What is supercompensation - its role in bodybuilding and sports

When practicing any sport, the athlete’s attention will inevitably come to better recovery, optimal planning of mesocycles and getting into peak shape at the right time. All these tasks are related to the topic of supercompensation. This phase of increased performance when performing repeated work was first described by B.S. Gippenreiter in 1953.

Supercompensation plays a major role in the recovery process after training. During this period, there is an increase in sports results. The principle of supercompensation is applied in every sport, which will allow you to achieve the desired effect from training.

What is super compensation

Supercompensation is a period when already trained muscle tissue becomes powerful. The recovery process takes different periods of time. Muscle fibers are restored over a long period of time. When they increase, then muscle mass increases.

The speed of the onset of the supercompensation phase determines the optimal time when it is necessary to increase the sports load. By increasing the training load, not only muscle tissue increases, but also the body's endurance indicators increase.

Muscle growth or hypertrophy is an adaptation process of the body to changing conditions. The stress you experience during muscle training should increase with each physical activity.

To ensure this process, the muscles must be even stronger at the start of the next workout, when the muscle tissue has gained strength. During a planned workout, microtraumas occur in the muscle fibers, and during the recovery period the body begins to restore them.

My recommendations

Preventing the development of an inferiority complex and overcompensation reactions is always easier than correcting it, especially in adulthood. Initially, parents should try for this. It is good if a child knows from early childhood that he does not need to chase after anyone, that he is good, regardless of the talents and abilities of the children around him. It’s great if parents help him decide on a really relevant range of interests, and do not try to impose activities in which they themselves succeeded or, conversely, could not be realized.

If a person himself notices signs of overcompensation, it is better for him to consult a psychotherapist to identify the causes and further psychocorrection. If you don’t want or have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can try to solve the problem yourself:

  • try to understand the reasons for your inferiority complex;
  • stop looking back at other people;
  • refuse constant proof of your rightness and correctness of thoughts;
  • start searching for yourself: what do you really like? what actually happens? What have you never been able to try before, but still have the desire?
  • try to surround yourself with self-confident people who will not humiliate you, but also will not allow you to assert yourself at their expense.

Three phases of recovery

According to Gippenreiter, there are three main phases of performance recovery (wiki) after performing the first work before fatigue:

Active recovery phase

The launch begins after training and continues for half an hour. At this moment, the body restores the normal function of the systems. The glycogen supply returns to normal, the heart rhythm is restored and the hormonal system is normalized.

Moderate recovery phase

During the launch of this phase, the body enhances the production of amino acids, enzymes, and restores electrolyte balance. The digestive system better absorbs the nutrients needed to build new body cells.

Supercompensation phase

It begins on the second day after the training process and lasts five days. At this time, you need to play sports, training your muscles, to increase mass.

Delayed recovery phase

The physical parameters of the body are restored to their original level. But provided that there was no physical activity in the supercompensation phase.

The connection between birth order and human personality

Many people wonder how birth order affects the character and future fate of a child. While exploring the childhood experiences of his patients, Adler became interested in the connection between birth order and human personality. Depending on how the child was born, he may have certain characteristics. A. Adler discovered that older, middle and younger children, due to differences in their position in the family, have different social experiences and, as a result, have different personality structures.

Alfred Adler identified the following ordinal positions of a child in a family: only child, eldest child in the family, middle child, youngest of two children, youngest of three or more children. So, let's consider Adler's birth order, and the traits that will belong to children in the family, depending on the birth order.

The only child in the family

For the only child in the family, the most important task is to understand adults. By solving this problem, he develops his ability to understand other people. It is characterized by a heightened sense of good and evil and high motivation to achieve. He loves solving problems and finding different ways to solve them.

Only children feel unique. They demand a lot from life and strive to meet the expectations of their parents. They are characterized by a high level of self-esteem. Only children have more opportunities for intellectual improvement.

There is a risk of attachment, learned helplessness. Being in the power of parental care, the child is practically never left to himself. He has little opportunity to independently build his relationships with others. Depending on the degree of parental care, two types of only children are distinguished: early maturing and “mama’s boy”.

