Psychologist: why androphobia is dangerous and how to get rid of it

It happens that women suffer from a mental disorder, manifested in the form of an irrational pathological fear of males.

Often, at the philistine level, this mental disorder is mistakenly identified with militant feminism.

Although the similarity is purely external and superficial. This approach completely ignores the state of a woman’s mental health.

What can cause this mental disorder?

The origin of a phobia, as a rule, is based on negative personal experiences with men. The woman either experienced severe stress for a long time, or found herself in an extreme situation, which had a deforming effect on her mental health.

Mental trauma can be caused:

- unsuccessful first love;

- unrequited feelings for the chosen one;

- sad experience of intimacy;

- breaking off relations with a partner;

- raising a child in an exclusively female environment, where an extremely unfavorable attitude towards members of the opposite sex was maintained;

— growing up in a family where the father showed a tendency towards alcoholism and the use of violence, physical and psychological;

- an act of violence by men, not necessarily taking a sexual form.

A certain role in the development of androphobia belongs to mass culture, which produces works imbued with aggression and glorification of masculinity.

How to identify androphobia

Irrational fear of men is expressed in panic in the presence of male representatives, as well as the associated refusal of close intimate relationships. Such patients associate men with inattention, selfishness and violence.

The phobia traditionally manifests itself after the age of 20, based on negative experiences with men. The memory of the pain and suffering experienced, as well as physical and mental violence, forces one to give up the possibilities of personal happiness.

The list of symptoms of androphobia includes signs of a panic attack that rapidly develops at the sight of a man:

  • suffocation;
  • sweating;
  • trembling in the arms and legs;
  • feeling of loss of balance;
  • paleness or redness;
  • increased heart rate and jump in blood pressure;
  • strong urge to urinate;
  • hot flashes and chills alternately.

Abnormal fear can be mistaken for manifestations of feminism. Such an incorrect interpretation does not allow us to understand the essence of the problem.

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Androphobes experience conflicting emotions towards men - on the one hand, a desire for communication and intimacy, on the other - stupor and fear.

Persons with a fear of men choose a defensive type of behavior as the most comfortable option. They reduce contacts with men to a minimum or refuse them altogether, do not go on dates, and refuse not only flirting, but even friendly and business communication with male representatives. A person with androphobia does not visit public places such as bars, pubs, competitions, gyms, car repair shops, where he may meet a large number of men. Sometimes this phobia provokes thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts, cravings for drugs and alcohol.

Remember: even in a severe case of androphobia, it is never too late to seek help from a doctor! Medical staff are ready to delicately and carefully delve into the problem with you, stop panic attacks and suicidal thoughts, establish their causes and circumstances of occurrence, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

What are the causes of androphobia

Androphobia is a consequence of personal negative experience in relationships with men, be it a father, brother, husband or a random person who behaved rudely, traumatized, insulted, or subjected to violence.

In particular, statistics show a steady increase in the number of women who do not want to enter into serious relationships with men. This is especially true for established women over 30 with relationship experience. They often fear for their independence and individuality, perceiving a man as a hindrance or an aggressor.

The exact causes of specific phobia are unclear, but psychologists suggest that their origins should be sought in:

  • social phobia;
  • trauma of rejection;
  • changes in brain activity;
  • high causeless anxiety;
  • films and programs with scenes of violence;
  • childhood stress associated with parental violence in the family;
  • stories of loved ones about negative experiences with men;
  • personal experience of mental (humiliation, restraint) or physical (rape, torture, beatings) violence.

In addition to women, those most at risk for androphobia are people with a suppressed or sensitive temperament, those with pre-existing other phobias, and children.

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Androphobia can occur in a child at an early age; such a child does not want to communicate with male representatives, cries and screams, tries to run away or hide. Sometimes such a child is able to outgrow his fear, but more often, if left untreated, the phobia develops into a serious obstacle to a normal, happy life. Medical professionals will find an approach to adults and children with varying degrees of phobia development. Our specialists will conduct a motivational conversation with any person at an accessible level to convince him of the need for therapy.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of androphobia

It is possible to diagnose a phobia if a specialist is allowed to have a personal conversation with the woman or people close to her. Psychological tests are carried out and symptoms are studied.

