serious until you've calmed down. And try to accept life's shocks with dignity.

  • Try to look at the problem from a different perspective.

Success and happiness often depend on perspective. Other people do not always consider what depresses us to be a real problem. But if you yourself consider something a failure, then it will be so. In your mind, list not your losses, but what you own.

  • Stop and listen to yourself.

Sometimes you need to take a break to look around. Maybe everything is going wrong because at this moment in life something else is required of us. Every person needs pauses to adjust their future path. Be attentive to yourself and to the signs that life points to.

Ask yourself what you need to be content. Formulate all your desires, and then choose those that are feasible. Make a plan on how you can implement them.

  • Get rid of idealizations.

This means don't put too much emphasis on anything. There are always ready-made models in our heads of how everything should happen and how those around us should behave. But this is just our imagination. Nobody owes you anything. The sooner you accept this truth, the faster you will get rid of negative experiences.

  • Treat life as an interesting journey.

Our soul came into this world only for a while. It doesn't belong to us. We were simply given the opportunity to use it. You cannot take away from a person what does not belong to him. Therefore, we should greet every day of our life with gratitude, and not remake it for ourselves.

Greet every day with gratitude

  • Don't consider yourself a victim.

It is necessary to understand that you and only you are responsible for your life and your mood. No one is doing anything specifically against you. Consciously give up the role of victim and start taking action. You choose how to react to what is happening. Man does not come into the world to suffer. And in order to try all the wonderful and interesting things: travel, creativity, love.

  • Consider your disappointments as valuable lessons.

Life's problems shape our character. From any difficult situation we learn lessons and gain experience. Failures teach us things that we would not have learned in a successful outcome. When you fail, determine what lesson you can learn from this situation and what you should do next time.

Thomas Edison famously said: “I have never failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

  • Try to forgive.

The path of forgiveness is a well-known technique for healing mental wounds. Sincerely forgive the people who caused you suffering. If you are to blame for the troubles, forgive yourself. We all make mistakes and deserve a second chance.

  • Make your choice.

We ourselves choose what kind of life we ​​will live - to suffer and be unhappy or to enjoy every day. Make efforts on yourself and gradually get out of the unfavorable period of life.

Make your choice

  • Start changing yourself.

Psychologists say that the external world is a reflection of the internal world. If we want to change something in life, we must start with ourselves.

  • Look for the positive.

Due to internal struggle and negative experiences, we do not notice how much beautiful and amazing there is in the world. Learn to rejoice. Notice even minor reasons for pleasure: sunny weather, a child’s smile, a delicious dinner, an interesting book.

  • Believe that the best is yet to come.

When everything is bad, it's hard to believe that it's for the better. But life is smarter than us. Often, after failures and crises, wonderful things happen to us.

Believe in the best

  • Determine what is important to you in life.

Life without planning often leads to the wrong place. Develop a strategy that you will stick to. Make a plan of specific actions that will help you get out of the crisis.

  • Don't be shy to ask for help.

In difficult times, do not think that you are alone. Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones or friends for support. They will definitely help you. Also, listen to the advice of people who have successfully overcome similar situations. Pride in this case will serve you badly.

  • Believe in yourself.

You are much stronger than you used to think. Be confident that you can handle everything. Maybe not immediately, but gradually, in small steps, but you will definitely get out of the black streak.

The marriage is collapsing. Trouble at work. My family and friends turned their backs on me. I have no one to share with

I work as a manicurist

It’s very difficult to carry through everything that clients tell me day after day.

Of course, after some time I learned not to take their stories personally, but still, sometimes a residue remains and tends to accumulate. My husband and I have been married for 3 years, together for 6 years. I have a daughter, she is 7 years old, she is not from her husband, but he has been with her since she was a year old, their relationship is good, but often it is only a superficial relationship, that is, he takes little part in her needs, both financially and morally.

Our relationship is very complicated. I have more difficulties with him than he has with me.

He is very aggressive, hot-tempered and does not take any criticism at all, which often leads to conflicts

Previously, I could also be a provocateur

But now I’m trying to smooth things over, although for me it’s very difficult, a lot of grievances have accumulated. In any situation, when I try to tell him something or express the reason for our disagreements, it always ends with him packing his things and leaving, and accordingly asking for a divorce

Of course, I don’t want to ruin the family and I’m trying to get him back and solve the problem, but it doesn’t end with anything, I just keep silent about everything that happened and that’s it. It can be easy for him, but I’ve been living with this for a very long time.

The situation with the family is also very difficult.

It's like I'm an outcast in the family

My mother and father always paid more attention to love, as well as material things, to my older brother, let’s say I always wore everything after him, both things and toys and some kind of equipment (computer, phone, etc.) as a child, I didn’t understand why, I thought I didn’t deserve , and with age, since I became a mother, I began to see everything as it is and all the childhood grievances came out

Despite this, I always tried to be close to him because he was very reserved, he had no friends, after all, he is my brother

But due to his marriage with my best friend, he turned away from me, including his wife, who will say she is against our communication

My mother and I communicate normally, but only about my daughter.

We never had any personal topics, nor any words of love addressed to me.

It’s just that so many people have surrounded me on all sides that I’m just starting to think that the problem is in me, although I always try to be an open, honest person, I can’t live with the burden on my soul that I’m doing someone bad and hurting, as they did and are doing to me

I don't want to hurt people close to me

But in response I only see that this, on the contrary, aggravates the situation and makes me even worse in their eyes

As a result, just over time I understand that in life I cannot rely on anyone, that all the people around me leave and I simply do not deserve any love

And all that I have is me and my daughter and everything that I do now is only for her sake and my hands do not give up just because of my love for her

Replenish resources

To solve problems, you need strength. If your batteries are low, you are unlikely to be effective. Remember how we already said that the feeling of loss of control over life arises due to a lack of resources to solve problems? And then the situation will be corrected not only by eliminating these same problems, but also by increasing the amount of resources. In a computer, you would simply install an additional stick of RAM. And in a similar situation, you need to rest. You don’t have to go on vacation to the ends of the earth, at least get some sleep.

The key is to be kind to yourself, remember your talents, and simply give yourself unconditional love.

Victoria Mikhailova

Illustration: Anna Guridova / Lifehacker

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