The first child in the family, i.e. firstborn

The eldest child goes through three stages in his development: 1. He is the only one, unique, in the focus of his parents’ attention, in a privileged position. 2. With the birth of the youngest child, the situation changes dramatically. If the eldest is not 5-6 years old at this time, then the birth of a brother or sister can cause severe stress. Parents switch to the baby, the older child loses power over them. Envy and competition between children are possible, and this reaction of the first child to the appearance of the younger one is stronger if the second child is of the same sex. 3. At the third stage, the child finds a way out of the current situation. He believes that he should be stronger and smarter than the younger child. This decision is reinforced by the behavior of the parents: they understand that the eldest is given too little time and attention. Therefore, they tell him that compared to a baby, he is already smart enough to do many things on his own, without the help of adults.

Thus, the eldest children in the family are the center of attention for some time - but only until the next child appears, who will now attract all the attention of the parents. Therefore, the first-born may begin to feel insecure and hostile, losing his previous sense of security. The result of these changes can also be authoritarianism and conservatism, a rigid desire to maintain order by any means. Adler suggested that it is often the first-born in the family who become criminals, neurotics and perverts.

Older children follow the rules, strive for perfection, success and most often achieve it, and if not, then they give up what they started. These are usually obedient, rule-following children. They are conscientious, serious, stubborn, responsible, and the sense of responsibility may be too high. They are intolerant of other people's mistakes and at the same time very sensitive to the comments of others and changes in relationships.

Middle child in the family

The position of the middle child in birth order is the least studied; Apparently, it is these children who most often have difficulties with self-determination, due to the fact that they are both older and younger and therefore combine the features of both.

Lack of attention from parents often results in the middle child feeling abandoned and therefore sometimes picking up annoying, attention-seeking habits. Some researchers believe that middle children learn to get along with everyone, becoming friendly and tactful towards others.

Second child in the family (younger of two children)

According to Adler, the second child is often ambitious, rebellious and jealous: after all, he is always faced with the task of not only keeping up with, but also surpassing his older brother or sister. Adler believed that it was the second child who was better adapted to life than the older or younger child. After all, younger children, as a rule, are spoiled in the family, and therefore they are more likely to have problems than others. They are more self-oriented than other-oriented and do not particularly strive to meet the expectations of others.

This child is the complete opposite of the older one. He is characterized by independence and optimism. The younger of the two children shifts responsibility for everything that happens to the others. He is manipulative in his relationships with people. It is difficult for him to keep up with his elder, who is academically oriented, so he decides to beat him in another field where he is not strong (usually sports or art).

Youngest of three or more children

To develop relationships with others, especially with their own brothers and sisters, they can either pretend to be children all their lives, or find a way to get ahead of others. These children may be the luckiest of all. They are creative individuals and are often incomprehensible to others. Their gaze is directed to the future. They often make good leaders.

By the time the youngest child was born, parents could already have formed their own views on upbringing. Therefore, it can be assumed that in relation to the younger, the tactics of educational influence will be more consistent than in relation to the older. Therefore, the youngest of several children will be more emotionally stable than the older children.

Supercompensation in bodybuilding

Supercompensation in bodybuilding is the period after training when training and performance reach a level much higher than the initial one. Finishing the training, the athlete’s level of fitness and performance decreases, his strength is running out, but after some time these parameters reach their previous high level.

At this moment it is necessary to train. If the moment of supercompensation is missed, then the indicators return to the previous level and the meaning of the training will no longer exist.

In order to consistently progress, it is necessary that each training session coincides with the peak of supercompensation. But this period is difficult to determine, since there are no identifiers in supercompensation.

It is different for each athlete and depends on age, level of physical fitness, and genetic predisposition.

In bodybuilding there is the concept of training frequency. To get into the compensation phase, you need to clearly draw up a training plan:

  • Beginners are recommended to exercise 2 times a week.
  • Athletes with more than a year of experience - 3 times a week.
  • With more than three years of experience - 4 times a week.
  • Professionals can exercise 6 or more times a week.

The right option would be for you to independently select the frequency of training based on how you feel. If training 3 or 4 times a week is tiring and there is no progress, then it is better to train twice a week, but more intensely.


  • Striving for superiority and feelings of inferiority
  • Sense of Community
  • Compensation and overcompensation
  • The connection between birth order and human personality
  • What are the differences between A. Adler’s theory and S. Freud’s theory?

Alfred Adler (1870-1937) - Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist, one of the predecessors of neo-Freudianism, founder of individual psychology. At first he joined the supporters of Z. Freud, then he founded his own school.

According to Adler, human behavior is determined primarily not by biological, but by social factors. He introduced the concept of social interest. Social interest is an innate potential aimed at cooperation with other people and at achieving personal and social goals. Such interest develops in childhood, as experience accumulates.

