20 things you need to do at 30 to feel good at 50

In the era of the heyday of social networks, the ability to take photos is almost a paramount skill. Whether it’s a spontaneous selfie or a professional photo shoot, the result should be completely satisfactory. But what if you haven’t managed to make friends with even your iPhone’s camera yet? Evgenia Kuleshova, a posing and gait coach and the author of an individual technique, thanks to which every frame becomes a masterpiece, shares useful life hacks and her story with us.

It happens like this: you look at your photo, and everything seems to be fine: your figure is slender, your legs are long, your waist is no worse than Kendall Jenner’s, but your face... To put it mildly, it spoils the whole picture.
Why such injustice? I want normal photographs as a keepsake, and not “that’s all.”

First, I’ll tell you why this happens. The fact is that we are used to seeing ourselves in the mirror from one angle. And when we encounter someone else, we experience a whole range of emotions - from bewilderment to hostility. At the same time, from a technical point of view, everything can be fine with the frame. But the face decides!

Let's look at the factors that may cause us to not like ourselves in the photo. And there are only two of them:

  • wrong light;
  • wrong shooting point.

Course to angle

The shooting point is how we hold the phone we are taking photos with in relation to our face. Or how the photographer films us. What can we recommend here? When taking a selfie, hold the phone at a distance with your arm straightened but slightly bent at the elbow, as I do in the photo. The distance should be at least 40 cm. Do not lower the phone below the level of your nose and do not raise it above your forehead. Or raise both the phone and your head too - then the oval of your face will be clearer.

Extremes are not welcome. You don’t need to look too far from under your forehead, or too much from above, so that your nostrils will be visible. Also try not to move the phone too far to the side so that your nose does not go beyond the line of your face - this will make even the smallest one appear larger.

When you are being photographed by a photographer, it is unlikely that you will be able to control the shooting point yourself. My advice: try to feel where you are being filmed from. And feel free to show your “working” side to the photographer.

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Forgive yourself mistakes

Chances are, you did a lot of stupid things in your 20s and teen years. Everyone makes mistakes. But now you're 30, and it's time to think about and forgive yourself for all these mistakes. People who engage in self-analysis see their weaknesses and try to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Learn from your mistakes, forgive them and move on. Don't dwell on past mistakes.

Psychologists say that the ability to forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes is a key factor in achieving success in anything.

Start exercising regularly

Find time to exercise. You will thank yourself in the future. After 35 years, muscle loss begins, and due to a slowdown in metabolism, several extra pounds will appear. This is why it is especially important to start training early.

Try to move as much as possible. It doesn’t matter what you do: walking, jogging, hiking, swimming or weightlifting. The main thing is to study. Choose exactly the type of physical activity that you really enjoy: you are less likely to quit halfway through.

The most effective ways to lose weight

Sometimes you need to lose weight quickly, but extreme diet programs are harmful to health, provoke a yo-yo effect (return and multiple weight gain), and lead to metabolic disorders. Non-hazardous and effective complexes are based on an acceptable calorie deficit by limiting the energy value of food and increasing workload. You need to come out of them slowly so as not to provoke breakdowns and “yo-yos”.

Lose weight in a week

Weekly programs are based on the consumption of 1000-1500 calories per day (men and women cannot go below 1000) in combination with the removal of excess fluid from the body and intense training. The basis of the diet is diuretic products and dishes with a predominance of protein and a minimum of carbohydrates - eggs, poultry, fish, cottage cheese with 0.1% fat content.

A week-long “drying” will form cubes on the stomach, outline the biceps and, by reducing fluid in the muscles, visually tighten the relief. To speed up metabolism, drink warm water with honey between meals. Please note - per 1 kg of weight there should be at least 1 g of protein per day, otherwise the weight will be lost due to muscles, not fat.

Lose weight in a month

Systematic programs designed for a month give results - 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight are lost. Make sure your diet is complete—it’s no longer possible to focus only on proteins from lean meat and fish.

Add to them:

  • unsaturated fats from nuts, avocados, olive oil (10-15% in the BJU balance);
  • complex carbohydrates and fiber - buckwheat, fruits, green and legible vegetables, spinach;
  • still water - 2-2.5 liters per day.

