What is the danger of teenage depression and how can you help your child cope with it?

Adolescence is a complex stage of life, which is accompanied by a variety of physical, psychological and social changes. It is during this period that hormonal changes in the body occur, and as a result of natural physiological processes, some mental changes occur. Some girls and boys experience adolescence without much stress or turmoil, but there are also those who develop mental disorders under the influence of unfavorable internal and external factors. Symptoms of depression can vary widely between children and adolescents. The main task of parents is to detect the problem in time and take all measures to correct it. Untreated teenage depression is highly treatable. In the future, the child can live a happy, fulfilling life.


  • About the phenomenon of depression in children and adolescents The essence of the phenomenon
  • Types of depression
  • Age and gender characteristics
  • Differences from depression in adults
  • Causes of teenage depression
      Who may be at risk for developing depressive disorders?
  • What are the signs that indicate that a child is depressed?
  • "Masks" of teenage depression
  • Diagnosis of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents
  • How can parents help their child cope with their condition?
      Tips for Dealing with a Depressed Teen
  • When do you need specialist help?
  • Methods for treating depression in children and adolescents
  • "Empathy" - studio of practical psychology

    Children and teenagers with various emotional problems come to Empathy. We help them overcome difficulties. To do this, our team has specialists who have been working with children and adults for 17 years, helping to deal with internal problems.

    Adolescence is a period of personality development. And our task is to help the child not go astray. We help teenagers and parents find and maintain the harmony in which everyone can live and develop comfortably.

    “Empathy” runs psychological groups for teenagers, where kids can share important experiences, get support and feedback, learn how to build relationships with peers and find friends. Here a teenager can share his problems, and we will help him understand and understand himself. In this format of communication, support, respect and trust in peers are formed, and the prerequisites for the development of depression in a child go away by themselves.

    Of course, we cannot talk about a universal panacea, but psychological work in a group is obviously a prevention of depression; if necessary, we also refer the teenager and parents to specialists with a more specialized profile. You can read about how to invite your child to participate in a psychological group here.

    If you are faced with misunderstanding within your family, or have discovered signs of depression in a child, contact us for help. We are waiting for you at the Studio of Practical Psychology “Empathy”.

    About the phenomenon of depression in children and adolescents

    In recent years, there has been an unprecedented increase in rates of depression in children and adolescents. The self-isolation regime, the transition to distance learning, and the general tense situation in the world have had an impact.

    Let's figure out whether depression occurs in childhood, and how it differs from the adult state.

    The essence of the phenomenon

    According to the results of a survey conducted in 2022 among Russian schoolchildren from grades 5 to 11, 42.2% of respondents reported a state of depression.

    Just some 20-25 years ago, child psychiatrists denied the existence of this disease in people under 18 years of age. But it was soon proven that depression does exist in children and adolescents , it’s just that its manifestations differ from what can be diagnosed in adults.

    What are the dangers of depression in adolescence? It gradually begins to destroy the child’s personality, preventing him from living a full life and freely communicating with people close to him.

    Depression cannot be overcome by willpower; it is impossible to follow the advice of others to “stop being sad and start enjoying life.”

    The term "depression" comes from the Latin word "deprimo", which means "to press down", "to suppress". This is a mental disorder, the main symptoms of which are:

    • reduced (depressed) mood;
    • disturbance of mental activity;
    • behavioral changes.

    Most scientists agree that the appearance of depression signals that something is going wrong in a person’s life. Certain changes are necessary for the patient to begin to feel better.

    A teenager is under intense pressure from teachers and parents, plus he has to build relationships with peers, try to be accepted and not rejected. And at this time, a hormonal storm is raging in the body, which makes the psyche even more fragile and vulnerable than before.

    Therefore, very often a child is in a state of depression without realizing it, and the task of adults is to identify the problem of their son or daughter in time and competently help him.

    Types of depression

    Doctors identify several types of depression that can appear in adolescence:


    The most common type of depression in teenagers.

    Reactive depression is a depressed mental state caused by external factors. It can arise as a reaction to events or situations, for example due to severe emotional shock (death of a close relative, pet, parental divorce, etc.).


