How to answer the question “how are you?”: 155 cool answers

Incredible facts

Hi, how are you? The easiest way to answer this question would be “Everything is fine.”

However, this answer sounds rather boring and predictable.

In fact, this question can be a great way to start an interesting conversation .


If you are tired of ordinary, no different phrases, this list will be a real salvation for you.

Choose one of the answers,

which will be a breath of fresh air in your daily communication.

Who knows where this conversation will take you.

How to answer the question “how are you?” in an original and cool way?

I couldn't possibly cover all the answers to annoying, everyday questions, but here are some suggestions for how to answer them. They are divided into sections.

What can you answer to a man or guy when asked “how are you?”

  1. Okay, but it got even better after you asked me.
  2. You are here and I am already much better than I was before you.
  3. Much better than being stranded on a desert island.
  4. Stop being so nosy.
  5. Are you interested in my affairs physically? mentally? spiritually? socially or financially? I can’t even imagine what interests you and how to answer your question.
  6. It’s good that I don’t have a tail, otherwise I would have to wag it after your question.
  7. Not bad, but it would be much better if you were my boss.
  8. Are you asking because you want to make my dream come true?
  9. What a question? Are you a cop? (Read 18 tips on how a girl should behave properly with a guy).
  10. I promise that I will let you know when I find out the answer myself.
  11. Thank you, I haven't given birth yet. (answer in rhyme).
  12. My answer takes time and may sound slow but true.
  13. Let you answer first, and then we will compare.
  14. My affairs are suspiciously close to a fairy tale.
  15. Can you see me? Then everything is fine.
  16. Next question please. (This is how you can answer your ex)
  17. With a quality mark.
  18. This is indeed a worthwhile question.
  19. I haven't had any coffee yet and no one has been hurt, so I'd say I'm fine.
  20. I bet you're only asking this out of politeness.

What a cool way to answer a girl or woman’s question “how are you?”

  1. Excellent, because my name is not in the obituaries.
  2. It could have been worse if I had been a drunken boatswain.
  3. I'm still breathing air.
  4. I think I would feel much better if I started taking vitamins.
  5. I feel better on the inside than I look on the outside.
  6. I would like to complain, but hardly anyone will listen.
  7. I hope it's not as bad as it was yesterday afternoon.
  8. Okay, but I'm sure it would be even better if they gave me a bonus.
  9. I'm just doing some business, how are you doing?
  10. Which answer do you prefer: short or detailed?
  11. It all depends on what you want to hear in response. (In order not to seem boring, here is a list of funny questions for a guy or a man that will definitely cheer you both up).
  12. It’s normal, but it would be much better if there was a salary today.
  13. I see it's not as good as yours.
  14. I'm not entirely sure what exactly I want to tell you.
  15. Are you just wondering how I'm doing or do you want to give me an idea for the day?
  16. It's easier to answer, which is good, but sorry, today I decided to avoid ambiguous questions because I don't want to give the same ambiguous answers.
  17. I want to answer your question smartly, for example, something dramatic from the romantic comedy “How are you?” (answer with humor).
  18. No one has asked me this in years!
  19. Oh, terrible, but I'm used to it. But now you are near and everything is beautiful with me.
  20. You are such a pleasant conversationalist. After all, you are ready to listen to me answer this question in detail and at length.

How cool and unusual to answer the question “how are you?”

  1. Horrible after being asked about my business.
  2. To honestly answer your question, I suggest going back 10 years. Do you have enough time to listen to the answer?
  3. Not that great, but I plan on bragging to you a little or exaggerating my answer.
  4. Pretty standard now. And how are you doing?
  5. Why are you asking about this? Are you a doctor?
  6. I'm fine as long as you don't want to ruin my day with news.
  7. I believe that you like me and want to solve my affairs for me. (Read effective tips on what to do to get a guy or man to like you).
  8. I don’t know, you tell me how I’m doing now.
  9. Maybe one day you will get lucky and find out about it.
  10. I have no right to complain, I was warned that this was against my family's policy.
  11. It's normal, but I'll get through this too.
  12. Not very good, but I plan not to lie at my press conference.
  13. Hmm... you got me interested in this question. Let me answer this in a non-banal way, but as best and in detail as possible.
  14. I will not answer you rudely, because you are trying to behave politely with me.
  15. I'm sold and that's great.