How to catch supercompensation

To achieve muscle fiber growth, it is necessary to choose the time for training during the period of supercompensation. In order for the body to recover, it is necessary that both the recovery period and the body’s hormonal levels be in balance.

Factors that influence the process of muscle tissue recovery: the level of stress during training, the athlete’s body weight, daily routine and physical fitness. The size of the muscle tissue group affects muscle recovery time.

How much stress a muscle receives during training will affect the recovery process.

The athlete’s weight also affects the recovery process; the larger the muscles, the slower they recover.

During the training process, energy is consumed and fatigue accumulates. After training, the recovery process begins, but it does not stand still, but lasts even longer than the initial level, this is supercompensation.

If training is missed during the supercompensation period, then a return to the original level begins and everything will have to start all over again.

An example of supercompensation for biceps training.

Let point “0” be maximum training, muscle fibers are already damaged, so the body, after completing the training process, will begin to restore damaged tissue. Approximately on the second day after recovery begins, supercompensation begins, lasting five days.

That is, if your training for a couple of muscle groups is 3 times a week, then training your biceps on Monday, the next workout should also be done on Monday. This is considered the best period for the recovery process. Then you can make progress from the training process.

Denis Borisov talks about this topic in detail in the following video.

Catching supercompensation means planning your workouts so that a new training process for a given muscle group occurs at the peak of this phase.

Depth of damage

The destruction of muscle tissue during training varies.

The deeper and stronger the damage, the longer the recovery process takes. The stronger the fatigue, the higher the supercompensation. The deeper the fatigue, the greater the risk of overloading muscle groups and the slower the recovery process.

It is important to remember that different functions of muscle tissue training have different time intervals for supercompensation.


The leading source of overcompensation is an inferiority complex. A person who feels that he is not good enough at something tries to prove to himself and others the opposite. The inferiority complex, in turn, comes from two groups of reasons:

  1. Really existing physical disabilities. This can be either a disability or less significant problems: insufficiently straight teeth, birthmarks, excess body weight. They are not causes of overcompensation in themselves, but arise when there is criticism of these problems from others and as a result of the person’s own feelings about this. For example, if a child at school is teased for being too short, he, trying to prove his worth, goes to the basketball section and becomes a professional athlete in this field.
  2. Imaginary flaws. An example of this is, for example, a girl’s feeling of being fat, if in fact she has a normal physique according to medical and physical indicators. Such shortcomings also usually arise as a result of criticism from outsiders or comparison of oneself with other people not in one's favor.

Closely related to the inferiority complex, the reason for the development of overcompensation is the shortcomings of family upbringing. Authoritarian parents, who constantly make comments and focus on the child’s shortcomings from an early age, contribute to the formation of an inferiority complex, and, as a result, overcompensation.

The same story is found in families where a child is overprotected or rejected: the child grows up unsure of himself, at an older age begins to understand this and overcompensates, for example, becomes aggressive or too risky, constantly focusing the attention of others on his “improved” qualities.

The formation of overcompensation is also influenced by people who are authoritative for a person. For example, a girl reacts absolutely calmly to statements from others that she has trouble pronouncing the sound “r” until her loved one tells her about it. From this moment on, she may begin to worry and overcompensate, for example, by going to work on the radio to prove that she is very wealthy even with such speech, and will try to tell others as often as possible how great she is doing.

Overcompensation can also occur against the background of exposure to stereotypes. For example, a person grew up in a family of artists and is sure that every self-respecting individual should be able to draw. He, having no real abilities, tries to develop them in himself, doing enormous work, telling everyone how wonderful he paints pictures. At the same time, he, for example, has excellent hearing and could be a musician, but his focus on visual activity prevents him from fully developing the talent that he really has.

Trained functions and qualities

Main functions that need to be improved:

  • Creatine phosphate restoration (2 to 10 minutes).
  • Processing of lactic acid (from 1 minute to half an hour).
  • Compensate for glycogen (1 - 3 days).
  • Compensate for proteins (3 - 5 days).

In addition to these functions, it is important to restore the nervous and energy systems. Each of the above body functions is restored in a different time period; it is impossible to restore everything at the same time.

For example, after completing a workout, creatine phosphate will be restored first, but other functions will still be low. But when protein levels are restored, other functions will lose supercompensation. Therefore, different time frames for recovery are called heterochronism.

Compensation and overcompensation

Compensation is an increased, compensatory development of physical, mental and personal components, compensating for a certain deficiency, real or imaginary.

