Processes of human interaction: concept, forms, levels

The article explains:

  1. Concept of people interaction
  2. What are human interaction processes based on?
  3. 6 levels of social interaction
  4. Forms of social interaction
  5. 10 Ways to Improve Your Personal People Skills

Since childhood, each of us has been part of different social groups (family, friends, etc.). As we grow up, we leave some, while others, on the contrary, we enter.

In each of the groups we regularly interact with other participants. In them, a person acquires social skills that help strengthen his status. Moreover, the relationships themselves can be both direct and indirect.

Let's talk more about these processes of interaction between people, as well as how social capital helps to obtain real benefits.

Concept of people interaction

Interaction is understood as the process of objects influencing each other with the subsequent formation of a connection and mutual conditionality between them. This influence can be direct or indirect.

An important feature of the process of human interaction is its causality. That is, objects and structures develop under the influence of each other, this determines the reasons for their direct actions and reverse reactions.

The contradictions that arise during interaction become the impetus for independent movement and development of processes.

People in the process of interaction are considered as independent subjects, each of whom is endowed with their own inner world. That is, in essence, there is an interaction between these worlds, the intersection of ideas, images, thoughts, followed by making assessments for other individuals, identifying their needs, and influencing them on an emotional level.

In addition, social psychology also views interaction as a tool for organizing joint group activities of people (and not just as a way to influence each other). Then interaction is a calibrated sequence of constant actions performed specifically in order to force the participants of the opposite side to react.

Manifestations of activity or passivity of communication participants have more strict forms and are complemented by a number of restrictions when it comes to living together or working together (compared to individual communication). Here we have to build parallels and disperse efforts between the concepts of “I” and “He”, “We” and “They”. At the same time, people form more accurate evaluative ideas not only about others, but also about themselves. Thus, interaction processes help in establishing adequate self-esteem and teach the ability to behave in society.

Communication techniques and techniques

The content and goals of communication are its relatively unchanged components, depending on human needs, which are not always amenable to conscious control. The same can be said about cash means of communication. This can be learned, but to a much lesser extent than technology and communication techniques. The means of communication is understood as the way in which a person realizes certain contents and goals of communication. They depend on a person’s culture, level of development, upbringing and education. When we talk about the development of a person’s abilities, skills and communication skills, we, first of all, mean technology and means of communication.

Communication techniques are ways of pre-setting a person to communicate with people, his behavior in the process of communication, and techniques are the preferred means of communication, including verbal and non-verbal.

Before entering into communication with another person, you need to determine your interests, correlate them with the interests of your communication partner, evaluate him as a person, and choose the most appropriate technique and methods of communication. Then, already in the process of communication, it is necessary to control its progress and results, be able to correctly complete the act of communication, leaving the partner with an appropriate, favorable or unfavorable, impression of himself and making sure that in the future he has or does not have (if this desire is not present) ) desire to continue communication.

At the initial stage of communication, his technique includes such elements as the adoption of a certain facial expression, posture, choice of initial words and tone of statements, movements and gestures, attracting the partner’s attention, actions aimed at pre-setting him for a certain perception of the communicated (transmitted information).

Facial expression must correspond to three points: the purpose of the message, the desired result of communication and the demonstrated attitude towards the partner. The posture taken, like facial expression, also serves as a means of demonstrating a certain attitude either to the communication partner or to the content of what is being communicated. Sometimes the subject of communication consciously controls the posture in order to facilitate or, on the contrary, complicate the act of communication. For example, a conversation with an interlocutor face to face at a close distance facilitates communication and indicates a friendly attitude towards him, and a conversation looking to the side, standing half-turned or with his back and at a considerable distance from the interlocutor, usually makes communication difficult and indicates an unfriendly attitude towards him. Note, that posture and facial expression can be controlled consciously and formed unconsciously and, despite the will and desire of the person himself, demonstrate his attitude to the content of the conversation or the interlocutor.

The choice of initial words and tone that initiate the act of communication also has a certain impression on the partner. For example, a formal tone means that the communication partner is not in the mood to establish friendly personal relationships. The same purpose is served by emphasizing the “you” address to a familiar person. On the contrary, the initial address on “you” and the transition to a friendly, informal tone of communication are a sign of a friendly attitude, the partner’s willingness to establish informal personal relationships. Approximately the same is evidenced by the presence or absence of a friendly smile on the face at the initial moment of communication.

The first gestures that attract the attention of a communication partner, as well as facial expressions (facial expressions), are often involuntary, so communicating people, in order to hide their condition or attitude towards their partner, avert their eyes and hide their hands. In these same situations, difficulties often arise in choosing the first words, slips of the tongue, speech errors, and difficulties often occur, the nature of which Sigmund Freud spoke a lot and interestingly about.

What are human interaction processes based on?

The basis of the processes of interaction between people in society is communication. It is formed on the basis of reflex neural reactions (using mirror neurons). You cannot, for example, prepare for a performance and not think about how the listener or viewer will perceive you.

Interpersonal interaction is understood as the mutual desire of participants for joint cooperation. Communication will not work if one person has unfavorable thoughts towards the other party and does not consider compromises acceptable.