Treatment of androphobia is a rather lengthy process. It includes the initial stage of pharmacological treatment. Psychotropic drugs are used for a short period to relieve acute symptoms. After mental stress has been relieved and the painful manifestations of the phobia have been eliminated, the transition to the second stage of treatment occurs, a longer one - psychotherapeutic.

Preventive measures to prevent androphobia are social in nature. Society must maintain an environment that prevents domestic violence. Girls should have the opportunity to receive an education that prepares them for sexual life and interaction with the opposite sex.

Symptoms of androphobia (fear of men)

Symptoms are marked by irrationality, as well as repeated exaggeration of the sense of danger. And this is understandable, since fear and fear are an illusion that turns into a theoretical reality that is created in the mind. It follows from this that a woman attracts to herself what she fears.

Women with this phobia are afraid to be in places where there are large concentrations of men: stadiums, beer bars. The opposite sex in women evokes the following associations: boundless egoism, omnipotence, inattention to others. Many women after a divorce, experiencing pressure from their ex-husbands, painfully tolerate any contact with a man. Considering yourself an ardent feminist is also a hidden form of androphobia. Often this is due to a hypercritical attitude towards men. Experts say that feminism is a direct path to androphobia and recommend seeking advice from a psychologist. Women who gravitate toward feminist views are initially convinced that men do nothing in particular except rape and shooting guns. For such women, unexpected touches are unpleasant; at such moments they seem to be paralyzed by fear.

How to overcome relationship fear

Psychotherapy and medications are used in the treatment of androphobia. The question of how to overcome fear is decided on an individual basis. It is necessary to analyze a specific case in detail.

Professional psychological help for androphobia

The method of hypnosis and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy are effective. However, to work through deep psychological trauma, it is better to first use psychoanalysis. It is important to understand the root cause, and then begin to get closer to men in the present through cognitive psychotherapy. If necessary, the psychotherapist prescribes tranquilizers, antidepressants, and sedatives.

It is important! Treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the client. Only a psychotherapist can correctly select methods of psychotherapy, a general course of psychotherapy and a course of medications.

Is it possible to help yourself?

The causes of androphobia lie deep in the subconscious. It is almost impossible to determine them on your own. The true cause and object of fear may be hidden under the guise of other experiences.

At a mild stage of a phobia, you can try to independently realize the irrationality of fear. It is important to understand that not all men are dangerous, not all relationships with men are bad. Try to pay attention to the positive traits of men. Pay attention to the fathers who walk with their children in the park. Or a boss who is polite to female subordinates. Pay attention to young people in public transport who give up their seats or help women lift their bags. Imagine what the world would be like without men. Remember how many men are involved in science and politics. Record your observations.

In general, the principles of self-relief are the same as in professional treatment: stop avoiding the object of fear, gradually get closer to it. At the same time, it is important to work on increasing self-esteem and overall stress resistance.

It is important! In order to get rid of a phobia forever, you need to work not only with the present, but also with the past. We need to change our attitude towards traumatic experiences.

Treatment of haptophobia in adults

Without treatment, these types of phobias can progress and lead to social isolation, so you need to see a specialist.

To the point

Fear, panic, horror: what phobias do people have and how to cope with them


Such problems require a detailed examination by a doctor, because such a phobia may also hide more serious mental disorders - paranoid, schizophrenia, psychosis or agoraphobia. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between personality traits and signs of phobia.

If there are also somatic complaints, additional examination is needed to rule out serious illnesses.

Alexander PyatnitskyPsychiatrist, psychotherapist

Modern methods of treatment

Typically, people with a pathological fear of being touched are helped by a psychotherapist. He practices psychotherapy methods - individually, working out every possible cause of fear. The doctor talks with the patient about his fears and anxiety, trying to find the cause of the phobia. He evaluates the emotions arising from touch. Sessions may use visualization, imagining the most frightening moments. Then tolerance is formed - resistance to fear.

