Fantasy: what it is, how it works and how to develop it

The ability to fantasize permeates all human existence. It influences everything people do, create, think and dream. This, in turn, leads to the emergence of complex theories, dreams and inventions in any profession, from engineering to creative work [About my Brain, 2014].

Humanity has crossed oceans, discovered new lands, invented wonders of science, explored space and landed on the moon. But all these great things began with one small but very bright idea, which appeared thanks to the rich imagination of people.

How to make your sexual fantasy come true: 9 tips for the indecisive

and. German French imagination, inventive power of mind; the creative power of the artist, the original power of creation. | An empty dream, a fiction of the imagination, ingenuity, whim; unrealistic nonsense, rampant unbridled thoughts. | Music free composition, in its own way, without rules. Fantastic, unrealistic, dreamy; or | intricate and whimsical, special and different in its own way. Fantasize, dream, imagine, build castles in the air, creating mentally, mentally; play with a dream, decorating it at will; | in music play at random, by inspiration, composing during the game itself. Phantasmagoria w. the art of depicting ghosts, apparitions, or ethereal pictures through mirror reflections. Phantasmagoric performance. Phantom m. painting, phantasmagoric phenomenon or something similar. | A doll used to study the art of midwifery.

Imagination and fantasy: what is the difference between them?

Well, let's start with what imagination is. According to the psychological dictionary, it is the ability of the mind to simulate certain situations. For example, planning a daily routine, building logical and illogical chains, restoring pictures of past years, and so on. Simply put, imagination is considered to be all thought processes that are displayed in the form of images.

Then what is fantasy? These are the same images, only absolutely not related to personal experience. After all, if imagination is the manipulation of any information, then fantasy is something unreal.

Here's a simple example: the memory of a cat sitting in a tree is imagination, while the image of a pink cat floating freely in the sky is already a fantasy. Based on this, we can say with confidence that fantasies are part of the human imagination. But at the same time, they are subject to certain laws, which is why they are singled out as a special category.

Thought mode

Human mental activity occurs in two modes:

  • Collected - mental efforts are aimed at solving a specific task, and all short-term memory resources are involved in the process.
  • Absent-minded - attention and effort are not focused on anything in particular. At the same time, a person is engaged in everyday activities, worked out to the point of automaticity: cleaning, running, cooking while watching TV.

Miracles of fantasy are born in an absent-minded mode. The brain worked hard in collected mode. He collected and packaged information received from websites about gifts, and uncovered secret archives of memories. After this, it is better to let him rest. During rest, new information is processed and new neural connections are created. When everything is ready, the discovery comes naturally - non-standard and useful.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

FANTASY, fantasies, female. (Greek phantasia - imagination). 1. units only Creative imagination. Artistic fantasy. This painter has a rich imagination. | The ability to imagine, invent, guess. Use your imagination. This liar has too much imagination. 2. A dream, a product of the imagination. Indulge in fantasies. 3. Fiction, lie, something incredible, implausible. I don't believe these fantasies. 4. Whim, whim (colloquial). “Every baron has his own fantasy.” (last) “Some brute will have the fantasy of marrying you, and you must marry him!” A. Ostrovsky. “What kind of fantasy suddenly came into your head?” A. Turgenev. 5. The name of some literary works of fantastic, bizarre content (lit.). 6. The name of some musical pieces that do not have a specific form (music). "Fantasy" by Schumann. | A name sometimes given to a musical medley (music).

What is fantasy?

The word "fantasy" has its roots in ancient Greek mythology and leads us to the mystical god Phantasus, the son of Hypnos and brother of Morpheus. He belongs to the deities of sleep, is a master of illusions and apparent images. His name formed the basis for the name of the mysterious psychological process. Fantasy is the ability to create new, non-existent images. Its presence is a prerequisite in any creativity, including scientific, technical and philosophical.

There are two types of fantasy:

  • creative - aimed at creating new images.
  • reproductive – aimed at processing old images to combine or improve them.

This division is conditional. In the product of creative imagination there are details already invented by someone, and in the reproductive activity of consciousness new elements that have not previously been encountered slip through.