    With this type of depression, a teenager is overcome by obsessive fears of various types: fear of death, fear of contracting a virus, fear of the unknown, etc.


    This is the mood disorder that is most difficult for parents and professionals to recognize. The child looks passive and finds it difficult to concentrate on completing any task. Sleep and appetite disturbances may occur.


    Characterized by a sad and depressed state. The teenager loses interest in life and often talks about the meaninglessness of the future.

    As a rule, parents without the help of specialists are not always able to determine what type of depression a child has, because many of the symptoms may be similar.

    Age and gender characteristics

    Although scientists have recorded manifestations of depression in children of early and preschool age, the peak period for the occurrence of this disorder is considered to be between 12 and 18 years of age .

    At the age of 12-14 years, depression is often “masked” as school phobia (fears associated with educational activities). The child becomes lethargic, lethargic, and has difficulty absorbing educational material. His performance declines and he becomes reluctant to attend school. He feels unsuccessful and lonely.

    Between the ages of 14 and 18, teenagers are concerned about choosing a future profession, successfully passing exams and, of course, building relationships with the opposite sex. During this period, they may experience symptoms of depression such as sleep disturbances, irritability, increased anxiety and fear of the future.

    Depression has also been shown to have different effects on the brain activity of boys and girls. Accordingly, their symptoms of the disorder will be different.

    For boys:

    1. Depression is often long-term, leading to alcohol or drug use. In this way, teenagers “close themselves off” not only from personal problems, but also from the whole world.
    2. More often than in girls, depressive disorder in boys ends in suicide attempts.

    For girls:

    1. Girls suffer from depression 2 times more often than boys.
    2. Depressive disorder is more often episodic than long-term.
    3. Experiencing depression, the girl “withdraws into herself”, becomes withdrawn and unsociable.

    Differences from depression in adults

    Depression in adolescence tends to have different symptoms than depression in adults.

    What occurs in teenagers:

    • irritability, hostility, outbursts of anger;
    • increased sleepiness (especially during the day);
    • hypersensitivity to critical remarks. Teenagers often see criticism where there is none;
    • complaints of discomfort in the body (stomach pain, headaches, etc.)
    • isolation, reluctance to communicate with a large circle of people, while communication with loved ones may remain.

    What occurs in adults:

    • decreased ability to enjoy life;
    • lethargy, lethargy, apathy;
    • diurnal mood swings (usually an adult feels worse in the morning);
    • a feeling of loneliness, a desire to reduce contacts with everyone, including loved ones.

    Read more about depression in adults in the article Cry from the Heart: Depression and how to deal with it?

    Encourage exercise

    Physical and mental health are inextricably linked. Depression is made worse by inactivity, insufficient sleep and poor diet. Unfortunately, teenagers are known for their unhealthy habits: staying up late, eating junk food, and spending hours on their phones and other electronic devices. As a parent, you can combat this behavior by creating a healthy, supportive home environment.

    During depression, the body seems to freeze and does not want to expend additional energy on physical movements. When a person begins to move actively, it is as if he is sending his brain a signal that everything is returning to normal.

    The problem is that most teenagers don’t even like the word “sport.” So think outside the box: take him on a hike, let him walk the dog, ride a bike or skateboard - almost anything that involves physical activity will do.

    Set limits on phone and computer use. Teens often go online to escape their problems, but as screen time increases, physical activity and the desire to go out with friends decrease. Both of these things are a recipe for worsening symptoms.

    Provide your child with nutritious and balanced meals. Make sure your teen gets the nutrition they need for optimal brain health and mood support: healthy fats, quality protein, and fresh produce. Eating a lot of sugary, starchy foods is a quick way to make things worse.

    It is also believed that teenagers need a lot of sleep - about 9-10 hours. Make sure your teen gets this rest.


    Causes of teenage depression

    The cause of depression in adolescents, as a rule, is a combination of factors that have a detrimental effect on their fragile and vulnerable psyche.

    These include:


    Hormonal changes in the body or chemical imbalances that cause mood swings, angry outbursts, irritability and increased anxiety.

