What is the fear of silence called, and how to get rid of silensophobia?


Every second a person hears something. Conversations, the sound of a radio or TV, the ticking of a clock and even the sound of the wind create a certain background. Sounds, regardless of a person’s desires, surround him, becoming an integral part of existence. And all this is connected with the psyche so tightly that a fear of silence can develop.

This phenomenon in psychology is called silensophobia. It is expressed by the difficulties of adapting the psyche to silence.

Are we afraid of silence?

A person is constantly exposed to emotions, even when alone. Its negative form can even be obtained from the influence of one’s own thoughts, which manifest themselves when a person is left alone with himself. In the presence of a phobia, the patient experiences discomfort from a strong attack of emotions, which by their nature perform adaptive functions. The human psyche cannot independently cope with the manifestation of emotions, which leads to stress. The phobia itself, like chronic stress, is acutely manifested when the patient is in unfavorable conditions - a stressful background.

Many people suffer from silensophobia, and more than 90% of them are unaware of their psychological problems. A phobia prevents a person from working, communicating with loved ones and making any plans. After all, even trips to nature on weekends or vacations will not bring pleasure. A person will try to engage himself by talking, listening to music, etc. The human psyche is constantly in a tense state, and without the help of a psychotherapist, such problems can cause serious health problems. The use of sedatives relieves signs of phobia only temporarily.

Extreme isolation

While in prison, a person still knows that perhaps he will someday be released. Hope and purpose help him overcome loneliness even in the punishment cell. But it is more difficult to maintain sanity for those who are left under the rubble, lost in the catacombs or underground caves.

If you went to the mountains, live in an area with high seismic activity, or live in an emergency building, remember how to behave if you suddenly find yourself under rubble:

  • Do not make sudden movements.
    Do not try to pull out a limb stuck under the rubble. This can provoke an even greater collapse.
  • If your phone is intact, use it.
    Try dialing the emergency number. If there is no connection, check if the built-in flashlight is working. Try to save the battery and turn on the flashlight periodically to spend a little time in the light or to give a signal.
  • If you have any metal object, move it, move it from side to side.
    This will help the rescuers' metal detector find you faster.
  • Vote periodically
    . Every hour, rescuers announce a time of silence so that the voices of people under the rubble can be heard.
  • Try not to give in to negative thoughts.
    In such a situation, a lot of stress hormones are released in your brain. They create panic. Your task is to remain calm and occupy your brain with some mental task. The less you panic, the longer you will hold out and the more likely you are to be rescued.

Interesting fact

Aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake boston.com

Causes of silensophobia

Psychologists often associate the fear of silence with other fears. The fact is that a person is constantly in contact with others, talking on the phone, listening to music, watching movies, etc. It is from these little things that life and the social role of people are built. These are like established rules, the violation of which a person feels discomfort.

That is, silensophobia itself is a psychological sign of more serious problems.

Psychologists are confident that such problems arise:

  • when you refuse to realize your loneliness;
  • due to fear of being left alone with your thoughts;
  • due to emotional turmoil experienced.

Common phenomena of modern life allow a person to escape from some of his own problems, forget about the past (or not think about the future). Therefore, psychologists often draw parallels between the feeling of silence and the perception of one’s own problems. When it becomes quiet around a person, he is left alone with his own thoughts and often the individual’s psyche is not ready for this. With such “communication,” a person feels discomfort and tries in any possible way to get rid of it (turns on the radio, TV, talks on the phone, etc.).

A person may also feel anxious during periods of silensophobia due to loneliness. Akin to the fear of perceiving oneself, one’s experiences and problems, a person tries to dilute his life with sounds. Such people often have many acquaintances with whom they try to constantly keep in touch. And in their free moments, they prefer to watch TV or spend time listening to music on headphones.

The emotional shocks experienced, which can cause the manifestation of a phobia, vary from person to person. Often, problems begin in early childhood, when caring parents try to ensure complete silence at night while their child is sleeping. A phobia arises from sharp sounds (unexpected phone calls, creaking doors, rattling dishes, etc.). Such little things can have a detrimental effect on the child’s psyche. In addition, signs of a phobia may appear in adulthood.

What causes phonophobia?

Various factors may be responsible for the development of this disorder. The researchers emphasize in particular the role of otolaryngological diseases that the patient has had or is experiencing, including, for example, increased hearing sensitivity associated with tinnitus or acoustic trauma due to exposure to loud sounds.

On the other hand, phonophobia can be caused by environmental or genetic factors.

Its determinant, as in the case of other simple phobias, may be a traumatic event accompanied by a loud noise - therefore, the phobia coexists with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). An overly activated limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, predisposes to the disease.

Signs of a phobia

The manifestation of silensophobia can be characterized by both physiological, behavioral and mental signs. The consequences of silence, the absence of extraneous sounds, even before going to bed, can be:

  • sudden panic;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • chest tightness and increased heart rate;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • muscle tension.

