Why does everyone piss you off: managing the emotional background

Photo from the site baltnews.lt
The emotional background influences how we see and interpret certain events. If it is negative, then we paint everything in “gray” colors, and this state can drag on for a long time.

What to do about this, or better yet, how to avoid a negative emotional background in work and life? Alexandra Egorushkina, head of the Soft Skills department, business coach of the Here and Now consulting group, certified tutor for the development of emotional intelligence (European association of cultural and emotionally intelligent projects), spoke about this.

— One of the difficulties in situational management of emotions is due to the fact that we do nothing in our lives to maintain a stable positive emotional background.
Alexandra Egorushkina Business coach of the consulting group “Here and Now”
For example, we monitor physical health and satisfy physiological needs. But we don’t work with our emotional state and, as a result, we complain about stress, fatigue, apathy and lack of motivation.

Let's figure out what emotional background is, how it affects our lives and what we can do to maintain it.

Stress and nervousness in women - the main symptoms and their manifestations

A state of increased excitability is not just a constant bad mood, but primarily a medical problem associated with increased irritability, anxiety and unhealthy restlessness. The development of stress nervousness is provoked by stress hormones produced by the body in the natural process of reaction to the lack of certain substances and vitamins necessary for human development.

Constant stress and states of nervous tension can manifest themselves in various symptoms, the main ones of which are quite easily determined, these include:

  • headache and increased suspiciousness;
  • periodic insomnia and restless sleep;
  • feeling of loss of strength and depression;
  • pulse lability and pressure variability;
  • systematic deterioration in performance.

Along with emotional tension in stressful situations, a person’s imbalance and lack of restraint manifests itself, which is perceived by others as bad manners and lack of tact, which can lead to a loss of authority in the team or cause quarrels in the family. By choosing the best vitamins for nerves, as effective means of relieving stress, you can take care of your own health and eliminate the negative causes of a complex of symptoms, improve your body’s health and minimize the effects of stress.

Optimists are always held in high esteem

Surely you yourself have noticed such a tendency in life that many more people are attracted to people with an optimistic outlook on life than to a gloomy beech.

In fact, everything is not without reason and is quite logical. Each of us is attracted to carefree and happy individuals who are able to share a good mood with others. After all, each of us, consciously or subconsciously, wants to live a life without problems, worries and stress.

Causes of increased nervousness and tense emotional state

Before choosing ways to relieve stress and nervous tension and considering options for calming the nerves, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause, physiological or psychological, that led to an unstable emotional state. To treat and increase stress resistance, it is important to determine the cause of nervousness and mild excitability; for this it is not necessary to contact a psychologist, and a home first aid kit and anti-stress vitamins for women will effectively calm the nerves.

The main physiological causes of nervous breakdowns include a lack of minerals, nutrients and vitamins, hormonal imbalances against the background of poor health, and it is recommended to reduce physical activity and avoid emotional turmoil. Mental causes include moral pressure, a state of severe stress, systematic lack of sleep and fatigue in combination with the impact on the body of negative external factors, living conditions or a difficult work environment.

Watch an interesting movie

If you have 2 hours of free time and need to cheer yourself up, then go to the cinema or watch it at home. Choose a film that suits your current situation. For some, a comedy is more suitable for a good laugh, for others it is better to watch a romantic film to awaken warm feelings and tenderness.

By the way, a drama with a sad ending can also come in handy if you need to compare your situation and the history of the film’s characters in order to understand: “I’m not so bad yet.” And horror films and thrillers will tickle your nerves, cause a rush of adrenaline and a desire to act. This genre is suitable for those who need to disperse melancholy and apathy.

The best therapy and ways to improve morale, mental health

Admiring the people around you who calmly react to various external stimuli, you can try to forcibly restrain your own emotions, worrying in your soul and constantly being in chronic stress, which will negatively affect your health. Effective treatment of nervousness and irritability in women is carried out using modern medications and vitamin complexes that calm the nervous system, relieve stress and help normalize hormonal levels.

Therapy for relieving tension and treating nerves requires contacting specialists who can establish a diagnosis and the true cause, the consequence of which is prolonged stress, detrimental to the female body and morale. Properly selected vitamin complexes not only calm the nerves, they can be used to relieve nervous tension and restore the emotional background during exacerbations and neuroses, accompanied by possible pathological abnormalities.

Selection of material

The same thing can be told in different words and with different examples. You can write a dozen words on the board for a rule for cheating, or you can write a funny short text. That is, a lot depends on the selection of material. Often teachers try to find something interesting (“tasty”) on the Internet with which they can surprise the children in class. If it doesn’t work out, you can try to turn the most routine material into an exciting story, a detective story, a science fiction novel, a journey...

Various video materials, of which there are many on the Internet, may be useful.

