Vacation with benefit: 17 books for general development and a reading system for those who have no time Editorial articles

Summer is a great time when it’s easier to find time to read: sit with a book in the park or on the beach where your loved ones dragged you. However, you probably won't want to wade through a how-to guide to analytics. On vacation, it’s more pleasant to read about self-development or how everything works.

I hope my selection of books to broaden your horizons will help you with this. I have already written about some of them, some are new. At the end of the article there are a few words about how to organize a reading system.

Ryan North. How to invent everything. Create a civilization from scratch


An intelligent person is often distinguished by a subtle understanding of the world order. The book “How to invent everything. Create a civilization from scratch" will just help you better understand how humanity moved from hoeing and subsistence farming to high technology and the ability to buy cola in the nearest supermarket.

The book will also tell you how to filter water, create antibiotics, assemble a radio and a steam engine. And he’ll even give you a beer recipe! In general, an indispensable book in the household. And in the event of a sudden apocalypse, he will also help restore civilization with his own hands.

Personal productivity

"Genius Mode" (Daily Rituals). Mason Curry

Once again, I recommend this entertaining selection of mini-biographies of famous people: writers, artists, architects from the point of view of how their working day was structured. The main idea is clear from the first pages: in order to create something significant, you need to stick to a daily schedule (some creators used amphetamines at night, but also regularly). The book helps you look at your day from the outside and begin to fight inefficiency.

In Russian, in English.

"Implementation of ideas." Scott Belsky

The founder of Behance speaks on the topic of personal and team productivity, including the organization of the work process.

In Russian, in English.

"Essentialism. The path to simplicity." Greg McKeon

A book about personal and team productivity. The main idea - to do less, but better - is considered from different angles (planning, day structure, working with a team, and so on). The author does not give detailed recipes on how to implement the approach, but offers many methodological recommendations and examples. An average between a motivational and instrumental book.

In Russian, in English.

Paulo Coelho. Archer


Paulo Coelho is a master of heartfelt prose. For several decades now, his books have become a revelation for those who are looking for the meaning of life and trying to understand their nature. Coelho’s new work “The Archer” is written in the best traditions of the Brazilian writer. This is an inspiring philosophical parable about finding your place in life, touching and poetic.

The plot centers on the great archer Tetsuya and his young student. The master shares the rules that must be followed by a person who decides to become a shooter. Of course, a bow, arrows and a target are a metaphor for the life of each of us. The book will tell you how to walk your great path without fear and regret.


Many people face a lack of motivation. Finding it is an individual process. Some may be motivated by the song of their favorite artist, while others will have to attend an appropriate course.

Almost everyone's brain works in energy-saving mode. That is why he will “dissuade” you from any of your ideas. Moreover, he can do this in the most cunning ways: for example, by causing you an irresistible desire to watch that same video with kittens.

To work with motivation, you need to set appropriate goals. Only in this way will you be able to specify what you want and visualize your goals. By understanding what you are doing, you will know the positive end result, which in turn will help motivate your brain.

Oliver Sacks. The man who mistook his wife for a hat


Have you always wondered how the human brain works and what illusions it is capable of? Then The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is a must-have on your bookshelf. Its author, Oliver Sacks, is a famous British neurologist who also has a talent for explaining complex biochemical processes in a simple and interesting way.

The book "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" includes several case histories of Sachs' patients. The doctor explains in accessible language how a damaged brain can change the perception of the world and how the lives of people with similar diagnoses turn out. The book is interesting not only from a scientific point of view - many of the stories will not leave you indifferent.

Strength of will

This is an important characteristic of a person. Weak-willed people usually give up on all their endeavors, cannot pull themselves together and change their decisions. Without willpower, it is extremely difficult to begin self-development. Most likely, after a short time you will abandon this matter. How to be?

There are several exercises that will help train willpower: doing and not doing. In the first case, you need to instill in yourself useful habits and constantly monitor their implementation. For example, exercise in the morning, reading a book every evening, drinking plain water, etc.

Not doing will free you from bad habits. This way you can quit smoking, sleep long hours, eat a lot of sweets or drink coffee. If you can develop willpower, your life can change dramatically.

Vladimir Nabokov. Pinhole camera


Nabokov was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. The writer's books are famous for their unpredictable plots and subtle work with the emotions of the characters. The novel “Camera Obscura” fully corresponds to Nabokov’s signature style and can rightfully be considered one of the most outstanding works of the 20th century.

The main character of the novel “Camera Obscura” is art critic Bruno Kretschmar. His life was wonderful: an outstanding career, beloved daughter and wife. However, everything changes when Bruno meets a poor young girl working as an usher at the cinema. He falls in love and this feeling seems to him to be the only real one in the world. However, the name “Camera Obscura” is not accidental - everything that happens is just a distorted and inverted image of reality.