Often, when the patient is left in an empty, silent space, other problems appear. A person may think about problems at work, about relationships with others, and even about his own death. He transforms his anxiety into a negative psycho-emotional background, the consequence of which can be prolonged depression.

Symptoms and manifestations


This is literally a fear of the path (δρόμος - path, running). This is the name for the fear of crossing a street (“agira” in Greek, so another name is agyrophobia) or a road, either a busy one or one on which no transport has ever appeared. Objects of fear include multi-lane highways, country roads, etc. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a traffic light, a pedestrian crossing, or whether you just have to run across to the other side anywhere.

A person suffering from this pathology will prefer to go to a store located 2 kilometers from home to a retail outlet located nearby, but across the road. He is driven by fear and the unpleasant sensations that accompany it.

If you believe that the cause of such fear was the participation of such an individual in an accident or observation from the side of a car accident with other people, then this does not happen in every case. Although experts say that this is not impossible, add to this the loss of a loved one in an accident or watching the news with terrible images of tragic road accidents. They also believe that agyrophobia develops due to the individual’s emotional arousal from the above, fear of getting hit by a car, due to lack of self-confidence.

But more often than not this is not the case. Dromophobes are unable to explain why such fear arises. They are quite adequate, have rational thinking, but in this case they cannot say what exactly they are so afraid of. Understanding perfectly the absurdity of what is happening, these people are not able to overcome their phobia.

It should be borne in mind that if people with poor vision are afraid to cross the road, then they cannot be classified as agyrophobics - they have a precise reasoning for their fear.

By the way, dromophobe can calmly walk along the highway that frightens him. He can even cross it through an underground passage, as well as through a crowd of people or accompanied by another person, but only if he was the first to step onto the road. In this case, the agyrophobe believes that these people or the companion are in control of the situation.

Is it possible to determine the presence of a phobia on your own?

The main sign by which silensophobia can be determined is the duration of its manifestation. Unlike the usual sudden psychological discomfort that appears in certain life situations, people with a phobia may be subject to its symptoms for several months or even years. But, most often, experiencing anxiety, suffering from insomnia, and even depression, the patient does not understand the reason for his negative psychological background.

Silensophobia can only be recognized by the following signs:

  • the presence of a phobia is confirmed when a person systematically refuses to remain in silence;
  • if nervousness often turns into a panic attack;
  • the impact of unpleasant symptoms affects everyday life.

The main thing is to contact specialists when identifying psychological problems. Most phobias can be treated with or without medication.

Symptoms of fear

Iremophobia or silensophobia is the fear of silence. People who suffer from such fear cannot remain for a moment in a place where there are no sounds. This sound could be a conversation, music, or the TV on.

The fear of silence constantly forces a person to be in search of some kind of activity. Even when a person is getting ready for bed, he is unable to disconnect from the outside world. There is a desire to watch a movie or listen to music. Pronounced symptoms include:

  • increased sweating;
  • dry mouth;
  • trembling in the body;
  • dizziness;
  • strong internal tension;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • loss of ability to think clearly;
  • severe panic attacks.

Psychological assistance to the patient

A psychologist and psychotherapist are specialists who can help a patient without the use of drugs. You can get rid of a phobia using specially developed methods, including conversations with the patient (to determine the cause of the phobia of silence), subsequent analysis of information and interpretation of the content of the problem itself.

Professional methods can speed up the patient’s recovery process and completely rid his psyche of obsessive problems. Methods of neurolinguistic programming and even hypnosis can be used. The choice of method and its effectiveness depend on the severity of the disease and the qualifications of the specialist.

Art therapy methods also received special credit in the fight against phobias. The fact is that art is the most convenient way of personal expression, transmission of problems and phobias. Art therapy has earned particular popularity in working with children. The process of mental correction using this method is based on the following areas of working with phobias:

  • image;
  • verbalization;
  • expressive dramatization.

The use of drawing, modeling, creating photo collages, etc., allows you not only to find out the main reasons for the fear of silence, but also to partially realize it in your creations.

The result of the psychotherapist’s work is to formulate adequate ways of human behavior and the preconditions for anxiety.

Work with the patient can be based on both group and individual sessions. Group classes are less effective. They are used more often to familiarize a specialist with the psychological health of the patient. The patient also gets used to the new requirements and rules that the doctor sets for him. Individual lessons are more effective. As a result of working with the patient, the doctor determines negative trends in the patient’s personal development and behavior. Based on the results of the meetings, therapeutic work is built.

How to overcome fear of people?

If you are wondering how to overcome your fear of people, there is only one way out - psychological and medical treatment. There is no specific treatment for anthropophobia alone. Hypnosis works well in the treatment of any phobias, as the trigger of the phobia is removed.

