Top 7 answers to the question “Why does a person need life?”

To meet personal needs

If you thought that there was a hint of selfishness here, then you are probably right. But a huge number of people in the world live like this. More precisely, they even waste their lives without thinking at all about the interests of others. Whatever this representative of the human race does, everything is for his beloved. Beautiful clothes, delicious food, entertainment, fashionable toys - all the delights of being only for your own good.

Even having created a family, such a person sees himself in the first place. Such judgments often make their loved ones unhappy.

How to calm down

According to the creator of the doctrine of stress, G. Selye, stress is the aroma and taste of life. It should not be avoided because complete freedom from stress means death.

In order to calm down, you need to learn how to properly organize your rest. Changing activities helps a lot. If a person is engaged in intellectual work, then on the weekend he should go in for sports or go out into nature.

You can also resort to auto-training: “I am completely relaxed, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body. My pulse slows down and becomes even. I relax, my pulse is slow.”

You should also get a massage. It helps improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone.

Meditation also helps you calm down

To serve God

An individual living according to religious canons brings into his own existence those values ​​that are important for a believer.
Sometimes people try to fill the emptiness that often arises in their spiritual experiences. Not everyone manages to find the true meaning in faith, to understand the essence and meaning of existence. And not just justify your right to a place in the sun. Christianity and other religions really can have a strong influence on a person:

  • Make it more enlightened.
  • Learn to look at the world with different eyes.
  • Make better.
  • Help you understand the true purpose of life.

Not everyone is given the ability to comprehend the rational that true faith carries within itself.

Why does a person need meaning in life?

Living a meaningful life can be talked about in different contexts. It is not reduced to one key goal-principle, but is embodied in significant and defining, albeit derivative, life meanings that reflect the main views and positions of a person [Sociological Research No. 11, 2016].

In Man's Search for Meaning, psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl wrote about his experiences in a concentration camp during World War II. Frankl discovered that those who survived those inhumane conditions were not those who were physically stronger, but those who maintained a sense of control over the environment and were driven by a specific goal. It was this goal, according to the psychiatrist, that helped people in concentration camps maintain motivation for life and faith in their bright future [Psychology Today, 2018].

Having survived imprisonment and gone through all the horror of Nazi concentration camps, the psychiatrist wrote a book that has become a guide for many people in understanding what the meaning of their lives is. Frankl's purpose, his will to live despite being in the harshest conditions, stemmed from his desire to later write about this experience. The writer noted that other camp survivors also had a specific goal - they were determined to see their families after the war or to help other prisoners live while maintaining a sense of humanity [Quartz, 2018].

Having meaning in life not only helps you get through difficult times, but also has a beneficial effect on people's health. American scientists who conducted a three-year study in which they interviewed 1,042 residents of the city of San Diego aged 21 to 100 years old came to an interesting conclusion. People who have found meaning become much calmer, do not experience stress and other health problems, unlike those who consider their life meaningless [Izvestia, 2019].

Researchers have found that the percentage of people satisfied with life varies significantly across different age groups. The largest number of satisfied with their current condition was among 60-year-old Americans surveyed.

Scientists believe that it is the presence of meaning in life that makes it possible to improve the physical condition of patients and propose using this therapy in medicine [RIA Novosti, 2019].

To serve the Fatherland

Some might think that this is not relevant today.
Not true! There have always been devoted and selfless people, ready to defend not only themselves, their family, but also their Motherland. That's why we hear so many new names of heroes (we learn some only after their death). Events in Syria, the North Caucasus and other “hot spots” showed how many patriotic warriors there are in our country. Their exploits and heroism during military operations are the key to the peaceful existence of our state.

To serve the family

Perhaps one of the most common answers to the question “Why does a person need life?”
And quite worthy! A family in which love, mutual assistance, care reigns, and there are common goals and interests can make anyone happy. Giving happiness and being happy yourself, isn’t that what many people live for.

But the children will grow up and leave “free swimming”. What's next? Later, grandchildren will appear in need of care and love. There will be a loved one nearby who you can devote more time to. Eventually, there will be time for personal development and interests.

With proper upbringing of your descendants, you will never become lonely in old age. Children and grandchildren will always help and take care.

What is the meaning of our life. Why do we live if we still die?

Once a wise man asked the king when he visited his home.

-What do you think is the most amazing thing in the world?

The king thought for a long time and admitted that he did not know the answer to this question.

Then the sage said:

-The most amazing thing is that everyone knows that his great-grandfather died, his grandfather also died, his parents died, but he himself believes that this will never happen to him and his children. It seems to him that his life will last forever.