New worlds, things and even physical laws are born in human imagination! Today the Earth revolves around the sun, but once upon a time the idea of ​​a spherical shape of our planet seemed to people unthinkable stupidity and an unrealistic hypothesis.

How to develop the ability to fantasize?

The best time to develop creativity is in childhood, as during this period the mind is most amenable to learning. But even in adulthood, you can improve your imagination skills by using the following techniques.

  1. Mental exercise should be done several times a day. In this case, you need to imagine objects and places that do not exist in reality.
  2. The ideal way to develop imagination is drawing. As in the previous version, first of all you need to focus on fictitious images. For example, you can draw non-existent animals by crossing very real species with each other.
  3. Another good way is to replace properties. For example, we take a TV remote control as a basis and come up with a number of fantastic possibilities for it: time management, switching emotions, teleportation, and so on.

Using these techniques, you can quickly improve your fantasy skills. And if your work is related to creativity, then such practice will sooner or later help you achieve general recognition.

Identify your fears

If you are nervous at the thought of fulfilling your fantasy, think about what exactly causes anxiety, at what stage something might go wrong. Having decided on the problem, think about how you can transform the scenario so as not to encounter it.

For example, you are turned on by the thought of having sex in a place where you might get caught. But you're really worried that someone else might see you naked. In this case, you can start with a locked room in a public place.

Fantasies as a defensive reaction of the psyche

You are listening to a boring lecture, reading a book, or just washing the dishes. At some point, your thoughts are no longer focused on the task. You remember how fun dinner with friends was yesterday. Imagine hanging Morris & Co wallpaper in a bright, spacious apartment (which you don’t have yet). Or maybe you are thinking about the anxiety that you often experience for no reason.

Why do we need fantasies?

What is more important is why a person needs imagination. Why does the human subconscious create images that simply do not exist in reality?

In order to understand this, let us turn our attention to such a category of people as artists. Undoubtedly, many of them are realists and depict ordinary landscapes, portraits and still lifes in their paintings. But there are also those whose canvases are a complete mystery, because they depict characters and figures hitherto unseen by man. And such works greatly fascinate viewers, because they can open the door to an unknown space for people.

Moreover, imagination is important not only for artists. Those same writers, designers and musicians cannot do without it. So this property of our brain is extremely important for people in creative professions. But now the next question arises: how to fantasize? More precisely, how to force your brain to regularly come up with new images?

The paradox of tragedy or horror

Why do we so enjoy watching horror films and crying over books? After all, in life we ​​usually do not strive for negative emotions, but, on the contrary, we protect ourselves in every possible way from fear, sadness and melancholy. Philosophers call it. In itself, it is similar to the paradox of fiction: in reality we do not want to suffer and do not enjoy scenes of bullying, violence or murder, but we may like it in works of fiction. For example, we can enjoy how a scene was written or filmed, how the actors played, how strong feelings it evoked in us, because we remember that all this is fictional and therefore safe.

The paradox of tragedy was described by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, pointing to its “cleansing” effect - that is, the relief that comes after experienced suffering, resolution of internal conflicts, strong negative emotions, etc. For several centuries there has been debate about why this happens and what Aristotle meant. In general, philosophers identify the following reasons why we are so drawn to experience fear and sadness in books and films:

  • Unlike real life, it is pleasant to experience negative emotions in works of art.
    This view is proposed by the Scottish philosopher David Hume in his essay “On Tragedy.” In everyday life, the experience of jealousy, disgust, and fear is unpleasant, and we try to avoid them. But feeling them because of something imaginary can give us pleasure. This is why we like tragedies so much, Hume believes.
  • Fiction gives us valuable experience and teaches us things that are too dangerous to learn in real life.
    This is what modern American philosopher Aaron Smuts thinks. He believes that it is the opportunity to have a special or rare experience that would be too difficult for us in reality that explains why we like tragedy and horror (and fiction in general) so much.

Don't push

You may or may not like the implementation of a sexual scenario. And that's okay. Therefore, it is worth discussing in advance with your partner that any of you, even the initiator, has the right to stop in the process, since the fantasy eventually turned into a pumpkin. And even if everything went well, you are not at all obliged to introduce a new practice into your sex life on an ongoing basis.

