Yellow color in human psychology, craving for yellow: characteristics of color, what does it mean for girls and women, men, children? What does the color yellow symbolize?

Yellow is the brightest color in the visible spectrum that is most visible to the human eye. It is believed to affect the left side of the brain, where deep thinking and perception reside.

Yellow is the most sensitive color to the eye.

What does yellow mean: symbolism, color characteristics

  • Yellow color is a symbol of movement, joy and fun; it evokes positive emotions, pleasant memories in a person, and activates mental activity. This color seems to have absorbed the sun, warmth, and fields of life-affirming blooming sunflowers.
  • It’s as if someone with a light hand imbued him with brightness and activity, and with these qualities he is able to charge a person with energy, make him move forward to new achievements. When you see an optimistic yellow color with a drop of gold, your mind immediately draws a parallel with wealth, intelligence, and energy.
  • But, despite all its positivity and optimism , yellow also contains some negativity. It seems to be a kind of synonym for greed and greed, and sometimes also for betrayal, jealousy, envy, and meanness.
  • There are Asian countries where yellow means death and mourning. Brazilians believe that yellowness symbolizes despair. The Chinese love yellow, because in their interpretation it means empire and splendor. For Russians, it most often reminds them of betrayal or separation.
  • Yellow is one of the three main colors of the spectral palette, actively participating in the emergence of all other shades.



Shades of yellow

There are 136 shades of yellow in total. But they are all conventionally divided into warm and cold tones. Warm shades have an admixture of red, and cool shades have an admixture of green. Main variations of yellow:


Symbolizes vigor, activity, morning awakening.


Associated with autumn warmth, pleasant memories, home comfort and well-being.


Invokes dreams of relaxing on the sea beach. Symbolizes carelessness and idleness.

The meaning of yellow in psychology

  • Psychologists have concluded that the color yellow is primarily associated with intellectual activity, with the human mind. During numerous studies, they proved that yellow, like no other color, can actively influence those parts of the brain that are responsible for thinking and memory.
  • If a person systematically perceives the color yellow in moderate doses, then his mental performance increases , he remembers more information, and his brain processes intellectual operations faster. From this it was concluded that the color yellow is able to actively participate in learning, because next to it a person can more effectively and easily absorb information.
  • With the help of yellow, not only the work of the mind is accelerated, but also feelings are heightened, and the negativity that undermines a person’s self-confidence disappears. It gives impetus to new and varied ideas, helps you concentrate faster and learn how to organize your work and leisure time correctly and profitably. Yellow color can increase ingenuity and cognitive interest in children.

The effect of yellow on the psyche

  • Yellow is a joyful , stimulating color that helps develop intelligence, memory and expressiveness. By moderately perceiving the color yellow, a person is able to quickly make the right decision, hear the opinions of others, generate ideas, and maintain an optimistic attitude.
  • Yellow color, which has a sunny tint, encourages a person to take action, to some new deeds and achievements. If a person is surrounded by sunny yellow, he will not be able to stay in one place for a long time; he will strive for communication and creativity.

The meaning of shades

The general psychology of yellow highlights separate meanings for different shades. Main shade options:

  1. Citric. A bright color reminiscent of early morning, awakening and vigor. It helps you wake up faster in the morning and drive away the blues.
  2. Sand. The warmest shade, interest in which signifies the need for relaxation and comfort.
  3. Honey. It has an admixture of brown, so its darkish color can evoke memories of late autumn and boredom.

If a person chooses a specific shade for a long time, this may indicate a subconscious signal from the body about some need. Therefore, you need to pay attention to such mental cues and promptly help your body replenish wasted resources.

The effect of yellow on a person's mood

  • Under the influence of the color yellow, nervous and excitable people quickly come into balance, while those prone to apathy and depression come out of the crisis, begin to act, create, and communicate with people.
  • The mood improves, brain activity increases, the scope of worldview expands, and the ability to be creative also manifests itself - and all this can easily be activated by the color yellow.
  • However, it should be noted that the color yellow in large quantities can be harmful to babies, since their fragile nervous system does not perceive it well, which is why they cry continuously and are capricious.

Positivity and joy

Negative effects of color

The well-known saying that everything is good in moderation is also true for the color yellow. Its excess can lead to a joyful mood developing into overexcitation of the nervous system and irritation, which in turn can result in outbursts of unmotivated aggression. Too much bright sunlight causes fatigue, dizziness and migraines. Therefore, a room with an abundance of yellow, which initially seemed so warm and bright, will want to leave quickly.

Important! Regular long-term contemplation of a dazzling yellow color can provoke the development of dormant diseases of the nervous system, for example, schizophrenia.