And we have reasons for this feeling; we will also talk about this in our article. We will also talk about different meanings, each of them has its own arguments. It's up to you to draw conclusions.

What is the meaning of life, what we live for - this is the most important question. There are 3 reasons for the meaning of life. First things first.

Why do we live? What do we know from our parents?

What did you always hear from your parents when they asked the question - what is the meaning of life? The main answer was to raise children, give them a good education and upbringing. You could also hear - to become a worthy person yourself, to achieve something in life and, if possible, to do something useful for society. It seems that's all.

When I was about 12 years old, I was not at all satisfied with the answer that the meaning of life is in children. It didn’t suit me at all because I was still small. I now have two children, and I can’t imagine life without them. Even then I was not satisfied with this answer because every generation says exactly that. Essentially, you were born to give life to another.

On the one hand, this is correct, and we will touch on this very, very important nuance later, but in my opinion, this is only part of us. Necessary, but not sufficient.

Unfortunately, our children will die. We can't imagine this, but it is true. Their children will also die and so on. So is this the whole meaning of life?

The whole essence and the whole meaning of life despite the fact that we still have to die?

I always doubted it and I doubt it now

Yes, there is still something valuable to do for society. This is important, no less important than children. But what about ourselves? Moreover, every person still cannot do something special for society, and not everyone has children. Then it turns out that such people live in vain? Can we be so categorical? What about if a person is infertile?

Extreme, you say.

What about the fact that, according to statistics, about 20% of men and women are now unable to have children? This is a huge number! Do they live meaninglessly if the meaning of life is only in children?

In the end, we don’t tie our reasoning to this alone. Here I question that the purpose of life is to raise a child and contribute to society. Children will still fly out of the nest.

I repeat, what about ourselves? We don’t end our lives here!

What is the meaning of life or 3 reasons to live. Self-realization

Someone goes deeper. Self-realization is the meaning of our life! To realize our full inner potential, to open up to the maximum and enjoy the fruits of our professional activities. By the way, can self-realization be found in raising children? Maybe!

Do you know what all old people regret?

Let me emphasize that all are old people, regardless of professional achievements.

They all say that if they had the opportunity, they would change a lot at different stages of their lives. The old people say that they spent little time with family and friends, but worked more. If there was any possibility, they would change this proportion.

Many still have time to adjust their lives.
Self-realization is very important.


Another question is, if we don’t understand who we really are, if we don’t clearly imagine the main meaning of life, then our self-realization has no core.

That is, you can often see and hear that self-realization, as people understand it, is groping for one’s greatest strengths and developing them. For the most part, this is all self-realization. Or we return to professional activities, to work.

Do you understand? So what if we develop our potential, but then it all ends in death? One dies, whose goal was food and sweet sleep, the second dies, who sacrificed this. What's the point in all this? =))

What is the essence of life if we die anyway? Parable of extremes

Once a hermit monk was asked why he sat under a tree and did nothing. The hermit smiled in response and asked himself, why do something?

-In order to build a house, they answered him

“Why do I need a house,” asked the hermit?

-In order to get married and have children, they answered the hermit

“Why do I need a wife and children,” said the hermit in bewilderment?

-What would you enjoy from this!

-Will I be fed and clothed? - asked the monk

-No, of course, you will have to work

-Why do I need all this?

-When you earn a lot of money, you can do nothing!

“So I’m not doing anything right now,” said the hermit!

Someone doesn't have to be a monk to sincerely believe that they don't have to do anything. We understand for sure that being a quitter is not the meaning of life. Of course, another question is that we would like to have a lot of free time for ourselves and our families, for travel and hobbies, but this is different.

Here our meaning of life is not idleness, but freedom to do what we love.

If a monk is an extreme with a plus sign from a social point of view, then idleness, as the meaning of life, is an extreme with a minus sign. Let us repeat - living life without doing anything for yourself or for others is the worst option.

Why do we live? Bad and good news

And yet, what is the meaning of life?

The bad news is that if we consider only our life in context, there is not much meaning in life. But if we say that we live countless times moving from one body to another, then everything falls into place. Then everything is very logical.

Don't throw virtual stones at me. In my deep conviction, reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul, has nothing to do with religion. We won’t talk about religion here at all.

If you want to learn more about this, please read my article “What is Reincarnation.”

Today about something else, let's move on and in order.

If we do not believe in reincarnation, then the logic of the theme of reincarnation cannot be ignored. It is logical in terms of the fact that our self-realization, if there is reincarnation, will not be in vain.

In accordance with the rules of reincarnation, we continue our development exactly from where we left off.