Don't forget that you both have the right to refuse to fulfill each other's fantasies.

The partner should have the right to choose. Persuasion, manipulation, ultimatums and direct pressure deprive him of this right and give rise to violence in relationships.

Preliminary agreements will help maintain trust and share sexual fantasies with each other in the future, even if something goes wrong with this particular one.

How to activate your imagination?

To turn on your imagination, first of all, you need to set a creative task for your brain . You need to tell him what needs to be invented, found, invented.

If you want to get your imagination going, turn it on !

This would seem to be basic advice. But, in fact, many people conclude that their imagination is poor without even trying to set themselves the task of coming up with something new.

How to turn on the imagination? I'll give you several ways!

Be open

Even if the fantasy has been with you for many years, just talking about it can be difficult. The most innocent desires sometimes confuse and put you in an awkward position, since their very presence makes you vulnerable. A lot of questions arise: how will your partner react to this? What if he laughs? Will he think I'm a pervert? It’s especially difficult with fantasies that you yourself are not sure about.

It's important to remind yourself that your desires matter, and exploring them is a central aspect of understanding your sexuality. Do not forget that at the same time you should also openly approach your partner’s fantasies, trying to think them through.

It takes courage to share sexual scenarios from your head. And the fact that this information is shared with you speaks of trust.

The habit of daydreaming can become dangerous

In addition to the visible advantages, a rich imagination can also have negative sides. Escaping reality into a fantasy world is often characteristic of children. Usually they “hide” in their own unconscious processes when the external environment cannot satisfy their psychological needs. Children have a habit of “escaping” into dreams and fairy tales, inventing non-existent friends for themselves, talking to them and even playing. Often this behavior is normal for children. However, you should know that a signal for alarm is the fact when in everyday life a child ceases to distinguish reality from fantasy and often ignores what is really happening to him, preferring the imaginary world.

Adults also tend to get too carried away by their dreams. This behavior may be a reaction to stress. People who for a long time persistently ignore reality - pain, suffering, losses, losses, serious troubles, while pretending that nothing is happening - are in dire need of psychological help.

Think through the worst-case scenario

Imagine in advance how unsuccessful fulfillment of your sexual fantasy could end for your relationship. In some cases, you will understand that this does not threaten anything serious: you will simply try something that you do not like. For example, after two spanks with a belt, the partner will say: “Hey, this is not exciting at all!” - and you will simply forget about this episode.

In other cases, the rates may be higher. Games involving third parties pose a particular risk. One of the partners may cool down simply by seeing the special enthusiasm of his half, which is not directed at him. Moreover, to cool down not only to the embodiment of the fantasy, but also to the beloved. In this case, you can plan a visit to a psychologist specializing in such issues, who will help you determine potential reactions before it is too late.

Is it possible to read fairy tales to children? After all, they sometimes contain very strange fantasies.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” You need to understand that fairy tales are not theological works, but a genre of oral folk art. If we analyze, for example, the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” from the point of view of Orthodox faith, then at first glance it may seem that there is nothing spiritually beneficial in it, since the virtual character of this fairy tale is a beautiful werewolf with knowledge of witchcraft, forced to live in the guise of a frog . However, this fairy tale teaches you to fight for your happiness, not to give up and not to despair. Another example. The small, beautiful, kind girl Thumbelina from the fairy tale of the same name by H. H. Andersen may seem to some “zealots of piety” (not according to reason) to be a harlot who ran away from her legal mole husband, albeit a stingy one. She solves the problems of family life without turning to God for help. A voluptuous elf becomes her chosen one - since he is a king, one can assume that this is not his first marriage. However, following this logic, one can completely abandon any culture except the church one. To the psyche of a person who has not achieved holiness, the consequences of such self-restraint will cause much more damage than the same fairy tale “Thumbelina,” which actually teaches goodness (Thumbelina was caring for a swallow). Therefore, you should not make unnecessary demands on the fantasies of certain authors or peoples that have developed into fairy tales. As a last resort, you can always find fairy tales that, in our opinion, will be more spiritually beneficial for the child.