Adler identified 4 main types of compensation: 1. incomplete compensation; 2. full compensation; 3. overcompensation; 4. imaginary compensation, or going into illness.

He believed that a developed sense of community , determining the social style of life, enables the child to create a fairly adequate scheme of apperception. At the same time, children with incomplete compensation feel less of their inferiority, since they can compensate with the help of other people, with the help of peers from whom they do not feel isolated. This is especially important for physical defects, which often do not allow for full compensation and thus can cause the child to be isolated and stop his personal growth.

Incomplete compensation in children with an undeveloped sense of community leads to the emergence of an inferiority complex, which makes the apperception scheme inadequate, changes the life style, making the child anxious, insecure, envious, conformist and tense.

Overcompensation is the process of restructuring the body in response to damage or harmful influence, causing defensive reactions that are much more energetic and stronger than those needed to paralyze the immediate danger.

In the case of overcompensation with a developed sense of community, a person tries to use his knowledge and skills to benefit people; his desire for superiority does not turn into aggression. With an undeveloped sense of community, neurotic complexes begin to form in a child in early childhood, which lead to deviations in personality development.

In the case of overcompensation in children with an undeveloped sense of community, the desire for self-improvement is transformed into a neurotic complex of power, dominance and mastery. Such people use their knowledge to gain power over people, to enslave them, thinking not about the benefit of others, but about their own benefits. In this case, an inadequate scheme of apperception is formed, changing the lifestyle. These people suspect those around them of wanting to take away their power and therefore become suspicious, cruel, vindictive, tyrants and aggressors.

Full compensation occurs when the individual has a developed sense of community; the defect is recognized as its own individuality; the desire for superiority is expressed in the desire for the standards of the majority, the desire to overcome limitations through a positive lifestyle, nothing more. A person does not strive for superiority; his achievement is to be no worse than the majority.

The inability to overcome one’s defects, especially physical ones, often leads to imaginary compensation , in which a child (and later an adult) begins to exploit his disadvantage, trying to extract privileges from the attention and sympathy with which he is surrounded. This type of compensation is imperfect: it stops personal growth, forming an inadequate, envious, selfish personality.

How to achieve heterochronism of simultaneous supercompensation

First, choose a function that takes longer to recover than others (contractile proteins) and focus only on it. It is necessary to simultaneously achieve improvement in all qualities.

Supercompensation of contractile proteins

By focusing on the longest-term function of recovery - the growth of muscle tissue cells, we know that they increase significantly. We will no longer be able to retrain other functions, because they are in the phase of loss of supercompensation and remain at the same level.

By training only the function of contractile proteins, muscle mass will not increase because there will not be enough energy.

Two stages of development of an athlete’s fitness:

  • Using a training diary from the very beginning of your visit to the gym. Since at the initial stage the weight begins to grow, it is necessary to regularly progress the load.
  • The concept of the principle of development of body functions, taking into account different periods for supercompensation.


Overcompensation has three main characteristics:

  1. Egocentrism. A person is absolutely confident that he is right, does not recognize any other opinion coming from others and tries to convince everyone of the correctness of his thoughts and actions.
  2. Arrogance. A person tries to show others that he is better than them, because he does a tremendous amount of work on himself and achieves “unprecedented” success.
  3. Boasting. An overcompensating person tries to tell everyone he meets about his achievements, exaggerating and embellishing the real state of affairs.

A person with overcompensation most often feels comfortable only when surrounded by those people over whom he manages to rise above and assert himself at their expense.

How to recover properly

The recovery process goes through four phases:

  1. Fast recovery. ends thirty minutes after the end of the training process. It is important to replenish glucose and mineral levels. After training, drink mineral water without adding gas.
  2. Slow recovery. When nutrient levels are replenished, the body repairs damaged muscle fibers. At the same time, protein synthesis begins, so food must contain the required amount of amino acids.

  3. Supercompensation is an important stage in achieving results. The body begins to intensively consume carbohydrates and amino acids in order to restore the required amount of muscle tissue and provide the body with energy for intense exercise. At this stage the next training process needs to be carried out. After the supercompensation stage, the body becomes stronger to withstand a powerful load.
  4. Delayed recovery. It begins immediately after the end of supercompensation, when you missed your workout. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the training schedule, otherwise progress will slow down. The point of this recovery stage is that the body is restored to its usual state, which was before the gym.