    Conflicts with peers

    The child may be an outcast in class or be bullied, which increases his feelings of loneliness and inferiority. The teenager feels like a loser who has no reason and nothing to love and respect.

    Family troubles

    A student may be very worried about excessive parental demands on him, quarrels and conflicts, as well as when parents are indifferent to his successes and achievements.

    Problems with studies

    High academic loads, pressure from teachers and fear of exams have an adverse effect on the fragile children's psyche.

    Traumatic event in the life of a teenager

    The death of someone close, an accident, and so on.

    Personality characteristics

    Depression can be caused by:

    • youthful maximalism (the desire to divide everything into “white” and “black”);
    • increased sensitivity to critical remarks;
    • worries about the “imperfection” of one’s appearance.

    Who may be at risk for developing depressive disorders?

    1. Children with other mental problems (anorexia, anxiety disorder, etc.).
    2. Victim or witness of violence.
    3. Teenagers with chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, etc.).
    4. Using alcohol or drugs.

    Know when to seek professional help

    Lifestyle changes and support are the right steps, but sometimes they are not enough. If you feel the problem is serious, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a mental health professional.

    When choosing a specialist, be sure to listen to your child’s opinion and let him make his own choice. It is this tactic that will not infringe on his pride, and there is a chance of finding a therapist with whom the child will be comfortable.

    Unfortunately, many parents choose antidepressants because they are much cheaper than other treatments. Therefore, resort to them only in extreme and advanced cases. Therapists usually start with simple conversations and often find the cause of the problems.

    Antidepressants were developed and tested in adults, so their effects on young, developing brains are not yet fully understood. Some researchers are concerned that exposure to drugs such as the famous Prozac may interfere with normal brain development, especially how the brain manages stress and regulates emotions.

    Antidepressants also come with risks and side effects, including a number of safety concerns specific to children and young people. Therefore, if your child takes them, carefully monitor their psychological state - panic attacks, excessive anxiety and aggression may indicate that they are negatively affecting his body.


    What are the signs that indicate that a child is depressed?

    Parents should be well versed in the signs of teenage depression in order to be able to identify what is happening to their child in time.

    As we have already said, depression is characterized by changes in the behavior, mood and thinking of a teenager.

    Emotional changes:

    • feeling of sadness and longing;
    • depressed mood, increased tearfulness;
    • irritability, outbursts of anger, even for minor reasons;
    • loss of joy of life and interest in usual activities;
    • frequent conflicts with friends and family;
    • painful reaction to failures;
    • increased anxiety, fears;
    • feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness;
    • excessive self-criticism, increased feelings of guilt.

    Behavioral changes:

    • sudden weight loss/gain;
    • sleep disorders (insomnia/excessive sleepiness);
    • motor restlessness/retardation;
    • apathy, loss of strength, feeling of constant fatigue;
    • frequent complaints of pain in the abdomen, head, etc.;
    • auto-aggression (self-mutilation, cutting, etc.);
    • indifference to one’s own appearance/its sudden change;
    • rebellious, protest behavior;
    • desire for loneliness, solitude.

    Changes in mental activity:

    • difficulty concentrating, decreased concentration;
    • constant “scrolling” of gloomy and disturbing thoughts in the head;
    • slowing down the rate of speech;
    • forgetfulness, memory impairment.

    In order for a diagnosis of depression to be made, a teenager must exhibit at least five of these symptoms throughout the day for 2 weeks.

    It is also important for parents to pay attention to their children’s statements.

    It's time to sound the alarm if a teenager:

    • often talks or jokes about death;
    • talks about the meaninglessness of his future or experiences strong fear of it;
    • is indifferent to himself and his own health;
    • speaks derogatorily about himself: “I am worthless,” “It would be better if I died,” etc.


    At the stage of puberty, a child experiences dramatic changes in ideals and a reassessment of values.
    The child begins to move away from his parents, the need for personal space and independence appears, but he is not yet ready to completely abandon them. This internal opposition and change is expressed outwardly by constant mood swings and strong emotional responses. An “emotional swing” begins, during which moments of apathy, despondency and tearfulness are replaced by flashes of inspiration and increased activity. Minor and minor troubles for an adult in his youth seem like insurmountable obstacles and can bring a lot of suffering and anxiety. Poor relationships with peers, problems in the family, quarrels with a significant other, or the death of a loved one can become serious shocks for a teenager and lead to depression.