Consultation for teachers “Fantasy and reality in children”

Larisa Melnikova

Consultation for teachers “Fantasy and reality in children”

There are several types of imagination:

1. Recreating is the representation of images according to a pre-compiled description, for example, when reading books, poems, notes, drawings, mathematical symbols. Otherwise, this type of imagination is called reproductive, reproducing, remembering.

2. Creative is the independent creation of new images according to one’s own design. Children call it “out of the head”

. It is this type of imagination that will be the subject of our study and development in children . 3. The uncontrollable is what is called “violent fantasy

, absurdity, a set of unrelated absurdities.

How is fantasy and imagination different from serious problem solving?

When imagining, the child himself creates any plot he wants, including a fairy tale, any situation he wants, any problem he wants, and solves it himself in any way he wants. Any solution is acceptable. And when solving real problems, the child does not look for any, but for the real , “adult”

, a serious, feasible solution. In both cases, he creates, but with imagination there is more freedom , since there are no prohibitions from physical laws and great knowledge is not required. That is why it is better to begin the development of children's thinking with the development of imagination . What is the difference between fantasy and stupidity ?

When fantasy is harmful , it becomes stupidity. Stupidity is a stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, unreasonable, incorrect, harmful, inappropriate act or statement that does not bring honor to the one who committed it. Of course, one must take into account the person’s age, conditions and goals of the act.

all fantasy good ? There is a general criterion for assessing the quality of all affairs on Earth - this is an increase in goodness in the world.

The classic vehicle of fantasy is the fairy tale .

What is the difference between a fairy tale and science fiction ? In science fiction , technically feasible situations, elements or processes are considered, and in a fairy tale, any. It should be noted that there is also no sharp boundary between fantastic and real solutions .

When a child selflessly tells fables with his own participation, he is not lying; in our usual understanding, he is composing. It doesn't matter to him whether it is real or not real . And this shouldn’t be important to us, what’s important is that the child’s brain works and generates ideas. However, you should still pay attention to what the child dreams of. If he talks all the time about his non-existent friends, about gentle parents or about toys, then maybe he suffers, dreams about it and thus pours out his soul? Help him immediately.

Children to think “according to laws”

It’s difficult, but if you teach them to fantasize and not criticize them for it, then children fantasize easily and with pleasure, especially if they are also praised. Apparently, this is how children subconsciously learn to think - through play. We need to take advantage of this and develop imagination and imagination from early childhood. Let children “invent their own bicycles”

. Anyone who did not invent bicycles as a child will not be able to invent anything at all.

fantasy and imagination in ?

There are three laws for the development of creative imagination:

1. The creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of a person’s previous personal experience.

Indeed, any imagination is built from real elements , the richer the experience, the richer the imagination. Hence the corollary: we must help the child accumulate experience, images and knowledge (eruditeness, if we want him to be a creative person.

2. You can imagine something that you haven’t seen yourself, but have heard or read about, that is, you can fantasize based on someone else’s experience. For example, you can imagine an earthquake or a tsunami, although you have never seen it. Without training it is difficult, but possible.

3. The content of imaginary objects or phenomena depends on our feelings at the moment of fantasy . Conversely, the subject of fantasy affects our feelings. fantasize like this

your future, that this will be a guide for life, but you can fantasize about horrors and be afraid to enter a dark room. Feelings, like thoughts, drive creativity. Ways to develop fantasy and imagination

Let's list the main ways to develop fantasy and imagination , and then consider methods for developing creative imagination. Ideally, if the child himself wants and develops his fantasy and imagination . How to achieve this?

1. Create motivation!

2. Convince that fantasizing is not a shame , but is very prestigious and useful for the child personally. They don't understand this yet. You need a game and bright emotions. 's logic is not yet strong .

3. It should be interesting to fantasize Then, having fun, the child will quickly master the ability to fantasize , and then the ability to imagine, and then to think rationally. Preschoolers are interested not in reasoning, but in events.

