A woman needs to maintain her dignity and not impose herself: what to do if a man doesn’t call or pick up the phone

A magical first date, a kiss under the moon and a rapid heartbeat - and the next day there is silent silence? Or did a nice conversation with a man, his loving look and invitation to Paris for the New Year suddenly turn into silence for several days?

Does it make sense to hypnotize the phone, wait for a call with an apology and a lush bouquet of red roses the next day? How to behave so as not to appear vulnerable in front of the object of adoration? And is such behavior always a sign of lack of interest in a woman? Let's find out!

They understand everything right away

This is one of the most standard situations: a woman meets a man two or three times, and then he disappears. Dating could seem quite pleasant to a representative of the fairer sex, and she was already determined to continue the relationship and even the emergence of something serious. But the man not only does not invite her to the next date, he completely disappears from her field of vision.

The thing is that most men trust their first impression. As a rule, already on the first date they can assume the approximate development of events, and most importantly, almost immediately understand whether they have a future with the woman who is opposite, and whether they even want to have anything in common with her.

How to remain desired?

Do you want to build a happy relationship and be in demand? Remember, my beautiful ones: there is always a buzz around active, purposeful girls. They are surrounded by male attention; it never happens to them that a man does not call back after an unanswered call. What does it take to become a bright girl?

  • Don't get hung up on one guy. Don't deprive yourself of choice! Flirt, go on dates, create demand for yourself. Read the article “The Art of Meeting Men: A Magic Technique for All Occasions” and you will understand that it is not at all difficult.
  • Work on your marriage rating. The value of a girl in the eyes of the stronger sex consists of several factors: her physical health and attractiveness, level of intelligence, spirituality, energy filling. Well-groomed women with a good outlook, interesting hobbies and social achievements - these are the kind of partners successful men want to see next to them. Take care of yourself and you will see how much more interesting you become to others. And articles from the section “Secrets of dating and first dates” will help you overcome fear and shyness in communicating with guys.

Get busy building your life, and you won’t have time to think “the man didn’t call back after I called.” You won't even notice it. This is what I teach in the “Secrets of Women’s Happiness” course. You'll understand what patterns make you choose the wrong guys, and how to start making the right men fall in love with you. And at the same time, become self-sufficient, charming, sensual and happy.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a man didn’t call you back? Why do you think this happened?

They're just afraid

A man who does not call, write or respond to calls and messages seems to many ladies to be a bad person, irresponsible and cruel. Of course, there are also such representatives of the stronger sex, but most of them, on the contrary, are decent, just a little cowardly.

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Showdowns are unpleasant for any man, and none of them wants to intentionally hurt a woman. But if you say directly to your face that, alas, she is not suitable and they should not meet again, then this will give the new acquaintance an unpleasant feeling, make her feel useless and affect her self-esteem. To avoid this responsibility and not feel awkward, men do not answer the phone and do not make dates.

Women should remember that silence is also an action and an answer to her main question. And knocking on a closed door is the worst decision she can make.

Why doesn't a man call - a man's view

Almost every young lady is familiar with the torment over the lack of calls from the guy who has sunk into her soul and the senseless expectation of news from him. Unfulfilled “dreams” cause disappointment, generate resentment and annoyance. Girls begin to come up with many excuses for this behavior of their chosen one. Often the excuses they make up for not calling are quite ridiculous. However, everything is simpler than it seems.

It is necessary to recognize as true the fact that the views of the sons of Adam and beautiful women on similar events are strikingly different. If the gentleman you like does not call back, there is no need to make excuses for him. The probability of finding your chosen one near death is only 1%, the phone is lost - 1%, the number incorrectly “filled” is 2%, and the person does not want to bother communicating with a new acquaintance - 86%. If a man is not indifferent to a beauty, he will certainly find an opportunity and take a minute to call her. The remaining 10% are other, so to speak, good reasons. There are 10 of them. According to the percentage of probability for each reason.

So, option one, why the man doesn’t call first. It’s just that the stronger half does not attach value to such a stupid activity as pointless conversations on the phone. Chatting for hours is considered a woman's prerogative

A man will dial the number of the young lady he likes when he is ready to invite him to a rendezvous or when he decides to tell him something important. Although, here it is necessary to clarify that a gentleman in love, most often, will cut telephone wires

Option two - not enough time had passed, so the guy didn’t have time to get bored.

In addition, not all of Adam’s sons are assertive and confident; there are guys who are afraid of seeming intrusive, afraid that the girl doesn’t like them, and afraid of being misunderstood. That’s why they don’t call.

Often the reason for the lack of messages lies in financial difficulties that prevent a man from inviting the lady he likes on a date. However, when material problems are left behind, he will most quickly remind you of himself, unless, of course, another young charmer falls into his soul.