Impact of yellow color on human health

  • With its positive, stimulating effect, the color yellow reduces and weakens chronic fatigue, apathy, intellectual exhaustion, mild depression - in this it becomes a kind of assistant to therapeutic treatment. With its help, a person’s functioning of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels improves.
  • Yellow can improve memory , promote the production and outflow of bile, which absorbs and digests fats.
  • But you still shouldn’t get too carried away with yellow, since its excess can negatively affect the nervous system and give impetus to the development of psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia.

How does it affect a person?

As stated above, yellow is a warm color, but it has less impact on a person than, for example, orange or red. It also invigorates, but not as intensely. It also affects a number of physiological processes occurring in the body:

  • improves vision;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves the activity of the nervous system;
  • helps increase muscle tone;
  • normalizes breathing.

This color evokes a surge of positive emotions. It helps reduce fatigue and reduce nervous tension. In winter, shades of the yellow spectrum help cope with the lack of sun and vitamins.

What does it mean if a child loves yellow: craving for yellow in children and character

  • If a child is most drawn to the color yellow, then this preference speaks of his extraordinary mind and imagination. Being still quite a baby, he prefers to spend time alone among his favorite toys, turning them into one character or another in his imagination.
  • Typically, “yellow” children show a desire for creativity from an early age . Such children are often characterized by excessive daydreaming, but they are distinguished by obedience. Sometimes they linger so much in their fantasy world that returning to the present is given to them with some difficulty.
  • Such dreamers, storytellers and dreamers are extraordinary storytellers and inventors. Younger children and peers may be drawn to them, but they may also mock them. But don’t let this scare parents, since in the future they will most likely make a successful career, become recognized politicians, or occupy leadership positions.
  • By his choice, the child seems to confirm the conclusion of psychologists: prosperity reigns in this family, and he is making progress in the educational institution he attends. If the child denies the color yellow, then this may indicate a tense home environment.

What does your favorite color say about a person?

The choice of the most preferred color among the many existing shades has long been explained by fashion trends, culture, or simply differences in taste.

In the 20th century, this phenomenon began to be seriously studied by scientists working in the field of psychology and physiology. It turned out that the same shade can both attract and repel different people, depending on the individual personal characteristics of each of them.

Favorite color of a person and his character

Color preferences can be stable throughout life, or they can change. It depends on the person and his current internal state and life experiences.

By focusing on the color preferences of a friend, you can learn a little more about his mentality, emotionality, personal experiences and individual character traits.

For example, choosing one of the cool shades characterizes a person as calm and conservative. And warm tones are chosen mainly by cheerful, active and emotional individuals.

We offer you to take a short test, with the help of which determining a person’s psychotype will not be difficult.

What does it mean if a man loves yellow: craving for yellow in men and character

  • Men who prefer yellow strive for leadership, victory, influence, and independence. And since this color is the most cheerful, then, most likely, a man dressed in yellow is a very “sunny” and optimistic person. Having a creative nature, such a man will seek the attention of the woman he likes using all sorts of imaginable and inconceivable methods, because his imagination can be limitless.
  • Energetic, courageous, cheerful, sociable, dexterous and resourceful men can afford yellow things They are distinguished by their intelligence and originality, sometimes they like to chat and gossip in their spare time, and they feel at ease in a new team.
  • Lemon colors are usually used by people who want to be the center of attention. Men who prefer yellow usually successfully implement their plans and quickly make a career.
  • Thanks to their activity , they are able to accomplish a lot of things in a short time, and thanks to their intelligence, politeness and charm, they are able to attract the attention of women. Being kind by nature, they always provide emotional support to those who need it. And thanks to their successful jokes, told at the right time and in the right place, they often become the life of the party.

The relationship between color and human character in psychology

Different shades and tones have their own effect on the subconscious, and, therefore, influence a person’s behavior and decisions, prompting them to make one or another choice. For those who know the psychology of colors, this is a strong lever of pressure, for example, for advertisers, politicians, etc. In addition, psychologists believe that color preferences can tell a lot about a person’s character. The inverse relationship is also true: the presence of any color in a person’s life can influence his character. In psychology, there are many tests, the essence of which is to understand a person’s character based on color preferences.