    "Masks" of teenage depression

    Sometimes it can be difficult to identify depression in adolescents, since it can “disguise” itself as various conditions.

    Case No. 1. Broken heart

    The mother of 13-year-old Dima turned to the school psychologist. She complained that she did not understand why her child had changed so dramatically. If before he was calm and obedient, now it’s as if he has been replaced: he began to skip classes, got involved with bad company, and is constantly rude to his parents. And recently she found a package of smoking mixture in his jacket pocket.

    The psychologist invited Dima for a consultation, and it turned out that the boy was depressed. He is not interested in either his new company or the use of harmful substances. He just wanted to “drown out” his worries about the girl he liked. When he confessed his feelings to her and proposed dating, she refused him and called him a loser and a “stupid.”

    Features of treatment for a depressed teenager

    Treatment of teenage depression with medications

    Adaptol. Quite often, parents who have discovered depression in their child complain about aggressive sedatives. Their psychologically difficult teenager, after taking such medications, simply sleeps and does not react to anything. However, a drug such as Adaptol does not have such serious consequences for the body of children. This remedy should be taken three times a day for the time indicated by the attending physician.


    The announced drug will help improve the child’s memory, which is so important for his further development. A medicine of a similar pharmacological group is quite cheap, so it will not significantly affect the family budget.

    Tenoten for children

    After consulting with a specialist, you can try giving your child this drug (not to be confused with the analogue Tenoten, since it is approved for people over 18 years of age). It calms the overexcited psyche, giving your beloved child the opportunity to take a sober look at what is happening. It also helps you concentrate and study better without causing drowsiness or lethargy.

    Important! The help of a psychotherapist when a child has teenage depression is often simply necessary. However, giving a sedative on the advice of a wise neighbor in this case is strictly prohibited.

    Advice from psychologists for treating teenage depression

    Positive example method. In this case, the image of the honest Pavlik Morozov is unlikely to be suitable, but there are many heroes who are worth focusing on. To lift a teenager out of depression, you need to show him his peers who have achieved a lot at a young age. In no case should you draw a parallel, which can only aggravate the children's inferiority complex. Strong-willed adults will always command respect from even the most desperate teenager. This method always works if you use it wisely.

    Family help

    During a difficult period for a teenager, it is very important for him to feel the support of loved ones. Nothing can replace the warmth of their parents’ hearts for a child, although at the same time he will pretend to be indifferent

    Therefore, it is necessary to surround the teenager with maximum care in order to bring him out of depression.

    Increased self-esteem. For this, working with a psychologist, body correction (a subscription to a cool gym will help not only restore the correct proportions, but also increase your rating among peers), and contacting a cosmetologist, etc.

    Well-organized leisure time. An active teenager will have no time to mope if he is passionate about something. In this case, you should listen to the child’s preferences. You should absolutely not force him to do something he doesn’t like. Playing the violin is simply wonderful, but making Paganini out of a born athlete is very risky for the child’s psyche.

    Folk remedies in the fight against depression in adolescents

    • Ginseng infusion
      . In this case, take the roots and leaves of this plant and pour a glass of boiling water. This healing extract must be infused for an hour. After this, you need to give the problem teenager a tablespoon of it three times a day.
    • Mint tea
      . Taking this plant is an excellent calming procedure. You should drink it exclusively on an empty stomach in the morning to achieve maximum results. It is prepared according to the same principle as ginseng infusion.
    • Warm baths with herbs
      . Everyone knows that nothing relaxes a person more than a tonic water procedure. In this case, pine needles will be very useful if a kilogram of such raw materials is poured with 3 liters of boiling water. Then it is recommended to add this infusion to the bath that the child will take.
    • Treating depression with tasty foods
      . The joy hormone is very often produced precisely when taking such things. People don’t give bad advice when they recommend introducing everything healthy, but at the same time tasty, into a teenager’s diet. However, precautions should be taken so as not to cause an allergic reaction and not harm the teenager’s stomach.