There are also force majeure reasons that do not depend on the guy himself, for example, illness, urgent business trip, workload in professional activities. When the situation calms down a little, the man will call the young lady.

Often the male sex doubts that he has generated reciprocal sympathy from a lady, and therefore they will not become suitors. Such gentlemen have no idea that the woman they like needs to be conquered. It’s easier for them to think that they failed to make an impression, so there is no point in continuing communication, rather than pluck up the courage and invite a charming young lady to a rendezvous.

It’s also not worth discounting the possibility that a new acquaintance is already in a love affair. He met the beauty under the influence of the moment, mood, friends pushed him, but later, thinking sensibly, the guy came to the conclusion that a well-known old relationship is better than the unknown. Men are quite lazy and big conservatives. In order for the male sex to decide to end an old relationship for the sake of a relationship with a new acquaintance, there must be either a frantic passion that clouds the mind, or an arrow from cupid that lands straight in the heart.

Option eight - the guy decided to use the NLP technique called “further-closer”. On a date, he enveloped the girl in warmth and love. This is the “closer” stage. Then the young man practices the “further” stage, that is, he moves away, takes a break, and does not make telephone calls. He wants the young lady to get bored, which would encourage her to take the first step on her own. These guys are professional manipulators.

The guy doesn’t give any news, because he simply doesn’t know what to chat about with his new acquaintance, he’s not a fan of telephone conversations, when he outlines a clear plan of action in relation to the beauty, then he’ll dial her number and invite her to a rendezvous.

When meeting, the boyfriend wrote down a phone number on a piece of paper, a used trolleybus ticket, banknotes and lost the treasured numbers. This also happens.

However, it should be remembered that the probability of each of the above problems preventing a man from calling is only one chance in a hundred. Basically, the stronger half does not call back when the girl is not very interested. Therefore, rather than aimlessly tormenting yourself with the question of why a man doesn’t call first, it is better to devote your free time to self-development, your appearance, self-realization, shopping, meeting with friends, family, sports, walks. There are thousands of ways to spend your time fun and interesting, as well as useful. Against the backdrop of a pleasant and fruitful leisure time, the absence of a call from an unfamiliar young man is a trifle.

Maintain dignity

Many women don’t want to believe that it’s all over before it even begins; they need to hear it from the man himself. But it’s better not to do this and not to call first, not to impose yourself. Such a woman inevitably loses points in the eyes of a man and looks pitiful.

Women in such situations should maintain their self-esteem. If a man disappears, it means he doesn’t want to be around her. In addition, if the lady does not start calling first or bombarding him with messages, but remains silent, this can turn the situation exactly in the direction she needs. Silence and time will allow a man to assess the situation and seriously consider a woman’s candidacy for the role of life partner.

In addition, he may really get bored and realize that his new acquaintance is really interesting and dear to him. Then he will call again and make an appointment. Just don't answer night calls. If a man who has suddenly disappeared calls at three in the morning, then most likely at that moment he has been drinking a little and wants to get only a moment of pleasure and set up a non-binding date. It is unlikely that this is the attitude that any woman expects.

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A man's view of no calls

A huge number of young girls are waiting for a phone call or message from the guy they like. Each comes up with their own excuse for his silence.

A survey was conducted among men on the question: why don’t they call first? The survey yielded the following results:

  • 1% of the male population cited losing their phone;
  • 2% said they wrote down the number incorrectly;
  • 7% of men said that they liked the girl, but do not call her because of fear of refusal and reluctance to communicate with him;
  • 11% do not make contact because of a conflict or resentment;
  • 79% of men firmly said that they have no interest in the girl, and therefore do not want to continue communication.

Also, all these men admitted that the girl can be pretty. But talking on the phone and texting themselves is nothing more than a meaningless activity. If a guy has nothing in his head, he is simply not interested in writing about any nonsense.

Why is this so difficult? Secrets of psychology

At the core of why women are so worried about the whole texting and calling issue is fear. Fear that a man is not really interested in hurting you, that he is just trying to play with you.

When we have fear or faith, our psyche will try to find evidence to support what we feel. We all travel around the world with the help of filtering systems that take in relevant information. And they discard everything else. For example, if you think that no one likes you, you will hone in on people who don't like you. And ignore all the evidence that people really value you.

