What is the fear of women called, and how to get rid of the phobia?

Fear of women (gynophobia) is one of hundreds of obsessive fears. Most often, the disorder occurs in men, sometimes accompanied by panic attacks, and manifests itself as difficulties in contact between people of the opposite sex. Fear has a destructive effect on an individual’s life, deprives him of many positive emotions, and significantly reduces the quality of life. What is gynophobia, what are the symptoms of the disease, how to deal with this and similar fears, we will consider further.

What kind of phobia is this?

From the point of view of social adaptation, fear of the opposite sex is one of many types of phobias. Inappropriate reactions manifest themselves in different ways. The intensity of the course of the disease is influenced by the potentially dangerous behavior of the object of fear, an unsuccessful sexual relationship, or other disorders based on disgust and disrespect for the opposite sex.

Gynophobes are not able to control their own emotions, since feelings at the moment of fear are based on deep reasons of a subconscious nature. It is easy to control the psycho-emotional manifestations of a child, orienting him towards increased responsibility to his mother. This leads to the development of phobias in boys (and even girls) from dysfunctional families. The absence of a father in single-parent families, the despotism of the mother, and sexual problems are the main causes of gynophobia. Moreover, a decisive role in the onset of fear can be played by both excessive guardianship and the irresponsible and weak behavior of the father.

Main causes of fear

The name of the fear of girls is indicated above. It occurs for various reasons. Hidden psychological traumas are frequent prerequisites for the emergence of fear of the weaker sex. An effective way to overcome unconscious fear is hypnotherapy. Psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin returned many people to normal life in this way, as evidenced by the responses of users from different parts of the country.

Thanks to immersion in trance, the client explores his own inner world, memories become clearer and clearer. Hypnosis helps to find the root cause of fear and understand the problems objectively. During the session, the human psyche opens, the nervous system calms down, and fears, including gynophobia, disappear.

Maternal oppressive severity is the most recognizable and common cause of fear of women. At an early age, the child could be subjected to harsh parenting methods, personality suppression, and the like. It is important not what the phobia is called “fear of women”, but that the root causes must be sought in the relationship between parents. This is often due to the man’s lack of proper authority in the family. If the father is gentle and loyal in everything, he takes little part in punishing his offspring. It happens that representatives of the stronger sex take on most of the female roles. Constantly showing love and tenderness to a child forms subconscious mental elements. The consequences of such actions appear several years later, in adulthood. Ignoring them leads to prolonged depression and significantly affects the quality of everyday life.

Mothers often lecture their spouses, are solely responsible for making important decisions, and punish their children. Such behavior is contrary to nature, and therefore destructive images are created associated with all representatives of the fair half of humanity. To get rid of the fear of girls, you need to focus on the example of an authoritative dad, whom everyone respects.

Another cause of gynophobia is ambiguous intimate relationships. A man can be interested in ladies and feel interested in them, but a bad sexual experience becomes a kind of barrier. Stressful situations associated with the female gender are often remembered. Further, inferiority complexes and related problems develop.

Fear of women manifests itself more productively in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that a man considers building a relationship with the expectant mother to be unnatural factors. The problem is manifested by rejection and disgust, as well as manic actions.

Causes of gynophobia

Men often begin to develop a negative attitude towards the female half of humanity in early childhood. The cause is traumatic events and improper behavior of parents in the family.

  1. The boy grew up in a single-parent family and was raised by one mother. Of course, such situations are not uncommon now, and no one accuses single mothers of deliberately harming their sons. But often, bearing all the hardships of raising a child alone, such mothers become irritated, domineering and even aggressive, despotic towards their own children.
  2. This can happen in a complete family, but with a soft, weak-willed father who is not an authority for his stronger and more violent wife.

Note! An overly strict mother, constantly scolding and harshly punishing her son, roughly suppressing his will, later becomes the reason for his developing fears of girls and women.

  1. Painful experience of communication in childhood or adolescence, during the period of formation of the personality of the future man. For example, if a child has become a victim of prolonged bullying and ridicule from girls at school, in the yard, or in other children's groups.
  2. An unsuccessful experience in a love relationship, when a young man was rejected by his lover or partner, found himself in a humiliating situation for himself. Ridicule or insults can deeply hurt a person, leaving a reluctance in his soul for a long time to communicate with the opposite sex.

As a result, a vivid traumatic experience often leads a man to a contradictory desire: he is both drawn to girls, and at the same time painfully afraid of them, or rather, afraid of repeating painful situations for himself.

There is an opinion that fear of women in some cases can lead to homosexuality, although, of course, not all homosexuals are gynophobic.

Also, “misogyny” is often present as an additional diagnosis in much more severe mental disorders. For example, in forensic medicine it is a known fact that in fifty percent of cases maniacs, murderers and rapists are gynophobes. It was the uncontrollable strong sexual desire and at the same time the horror of the chosen woman that forced them to kill their victims.