The number of workouts reaches 3-5 per week; to maintain health, vitamin and mineral complexes are included in the diet.

Be curious and do at least one thing every day that scares you.

“Get out of the house and go on a trip now,” writes user Marie Leak, “make it as long as you can. Take photos, open up to the wind and freedom. If possible, take someone you care about with you to make it a memorable experience for the rest of your life. This must be something more than just jumping out of a plane; it must be measured not in hours and minutes, but in days. And you will smile, remembering this, even in old age, when you are creaky and feeble old men, I promise.”

Get enough sleep


“Keep a daily routine,” writes user Nan Waldman. — A dark room will help you relax. No gadgets with bright screens before bed. Go to bed and wake up at the same time.”


Before you learn how to improve your personal life after 30, you should understand that any love and relationship begins with self-love. At this age, it is important to feel comfortable in your body and love yourself. If you accept yourself as you are, you will experience a wonderful feeling of freedom. Every day you need to start with a joyful and happy mood. It's worth thinking about your surroundings. It's better to spend your time with those who truly love and appreciate you. Remember that some people go through divorce after 30 years and move on with their lives. One example is our president and his wife. In addition, this period is the best time to start a family life.

Causes of excess weight in men

In the stronger sex, the metabolism “works” quickly, so many persistent stereotypes have formed in society - that guys only need to give up their usual meals for a couple of days in order to lose weight, they need nourishing and plentiful food every day, and dietary restrictions are harmful, and so on. As a result, they overeat, their stomach stretches, requiring the next equally large portion of food. Like their ancient ancestors, modern guys tend to “eat while there is food,” and established traditions support them in an unhealthy habit.

These are dangerous misconceptions: men need to fight excess weight and prevent it from appearing. Otherwise, there is a high risk of strokes, early heart attacks and serious health problems. It is also increased by another significant reason for weight gain - a sedentary lifestyle. The stronger sex needs to pay a lot of attention to physical activity; regular sports are recommended for them - this is due to the ancient “genetic program” designed for heavy loads. Without them, body weight grows rapidly and the percentage of internal fat increases.

In addition to lack of exercise and the habit of eating a lot of food, the following prevent you from losing weight:

  • violation of sleep patterns: a healthy adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day, violation of the condition leads to an increase in the need for glucose - the brain requires high-calorie food to maintain tone, appetite is stimulated, it is more difficult to control oneself;
  • eating “closely” with a TV or computer and systematically snacking on high-calorie processed foods - unlike women, men have less control over the desire to eat something and, while getting carried away by a TV series or an online game, do not think about how many calories they consumed at a time;
  • addiction to “liquid calories” - strong alcohol, beer, sweet soda, coffee and tea with sugar, which are difficult to account for and, moreover, whet the appetite;
  • smoking and other unhealthy habits that inhibit weight loss.

Weight gain in representatives of the stronger sex is also caused by hormonal imbalances, endocrine disorders, and other medical problems. Only a doctor can decide them, so before you lose weight, get examined. If there are no health problems, reconsider your eating habits.

Start saving money. Even if just a little bit

“Start saving and saving money little by little. I know it's a corny, boring and uninteresting proposal, but it's worth it,” writes user Cliff Gilly. “Most thirty-year-olds always have enough money to save a little and use later. The sooner you get into this habit, the easier it will be in the future.”

Prevention of early skin aging

To prevent early skin aging, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, morning jogging, exercises and hardening. You need to exercise several times a day. After physical activity:

  • the blood will be distributed in the body, with it the organs and muscles will receive more oxygen;
  • metabolism will occur faster;
  • cells will be renewed.

Therefore, the aging of the body slows down.

You need to exercise and massage your face every day. There are many exercises, they do not require effort. They need to be done for a few minutes every day.

Maintain (or restore) relationships with parents and relatives

“In life you often have to deal with the fact that you are not understood or accepted. Family and relationships can teach you how to deal with people who disagree with you, writes user Robert Walker. “I come from a family where there are a lot of controversial issues. If you don't know the whole situation, it may seem like we all hate each other. But this is not true at all. Most likely, we are simply not afraid to express to each other everything we think, because family ties are the strongest thing that can be.”

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