Why does he do this?i

If you do not live with your boyfriend, and the other day you had the embarrassment of speaking rudely about something, then there is a chance that he will be offended by it. In particular, it is necessary to determine who exactly is to blame for the situation. Analyze objectively, and not based on your pride and beliefs. If he is the culprit, then the reasons may be the following:

  • He is not yet ready to admit his guilt and is just waiting for you to cool down. Despite the fact that all men are representatives of the stronger sex, this does not mean that they cannot show weakness. And the more guilty he is, the longer he can prepare to apologize. In this case, you should be patient and wait, because he will probably try to make sure you forgive him.
  • He doesn't consider himself guilty. Male pride is no less a terrible thing than female curiosity. Guys may misjudge what happened and really not admit their guilt. Therefore, here you don’t have much of a choice - either call and explain how wrong he is, or simply ignore him.
  • He just has problems at home or at work, so he has no time for your quarrels. Besides, his phone might actually be broken, which is why he doesn’t call. In the modern world, there may be a dozen or two reasons to temporarily fall out of the information field. So again, you just have to wait, hope and believe.
  • He does not care. Even if he is the culprit and understands it, he will not attach importance to the quarrel. Simply put, he doesn't care. In this case, do not expect an apology or repentance from him, but rather, turn on ignore too. Otherwise, he will also be able to instill guilt in you so that you always feel bad.

These are the main reasons why a man does not call after a quarrel if he is to blame. The main strategy here is to demonstrate your composure. It is best if you do not take the first steps towards him, especially if he managed to insult you the day before. Try on a mask of pride, try not to appear on social networks for at least a couple of days, do not post sad statuses and pictures. Create the appearance that everything is fine with you. The fact is that men are interested in girls who do not “wrap snot on their fist”, but are self-sufficient individuals. And they always want to win such people.

Another point that should not be forgotten is that if he does call after a while, you should not forgive him from the first words and sob into the phone. Then all your play will be in vain. Better demand not only an apology, but also an explanation of where he went. How do you know where he prepared to apologize? No one excludes the fact that he, too, could have quite a good time without you, without suffering from remorse. Be strict and objective, because as soon as you show gentleness in such situations and show how bad you feel without him, he will immediately begin to use this to his advantage.

Network failure is a common cause

As already mentioned, the load on operators' equipment is constantly increasing. Yes, it is being improved and replaced with a new one, but the speed of such an update is not always the same. In addition, areas remote from cities are served much worse.

Because of this, the quality of communication drops significantly. Instability of the line leads to the fact that the person cannot be reached: it is reported that they are outside the access zone, or the line is busy.

The solution in such a situation is quite simple - keep calling. It is likely that during the next attempt you will be able to get through. On average, it takes from 1 to 2 hours to “fix” the connection.

He's not free

For him, your meeting and everything that happened (let's say, passionate casual sex) is like snow in summer. Unexpected and illogical.

He went on instinct or the situation, you succumbed to his impulse... And then back to reality happened and a sudden realization: “It was a mistake.”

I felt ashamed, because my wife and two children or my beloved girlfriend were waiting at home. And everything else needs to be thrown out of your head.

Oh yes, he didn’t have time to say that he was not free. But if it doesn’t call precisely for this reason, thank God! This relationship would not end well.

The role of a mistress is definitely not what you dreamed of.

List of my "versions"

  • He forgot his mobile phone at home and went somewhere. He often forgets his phone at home. This has already become a habit. He’s just busy often (he likes to help everyone).
  • He doesn’t want to hear anyone (he turned it off on purpose). This also happens. Yes, it happens to me too! Of course, I acted like an egoist, but I still adore this little man (as a friend!).
  • Something happened to him. But this would most likely be reported on the Internet... I'm afraid to think about this.
  • He lost his phone. It's no wonder you lose your cell phone somewhere in nature. Finding it is more difficult.
  • Leshkin's phone drowned. At least he didn't drown! And you can buy a new phone. There would be finances.
  • Leshka's phone number is broken. As far as I know, he took an old phone from his girlfriend because the sensor in his new one does not work.
  • He changed his number (either on his own or at the request of his girlfriend). ABOUT! His girlfriend is so jealous that there are simply no words to express the degree of her jealousy. She may not say, for example, that I called, but delete the incoming number. Stupid! Lesha told her that I have a beloved life partner.
  • He was offended by me. For example, because she didn’t call on the day she promised. I wanted the best! And so - always...
  • He is in the hospital. It was so…. Something happened to him at work, so he spent two weeks there. But he didn’t tell me not to worry, God forbid.

What would you think?

If there is no fire, why call?

Representatives of the fair sex ask the question: “Why doesn’t a man call or write?” The man’s view of this situation is quite transparent - on-duty calls are not for him. Not every chosen one is ready to endure total control from a woman, answering calls every 15 minutes. For such men, as a rule, the telephone is a device with which they need to call emergency services or contact the necessary person for an important and urgent matter.

What to do? Don’t impose yourself - you won’t retrain a man and won’t be able to train him like a tame animal by teaching him to call you five times a day and exchange routine phrases. The guy will call himself when he has a serious conversation with you.

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