The origins of phobia in women are similar among representatives of the fairer sex themselves. If a girl in early childhood became a victim of unworthy and offensive behavior on the part of her peers or mother, then this can subsequently forever change her attitude towards the female gender and even cause a deep internal conflict with herself.

Symptoms of fear in women

Gynophobe is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • groundless anxiety at the sight of women;
  • difficulty in starting a conversation with a lady, even if she makes the first move;
  • panic manifestations at the sight of pregnant women.

Physical symptoms include pallor, rapid heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and fainting. With severe panic attacks, involuntary ejaculation or urination occurs. The manifestation of one or more symptoms depends on how strong the fear of beautiful women is.

Signs of fear of dating girls

The main distinguishing signs of a potential gynophobe:

  1. As children, boys are calm and obedient. They experience excessive care from parents (especially the father) and relatives. At the same time, they are often afraid of their own mother.
  2. Guys avoid conflicts, don’t get involved in fights, and make friends with girls at an early age.
  3. In the class, children do not stand out from the crowd, feel insecure when they see beautiful girls, and “fill with paint” when communicating with them. Asking a teacher to give his full name in front of the whole class often causes difficulty.
  4. Typically, young people with a phobia of fear of women try to spend most of their time alone, read books, enjoy computer games, and do not like noisy companies.
  5. Boys from single-parent families often lack an example in the form of an authoritative father. They develop suspiciousness and behavior characteristic of women. This list includes neatness, a passion for shopping and cooking.
  6. In adolescence and older, young people consider themselves unworthy of female attention and avoid contact with female representatives.

It is worth noting that most of these men have a high level of intelligence, are well-read, and strive for self-education. Despite low self-esteem, they study well in educational institutions.

Signs of fear of beautiful women:

  • fear of meeting a beautiful girl, due to feelings of inferiority;
  • fear of close attention when being with a beautiful young lady (after all, many people look at beauties and will discuss it);
  • fear of being refused intimacy or disappointing a girl;
  • fear of not meeting a woman's demands. Perhaps he considers himself ugly, insolvent;
  • spend time only with male friends, do not go to places filled with beauties.
  • calmly communicate with girls of average beauty (in their opinion);
  • fear of communicating with girls, even about work or an issue;
  • fear of meeting girls;
  • strong feelings in communicating with a group of girls;
  • fear of intimacy.

Other manifestations of fear of meeting a girl

Women also suffer from gynophobia and have a negative attitude towards other representatives of their sex and the wives of other people's husbands. The first reason is homosexuality or fear of the mother.

Guys often feel afraid of approaching girls. The disorder is accompanied by severe anxiety, even a panic attack. The young man cannot even start a conversation with the lady. The main thing is not to give up, try to overcome fear by making repeated attempts. Homosexuals also often experience symptoms of gynophobia.

You need to know how to overcome the fear of meeting girls, otherwise the phobia develops into a chronic disease, which causes physical and moral harm to the body. A person withdraws into himself, is protected from the outside world, and becomes an inferior member of society. Additionally, frequent depression and anchoretism occur.

Other possible reasons for the development of a phobia

If the required measures are not taken in a timely manner and the situation is left to chance, everything can result in deep anger and powerful misogyny. Along with this, in the initial stages, fear can be relatively insignificant and manifest itself selectively.

For example, guys may be afraid to meet young girls, falling into great excitement or even panic when trying to start a conversation with a stranger who looks attractive to him. If a person still manages to muster up courage and overcome his worries, he will become quite purposeful and will be able to lead a normal life in which representatives of the fair sex will be present.

If it is not possible to gain control over oneself, the patient will most likely make efforts to avoid the alarming society in general or the girls he likes in particular. At the same time, rude statements addressed to the subject of the phobia often remain the only possible means of personal protection.

If even thoughts about sex cause a phobia and panic attacks in a patient, this leads to painful experiences and contributes to a significant deterioration in the quality of life, making it impossible to coexist normally with other members of society.

In some cases, phobia acts as a manifestation of anchoretism, i.e. hermitage. In exceptional cases, such a condition is considered as a variant of the norm, but only if there are reasonable reasons for this, fear is definitely not one of them.

Refusal of contacts with the outside world, the desire to spend time in deserted places and not encounter other representatives of society is not normal and, even more so, does not alleviate the situation, but, on the contrary, contributes to the emergence of persistent depressive moods.

Types of fear of girls

Gynophobia occurs individually in each subject. The most common forms:

  • fear of female representatives in general;
  • fear of pregnant women;
  • phobias of a sexual nature.

Fear of women is not classified as a complex neurosis; it is quite easy to get rid of it. Psychologist-hypnologist Baturin Nikita Valerievich solves this problem with the help of hypnotherapy, and very successfully, as evidenced by reviews from grateful clients. The specialist finds the root cause of fear, smoothly guides the person to its understanding, awareness and adequate reaction. For example, fear of ladies in an “interesting position” can manifest itself in adolescence if the teenager does not fully understand the physiology of a woman or is overly active in this direction.