Violations in the sphere of passion

A significant, if not the overwhelming majority of manifestations of passion are destructive; In this case, the individual not only cannot, but usually does not want to cope with the impulses that are associated with passion, since its object attracts him with incredible force. There is no special section on pathology in the area of ​​passion in the literature; the corresponding disorders are partially mentioned in various chapters of textbooks and manuals. These disorders are often presented as impulsive drives (“impulsive insanity” by E. Kraepelin, “impulsive psychosis” by E. Bleuler). The term “impulsive drives,” with all the countless reservations about its accuracy, is now applied mainly to periodically arising drives towards something forbidden, condemned and contrary to the personality at that moment of its existence when it is free from painful drives. Here we briefly mention numerous pathological phenomena, a detailed description of which, we believe, is a matter for the future:

nomadism is a painful tendency, usually leading to disaptation, to frequently change place of residence, profession, occupation, inability to become attached to anything for a long time and to realize oneself in a certain capacity;

geomania - a painful desire to eat the earth, the motivation for behavior remains undisclosed;

heliomania is a pathological desire to constantly be in the sun, but not at all for the sake of tanning and an increased need for warmth;

necromania - a painful obsession with everything related to death - obituaries, funeral services in churches, morgues, cemeteries, putting them in proper order, wakes, making tombstones, etc. There is even a special passion - to attend and take an active part in funerals - taphephilia . A case is described when a Hermitage servant devoted all his free time to mourning events: he looked for who died and where, certainly participated in the funerals of people completely unknown to him, provided ritual services, etc. He built himself a house near the cemetery and made the windows so that he could examine the graves, crosses and not miss the opportunity when mourning ceremonies were performed there;

centomania - a pathological passion for injections (Morel-Lavallee, 1911). In this case, the patient is completely indifferent to what medication is administered to him;

Clinomania is a painful passion to sit in a chair, chaise longue or lie in bed without objective reasons. It may be in patients with neuroses, anancastic psychopaths, hypochondriacs and, probably, in patients with severe adynamia. Psychoanalysts interpret the disorder as a manifestation of regression up to the appearance of a desire to lie in the cradle or as the patient’s desire to return to the mother’s womb;

scatophilia - a pathological desire to manipulate feces;

masturbation is a pathological need to indulge in masturbation, which the patient does not intend to refuse, considering it a completely normal phenomenon and a necessary activity, and is ready for it in front of others;

Dankomania is a passion to bite others, passers-by, from which the patient tries in every possible way to restrain himself, but this desire does not disappear. It differs from obsession in that we are talking about a real desire, and not about a contrasting and completely meaningless attraction in the eyes of the patient;

Oniomania is an irresistible urge to make purchases, often ruinous and often completely unnecessary. It is especially often described in patients with high spirits. Somewhat later, the term “shopping” appeared - the painful attraction of women who do not suffer from psychosis to visit various fashion stores and spend money on buying unnecessary and useless things;

Pornographomania is a sometimes irresistible passion to acquire, look at, read the products of the porn industry in order to more acutely feel one’s sexual identity in the presence of an inability to fulfill a sexual role;

Sivadon-Buckerel syndrome (1946) - the desire to ingest perfume and cologne; a type of substance abuse;

symmetriomania (Sternberg, 1913) is an irresistible passion to make symmetrical movements with the hands, fingers, eyes, and other organs of the body. It is considered as a motor disorder that occurs through the mechanism of a reflex tendency towards conjugal bilateral activity;

tomomania - an irresistible urge to undergo surgical operations. Observed in Munchausen syndrome, in patients with hypochondriacal delusions, delusions of physical impairment, as well as in schizophrenia;

phyloclesia - passion for being exclusively indoors;

dancemania or choreomania - a painful obsession with dancing, nothing else attracts or holds the patient;

Erotographomania is a morbid passion for writing love letters, erotic stories, paintings, creating films of similar content for the purpose of self-stimulation, attracting attention to oneself, or in order to deliberately undermine the foundations of morality;

pre-romania - a painful need to give gifts, symbolically, as if giving oneself to another;

syllogomania - a pathological passion to collect all sorts of rubbish, store it and, as it were, feel like the owner of great wealth;

gracidomania - a pathological passion to be thin (less often - thin); thinness symbolizes beauty, health, belonging to an elite stratum of the population, or reflects exposure to not entirely healthy fashion, on which rather cynical swindlers make a fortune;

clastomania - a painful passion to break things, objects; it is possible that this is a manifestation of unconscious persistent indirect aggression. Psychotic patients do this supposedly for fairly obvious reasons (delusions, hallucinations, catatonic agitation);