4. Make children fall in love with you (attraction)

. On this "wave of love"

they trust you more and are more willing to listen.

5. By your own example. In early childhood, children copy the behavior of adults; it would be a shame not to take advantage of this. You are an authority for the child.

6. Read, discuss and analyze good fiction :

Mechanism of work: what, how, why and why?

To understand how fantasy works, let's turn to research conducted by neurophysiologists at the University of California. Imagine the human brain, consisting of billions of neurons. This is a library of experience and knowledge that is replenished throughout life. Lots of little things are stored here. This is a warehouse of everything forgotten and unconscious. And even a hastily looked through picture book will take its place in the neural storage. Some rooms of the library are always open, others are opened slightly for a while, others are hidden behind forged bars and heavy locks of convention.

Every second consciousness turns to this repository of information. Receiving a request, the brain, using RAM reserves, directs the thought process along a well-trodden path to a group of neurons in which the necessary information is recorded. For example, if you want to solve an equation, the brain will lead you to those neural connections that store the algorithm for this action. The more familiar and ordinary the task, the faster the solution comes.

But what happens if a person sends a non-standard request to his subconscious? Accustomed to routine monotony, RAM directs thoughts along well-trodden paths. The answer received turns out to be either very ordinary or completely inappropriate. The situation is familiar to everyone. Example: February 23 and choosing a gift for your loved one. What is the first thought that comes to mind? Socks! Alternatively, shaving foam, a folding knife, underpants, and deodorant. 90% of girls go through this list. At this moment, the realization of the need for creative thinking comes. It would seem like an everyday trifle, but how many problems and mental anguish?

What happens in the head of a person endowed with the magical gift of imagination?

  • The first options are rejected,
  • The request changes from “What to give?” on “Unusual gifts for February 23”,
  • New schemes are activated and fresh solutions are issued.

If the ideas are not satisfactory, the request is changed again, and so on until the desired result is obtained. Through what nooks and crannies of the subconscious the thought will pass is unknown. It all depends on the number of connections involved. In search of an idea for a gift, a girl will go through her lover’s hobbies, remember the corkscrew that delighted her gentleman or a collectible bottle of wine. She will think about his tender love for cars and strange air fresheners, about his dream of playing golf or skydiving... At this point, it is better to switch gears and think about something else.

Put safety first

Safety and care for your partner are important factors during traditional sex, but when fulfilling fantasies, their importance doubles. All participants must be able to clearly communicate physical and psychological discomfort and withdraw immediately from the process.

Be especially careful about dominance and submission fantasies in which one party's discomfort is part of the game.

Thus, a rape fantasy has very little to do with the rape itself, because in her head the “victim” tightly controls the “aggressor”, forcing him to act in her interests. Therefore, in such games there must be safe words, which must be responded to immediately.

And, of course, disinfect all toys and equipment and read the instructions for them.

Human fantasy: modern methods of study

To recognize creativity and determine originality, the following methods are used:

  1. Unconventional use or interpretation of objects. The subject must invent several ways to use everyday objects in unusual ways or interpret unclear images.
  2. Anticipating results. The test taker describes the consequences that can be expected due to a change in a particular situation.
  3. Title for the story. The person is asked to come up with several original titles for the story they read.
  4. Rorschach test. The task for the subject is to present unique interpretations of ink blots.
  5. TAT. The individual is shown several pictures and asked to interpret them, compose a story based on them, and come up with a solution to the situation depicted.
  6. Anagrams. It is necessary to create rarely used lexemes from the letters that are part of the given word.
  7. Writing a story. It is necessary to come up with a narrative that would include the maximum number of words from the proposed 50 adverbs, adjectives and nouns.
  8. Shulman test. Closed spaces should be found in complex forms.

All of these tests are based on a view of creativity as an illogical process. The test results reveal originality of thinking, sensitivity to novelty, and sensitivity to difficult problems.

What are the types of sexual fantasies?