Phobias of a sexual nature indicate that a man is afraid to have intimate intimacy with a woman. He avoids touching, kissing, and talking about similar topics. As a result, the disorder leads to impotence, an inferiority complex, and low self-esteem.

The following will also help you cope with uncertainty:

  • goal setting courses;
  • daily study of points to increase self-esteem;
  • physical activity (a fit figure, strength and endurance are always in fashion);
  • self-realization in life, harmony with one’s desires, needs and abilities.

If something resonated with you while reading the text and it seems to you that the situation and symptoms described in the article are similar to your case, and you would like to solve this problem, you can call me first at + 7 (926) 169-36 -63 to talk about your problem that you want to solve.

The duration of the telephone consultation is 20 minutes (free of charge) , during which time I must decide whether I can help you within the framework of psychoanalytic counseling. If it’s easier for you to write a letter, you can do this by clicking on the link and sign up for a consultation. I ask you to describe your situation in as much detail as possible - the size of the letter is unlimited, I will definitely read your letter and respond.

I am always near.

How to remove fear when meeting a girl?

Alcohol and “amateur psychics” will not save you from gynophobia. At most, this can bring temporary relief followed by relapse. This approach is fraught with illusory deception and internal discomfort.

The phobia without a wife or girlfriend also does not go away on its own. For help, you should contact a psychologist or hypnologist. It is better to face fear face to face, try to transgress through yourself, and start communicating with the female sex. This method is suitable for those whose disorder has not developed into an acute stage.

The psychologist-hypnologist will explain to the client not only how to overcome the fear of approaching girls, but will also help to find out the root cause of the fear, ridding the client of it forever. A person must realize for himself that his phobia is unreasonable and has no foundation.

What kind of person is he who is susceptible to phobia?

If an individual suffers from any phobic disorder, he will consciously avoid a situation that can lead to stress. Fears interfere with living a normal life. Constant anxiety and irritability contribute to decreased performance, deterioration of memory and attentiveness.

The tendency to escape from stressful, frightening situations generally reduces the quality of life. A person is unable to self-realize. To avoid a panic attack and fear, a person will avoid communicating with people, making new acquaintances, and depriving himself of entertainment. It is the object of the phobia that reduces the quality of certain aspects of life.

Treatment of fear of girls

A phobia accompanied by panic attacks requires immediate consultation with a specialist. It will help normalize your mental state and relieve obsessive fear. Psychotherapy is considered the most effective treatment technique for this disorder. This includes several techniques:

  1. When superficial fear manifests itself, when a man cannot understand its cause, hypnosis is used. Sessions allow you to penetrate a person’s subconscious, finding out the root cause of fear, activating forgotten facts from life.
  2. The fear of beautiful girls is sometimes eliminated in group courses. If people have similar symptoms and symptoms of the disorder, it is easier for them to cope with their fears together. They don’t feel lonely, relax emotionally faster, and give up their phobia. Read more about hypnotherapy methods here.
  3. Cognitive treatment. This includes the activation of cognitive processes in the brain. This allows you to see the object of fear as realistically as possible, restoring the process of natural relationships between representatives of the opposite sex.
  4. Drug treatment for gynophobia is ineffective and short-term. Tranquilizer drugs and antidepressants are used here.

You already know what fear of women is called, and you are also familiar with possible treatment methods. It is worth noting that gynophobia is classified as a psychological illness. Not all individuals compare their fears with a phobia. Often people turn to a specialist late, which leads to lengthy and difficult treatment. However, after several stages, even after the most severe form of gynophobia, it becomes much easier for men to build relationships with girls.

The psychotherapist will help you correctly structure all stages of treatment, with the greatest possible effect. At an early stage, the fear of approaching ladies can be treated quite easily and productively.


In order not to be afraid of women and to be successful with them, representatives of the stronger sex should adhere to several useful rules:

  1. Give the girl your hand when exiting the vehicle. This is basic ethics.
  2. You should not “season” your vocabulary in communication with vulgar words and expressions.
  3. “Signs of attention,” such as whistling and hooting, are also not the best way to attract a lady’s attention.
  4. Give women flowers, and not only on well-known dates.
  5. Develop intellectually, don't lose physical shape.
  6. Look after yourself, be careful and tactful.

Following these recommendations will allow you to avoid phrases and thoughts that you are afraid of women. If manifestations of fear and panic have been going on since childhood, contact a psychiatrist or other specialist in this field. This will help return the gynophobe to society, rid him of obsessions, and feel the joy of a fulfilling life. It is not so important what a girl's fear is called. The main thing is to understand your fears in time, solve the problem once and for all, using the services of specialized specialists. Otherwise, a person goes into imaginary recovery: drugs, gambling, alcoholism, depression. You don’t need to let the process take its course and get a full life in a short time.

Gynophobia is born at the subconscious level. This is not the flu or a virus. The disease often comes from a young age, occurring after experiencing tragedy or grief. Symptoms of the disease appear between the ages of 18 and 50 years. Treatment of the disease is not associated with particular difficulties. Much depends on the degree of qualification of the psychologist and the desires of the individual.

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