Memoirs about work

"How to write books." Stephen King

King's autobiography will be of interest to fans of his books and to all those who are curious about how the writer's head works. The biography is supplemented with valuable craft tips. By the way, King churns out more than a thousand words every day, without weekends or holidays—everyone would do the same.

In Russian, in English.

"Craft". Sergey Dovlatov

Another writer's memoir about craft - but this is a completely different writer. A short, tragicomic piece, like all Dovlatov’s books. We are so accustomed to Dovlatov’s “theatrical realism” that it is difficult to believe in the authenticity of events. It looks like that's exactly what happened.

In Russian.

"Notes of a district surgeon." Dmitry Pravdin

Doctors are traditionally one of the best memoirists: smart people who observe life and death every day will always find a topic for a story. Especially if it happens in Russia. In the 90s. In the Far East. In a small town. Toughness that would make even Game of Thrones characters hiccup is complemented by comic and lyrical plots. A sincere text about Russia as it is.

In Russian.

Jane Hawking. Be Hawking


We are sure that you are familiar with at least one work of Stephen Hawking. If not, we recommend starting with A Brief History of Time. This unique book opens up the opportunity for the average reader to understand astrophysics. But now we want to recommend to you the publication “Being Hawking,” written by the first wife of the brilliant scientist after his death.

The book tells the story of Stephen Hawking as his family knew him. Despite his health problems, the scientist was able to build an outstanding career, teach millions of people about space from a scientific point of view, and raise a family. “Being Hawking” helps you look at life from a new angle and understand that the real obstacles to happiness and development are only in our own minds.

Maintain digital hygiene

Analyze what you read in the news feed and on social networks. If this content undermines your self-confidence, makes you feel bitter and envious, it is quite logical to replace it with something that will bring you new knowledge, inspire you to work on yourself and become better, and simply make you laugh and relax.

Calculate how much time you generally spend on social networks. If you stay glued to your phone for several hours a day, use services that limit the time spent in certain applications. And figure out how to replace this bad habit. Maybe it will be books, crafts or podcasts - any simple activity that will help cope with boredom and anxiety.

John Fowles. Magus


“The Magus” is the fundamental work of the outstanding British writer John Fowles. You can re-read it again and again and each time find new meanings laid down by the author. The novel tells about the secrets of the Greek island of Thraxos, where an eccentric millionaire conducts merciless psychological experiments.

John Fowles himself said that “The Magus” adapts to the reader and can be interpreted in any way. However, this does not stop the author’s fans from searching for the true meaning and makes them re-read the novel again and again. Can you solve the mysteries of the island of Fraxos? And what will meet you at the end of this adventure?

50+ useful resources for self-study

Today, when information has become more accessible than ever and acquiring new knowledge is easier than ever, we have another problem: how to focus and structure new knowledge if there are no external restrictions such as an exam or the need to prepare for a lesson? And again we are saved by developers and the Internet, where more and more open universities, online courses, lectures and services for organizing your education are appearing. I decided to collect in one place links to distance learning resources and other useful services in English and Russian, most of which are free. There was no goal to cover everything, but if you think that something needs to be added to the list, please write in the comments.

Online courses (MOOC):

– Perhaps the largest platform for video courses, they have recently made paid access to some courses.

– Specialized courses for developers and other technical specialists.
There are paid and free courses. $/Free

– Also a very large platform of video courses.
The topics are broad: from “The science of everyday thinking” to technical disciplines. $/Free
MIT Open Courseware

– The name speaks for itself.
If you develop, design, install something, you will find a lot of useful information. There is a good course on technical entrepreneurship. Free
Khan Academy

– Also a well-known platform with video lessons of an exclusively applied nature, which originally appeared to help with the school curriculum.
Now the subject matter is much wider, including economics, art and much more. Free

– The project, founded by entrepreneur Michael Saylor, is similar to a full-fledged online college.
Almost all general education subjects are covered, but many are labeled 101, which in the American system means entry level. Free Eng

– Great service with free educational courses.
Good programs for language learners. Free
University of the People

– Large, serious and free online university.
You can choose one of the specializations - Business Administration or Computer Science, each of which has courses that give you credits, by the end of the semester you must complete a certain number of them - and other features of the liberal education system. Free
iTunes U

– Apple's iTunes University allows you to create and publish educational courses yourself, as well as take existing ones.
World Education University (WEU)

– “Learning should be free” is the slogan of this online university.
Offers full-time majors and degrees. There are still few courses; you can take a preparatory program for university (where you are taught to write essays, make project presentations, etc.), learn to write books, or become an associate professor of art. Free
Canvas Network

– Many free courses on various intellectual topics.
There is a course on Parenting in a Digital Age, an applied course on How to Find a Job Using Linkedin, and an aviation course for beginners. Free

– A British resource that brings together more than 40 universities offering free online courses.