The genus of hominids called Homo sapiens differs from other monkeys in having an unusually large brain. This is where all the evolutionary victories of this species stem. And his troubles also stem from here. The large human brain works very actively. One might even say overly active. This hyperactivity leads to the fact that for any reason in a person’s head, in addition to one, “correct” image of the real world, a whole swarm of fantastic images also appears. The presence of such fantasies is not only a source of bitter delusions. They, these fantasies, are a stimulus for the active transformation of the real world, which turned out to be the main trump card of our species in the struggle for survival. And, in addition, being in a fantasy world is an amazing source of full-fledged emotions for a person. Whoever doesn't like watching movies or reading books, let him be the first to throw a stone at me!

It would be surprising if such an essential part of human life as sexuality did not evoke fantasies in us. It’s challenging, and how! Anyone who says the opposite is telling a lie. Perhaps out of embarrassment.

We rarely share our sexual fantasies with others. But this does not mean that you should be disingenuous with yourself in this matter. Having dealt with those pink and blue dreams that swarm in our heads at the thought of communicating with the opposite sex, we can get both great benefit and considerable pleasure from this.

The basis of understanding is classification. Let's try to sort out our sexual fantasies, and then think about what to do with them. There is an abundance of material for classification. Thanks to the Internet, everything that is “cooking” in our heads spills out onto the pages of forums. A lot of information is provided by analyzing the content of all kinds of “adult films”, of which there are a large number on the Internet - even if you sip with a dirty spoon.

Three objects of application of sexual fantasies can be distinguished.

1. Sexual partner.

2. The actual sexual act

3. The circumstances in which this act occurs.

The content of sexual fantasies is always either what is inaccessible or what is forbidden. Otherwise, why fantasize? So, here they are, the “forbidden fruits” that “turn on” our ability to sexually fantasize:

1. A “forbidden” or “unavailable” sexual partner. This could be someone else's spouse, a representative of another race or clan (Romeo and Juliet), a parent (Oedipus the King), a sexual partner who is too old or too young (Lolita), and so on.

2. “Wrong” or “shameful” sexual acts. In the puritanical Soviet 1960s, many women were “fired up” by the very idea that her legal husband could put her on all fours like a prostitute or demand that she satisfy him orally. If you think that thanks to the widespread use of the Kama Sutra, there are no more “stimulating” poses left, you are mistaken. “Incorrect” sexual acts also include homosexual acts, which “ignite” many, especially women.

3. “Shameful” or “forbidden” circumstances in which the sexual act occurs. These are, first of all, all kinds of coercion, public nudity, situations of violence or orgies. Sadistic or masochistic “entertainment” should also be included in this section.

You yourself can continue this list and create a very complete list of sexual fantasies. We, limited by the size of the article, will limit ourselves to a few comments.

1. Adultery. Most often, the real spouse is cheated on (in dreams, in dreams!) according to the principle of mutual complementarity. In fantasies, an insufficiently “pumped up”, polite and caring spouse is contrasted with a kind of muscular, rude macho. Instead of a slender wife with a girlish figure, he dreams of a curvy mulatto woman.

2. Speaking of the curvy mulatto. Fantasies about sex with a member of a different race are very exciting for both men and women. At the same time, quite a few men enjoy not only dreams of conquering some busty princess of the African jungle. For some reason, many people like to imagine how a powerful black male from the same jungle takes possession of his wife right before his eyes. Of course, sexual fantasies not only “turn on” in a figurative sense, but sometimes also lead to places where a sane person would run away without looking back! Many women in their fantasies imagine themselves as the subject of gang rape, which they, of course, do not want in real life. Probably, the sweetness of such fantasies is akin to the pleasure of watching horror films. Thank God this is not happening to you!

3. Homosexual fantasies are more common in women. Approximately 50 percent of women, one way or another, imagined love with a friend and were fired up by this dream. Fiery fantasies about homosexual relationships come into a man’s head much less often.

4. Another forbidden “island” is fantasies about sex of different ages. 75 percent of men dream of having relationships with young and even very young Lolitas. And at the same time, oddly enough, about half of men also dream of sex with women much older than them. What's the matter? There is a stupid popular belief: an older woman is ready for any humiliation for the sake of sex.