Of course, treatment varies from person to person and is based on the severity of the phobia. Common forms of treatment include various types of therapy, medication, and relaxation techniques.

Therapy is extremely helpful in treating phobias, especially when combined with other forms of treatment. In addition to "just talk" therapy, healthcare providers will also work with patients through cognitive therapy until the fear response is completely eliminated. Cognitive therapy directly identifies anxious thoughts and attempts to replace them with rational and positive thoughts.

This can be helpful for people who suffer from certain phobias, as their fears may be unfounded. Relaxation training is extremely beneficial for people suffering from the effects of anxiety. This type of training includes the use of breathing exercises, hypnosis, and guided imagery.

Relaxation training can help alleviate both the emotional and physical reactions that occur in response to phobias. The individual is also taught to use coping skills to redirect the stress response.

Medication treatment is the right option for those suffering from excessive anxiety caused by a phobia. But medications do not cure phobias. It only helps relieve symptoms that are felt physically or emotionally.

For example, a person may have a fear of birds. They may be prescribed anti-anxiety medications or beta blockers when they have to face their fears.

It is important that only renowned and professional doctors recommend medications for patients suffering from phobias. Drug treatment may be harmful for some people, so it is important to answer any questions the psychologist may have about your past emotional or physical well-being

Drug treatment for silensophobia

Not only psychologists and psychotherapists, but even psychiatrists will help you get rid of phobias. The patient may need the help of the latter during acute manifestations of the disease. The most common is drug therapy.

The following types of medications have become widespread in treatment:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants. Most often used to combat depression. The action of the components of the drug, neurotransmitters, is based on the restoration of the psyche. The most common drugs: Moclobemide, Sertraline, Fluoxetine, etc.
  • Benzodiazepines. Also used for panic attacks. The most popular drugs are: Imiprapine, Phenazipam, Alprozolam, etc.
  • Beta blockers. They are used to eliminate signs of phobias, most often problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Psycholeptics. Reduce anxiety. The most popular medicine is Busporin. The selection and specifics of the use of drugs are carried out by the attending physician.

Herbal sedatives

It is prohibited to take medications on your own due to health hazards in case of incorrectly calculated dosage and side effects.


How to treat is determined after establishing the nature and severity of the disorder. Diagnostic measures are carried out by a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. They include a detailed interview, special scales for identifying and assessing the intensity of fear, maps of situations for identifying stimuli, and drawing tests. To get a more complete picture of what is happening, parents are also asked to fill out a questionnaire.

Basic rules for getting rid of a phobia on your own

Self-medication for the fear of silence also has its power. The main thing is to know the main directions of therapy. Psychotherapists often advise patients:

  • Realize your problems. The main thing is not to be afraid of silence and perceive it as a normal psychological background. This will help you get started in the fight against your phobia.
  • Meet silence more often. You can overcome your problems only by meeting them more often. Psychotherapists call this method “reaction burnout.” The fact is that, constantly encountering a phobia, a person gradually gets used to it, since defensive reactions also intensify.
  • Get rid of tension. With any manifestation of anxiety, it is important to learn to control yourself and relax in a timely manner. You can use deep breathing techniques, meditation and even muscle relaxation. And yoga can help prevent obsessive thoughts.
  • Learn to control your own thoughts. The phobia of silence is constantly fueled by negative emotions that arise during thought processes. By learning to control yourself and the “direction” of your thoughts, you can avoid the signs of silensophobia.

Psychologists advise realizing your phobia by creating certain objects and images. The easiest way is drawing. In moments of anxiety and other signs of silensophobia, creating a drawing will help a person express his emotions and give free rein to his feelings. In addition, this is a good way to understand the nature of your illness. There are methods that transform the problem expressed by visual art into something humorous and caricatured. Such work also has advantages - the phobia ceases to have a strong influence on the person, he learns to control it.

A person’s internal resources are sometimes stronger than his physical capabilities. Thus, in patients with silensophobia, silence even causes problems with sleep. By putting on headphones or turning on the TV, the patient creates for himself a comfortable psychological background of involvement in the world. Having lost it, a person suffers. Therefore, initial work on a phobia is based on working with a psychological problem without barriers or interference. Only by facing your fear “face to face” can you defeat it.

What is phonophobia?

Phonophobia is a (neurotic) anxiety disorder that is part of a group of specific phobias characterized by a fear of loud sounds. In extreme cases, it takes the form of fear of one's own voice. The term phonophobia comes from the Greek words phn, phnma, which mean sound, voice, and phobos, which translates to fear.

It is also called ligyrophobia or acousticophobia. A feeling of anxiety can appear not only as a result of the direct action of the anxiety factor, but also sometimes as a result of its image. For example, the sight of a person inflating a balloon to a size at which it might burst creates an alarming situation, since patients can anticipate the noise that may accompany it.

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