Why don't people sneeze in their sleep?

Sneezing is an involuntary sharp reflex exhalation through the nose and mouth, usually resulting from irritation of the nasal mucosa. Before you understand why a person does not sneeze in his sleep, you need to understand how this sharp exhalation occurs. As soon as something sharply irritates our nose, the nerve endings send impulses to the brain. He shifts responsibility for what is happening to the pectoral muscles, after which the lungs fill with air. The openings leading from the pharynx to the mouth are closed, preventing the movement of air from the lungs into the oral cavity. Then there is a sudden strong exhalation and the person sneezes. So, during sleep, the nervous system rests - therefore, there is no one to give the command to sneeze.

Cool answers to the question “how are you?”

  1. A little worse, as I asked.
  2. Apparently better than yours.
  3. Well, since you care about me, then everything is fine.
  4. The drugs will take effect any minute, so we still have something to hope for.
  5. My lawyer strongly asked me not to answer this question.
  6. I'm looking for a third one.
  7. I can't complain, at least no one listens to me.
  8. Judging by your appearance, everything is fine with you, but I don’t envy you.
  9. Keep asking and maybe one day you'll get a reasonable answer.
  10. Dude, to be honest, I'm still trying to find the answer to this question. (If you don't like the word "babe", then here are some interesting ideas on how you can call your boyfriend creatively and affectionately.)
  11. Depends on what and with whom I compare myself.
  12. How do you answer this question? So I will answer you.
  13. How dare you ask a question that confuses me.
  14. The doctor promised that I would live.
  15. I'm currently thinking about repairing my attitude.
  16. Fair to good, but I'll settle for the cutlets.
  17. What does my business have to do with it? Almost like that right away.
  18. Rumors from the street tell me that everything is fine with me.
  19. I'm overworked and underpaid.
  20. Everything with me is cool and sweet, like cotton candy.

Video: how to answer the question in English how are you doing?

STOP SAYING “I’m Fine” - How to answer the question “How are you?”

Funny answers to the question “what happened?”

  1. My blood pressure is an all-time classic, not the best, but what it is.
  2. My mood has fled somewhere, so I’m looking for it.
  3. Nothing happened, I just bought some tea, and the salary disappeared into it.
  4. Has anyone ever told you something interesting when you asked them what happened?
  5. Yeah, that's all and as always. Is my answer really confusing?
  6. I have nothing, but my cholesterol levels are problematic.
  7. How long and in detail can I answer this question in time?
  8. Do you really care or is it just a polite question?
  9. Here or up there? (point to the sky).
  10. They promised me that I would live a dream, but they forgot to tell me that it would be a real nightmare.
  11. I can't know that. What do you say about this?
  12. I just realized the best thing to do is ask you.
  13. I am bursting with happiness, like a tick on a wild boar.
  14. After seeing you, my anxiety level is much lower now.
  15. Well, I have an itchy back that I can't reach.

Why is the direction of running around the stadium always counterclockwise?

The answer is in the History of Europe by Norman Davis - this book generally rivals Pochemuchka in its entertainingness. The tradition has been preserved since the times of Hellas, where sport (artificial development) was opposed to nature (natural development). Then they decided to run against - though not the arrows, which did not exist yet, but against the movement of the shadow in the sundial. And some centuries later, athletes noticed that it was a little more comfortable to run this way.

How cool and funny is it to answer the question “how was your day?”