5. Yes, sadism is another incendiary male fantasy that they never admit to women. Maybe that’s why men dream so much about oral and anal sex that the woman is in a humiliated position. Do whatever you want with her! However, at the same time, not many men dream of the delights of cunnilingus.

Well, I pushed you to begin cataloging (and perhaps generating) your own sexual fantasies without shame and even with some scientific seriousness. The question is, what is this for?

In order to find out (primarily for yourself) what kind of sexual fantasies excite you. This knowledge will greatly enhance your and your partner’s sex life. A “favorite” sexual fantasy at the right moment can cause a truly dizzying collapse of feelings and make the completion of sexual intercourse unforgettable.

By fearlessly exploring the nooks and crannies of your subconscious, you may well understand your partner better. Having found out what fantasies turn him on, you can play along with him a little at the right moment. Again, to mutual benefit and to everyone's pleasure.

3. Imagination (fantasy)

It represents creative dreams, the transformation of ideas that reflect reality, and at the same time the design and creation of new imaginary connections. Physiologist Helmholtz, mathematician Poincaré, Rossmann (who studied the creative imagination of several hundred inventors) came to the general conclusion that real creative thoughts (inspiration) most often arise after intense work during a period of relaxation.

However, artistic or scientific fantasy is a very complex process. In dynamic and dialectical balance, in harmony and in contradictions, it contains creative effort, an unusually vivid and concrete point of view, faithful memory, intense analytical-synthetic activity, passionate emotional involvement, simultaneous attention to detail and vision of the general and, above all, the plan being realized through systematic hard and concentrated work.

Fantasy already requires generalization, typification and schematization of the imagination. A work of art typifies while preserving its individual character (“Red Army Man” by Makovsky is a type, but at the same time it preserves individual traits).

Fantasy is the creation of new imaginary connections based on the empirical matter of previous impressions. Fantasy is distinguished: a) recreating and b) creative.

Recreating (reconstructive - registration) fantasy creates a chain of ideas based on a given scheme (reading a geographical map, epigones).

Creative imagination creates original, new connections of imagination and thoughts. This involves first dissociation, the destruction of old connections. And only on their ruins are new connections created. Therefore, every great creator usually faces a temporary misunderstanding of his contemporaries who are accustomed to schemes (compare: Beethoven, Smetana, Mach, Janacek, etc.).

Poetry can clearly illustrate fantasy as new connections of ideas. (As an example, here is an excerpt from the works of I. Gora: “Stop your running, windy days, pitch your tents on the grass; the hand that parted the silence will wash my wounds with a handkerchief of darkness.” Here there is an unusual original connection between the running windy days that the poet wanted would like to stop in order to rest as if in a tent on a grassy meadow in healing silence - again originally represented in the likeness of a gentle hand washing a deep wound.)

The study of hallucinogens is of very great theoretical importance for the study of fantasy, sleep and creative activity.

Daydreaming robs us of happiness. Or not?

From the point of view of a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner, all this is the same thing: so-called mind wandering. Or, to use the term of psychologist Joseph Singer, daydreaming, “daydreaming.”

Dreams and dreams are indeed similar: a special group of neurons is activated - the network of the passive mode of the brain. We ignore signals from the outside world, and our attention fails us. But sleep is definitely a beneficial activity: insulin and glucose in the blood come into balance, short-term memory becomes long-term, and alarming events no longer seem so alarming. With dreams, everything is not so simple.

Is a wandering brain unhappy?

Why do we need mindfulness practices - a universal recipe against any problem, from heart disease to depression? In a secular interpretation, their meaning most often comes down to training the skill of “being here and now.” It is difficult to imagine a state more different from dreaming. Therefore, from the practitioner's point of view, a wandering mind is unhappy. Science seems to confirm this view. There are even studies with this name.

The father of positive psychology, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, found out that the happiest moments in our lives are when we are in a state of flow and focused on one task. Harvard researchers Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert even found that a person's tendency to mind wander can be a more accurate predictor of how happy they are than their income. And also that even when we fantasize about something pleasant during boring activities like riding the subway, we are less happy than when we are simply focused on this mundane task. They are echoed by data that the ability to concentrate is associated with a higher IQ, and daydreaming deprives us of energy and motivation to achieve goals.