What processes are interpersonal communication based on? In essence, this is always an exchange of some symbolism, signs. Any transaction requires the presence of two participants, the one who started the communication and its addressee. The first process is the sending of characters by the initiator, and the second is the receipt of information by the addressee.

And here it is very important that there are no barriers to communication, otherwise the messages will not be able to be correctly deciphered. In addition, it is of great importance that the parties belong to the same social class and the presence of common cultural points of contact. It is extremely difficult to transfer information between different cultural layers.

Causes of poor communication

There are specific reasons for ineffective communication between people:

  • Stereotypes are a kind of cliches, generalizations, simplifications, a version of what is happening that is previously accepted as the truth in the absence of an objective analysis of the situation. In this case, attitudes, stereotypes, and beliefs that a person had long before he entered into communication are used.
  • The bias barrier, or preconceived notions, is the tendency to jump to conclusions without having complete and reliable information about the subject under discussion. And also the rejection of everything that does not correspond to one’s own beliefs, one’s own idea of ​​the true state of affairs.
  • Lack of sympathy, bad, or even hostile relations between interlocutors reduce the possibility of successful communication to a minimum. If your general impression of a person is negative, it will be difficult to convince yourself that he is right.

Forms of social interaction

For man as a social being, communication is vital. Even a writer who has secluded himself from everyone (in search of inspiration for writing a book) can still be considered an example of the process of interaction between people, because this implies communication between the author and future readers.

The following forms of communication exist:

  • Friendship. It implies a fairly close interaction between psychologically close people. Both experience joy and pleasure.
  • Love. Very close interaction of an intimate nature. Gives impetus to mutual personal growth.
  • Communication between students in a group or in some circles.
  • Interaction between employees of the work team.
  • Intersection and communication in psychological support groups.

Psychology distinguishes the processes of interaction between people into official and informal, business and interpersonal. In general, building relationships is a rather complex process that requires a subtle approach. Many factors influence this, and the main thing you need to be able to do is establish social contacts.

Establishing good interpersonal communication in a group is not very easy. What is needed here is a person with strong leadership qualities who will be able to smooth out rough edges and set the team up for work correctly. Without this, the group may simply fall apart.

In business circles there are also people who easily establish friendly relationships with others. Such individuals, as a rule, are distinguished by developed emotional intelligence and have good communication skills. Social leadership is inherent in them by nature, and they make excellent managers (if certain qualities are purposefully developed).


1. Krysko V.G. Social psychology: Course of lectures – 3rd ed.
– M.: Omega-L, 2006. – 352 p.; table, ill. - (Higher School Library.). 2. Lavrinenko V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities. – 4th ed. reworked and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. – 415 p.

3. Morozov A.V. Business psychology: Course of lectures. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house SOYUZ, 2000 – 576 p.

4. Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology of business communication and management. Textbook. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2005. - 416 p.

5. Shelamova G.M. Business culture and psychology of communication: A textbook for beginners. prof. education. — 7th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing House, 2007. - 160 p.

6. - Perception errors.


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1) Do not impose services and do not give advice that you are not asked for.

2) Stop assuming that you know better how others should live.

3) Don't promise what you can't deliver.

4) Don't expect gratitude - everything you do, you do because you want it.

5) If you still count on reciprocal services, negotiate your conditions in advance.

6) Find alternative ways to assert yourself.

7) If you feel a strong desire to save someone, do it, but be honest with yourself - is your help really necessary and effective?


1) Instead of complaining about people who ruin your life, try to find a way to improve your life.

2) Stop thinking that other people are responsible for solving your problems. 3) Do not shift responsibility for your actions onto others. Everything you do is your own choice, unless, of course, a gun is pointed at you.

4) Do not count on free services. If you are offered help, find out in advance what is expected of you in return.

5) Don't make excuses, just do as you see fit.

6) If they sympathize with you, agree to help and discuss your problems with you, try to extract something really useful from this

yourself instead of just pitting your Rescuer against your Persecutor.

The way out of the triangle of fate is difficult and long. On the path of someone who follows the path of development, both their own habits and established patterns of behavior of others who strive to maintain the status quo. Sometimes it may even be easier to leave a destructive relationship altogether—if possible. The main thing is not to repeat the same scenario in a new place and with new participants.

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What helps peers communicate (grade 6)

People spend their entire lives communicating: talking, texting, sending each other letters, SMS, or communicating via the Internet. But the easiest way for us to communicate is with our peers. This happens for the reason that when communicating with his peers, a person feels like an equal.

With the older generation, you will always act as a child. Of course, you need to treat older people with respect, listen to their advice, not offend or be offended, and show attention to them. To your parents, you will always be a child.

Your peers are people who are approximately the same age as you. They live in different countries, in big cities and small towns and villages. They grow up, think about themselves and others, evaluate good and evil, and comprehend the difficult science of life among such different people. In science this is called reflection.

Pursuer (Aggressor)

1) Before making claims, demanding something, criticizing, blaming and shaming other people, think carefully about whether you really need a result, or whether you just want to vent your anger.

2) Accept the idea that you are imperfect and can make mistakes.

3) Stop blaming other people for your problems.

4) Stop believing that others have to conform to your idea of ​​what is right.

5) Find alternative ways to assert yourself.

6) If you want to get something from another person, try to push him in the right direction without physical or emotional violence.

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