They create a working mood and bring a lot of emotions and various creative and non-standard tasks:

  • competitions;
  • "chains";
  • texts starting with a given letter;
  • courts;
  • RAFT technology;
  • creation of games and projects;
  • "Six Hats";
  • “Guess who I am”, etc.

In short, assignments and explanations should be such as to prevent boredom in the lesson, and then everything will work out.

General principles for treating symptoms of nervousness and overcoming stress

Effective vitamins for stress and nerves are great for complex therapy, including various methods of calming and relieving emotional stress; they help you relax and restore strength as quickly as possible and without harm to the body. The principle of action of drugs that relieve tension and calm the nerves is based on a complex effect, due to which the work of the central nervous system stabilizes and returns to normal:

  • normalization of day and night work and rest schedules;
  • elimination of destabilizing external and internal factors;
  • normalization of digestion and replenishment of the body with vitamins;
  • relief from constant anxiety and nervous tension.

When choosing what to calm your nerves and relieve stress, drugs should be chosen carefully; those that have a complex effect and can relieve stress and eliminate its negative consequences for the body deserve special attention. After taking a high-quality product, hormones are produced in the required quantities, and the nerves will definitely relax, and many vitamins included in the drug relieve nervous tension and will help restore health and beauty.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks and anxiety

An easily excitable nervous system can cause serious physical health problems, the first signs of which are a complex of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), manifested in increased anxiety and panic attacks. Knowing how to treat a panic attack and anxiety, you can choose the best remedy for VSD, drugs that will effectively calm the nerves, taking into account the monthly hormonal surges associated with the characteristics of female physiology.

Strengthening physical health is carried out with drugs that relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of VSD; treatment with folk remedies does not give the necessary and stable effect; it is better to use good vitamins. After the nerves calm down and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, the emotional background will improve, which is important for health and is a necessary condition for maintaining the external beauty of a woman.

What to do

In order not to reach such a state, you need to constantly invest effort into your emotional state. Our emotions are the same part of the body as, for example, the cardiovascular system, and they need constant attention on two levels: 1) do not do something that is catastrophically harmful and 2) do something that helps to be in good shape.

What steps can help with this?

Step 1. Understand the top 10 values. True, not socially desirable. Honestly, for myself. What really matters to you? Without what are you not you? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve?

Most often, this is something intangible, something for which we acquire all sorts of material benefits, but we rarely ask ourselves the question: why do we need them, for what? These are most often our values. Periodically, for example, once a year, you need to return to this issue, since if not the values ​​themselves, then their priorities may change.

Step 2. Define long-term goals. List. What do you want to do for a certain period, for example, in the next year.

Step 3. Agree on goals and values. Determine how much each goal helps in realizing values ​​by assigning each goal an indicator from 0 to 3 (0 - does not help, 3 - helps). Determine which values ​​have been left unattended and what can be added/changed so that they can still be realized.

The most unpleasant thing is that achieving goals can indirectly help realize our values, for example, this year a trip to the sea for a child could be a manifestation of care for loved ones. But our thinking is patterned and does not always complete these connections on its own. He needs to explain and align his goals with his values, as we coordinate the tasks of departments in the company so that they do not contradict each other, but work to achieve the common goal of the business.

Photo from pravdaurfo.ru

For example, for the value “Warm relationships in the family,” the goal “Send your family to the seaside for the summer” now weighs, say, 0. What if you go on your own for the summer with your family to the seaside? This, for example, is already 2. If there is no opportunity to leave, then can you add to your plan, for example, once every two weeks, spend a day with your family without a phone? Or something similar.

There is always a way, it is important to be willing to find it and be honest with yourself about what is truly important to you. The positivity of your emotional background is not greatly influenced by the amount of time you devote to the goal, but its quality is important. It’s better once a month, but only with the family, than every evening, but when the family is just a background for email. After all, each of us had 5 minutes in our lives from which we walked inspired for weeks and which we still remember with a smile.

Step 4. Don’t put off the small and big joys you’ve thought through. At the moment of loading it seems to us that 5 minutes will not give us anything and urgent work is more important. And if you had to reschedule, then be sure to reschedule for a clear date and still do it.

Beauty vitamins - as an important component of the health formula

When choosing vitamins for facial skin, which is an indicator of women’s health, you can pay attention to complex products that include several active ingredients, minerals and trace elements. Knowing what vitamins affect hair growth, it is very easy to choose a vitamin complex that will be the best way to keep yourself in great shape, with the possibility of healing the body.

Understanding why vitamin B6 is needed, which helps normalize the functioning of muscles and the heart, it is important to combine it with calcium, which increases the effectiveness of the therapy and the complex for healing the female body. The affordable price of Coenzyme Q10 allows you to purchase a certified drug for inclusion in a therapeutic complex to restore your physical and moral condition.

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