But what do we do with the evidence that more positive fantasies means fewer depressive symptoms? That dreamy people are smarter and their brains work more efficiently? How does visualization help you achieve your goal? Or that mind wandering is good for creativity? Invite the dreamer to come up with a word that matches others that are in no way related to each other (“fish, fast, spicy” - “food”), and he will cope faster than the non-dreamer. Moreover, the decision will come to him spontaneously, by itself, and not through a long search of different options.

Epithets for women

How wonderful! Someone has a rich vocabulary! And this is all about us, our loved ones)) Every woman has her own mystery, zest, sweet feature. To make an original compliment, say pleasant words, use these epithets for a woman. But not all at once))

Intoxicated, blooming, inviting for kisses, angelically beautiful, but flammable - tenderly passionate gazes, voluptuous speeches, radiant smile - in general, sexy, stylish, chic, very popular, aristocratic, damn artistic, cool, elegant, brilliant, nice,

inimitable, sweet, tireless dreamer, flexible and slender, worthy of all gifts, daring, funny, lively,

glorious, incomparably dancing, fiery, flirting, incredibly sociable, modest, dazzling, gambling, in love, tempting,

sultry, cocky and crafty, with witchcraft charms, prosperous, vulnerable, affectionate, wondrous, intoxicating, heartfelt, honeyed,

Epithets for women

carefree, unexplored, stellar, consonant and proud, talented, deafening, romantic, seductive, superstitious,

attractive, stunning, brilliant, stormy, cheerful, endlessly new, ingenious, explosive, sparkling-freaky,

hot, desirable, wonderful, long-awaited, different from others, accustomed to praise, selflessly hardworking and ambitious, professional, free-spirited,

spectacular, cool, sincere, cool, honest, amazing, impeccable, tactful, unearthly, pretty,

smart, friendly, very useful to all of us, lively, amiable, not at all pompous, appetizingly tasty, and in love - skillful, divine, amazing,

simply delightful, fantastic, sparkling, captivating everyone in the world, stunningly awesome, extraordinary, first-class, fashionable, secular and noble,

spontaneous, funny, prominent, beautiful, great, blessed, charming, unforgettable, omnipresent, magical,

colossally magnetic, curiously inquisitive, sincere, playful, flirtatiously perky and not at all absurd, an eminent favorite, a famous heartbreaker, sweet,

melodious, inspired, ebullient, businesslike, energetic, humorous, enchanting, creatively enthusiastic, with a chiseled figure, fabulous,

life-giving, captivating Amazon, cheerful optimist, radiating joy, healing wounds and playing with love, adored, enchanting, rebellious against falsehood, impressive,

exciting, voting for love, demanding, shining, captivating to the stars, wonderful and brave, experienced, skillful, carnival,

rhythmic, festive, plastic, sunny, impetuous, reverent, decisive, harmoniously harmonious, murderously awesome, delightful,

incorruptible, sometimes unapproachable, passionate, mocking, stubborn, polite, cheerful, cheerful, open and kind,

responsive, burning, fiery, effervescent, sensual, amazing, breathtaking, warming with affection, often sinning, but still immaculate,

an oriental beauty, brave, risky and ready for exploits, sweet-voiced, intoxicating, wounding right to the heart, hardy, emotional, sometimes extreme,

bright, attentive, fatal, attractive, willful, chic, healing our souls, airy, wise, sobering,

sensitive, priceless, pure, luxurious, radiant, candy-marmalade, vanilla-chocolate, capable, sleek, gifted by nature,

lucky, diplomatic, welcoming, melodic, magnificent, confident, time-tested, extraordinary, witty, personable,

smart, mysterious, rebellious, picturesque, diligent, fragrant, exciting, analgesic, enthusiastic, fluttering,

losing her head, feminine, beloved, necessary, avant-garde, sophisticated, exciting, understanding everything, inspiring men, decorating the world with herself,

simple and complex, immensely reliable, hot, windy, deceptive, generous, bewitchingly charming, uniquely interesting, irresistible,

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