Let us briefly consider the basic colors and their relationship with a person’s personality:

  • White color speaks of a person’s neatness, love of cleanliness, which sometimes turns into obsession. It is also associated with wisdom, calmness and self-confidence.
  • Red color is loved by people who are passionate, active, bright, ambitious, and full of energy. somewhat aggressive and prone to anger.
  • Green color in psychology is associated with patience and kindness. The combination of these two qualities gives rise to the love of being exploited. These people are very compassionate and caring. Green color speaks of a person with the highest moral values ​​in color psychology. They love “correctness” in everything, and it is also important for them to be adequately appreciated by others for this. “Green” people are reasonable, calm and reasonable.
  • Lovers of the color blue, according to psychologists, are balanced conservatives with a heightened sense of duty. There may be similarities with green lovers, but blues tend to be more complex people. They are categorical, but not conflicting, and keep their opinions to themselves. These are introverts, self-absorbed, just like “greens”, they care about others, but they receive gratitude for this less often, since they are known as aloof people.
  • Many people associate the color brown with wood. Its lovers value comfort, stability, harmony and simplicity. These people are attached to home and value security. They are reliable people, true friends you can rely on.
  • Those who prefer pink are distinguished by tenderness, romance and softness. They are not characterized by constancy. “Pink” people are not ambitious, but they are often talented.
  • People who like the color orange are adventurous. They are most often in a good mood, they are full of enthusiasm to work and relax. These are persistent, persistent people, they love to communicate, know how to compromise, and are successful at work.
  • Lovers of gray strive for calm in all aspects of life. These are diligent, but not outstanding workers who avoid excitement at all costs; they fill the very notorious “gray mass”.
  • Black people love power in every sense of the word. Prestige is important to them. They are also secretive, keeping their inner world to themselves, hiding it from outsiders. They seem mysterious, and often wrongly so.
  • People who prefer yellow will be discussed below.

What does it mean if a woman loves yellow: craving for yellow in women and character

  • Women who prefer yellow are very sociable and open. But, despite the fact that they are very sociable, they usually “keep their emotions in check” and quickly cope with emotional unrest. Stupid people annoy them, but, like true intellectuals, they try not to show it.
  • Possessing flexible thinking and good memory, they quickly make decisions, generate and implement new ideas. They are distinguished by activity, a certain adventurousness, energy, and flexibility of thinking. Despite the apparent ease, they purposefully and persistently build their careers.
  • They have a sense of humor , but their jokes are softer and more gentle than those of men who love yellow. These active and confident women love to be the center of attention, and they expect admiration and worship from those around them. They have well-developed intuition and ingenuity, and therefore they often prevail in controversial issues.
  • They cannot stand it if someone hurts their pride, catches them in deception, or drives them into a corner, so they have developed the ability to avoid unpleasant situations. Having found inner harmony, women in yellow who know their worth go through life with their heads held high.

What kind of people like the color yellow?

Lovers of this color are usually very open-minded. They do not like to dissemble, be hypocritical and pretend, but always say everything directly, trying to remain themselves in any circumstances. They also have excellent creative thinking, they are sociable and friendly with most people, they are prone to adventure, but they are excellent at avoiding trouble. They usually stand out in their company for their keen sense of justice.

In terms of career and personal success, people who like the color yellow usually achieve great heights. These are self-sufficient individuals who always know what goal they are moving towards at the moment. They calmly ignore unconstructive criticism, do not accumulate resentment and do not allow emotions to distract them from important matters. If a person suddenly realizes that he likes yellow things, this may mean that right now he is internally ready for significant positive changes in his life.

What does the color yellow mean in clothes: psychology

  • The yellow color, by its mere association with the sun, carries positivity . People who have a cheerful and sociable nature and have achieved inner harmony like to wear yellow things. These are the characteristics of the human psyche: it identifies the color yellow with comfort, generosity, and hospitality.
  • That is why people dressed in yellow are subconsciously perceived by others with friendliness and sympathy. So if you want to please someone, then you should dress in yellow things (this can also be things with a yellow print), or decorate yourself with accessories of a similar color. It would be a good idea to buy something yellow for yourself to wear in cold weather and during long rainy periods.
  • This measure will help you not to lose heart, but, on the contrary, to replenish your vital energy. The color yellow contains enormous “energy”; it quickly warms you up, but it can also quickly tire you out. The fastest way to achieve this effect is with bright shades of yellow - so everything is good in moderation.
  • It is also worth noting that despite all its positivity, yellow clothes are not suitable for a business look. For example, you should not go through an interview, take exams, conduct business negotiations or other official events wearing all yellow, as others may think that you want to show your superiority. But yellow accessories won't hurt.

In clothes

Psychology of color

It has long been known that the color environment has a significant impact on our emotional, and to some extent even physical, state.

In advertising

The symbolism of flowers and the associations associated with them are used in marketing to manipulate consciousness. Examples:

  1. Red is the color of expression, excitement, determination. It is actively used for visual design of advertising campaigns, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of customers.
  2. Green is associated with naturalness, tranquility, and health. Therefore, it can often be found in advertising of clinics and pharmacies. In addition, psychologists say: green can persuade a person to take risks and want to try something new. It’s not for nothing that the tables in gambling establishments are decorated in this color.
  3. Purple is essential for making creative decisions. Therefore, marketers often use it where they need to emphasize the originality and creativity of the product.