Homicidomania or Lindemann's Syndrome (1949) . A painful urge to kill people who have not caused any harm to the patient, just because they are people. We are not talking about sadism as a sexual violation or about necrosadism, where murder is a symbol or fetish of sexual violence. Homicidomania is motivated mainly or exclusively by the patient’s need to experience his unlimited power over a person, to feel like a limitless ruler of someone else’s life, to feel like something like a superman. When killing, such paranoids also revel in the victim’s defenselessness; they despise her for her weakness, humility, and slavish readiness to give her life. The paranoid is imbued with the conviction that such people, and many others, must simply be destroyed so that the world entirely belongs to them, the paranoids, only they deserve to live in this world and the world should rightfully belong only to them. One murder leads to another, further convincing the paranoid of his high mission in this world. This type of paranoid is Nietzsche's ideal. It is unlikely that such patients are capable of compassion, repentance, or to experience even a semblance of guilt. On the contrary, they are proud of themselves, believing that they embody the best human qualities. Megalomania of patients can reach the point where they feel like messengers or the embodiment of Satan;

Suicidemania is the patient’s inexorable desire to commit suicide, to leave this world. Patient considerations are likely to vary. Some of them are imbued with hatred of this world, others - of themselves, others strive to cause pain and suffering to their loved ones, others intend at all costs to move to another world, full of harmony, happiness and perfection, where they will finally find their true identity. I. There are few detailed self-reports of such patients, so it is very difficult to say anything with complete confidence. There are suicidal people who fight for their natural and primordial right to die; they want to feel like absolutely free people;

gerostratism - vanity, manifested in destructive and homocidal actions. Herostratus wanted to become immortal in the memory of people, and the best thing he could come up with was to burn the temple of Artemis in Athens. Judas, no matter what is written today in his defense, did not just sell Jesus Christ for some little thing, he longed to become the only person who committed an unheard-of crime and sacrilege. Herostratus had a lot of followers - there were plenty of people poisoned by the thirst for glory. There is, for example, a type of serial killer who commits brutal murders for the sole purpose of gaining the terrible fame of the most cruel flayer the world has ever known. One of them admitted: “I wanted that neither before me nor after me there would be anyone equal to me. I want my name to be in the most prominent place in the history of crimes” (the young man was not even 30 years old). Some criminals, with the same goal of becoming famous, write and publish books describing the crimes they have committed, which they are quite proud of. Deep down in their souls, they know that many will envy them and try to get ahead of them in the glory of a killer, as if thereby spinning the ever-faster spinning wheel of crime. There is a special type of crime - the murder of famous people in order to make one's name loud - magnacid. It is no coincidence that the Marquis de Sade also ended up in black history, donating a book describing his know-how - sophisticated tortures - to not the brightest humanist - Napoleon, who was eager only for glory and for the sake of it he took the lives of almost 40 million people. What to think about the people for whom he remains a hero to this day? Probably many would like to be in his place. The followers of Herostratus include a lot of people who strive for meaningless records (who will spit the furthest, throw out a stream of urine, walk on their hands, eat something or drink more than others), just to get into the ridiculous Guinness Book of Records;

plutomania - greed, an irresistible urge to accumulate and own material values ​​by any means, throwing them into the fire of pride or hiding from one’s eternal enemy - an inferiority complex. Not a single such rich man has done absolutely anything that would give him the right to consider him an accomplished person or at least a healthy person. There are many varieties of plutomaniacs - from a pawnbroker to an inveterate robber. Normal people do not chase big money, it is money that follows them;

Kratomania is a pathological passion to achieve power at any cost in order to control everything and everyone for the sake of one’s safety, and along the way, the freedom to indulge one’s whims and vices, without being responsible for anything. The crime of those in power is rarely assessed objectively, and punishments even for the most serious acts are either ridiculous or take the form of gratitude as if for edification: not everyone, but we are given the right to commit any crimes against humanity, we don’t care about morality;

collecting mania is a passion for senseless collecting of things that have no cultural, historical, or material value. It happens that a seemingly meaningless collection of some kind of garbage suddenly turns out to be useful in some way. This happens, however, infrequently. Another anomalous type of collecting is the buying of works of art, when they are turned into objects with the vulgar name “brands”, since their commercial essence is hidden behind it. This is again the same capital, and for the laws of the latter - the person himself, and the author of the masterpiece - nothing. Thus, a lot of beautiful creations of the spirit are withdrawn from cultural circulation for the sake of the individual who understands little about them. Meanwhile, millions of people find themselves in conditions of aesthetic deprivation. Aesthetic crime is a phantom concept; it is not even in the most extensive criminal codes, which provide, for example, punishment for inhumane treatment of animals;

