What is negativity? Why is it important to get rid of it and what needs to be done for this?

Other people's opinions are like viruses. They infect. And it doesn’t matter how strong a person you are: other people influence your emotions and behavior. Such feelings and actions are actively circulating on social networks, and in terms of the nature of the actions, this is very similar to the flu epidemic, to its model of the spread of viruses.

A 2010 study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society states that every positive person you let into your life increases your chances of being positive by 11%, while every negative person doubles your chances of being positive. you will become negative.

But the majority let almost everyone into their lives indiscriminately. Most people are too free-spirited about who they include in their social circle and what they take away from live interactions with these people when they listen to them chatter.

Most people passively allow detractors to share their very limited beliefs and opinions. For example, like this: “Your goals are unattainable. Only a fool would try to do such a thing.” Or: “Your goals are too easy. Anyone can do this."

It seems absurd, but most people make better decisions when they don't care what others think.

Do you understand? This is the key point. You will achieve more if you listen to your own inner voice. And period.

Because what you want to achieve in life is greatly influenced by what others want to achieve in life. Even if you just see or hear that someone wants something, you will want it too.

Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that it is quite likely that people who observe someone striving for a certain goal will also strive for the same thing themselves. These same studies show that just reading about how someone is striving for a certain goal increases the likelihood that you will start striving for it too. It's the same with other people's advice about what they want for you: hearing that advice makes you more likely to want the same thing for yourself. Their recommendations influence your desires. This can change your motivation, often for the worse.

What is negativity

This is a feeling that carries destructive energy.

Negativity can be directed both at others and within the person himself. We experience this emotion when we are dissatisfied with something, angry, sad, dissatisfied, etc. Irritation can be acute, caused by some momentary action, or it can be chronic, accumulating over years. People who are pessimistic are more susceptible to negative emotions. Optimists, on the contrary, suffer less often from negativity and tend to get rid of it faster.

The worst thing is when negativity is directed inward. Outwardly, a person can throw out an emotion and forget about it. And if he is dissatisfied with his life and begins to blame himself for failures, he directs negative energy against himself. The most difficult thing to get rid of is precisely this form of negative impact of unfavorable life circumstances on the human psyche.

Lifehack for gaining a positive charge for the whole day

Almost every day we get a chance to recharge ourselves with good emotions completely free of charge. All you need to do is exchange a few kind words with someone.

Give a compliment to a colleague, a saleswoman in a store or a courier from a delivery service. Call a friend to share your smile and good mood.

You already know how to react to negativity so as not to become infected with negative emotions. But a smile is transmitted from person to person using the same mechanism. Exchange smiles with someone - you will immediately feel how your soul has become warmer.

And if you can carry this feeling throughout the whole day, you are guaranteed many pleasant events today! And tomorrow... And always... Just try!

Why you need to get rid of negativity

What is negativity? This is destructive energy that has a detrimental effect on all living things. If a person lives in this state for a long time, the vital functions of his body begin to suffer. Sleep is disturbed, immunity is suppressed, a person begins to suffer from various infectious diseases more often, internal organs may suffer, and also, against the background of constant stress, hypertension can develop.

Clearing negativity is a very important task. Considering the problems negative emotions can bring, it is extremely important to learn how to get rid of them in time and never accumulate them. By clearing our thoughts and feelings, we acquire inner harmony, which sets our body up to function properly.

The mechanisms laid down by nature itself are activated, which help us maintain health for many years. In addition, the quality of life improves, since a positively thinking person focuses his attention only on positive aspects and does not dwell on failures.

Negative opinions can rot your brain.

The first step to a real breakthrough in life is to start ignoring other people's opinions. You must learn to take friendly advice more carefully. This is especially true in cases where the advice is negative.

Stanford University News reports research showing that when you're exposed to negativity for 30 minutes or longer, neurons in your hippocampus, the problem-solving part of the brain, die off.

Yes, negative opinions can literally rot your brain.

You may think you are doing a good deed when you allow people to vent to you or try to make them feel better. But that doesn't really make you

better. This reduces your mental energy levels and reduces your effectiveness.

In one study, 120 people were asked to either communicate with an unpleasant person or ignore him. Four minutes after the interaction, each subject was given an exercise that required unflagging mental concentration. Those who refused to communicate with unpleasant people showed better results than those who did talk to them.

Other experiences show that the desire to make others happy is always incredibly destructive. This can lead to burnout, reckless behavior, and even suicide. There is no virtue in listening to uninvited guests, especially their unexpected unpleasant thoughts.

Are you not convinced by all this?

Then here is a short list of how negative opinions and negativity in general can slowly destroy your life:

— With each new ill-wisher you let into your life, your chances of increasing your own negativity increase by 100%. However, each kind person you let into your life only increases your chances of increasing positivity by 11%.

- One bad friend will double your chances of becoming unhappy.

— The risk of dying at a young age increases by 50%. Those who give in to worries and the impulses of negative relationships are one and a half times more likely than others to die prematurely.

— The risk of developing heart disease increases by 34% in hostile relationships.

— Negativity has a direct connection with poverty and decreased brain activity.

— If you listen to an ill-wisher for at least half an hour, the neurons of your hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for solving problems, begin to gradually die off.

— Working with a boss who is unfriendly to you significantly reduces creativity compared to those who work under a friendly person.

- Depression and anxiety. The risk of their development increases if you constantly complain about your problems.

- Low self-esteem. Listening to or observing unpleasant people interact will lower your self-esteem and increase your overall neuroticism.

Mantra for cleansing negativity

One of the ways to get rid of negative emotions is to read special spells. They are called mantras. These sacred texts are used in Hinduism and Buddhism.

For people of this faith, mantras are practically the same as prayer for Orthodox Christians. Each sound of such a text carries a deep meaning. A particular spell usually requires exact replication. Cleansing words act fruitfully, they get rid of negative thoughts, set the mood for positivity, and enable a person to find harmony. What is negativity? This is negative energy. And negative energy is neutralized only with the help of a positive charge, with which mantras fill a person. To cleanse yourself from negativity, there are such sacred texts: the mantra of purification to Shiva, OM MANI PADME HUM, the Gayatri mantra and others.

Life story

I remember once in the community of an online store selling baby strollers, I published a post where I indicated an additional 3% discount for subscribers. In fact, there were no discounts for the model discussed in the post. It so happened that one girl decided to order this particular model of stroller and was extremely outraged by the lack of a discount.

Oh, do you think the dialogue was constructive? Unfortunately no. The girl wrote a huge negative review in A4 format, where she described in great detail all the negative emotions she experienced and published this review on all our resources, in all social networks, under almost every post... Apologies in the comments, in messages, a call from the head of the company - nothing could not resolve the conflict.

Conclusion : content worth monitoring closely

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