In addition, some medications may be additionally used in treatment. They are usually recommended for those people whose pathology develops against the background of neurosis or psychosis. The drugs reduce anxiety, normalize sleep, and calm the nerves. The most commonly used drugs are sedatives, antipsychotics or antidepressants.

People with a pathological fear of touch are advised to work with a psychotherapist. Photo: Pixabay

If correction of hormonal levels is necessary, an endocrinologist may be involved in the management of the patient.

Diagnostics and testing

Fear of men is one of the most complex phobias. It is complicated in that it has several varieties and a lot of possible causes. Therefore, it is better to entrust the diagnosis to a professional. The specialist will analyze the client’s life history and development, find the root cause of the phobia and determine the severity of the disease. The specialist will also determine whether there are other psychological disorders.

It is important! Only a psychotherapist will explain the psychology of a particular case and tell you how to overcome your fear of men. There is no special testing to identify a phobia, but a psychologist will select a set of tests to diagnose a person.


The main psychological symptom of a phobia is a panicky irrational fear when approaching the object of the phobia or when expecting contact with it. Moreover, panic occurs in response to a fictitious development of events. Everything happens exclusively in the androphobe’s head. There is no real danger.

The situations in which panic begins depend on the stage of development of the phobia. Some panic when communicating, some when shaking hands, some when hugging, and some when receiving romantic gestures from men.

Physical signs are nonspecific:

  • tremor,
  • shiver,
  • chills,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • pressure fluctuations,
  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • weakness,
  • breathing problems.

Girls who suffer from a phobia experience anxiety before meeting a man. In advanced stages, it turns into panic attacks.

Treatment of androphobia

The approach to treating a person must be individual.
It all depends on the causes, symptoms and severity of the disease. It is worth resorting to the help of a psychotherapist; you cannot cope without his help. However, drug treatment in the form of sedatives and psychotropic drugs may also be required. But the most effective method is considered psychotherapeutic treatment. The psychotherapist must direct his treatment methods to eliminate the causes of fear. His main task is to change his attitude towards males and learn to receive positive emotions from getting closer to them. You can also resort to hypnosis to change a woman’s subconscious attitudes from negative to positive. During classes, the psychotherapist must work with the patient on the situation that led to this problem and bring the patient face to face with his fear. If a woman cannot remember under what circumstances a disturbance in her psyche occurred, it is necessary to carry out self-hypnosis, as a result of which she should begin to think about men in a positive way. This is where the law of attraction should work, and if before this a woman had met only scoundrels and scoundrels on her way, then from now on, due to her positive thinking, only worthy representatives of the opposite sex should come into her life.

Group therapy also has a therapeutic effect. In a circle of other people with a similar problem, a person must learn to speak openly and speak out about what bothers him. After realizing and publicly speaking about the problem, he begins to treat it differently. It is also possible to conduct role-playing games within the group to learn how to communicate with men. The therapist should direct those present to eradicate aggression and, conversely, develop favorable communication skills among them. Training in the use of social skills helps to completely get rid of androphobia and get rid of your fear. When conducting a therapeutic course, it is important to combine treatment methods to achieve the best result.

Every person has many fears that you just need to accept and take advantage of them. But if you feel any problem, you need to immediately contact a specialist to improve your prognosis and quality of life.


  • Raise self-esteem;
  • Try to communicate with different people. First, start communicating with girls, then start contacting boys for minor issues. If the process goes smoothly, try to spend more time communicating with men;
  • Try flirting in the company of men. Start with the mirror. Then with a handsome guy passing by. And only then at work and of course in personal communication. This will give you the opportunity to feel like a woman. Tender, kind and beautiful;
  • Watch your appearance. Makeup, hairstyle, clothing style, gait, accessories.
  • Well, smile every new day.

Identifying possible stages

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The fear of male phobias can have several stages of development. This is the initial stage, when unpleasant symptoms are just beginning to grow, the middle stage (the disease progresses) and the final stage, when the disorder has already started, and only a specialist can help. At the first stage, a woman’s androphobia is practically invisible to others. In the second and third stages, when it is more difficult for the patient to control her own fears, those around her gradually begin to notice oddities in her behavior.