  1. It's too early to talk about it, the day is not over yet.
  2. Share first and let's see if your day was better or worse than mine.
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say somewhere between 1 and 10.
  4. I had a wonderful day, the problem was everything else.
  5. Depends on how you ask me about it. If you’re sincere, “then it’s good,” if you’re asking for the sake of decency, “then it’s so-so.”
  6. It could have been worse, but everything turned out okay.
  7. Simply wonderful and beautiful.
  8. Well, I hope it gets a lot better, but right now I can’t lie.
  9. It was worse, but it was also better. What part of the day interests you?
  10. I'm still waking up, ask later.
  11. I promise that I will return to this issue tomorrow when the results come in.
  12. If it went better than yours, then I’ll consider it a victory.
  13. Enjoyed the sun and light breeze all day.
  14. I’m tired of waiting for a little nap, about 10 hours. (To make it more pleasant for your loved one to fall asleep, here are touching and beautiful good night wishes for a man).
  15. Compared to who exactly?
  16. I'm sure there is always room for improvement.
  17. Nothing suitable came my way today.
  18. It's good if the weather isn't on your mind.
  19. Should I answer this honestly or can I get creative?
  20. Average. Not surprising and not terrible. Just average.
  21. Agree that if I had it better than you, it would be illegal.
  22. Not very good. Does this bother you?
  23. Hunted dinosaurs. And your?
  24. He came dangerously close to a fairy tale.
  25. Only beer can make this day better.

What a fun way to respond to “have a nice day” wishes

  1. I always try.
  2. Don't tell me what to do, thanks.
  3. It's too late, my day is already ruined!
  4. Thank you, I wish you to live your day today with my gratitude.
  5. Are you going to help me have a good day?
  6. Why not?
  7. It's a pity that I will do this without you.
  8. Are you trying to be helpful to me?
  9. Well, I have to go to work, so I'll try to make the best of it.
  10. The hops will hit any second, so I have something to look forward to.

Where does the earth go when they dig a subway?

The subway is being dug at a depth of 50-70 meters. The land there is of good quality, so it is used underground during the construction of residential areas or poured into ravines when laying roads. Digging mines is another matter. The earth at a depth of several kilometers has a high concentration of sulfuric acid and ammonia and is capable of killing all living things that come into prolonged contact with it. To “wash” it, artificial mounds called waste heaps are created. The land undergoes reclamation for 20-25 years, and then lives out its life in the same ravines and flower beds.

How to answer the question “how are you feeling or how are you feeling?”

  1. Almost like you, but better.
  2. This is a big, big secret.
  3. Not as good as you.
  4. Compared to what?
  5. It's great to have you around. (Try to answer mysteriously).
  6. I'd say 9.99999 out of 10.
  7. On the Richter scale, I feel straightened out. (you can answer it jokingly like this)
  8. I have those feelings when you are waiting for the end of the pandemic. (Find out proven ways to quickly cheer yourself up and stop thinking about bad things).
  9. Beautiful and elegant, like an expensive bottle of wine.
  10. I just came out of a sleepy (working) state.
  11. Ready to take a nap.
  12. Seriously, I feel above average and slightly to the left.
  13. I don't know how the situation is. It's almost the weekend. And how are you feeling?
  14. 60% water 40% sadness.
  15. Horrible, my cockroaches just died in a car accident. What do you recommend? (After answering this, watch how the other person tries to come up with a response to this.)

There are medicines for animals. Is there one for insects?

Yes. Surprisingly, in agriculture, some insects are classified as domestic animals: bees, silkworms, for example. And it is customary to treat them both for natural diseases and for genetic diseases obtained as a result of crossings. In general, ethmologists claim that insects get sick less often than animals. Therefore, they don’t really need medicine. The insect body is capable of destroying E. coli, the causative agents of most viral infections, and even cancer cells. The main scourge of wild insects is deformation of joints in older representatives (rheumatism, that is). For example, cockroaches that are 60 days old have difficulty moving on vertical surfaces. But scientists are not yet going to alleviate their plight.

How to witty and creatively answer a person’s question “how is life?”