hedonism is a painful passion for pleasure, pleasure, and entertainment. Cases are described when hedonism was one of the main reasons for offenses and violation of the norms of conscience. In women, for example, the Midas symptom is known. The symptom is that patients change one man for another for the sake of some “fresh impressions”. They consider men their victims and are even more proud of themselves the longer the list of victims. The reason here is not just hedonism, it is also to a large extent the vanity of a woman, avenging herself for lack of attention or taking revenge on herself for not doing enough to feel like a woman worthy of self-respect. The male version of the disorder is Don Juanism. This is a symptom in which overcompensation for feelings of male (non-sexual) inadequacy comes to the fore. Overcompensation can also manifest itself in the fact that the patient demonstrates contempt for death and becomes an avid duelist. He does not think that somewhere nearby there is another Don Juan, and what is even more dangerous - a real man who will show the patient what he really is like;

Misogamy is an enduring hatred of marriage that has become, as it were, a belief. Probably, in some of these cases, the basis of the pathology is envy of someone or disappointment in one’s unrealistic fantasies. Marriage can be an object of hatred if a person knows or feels that this complex and extremely responsible area of ​​​​life is not for him, “the cap is not on his head”;

misanthropy - hatred of the entire human race. Misanthropy says: “Man is nature’s biggest and even fatal mistake, and we must strive to correct this mistake as quickly and radically as possible.” A misanthrope is not a person who even lifts his little finger to do something for others. He is more of a narcissist by nature. For this they do not like him, refuse him friendship, reject him from his peers and other people. The response feeling can only be hatred towards them and an unquenchable thirst for revenge, and ultimately, anger towards all of humanity, which supposedly rejected him. He finds his calling and consolation in discrediting the image of man, the entire human race. A misanthrope can devote his entire life to this, trying to spread his poisoned pride on any occasion and in a wide variety of areas of activity. If the misanthrope is smart, he will soon understand that there is no better way to do this than to engage in literary and artistic creativity, but the best thing is, perhaps, philosophy and psychology. There are many scientific treatises, philosophical works, poetic works in which one thought dominates - man is a fiend of hell, evil incarnate, he will not even think about his correction. It's best for him to destroy himself. The efforts of the misanthropes, alas, were not in vain - humanity is now on the verge of self-destruction;

mysaliania - hatred of the mentally ill. The human gene pool needs to be radically changed; it is necessary to destroy all psychiatric patients and inferior races - breeding grounds for psychiatric pathology. Hitler later came from Aryan racism to the idea of ​​exterminating the sick. More than 200 thousand of them were exterminated in the occupied territories of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, but this was only the beginning. Hatred of the mentally ill is apparently rooted in the fear of being one yourself. Fear for oneself often breeds aggression. The narcissist’s fear of being “crazy” can give rise to hostility and the illusion of retaliatory aggression, while the boundary between illusion and reality is easily blurred under certain circumstances. Therefore, a paranoid person, knowing that he is considered abnormal and can be eliminated on occasion, sooner or later moves on to active actions that are completely justified in his eyes. He tries to destroy not only real opponents, but also patients - the very existence of the latter constantly and with pain in his soul reminds him that he is the same, thereby exacerbating the fear of losing his mind himself. Crimes occur when exclusively psychiatric patients are killed - out of fear for themselves and out of hatred for those who support and intensify this fear;

hatred of healthy people is more typical, apparently, of psychiatric patients, paranoids, through whose fault (healthy people) they suffered severely. “A healthy person,” as the patient writes, “is an arrogant, unprincipled person without the slightest remorse. Such a person evokes a feeling of disgust... Patients deserve compassion. Mentally healthy people are just an abomination.” There are apparently no cases of revenge and murder of people just because they are healthy, or there are very few of them. Nevertheless, the problem of “what is a healthy person” seems to be turning from an academic one into a practical one;

misandry - hatred (mainly, it seems, on the part of women) of men, not connected or little connected with sexual issues themselves. It is rather the hatred of narcissistic but rejected women. It should be added that men give many reasons for such an attitude towards themselves by dishonest behavior, by the fact that they disparage women as second-class creatures, intended for pleasure, in order to “serve” the master clan of men, etc.;