Attention! At the last stage of the disease, patients may even deliberately not leave the house, so as not to meet men, and avoid visiting public places. In severe cases, girls refuse to turn on the TV and radio so as not to see or hear representatives of the stronger sex on the air.

Causes of fear of men in women

Hemophobia - what is it?

There are several reasons for this pathological condition. The most famous of them are:

  • Negative life experiences gained during close relationships with men;
  • Tendency towards non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • Memories of childhood abuse;
  • Subconscious desire not to get married and not have children.

If a professional psychologist has diagnosed androphobia, not everyone will understand what it is. This term entered practical psychology relatively recently. Fear of the male sex has an interesting feature: it intensifies in public places and transport, which significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

Girls may be afraid of meeting a guy in person because they are not confident in their own appearance or figure. Here ladies are afraid not of the men themselves, but of the risk of looking ugly or ridiculous in their presence. In this case, the correction will be slightly different and will take longer. This disorder is more common in young girls than in older women.

The disorder is often diagnosed in women who grew up in dysfunctional families

Androphobia as an irrational fear of men – where is the source of the problem?

People suffer from numerous specific phobias and constantly experience a deep state of anxiety. About 75% of people with phobias are more afraid of the situation than the immediate object of fear.

Androphobia can be called a form of sexual phobia. Sexuality is a topic that has always been accompanied by a tense situation in society. Sexual phobias are usually related to a person's gender or some aspect of sex.

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The reasons responsible for sexual phobias can be different and of varied nature. As for androphobia , it is a disorder that causes a constant, strong and abnormal fear of a man .

People suffering from androphobia become very nervous in the presence of men, but also when talking to one. This irrational fear of men makes you avoid them. Such situations can occur even when in contact with male relatives or friends and represent an obstacle in the personal and professional lives of those who suffer from a phobia.

Symptoms of haptophobia in adults

Based on the form and severity of the phobic disorder, the patient may be afraid of the touch of both all people and individual groups of them - the opposite sex, with a different skin color, unfamiliar to him, with certain features of appearance.

Any touch provokes a flinch, screaming or sharp reactions, with an expression of disgust, fear or horror. The patients themselves describe their sensations from such touches as burning or freezing, from which the body literally trembles. In addition, somatic reactions are also possible, which only aggravate the condition:

  • strong heartbeat, pressure surges;
  • trembling of the limbs or the whole body;
  • nausea, discomfort, abdominal cramps;
  • feeling of lack of air, suffocation, uneven breathing;
  • dizziness.

Possible consequences

The main consequence of androphobia is loneliness, absence of family and children. Fears prevent you from meeting a man; a woman risks being left alone. And some women cannot even build a career because they have difficulty communicating with their boss. In some cases, the phobia leads to isolation.

A woman suffers from disharmony within herself. Every person has feminine and masculine energy, feminine and masculine qualities. For full self-realization, the ability to combine masculine and feminine principles is important. If a woman is afraid of men, it means that she is afraid of a part of herself, she is giving up a part of herself.

What is haptophobia

The term haptophobia refers to a group of phobic disorders, the basis of which is a pathological fear of being touched by people - people you don’t know and even loved ones, relatives. This phobia can be called by other terms - thixophobia, aphephobia, haphophobia.

Such people constantly try to maintain a distance from others. Any attempts to touch are perceived sharply - this is an invasion of the comfort zone with a violation of personal boundaries. Sometimes, under the mask of this phobia, other disorders may be present - fear of contracting any diseases from contacts or fear of intimate intimacy.

Haptophobia is a collective term that refers to the fear of being touched by any people. Tactilophobia is the fear of being touched by strangers. But often these words are considered synonyms.

Consequences of androphobia

Androphobia negatively affects all areas of a person’s life. Even a mildly expressed phobia causes a woman to experience constant emotional stress. Since it is impossible to eliminate the object of fear from life, there is a persistent need to adapt and control emotions. It is impossible to attend public places and events.

A persistent fear of men does not allow you to make new friends, build normal relationships in a work team, or start a family. Androphobia damages a woman's emotional, physical and sexual health.

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