    Diagnosis of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents

    It is often difficult for parents to diagnose depression in their child themselves. Then methods come to the rescue by which you can determine depressive disorder using test questions.

    We have collected the most famous of them:

    1. Beck Depression Inventory
    2. Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
    3. Methodology for diagnosing depressive states according to Zhmurov V.A.
    4. Maria Kovacs Childhood Depression Questionnaire

    After answering the questions, the teenager can independently determine that he is depressed, or his parents can do this for him.

    But it is important to understand that only a doctor can make a diagnosis of depression. The specialist will separate depression from similar conditions (for example, neurosis) and prescribe appropriate therapy for the child.

    Where does it come from?

    The causes and conditions for the occurrence of depression are not known for certain. It is believed that it is a consequence of the interaction of genetically determined risk factors and external stress.

    From a biological point of view, depression can be caused by changes in the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain - in particular, disturbances in the production of serotonin or the body's ability to absorb it.

    Acute stress can also cause a depressive reaction. And if stress becomes chronic, then a more severe form of depression may occur - neurotic.

    Depression can occur in response to dysfunctional family conditions and constant conflicts with parents.

    Didactogenic depressions associated with unprofessional behavior of teachers and school administration are also observed in practice.

    The risk of developing depressive conditions increases if a teenager cannot cope with the academic load, is very worried about this, cannot overcome the difficulties that have arisen, feels helpless and is even more worried about it.

    Mood decreases, activity decreases, thoughts worse - and these are the three main signs of depression , the so-called “depressive triad”.

    It is not always possible to identify an external cause for depression. Endogenous depression (for internal reasons) is treated only by a psychiatrist.

    “Depression, if not identified in time, can lead to personality changes - and the process can develop over years or quite quickly. But with timely treatment, irreparable consequences can be avoided,” Irina is sure.

    How can parents help their child cope with their condition?

    A depressed teenager needs help and support from loved ones.

    Tips for Dealing with a Depressed Teen

    Psychologists give moms and dads a number of tips on how to talk to their own child:

    1. Show your child that you understand his feelings and are ready to share them with him. A teenager needs to know that you are on his side, no matter what happens.
    2. Be attentive to his statements. Listen without moralizing, criticizing or unsolicited advice.
    3. Even if the problem seems insignificant and far-fetched to you, do not devalue the teenager’s experiences. Remember that at this age situations are felt and perceived differently, and what you think is a minor misunderstanding can be the end of the world for your child. Understand his feelings.
    4. Do not raise your voice to a teenager, avoid conflicting, defiant and aggressive intonations.
    5. Provide room for independence, always give the child the right to choose, and do not make all decisions for him.
    6. Limit custody, let your son or daughter feel that you trust them. Let your child learn from his own mistakes rather than follow your example.
    7. Celebrate even your child's small successes. Talk more often about how important he is to you and others.
    8. If it is difficult for your son or daughter to tell you about his experiences, advise him to keep a personal diary, to which he can entrust everything that worries and worries him.
    9. Stay close to your child. The teenager should know that he can always turn to you for help and get it.
    10. Find a common interest and engage in hobbies with your child. This could be a simple walk before bed or attending joint master classes and sections.

    When do you need specialist help?

    If symptoms of depression begin to interfere with your life and the life of your child, depriving it of its former colors, then it is time to consult a specialist.

    In almost every city there are centers for psychological assistance for teenagers, where you can come with your son or daughter.

    To begin with, it is better to consult with a psychologist . During a conversation with the child, he will be able to understand the causes of depression and find, together with the teenager, ways to solve this problem.

    But if depression lasts more than one month, the child talks more and more often about death or hurts himself, parents need to consult a psychiatrist .

    If the doctor suggests hospitalization, do not refuse it. We are talking about the life and health of your child.

    Long-term, protracted depression in a teenager can develop into:

    • alcoholism or drug addiction;
    • suicide attempts;
    • deviant behavior (arson of cars, violence against others, theft of valuables, etc.);
    • problems with learning, child leaving school;
    • conflicts with family and friends, even running away from home.