Of course, we will have to cram arithmetic again, but personal experience in terms of what is good and what is bad will be in our genes. After all, you have probably noticed that people have different levels of intelligence and wisdom. How does one person know that it is impossible to do this, although no one taught him this. And the second one steps on the rake over and over again.

For those who are busy with their development, there is nothing to worry about.

For any decent person - even more so. He has nothing to worry about. If everything ends forever with death, so be it. He was decent not because of religion, but because he thought it was right, he could not do otherwise. If, however, there is life after death, then all his virtue will be rewarded according to his deserts. Such a person definitely does not lose in anything!

What is the meaning of life or 3 reasons to live. The most interesting

Everything makes sense if we understand that our “I” will always be there. The meaning of life is then not considered in the context of one life, but in a chain of lives. Self-realization? Certainly! Developing your heart and love - no doubt! Expanding your consciousness - yes! It all makes sense if it all continues.

We can’t even imagine what kind of universe we live in and what prospects we have in this universe!

The higher we rise in our consciousness, the deeper and stronger our inner emotions, the better birth we will receive for the purpose of further realizing our abilities. And by the way, it's the other way around. Read about this in my article “Karma - what is it in simple words.”

If you build your life with the future in mind, this will directly affect your actions. The point will not be to snatch here and now, but to develop yourself and your abilities, so that later you will not need everything you need and even beyond that. Because a developed, experienced soul has a lot of good karma to its credit.

Having a lot of good karma is not the goal itself. This is a side effect of your growth.

A developed soul is a happy soul. Happiness attracts everything and everyone.

Happiness is a consequence of the development of your personality and soul from life to life.

We will raise our children even more fully when we have real, one might say immortal, knowledge. We can give them much more, including love, if we ourselves understand the main goal - the meaning of life.

3 components of the meaning of life

As a result, there are 3 components of the meaning of life

  • Raise and raise children
  • Find yourself, realize yourself professionally, have a hobby.
  • Grow spiritually

In short, the meaning of life is the awareness, development and self-realization of oneself as an individual and an eternal soul, feeling a close connection with the entire universe. A soul filled with happiness and knowledge here and now.

The first point is tied only to the fulfillment of one’s physical mission - to give birth to offspring. The second point is that it develops us as individuals. We cannot fully develop and grow as a person in general until we understand who we are, what our greatest strengths and weaknesses are, and our purpose in life.

One of the purposes of life in the material world is to help us decide on this. Determine who we are by our psychophysical nature.

Material energy works for this, so that we are forced to look for shelter and food. For this you need to do something. A person is forced to act in a society where, like it or not, they will make it clear who he is, in terms of his best and true purpose, and not what he spied on others.

Conclusion on the topic: what is the meaning of life or 3 reasons to live

All our life lessons are nothing more than lessons that we must go through and learn only in order to be happier in our future life. We are all diamonds, but without a cut.

We rub our faces against each other in the centrifuge of the material world. Conflicts, quarrels, this is all from this area.

Those who have become diamonds are taken away from here for higher purposes, since among simple diamonds they are no longer needed.

And growing spiritually is the goal of the entire chain of lives if we accept reincarnation. Otherwise, we stop in our development if we ignore this part. This happens because the soul is the locomotive of movement. Our abilities and skills in the material world are still limited. The development of the spiritual body and its abilities are limitless.

This is the nature of the eternal soul.

I hope that the article, what is the meaning of life or 3 reasons to live, was useful. As for the soul itself, read my article “What is the soul - complete information.” Comment, share the article with friends, ask questions, join my VK group.

And be happy!

There may be some advertising below =)). But I did my best so that advertising does not interfere with your reading.

For career advancement and business development

Many people, like a breath of air, need a feeling of their own importance in the eyes of others.
Business development and career growth are great engines in life. Some even sacrifice personal well-being, the happiness of their family (perhaps an extreme), friendships, just to achieve success in this field. Often successful people end up lonely. You can’t contrast your career situation with real happiness!

Social function of the individual

People depend on each other to satisfy their individual needs. Against this background, communication and interaction between people is established.

A social function is an assignment to a specific person from society. It depends on the characteristics of the distribution of labor: the teacher is responsible for teaching, the physician is responsible for treatment, the entrepreneur is responsible for organizing production.

Sociologists judge the functions of a particular individual not by what he does or intends to do, but by what consequences for society flow from these actions.

If an individual refuses to perform his functions or the results of his activities have a negative meaning, we are talking about dysfunction.

By fulfilling his functions, a person becomes necessary for others. Against the background of the social division of labor, social statuses and roles are formed. “Cells” appear, each of which is responsible for performing an important social function.

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