— If you want to learn a programming language or make a website yourself, this is the place for you.
Academic Earth

– Aggregator of free courses in many disciplines.

– Another large aggregator of lectures plus a large section with documentaries.

– Marketplace with many courses.

– The sensational “National Educational Platform”, which currently contains 40 university courses from leading universities.

– Many courses for schoolchildren, students and professionals.
The courses feature very high-quality visual content. Free

– Business lectures, courses and cases.
For example, there is a course “How to overcome a secretary during cold calls.” Some courses are available in four languages. $/Free

– General education lectures and courses with free access.

– International project for the study of art and creative disciplines.

– So far, most of the courses are for technical specialists, but the courses differ in their applied component.

– Courses for developers for a not very expensive subscription.
They promise a free trial. $

– Courses and training programs for Internet professions.
All content is paid. $

– Aggregator of micro-courses on various topics.
Computer Science Center

– The section with online courses will be very useful for technical specialists.
And if you want to become a developer or analyst, then take their full-time courses. Free

Video lectures and lessons:

– Needs no introduction.
The famous conference brings together professionals and simply interesting personalities from all over the world. Lectures are translated into many languages. Free
YouTube EDU

– #Education on YouTube.
Lectures, interviews and much more. Free
Do Lectures

– Inspiring lectures from people who are trying to change something for the better.
Big Think

– Short video lectures from professionals in various fields about interesting practices from their experience.

– Free videos from conferences around the world.
There is a section with documentaries and series for subscription. $/Free
Google Talks

– Google videos, lectures, conference streams.
RSA Animate

– RSA animation on various topics.
Creative Live

– Many lectures on creative disciplines.
Life hack: if you sign up for lectures in advance, they are free, look at the calendar. Free

– There are a lot of courses for startups and interviews with successful entrepreneurs.
The Floating University

– Experts from various disciplines about interesting facts and world issues in video lecture format.
Reddit Lectures

– Lectures thread on Reddit.
Video Lectures

– A huge resource of video materials – from broadcasting conferences to interviews and lectures.

– Recently, a fully paid, but no less high-quality resource with video lessons for Internet specialists and more.

– Lessons and courses on digital topics.

– Another resource with video materials for designers, photographers and other representatives of creative professions.

– An excellent popular science resource.
We launched a section with courses, for now there is a fee. $/Free

– Educational portal with lectures on all possible disciplines.

– Lectures from various resources are collected here.
In the “Video Projects” section you can find countless links to educational resources in all areas. Free

– The National Open University is an extensive resource with very practical lectures.
Many thanks to the people who created a truly useful and free service. Free

Services for tracking your progress and finding like-minded people:

- You choose what you want to learn (graphic design, for example) - set goals and get into your dashboard, where you see and add materials, create a training plan and track your progress.

– If you have already grown up and you do not have enough “grades” for your studies and achievements, use Mazilla Open Badges.
Open Study

– If you are studying something, then you can benefit from both experts to whom you can turn with a question, and like-minded people - you can find all this on this service.
Also, you yourself can help someone with training. Free
Zero Tuition College

– A simpler resource than Open Study, but with the same meaning - you can find like-minded people and unite to study or discuss a subject together.

– The service allows you to create your own “collections” of materials on various topics.
An excellent source of new information. Free

– Organize your playlists and study them in course format.
You can also go through already created materials. Free

– A service for collaborative learning of something.
Create a group, add participants, define a topic and your virtual class is ready! Suitable for online seminars. Free
Day Zero Project

– There is a competitive aspect here.
If you have a goal, announce it, find like-minded people and, if you are adventurous enough, it might work for you. It’s also very inspiring to look at other people’s goals, there’s a lot of interesting stuff! Free

– Russian service exchange service: if you know something, but want to learn something new, offer to exchange lessons, there are probably people who want to gain knowledge in your field.


– Getting lost in too many courses?
Use an online course search engine. Free

David Lynch. Catch a big fish


There will definitely come a time in your intellectual development when you will need to catch the “big fish.” It can be anything: inspiration to create a brilliant work, a business idea that will bring in millions, or courage to change your own life.

The famous director David Lynch figured out the secret to catching the “big fish” and wrote a book about it. According to him, the key to changing reality lies in transcendental meditation. Lynch has written a meditative book that will help everyone get acquainted with this practice and develop creative abilities. Together with the author of Twin Peaks, you will see what previously remained invisible, hear what has always been beyond the audible and open a door whose existence you did not even suspect.

List of the best works of fiction

When talking about the development of intelligence, it would be unfair to ignore Russian and foreign classics.

Works of art help expand consciousness and vocabulary, teach students to formulate thoughts correctly and improve speech, develop imagination and provide an opportunity to look at different situations, different people and their actions.