Misogeny is a hatred of women that has a long biblical tradition. A woman is a “vessel of sin”, she is by nature inferior, she is an appendage, “a friend of man”. There are known crimes directed exclusively against women without any sexual overtones or selfish motives;

misopedia - hatred of children, one's own or someone else's - it makes no difference. For such paranoids, this hatred is possibly associated with envy of children, if the patient was subjected to humiliation, violence, and cruel treatment in childhood. There are murderers of children only out of senseless and unconscious hatred towards them. There are known cases of sadistic attitude towards children on the part of teachers - Dippoldism. It is difficult to exclude in some similar cases that we are not talking about indirect revenge of a teacher who considers himself humiliated against the successful parents of the student;

graphomania is an irrepressible passion for writing in abundance by a person who apparently considers himself gifted but unrecognized talent. Numerous current graphomaniacs, who are recognized by the not very educated public, have enough reason to consider themselves extraordinary individuals, since they are widely known and make good money from it. Making money from ignorance instead of enlightening, making people better - this pathology is, perhaps, closer to pseudology;

hatred of old people - found among young people, for whom old people, apparently, interfere with their lives or poison their refined aesthetic feelings too much. Most likely, behind the hatred of old people there is hidden some, and not just one, grave personal sin, and the hatred further inflamed by the patient is a painful attempt at self-justification by a person who adores himself. In some cultures, old people are the most revered people. In ancient times, aggressors, when attacking someone else's settlement, first of all tried to destroy the old people - the guardians of the family's memory, wisdom, capable of administering fair justice in the name of preserving moral traditions and order. Nevertheless, nowadays there are criminals who attempt the lives of exclusively old people without any self-interest;

passion for youthfulness - a real mania to look much younger than one’s age, a morbid desire for youth, a passion for infantilism. Such patients have an entire rejuvenation industry at their disposal: plastic surgery, bone replacement, etc. The problem, apparently, is not so much in maintaining freshness, attractiveness, and appearing in public in the form of a skillfully restored mummy. The main reason, most likely, lies in the fear of death, which gives rise to the need for the illusion of eternal and unfading youth. The passion for youth is especially widespread in post-industrial society, where success, energy, cruelty and sexuality are valued, i.e. life is one day, one period that gives everything, and the future - aging - is frightening, repulsive, terrifying, and makes no sense. Sometimes there are patients who want to return to their youth, more often to childhood, and they sometimes see themselves as children in their dreams;

gambling or cubemania is an irresistible and destructive passion for gambling, which is usually skillfully controlled by “business” structures.

asceticism is a passion for the humility of the despised flesh for the sake of spiritual enlightenment. The object of hatred here is one's own body. A kind of ambivalence of self-consciousness arises - humiliation and torture of the body and exaltation of a certain spirit. It is not always easy to understand what is meant by the latter; most likely it is autistic paranoia.

The pathological passions mentioned here hardly constitute their core or even a significant part. There are as many painful passions as there are human vices. In clinical terms, the above examples of abnormal passions are actually also forms of paranoia, which has not yet been properly reflected in special books. Pathology is inexhaustible, like the person himself. Abnormal passions are characteristic mainly of epileptoids, schizoids, antisocial personalities, and perhaps other forms of psychopathy with phenomena of paranoid development.

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About Tapering

Tapering is a time period before a competition, when the load is projected in such a way as to eliminate the stress accumulated during the preparation period and ensure access to supercompensation in the required time period.

In other words, a sustained reduction in physical activity at a specific point in time before a competition reduces the resulting stress of everyday training and improves athletic performance.

Energy is restored and toxins are removed from the body.

As a result of tapering, the body's capabilities increase, despite the tedious process. In this regard, the level of sports achievements increases.

Ways to speed up recovery

After the workout, there is pain and a feeling of congestion in the muscles. This is due to the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue.

This is a breakdown product and in order to remove it from the body as quickly as possible, it is necessary to speed up recovery.

It can be passive, when you rest after training, or active. Active recovery includes massage and light exercise.

Methods of disposal

The most effective way to correct overcompensation is psychotherapy aimed at revealing a person’s own potential. It is better if these are group classes. A person will be able to see that every person is special in some way, and he does not at all have to strive for someone and assert himself at the expense of others. In addition, the psychotherapist will help to reveal a person’s own abilities, capabilities and talents, as a result of which he will also realize that he is valuable, will stop humiliating others and will begin to develop for his own pleasure, and not in order to prove his worth to others.

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