  1. I think I'll survive.
  2. Under renovation.
  3. I'm sober!
  4. What do you think?
  5. Great, but I have to warn you that I'm completely biased.
  6. Still in bed? (flirting with her husband).
  7. Better than most, but maybe not as good as others.
  8. Armed and ready!
  9. Don't ask me about this, it's a sensitive topic.
  10. Everything is fine, I just had my seventh vaccination.
  11. Still single (not married), in case you were wondering.
  12. I can't complain. My work contract actually prohibits me from doing this.
  13. What's going on? Do you suspect me of something?
  14. Best Thursday (or any day) of my life.
  15. Why don't you ask my therapist about this?

Why answer funny when asked how are you?

If you're tired of always being asked the same questions and not interested in the answer, then a funny or witty answer is what you need. Otherwise, how will people understand that you don't want to answer the same questions with the same half-hearted answers?

On the other hand, answering with humor means having a positive impact on his and your boring work day.

Advice for those who ask “how are you”

“What are you doing?”, “how are you feeling?” or “how’s life?” - these are the two most useless words in the world of communication. The one who asks is, in fact, unlikely to be truly interested in the affairs of the person to whom he asked this question. And the one who answers is unlikely to tell the truth. What follows is a missed opportunity to continue the conversation or simply a meaningless exchange of words.

But to get the most out of a conversation, according to Harvard researchers, you just need to ask your interlocutor clarifying questions. In a series of experiments, researchers analyzed hundreds of online conversations and found that people responded more willingly and meaningfully to those who asked them follow-up questions.

“When people ask specific and clarifying questions, then they are perceived as more responsive, good listeners, understanding, and capable of caring for others,” the researchers write.

Conclusion: to become an interesting conversationalist, you need to be able to ask specific questions or know how to correctly answer the question how are you doing. To do this, below are the tactics and secrets of a meaningful conversation.

7 rules for good communication

  • Start with curiosity.
  • Avoid questions with a simple yes or no answer.
  • Sometimes it is better to let go of thoughts than to say them out loud.
  • Practice empathy.
  • Remember, when a person has problems, he is not ready to listen to yours.
  • Be honest, even if the other person has different values ​​and opinions.
  • Listen carefully, maintaining eye contact.

Why does X serve as a designation for the unknown?

There is XXX in the equations, in the title of the series “X-files”, and in the XXX-video films. Back in the 17th century, Rene Descartes took the first three letters of the alphabet to denote constant quantities (A, B, C) and the last three letters to denote variables (X, Y, Z). After Descartes, it so happened historically that X not only became the head of everything unknown, but was also added to words in order to emphasize the special importance or mystery of their meanings.

Final words

Everyone has a different sense of humor. Some will find your witty responses funny, but others will not. For example, your cool answer to your boss’s question “how are you?” is unlikely to please him. So choose your answer carefully depending on who you are talking to.

And also, don’t hesitate to leave your comments about the answers you read to the questions “how are you?”, “how are you in your mood or feeling?”, “how was your day?” And if you have your own cool answers that are not on this list, then share them with the site’s readers.

There are cranking bears, and maybe cranking hedgehogs, are they dangerous?

The friendship between a bear cub and a hedgehog suffering from insomnia, brilliantly shown by Norshtein in the film “Hedgehog in the Fog,” turns out to have a scientific basis. Hedgehogs can be rogues, that is, they suffer from winter insomnia and wander through the forest in search of food. Most often, a united and hungry army of connecting rod hedgehogs, moving needle to needle, invades bears’ dens or, say, sheds and there, as a rule, falls asleep, having cleaned out other people’s food supplies. The bear or the owner of the barn remains, thank God, untouched. Of course, unlike bears, hedgehogs do not adapt well to weather changes: if severe frosts suddenly catch nomads, then their chances of survival are zero.


How to respond to “Come on”?

"Come on" is a vulgar way of saying "bye" or "goodbye"; it means something like “give me a paw,” that is, a hand to shake goodbye. You can simply answer “Bye ” or, if you want to offend a person, tell him that “come on” is vulgar, that only a bastard says that.

How to say goodbye?

Sometimes you want to say goodbye in a beautiful or original way, but this can give a strange impression. It’s better to just write Bye, then we’ll talk some more or Listen, I’ll be a little busy now, let me write to you later. Or you can write See you later.

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