I believe that there is little point in describing in detail the content of classical works. Below I will simply list the most famous and significant books that are definitely worth reading:

  • Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
  • Ray Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451” and “Dandelion Wine”
  • Ernest Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”
  • Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”
  • Arkady and Boris Strugatsky “It’s Hard to Be a God” and “Roadside Picnic”
  • Jerome Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
  • Erich Maria Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front” and “Three Comrades”
  • Somerset Maugham “The Burden of Human Passions”
  • Arthur Conan Doyle “The Tales of Sherlock Holmes” and “The Discovery of Raffles Howe”
  • John Milton "Paradise Lost"
  • Stanislav Lem “Solaris”
  • George Orwell “1984”
  • Jules Verne “The Mysterious Island”
  • O. Henry “The Gift of the Magi”
  • Gustave Flaubert “Madame Bovary”
  • Emily Bronte "Wuthering Heights"
  • Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"

Erich Fromm. To have or to be?


Erich Fromm had a significant influence on the development of sociology, psychology and philosophy of the 20th century. Most likely, you are familiar with his book “The Art of Loving,” where the scientist explores the phenomenon of love and tells how to love and be loved from a psychological point of view. “To Have or to Be” is an equally interesting work, where the focus is on a materialistic society and relationships formed according to the principle “You - to me, I - to you.”

Fromm explores the difference between being and having. The first implies true experiences of every moment of life in its entirety, the second puts material culture at the forefront. Erich Fromm, in his work “To Have or to Be,” tries to understand what is more important and to help the reader understand this issue.

Online program "Fast Reading"

If you want to read as much as possible, we offer a special online program. In just 4 weeks, you will significantly increase your reading speed, improve the quality of working with information, and strengthen your ability to remember the material you study. With the help of special games and techniques, you will develop quick reading and memorization skills that you can use in work and study, and the schedule and mode of classes will adapt to your level and progress; you will simply open the course and follow the instructions. Everything is easy, simple and effective! Find out more...

We don't have much time in this life, and we certainly shouldn't waste it reading useless reading material. Choose the best books, and we will help you with this!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • 10 art books for self-development
  • How to master speed reading in a week
  • The best blog materials in 2022: developing thinking, brain training, self-education
  • Questions before, during and after reading a fiction book
  • How to become a good reader
  • The Art of Optimal Reading
  • Read quickly and even faster
  • How to read effectively: a selection of useful materials
  • Rules for Effective Reading
  • What books should I read?

Keywords: 1LLL, 1Speed ​​Reading

Medicine for smart people. Modern aspects of evidence-based medicine for thinking patients


Forewarned is forearmed! This also applies to health. The book “Medicine for the Smart. Modern aspects of evidence-based medicine for thinking patients” was written by the best Russian doctors about the most common diseases that active young people may encounter.

“Medicine for smart people. Modern aspects of evidence-based medicine for thinking patients" will help you better understand how the body works, and therefore maintain health and youth for as long as possible. The book will help you achieve a comfortable life and understand the latest advances in medicine. It contains recommendations from doctors of almost all specializations, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, dermatologists and others.

What it is?

A person’s personality goes through a long journey. Throughout his life, he changes depending on those around him, the influence of society and other factors. One way or another, we may find ourselves in a period of stagnation. Some may consider this time to be stability, while others are confident that this is where degradation begins.

On average, at the age of 30-35, an identity crisis begins. Some people understand that their usual work and activities are not the limit. After all, living life quietly doing what you love is not enough for many. Therefore, people begin to strive for something deep and global.

Shocks or insights can push you to self-development, or perhaps it comes gradually. This raises the question of how to begin self-development. How to find that same set of work on yourself, developing your best qualities and what will be new?

Spiritual growth

Think about spiritual growth. We are not talking about philosophy and religion here, these are extremely individual things. But there are universal factors that will tell you how to constantly develop yourself. For example, gratitude for many can become the main impetus for working on themselves. If you learn to thank everything and everyone for every little thing, you will feel light and happy.

Love is also an integral part of spiritual growth. It can help you understand how to begin to develop yourself as a teenager or adult. This feeling can inspire, motivate and support. Love gives happiness and strength.


But you can definitely start self-development with her. The main thing is that it is not hyperbolic. There is no need to wonder or forget about force majeure. They can exhaust you. It is very important to believe in yourself, respect and love. You are alone, so you need to take care of yourself. If you begin to develop yourself, you will notice how confidence appears on its own.


If you forget everything all the time, it will be extremely difficult for you to acquire new knowledge. This is one of the main tools in self-development. What to do when you can’t even remember the plot of a book you read? You will have to actively engage in memory training. To do this, you can choose appropriate books with exercises, or you can use the old-fashioned method - learn one poem every day.

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