    What harms and what helps

    Gadgets are accomplices of depression. It's not easy to get your teen away from their smartphone or tablet, but it's imperative to find ways to do it. Be steadfast: the night exists to sleep. If you can’t sleep, read a book (paper), take a warm shower, drink milk with honey.

    Depression is afraid of sunlight. Therefore, use any excuse and any opportunity for your teenager to be outside during the day. Send him to pick up his younger sister at kindergarten, to a distant store, or to walk to the metro. Moving is also very important to improve your overall condition.

    The child may lack zinc and magnesium, which, among other things, are responsible for immunity. Cravings for sweets, especially milk chocolate, can also be a manifestation of an imbalance in the body (although during periods of increased mental stress the brain needs additional nutrition). Invite your teenager to conduct an experiment: when he wants something sweet, let him try to replace it with meat, eggs, nuts, fruit chips, or a banana.

    If low mood, depression and powerlessness last more than 6 weeks, it’s time to contact a specialist. The sooner treatment is started, the faster the teenager will be able to cope with the disease.

    Methods for treating depression in children and adolescents

    Currently, the following types of therapy are used to treat depressive conditions in children and adolescents:

    Drug therapy

    As a rule, the necessary medications are prescribed by a psychiatrist. Under no circumstances should you give your child any medications on your own!

    If you notice side effects from treatment in a teenager, do not stop taking the drug, first consult with your doctor.

    Preparing for a doctor's visit

    If you have diagnosed one or more signs of depression in your child, then you need to seek help from a specialist who will help you solve the problem. We advise you to prepare your child for this event.

    Discuss all the symptoms of the disease with your teenager to get the most complete picture. Try to make a list of all the medications your child has taken recently. This is necessary so that the psychotherapist can select medications for treatment. Together with your child, discuss all the points that you want to know from the doctor.

    You can make a list of questions so you don't forget anything important.

    Transitional age

    What is adolescence? By the age of 13–16, our innate properties have already reached their maximum development, and the person is ready to enter adulthood. What does it mean to be an adult? This means making a contribution to society, using your talents for the benefit of others.

    Children mature and are pushed out of the safety net of the parental family. There are differences in how boys and girls experience adolescence. It is at this stage of psychosexual development that gender roles are separated. Boys, repeating the millennia-old experience of our ancestors, are grouped into flocks - models of the ancient human flock, which provided a collective system of security and safety for all individuals. Teenage girls, like our ancestors, strive to please boys. The ancient female received the protection, security and alimentation necessary for survival from the male, and this is still the root of the female psyche.

    Transitional age is a period of testing the implementation of acquired properties. It doesn't always go easy

    It is important to distinguish the transitions associated with this period, which we all go through, from the symptoms of depression in adolescents

    Prevent the irreparable

    The responsibility for the lives of children lies with us. To prevent the worst from happening, we are obliged to protect children. People are not born suicides. Every child suicide is a consequence of our wrong actions, oversight or ignorance.

    These tragedies can be prevented by understanding not only children, but also ourselves. Being in a fulfilled, balanced state, aware of the psyche - ours and the child's - we can convey to children a feeling of security and safety. We know how to behave so as not to cause hidden resentment or increase the feeling of loneliness and defenselessness in those whose protection is our natural duty.

    We can teach children to understand themselves and others, and they will not become depressed or feel like victims, unknowingly causing aggression in their direction.

    We receive ideal psychoanalysis through the spoken word at the “System-vector psychology” training. Yuri Burlan most accurately reveals our properties and states in their cause-and-effect relationships. We begin to realize what we are made of, what lives us. By studying the structure of the collective human soul, we understand our characteristics, their meaning and the meaning of the differences between us. An internal answer arises to the main question: “Who am I?” Systems thinking opens up opportunities for maximum realization of innate properties for any person. For a sound specialist, this can be a real salvation: on the one hand, revealing the hidden is its specific role, on the other, the skill of systems thinking leads to the habit of focusing outward, and this is the most direct way out of depression and the first means of preventing it.

    Authors Svetlana Rychina, Oksana Agadzhanova Reactor Tamara Tkachenko Proofreader Natalya Konovalova

    The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

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