Using the psychological meaning of color in advertising

In general, the correct use of colors in visual advertising helps to evoke the right emotions in the consumer, which will contribute to his loyalty to the brand.

In clothes

When choosing in the morning what clothes to wear, we do not even imagine that our choice can affect our own well-being, as well as the mood and perception of others. For example:

  1. Screaming red hues raise your heart rate and give you a burst of energy. A girl dressed in a red dress always attracts attention. But some perceive this as a tendency towards flirtation and passion.
  2. Cool shades of blue-green have a calming effect and look quite neutral.
  3. Warm, soft tones, including beige and light pink, evoke a feeling of openness and ease of communication. Suitable for office work or romantic events.

Characteristics of a person by choice of clothing color

The color palette of a men's wardrobe consists mainly of black, brown, and blue shades. In women, as a rule, the range is much more diverse.

What does yellow color mean in eyes and hair: psychology

  • You rarely meet people with amber-yellow eyes, so such meetings are remembered for a long time. There is a popular belief that a person with unusual and dangerous habits can have an amber iris.
  • In biology, psychology and folk wisdom, there are different interpretations of this unusual coloring of the iris. In fact, a substance called lipochrome . Thanks to this pigment, the eyes of many predators are colored yellow, and this helps them in hunting - due to the large amount of lipochrome, they see better and further.
  • It is precisely because of this parallel with the animal world that in popular beliefs amber eyes are called the “eye of the tiger,” and if a person has “tiger” eyes, then he is unpredictable and capable of dangerous adventures. In the scientific world, all this is considered prejudice: scientists claim that genetics is most involved in eye color.
  • The owners of amber eyes most often become mestizos who have the Asian gene. However, psychologists have noticed that yellow-eyed people have considerable similarities with each other. They are distinguished by perseverance, breadth of soul, devotion, ingenuity, great neuropsychic energy and willingness to take risks.
  • Blondes and blondes with a yellow tint can safely be called sunny people . They are able to energize others with their inexhaustible energy, so they often become the life of the party. They have well-developed intuition and ingenuity, and despite their apparent openness, they keep silent about a lot of things. What thoughts are wandering in their heads - only they themselves know about it. Yellow-haired people are purposeful, therefore they are able to achieve a lot in this life.

What does a yellow aura mean?

  • If a person has a yellow aura, then we can say that he has a light and cheerful character. Strength and energy seem to splash out of them, and it seems that everyone else is also charged from them, as if from an eternal battery.
  • A yellow aura will tell you that its owner is a highly intelligent, logical person who constantly strives for self-improvement. However, such people are not at all arrogant or arrogant.
  • On the contrary, they are distinguished by modesty and restraint and never show their superiority over others. Yellow people have a good sense of humor, and thanks to their flexible thinking, friendliness and charisma, they usually achieve everything they dream of.

Pros and cons

The advantages include:

  • honesty;
  • dexterity;
  • confidence;
  • original mindset;
  • justice;
  • optimism;
  • becoming independent;
  • clarity of thinking;
  • activity;
  • susceptibility;
  • happiness;
  • joy;
  • tolerance;
  • Liberty.

Negative qualities include:

  • sarcasm;
  • intolerant character;
  • absentminded mood;
  • causticity;
  • extreme criticality;
  • lemon shade - cruelty;
  • perfidy.

What does the color yellow mean in esotericism?

  • Yellow psychic energy is considered to be energy of the highest order because of its radiance, calmness, light, iridescence and gentleness. If there is a golden tint in a person’s aura, this means that he carries a piece of divine energy and can share it with other people - they seem to warm up in its rays. So, carriers of a golden aura have a mission in this world - to charge others with their positive energy. People with a golden aura have a strong and healthy psyche.
  • But with poisonous yellow, the situation is unimportant, since it is a sign that psychic energy is polluted by someone. It seems that a person with an aura of this color was given some kind of artificial program in order to manipulate him. His consciousness and behavior changes dramatically under the psychological influence of a person endowed with extrasensory abilities, and sometimes even otherworldly entities.
  • People knowledgeable in esotericism can determine the time and place of occurrence of such dependence. Any magical intervention, such as damage, love spell, lapel, curse , etc. accompanied by a sharp surge of psychic energy. At a subtle level, each such burst is visible as an artificially created entity or thought form, the edges of which are painted in a poisonous yellow color and they are clearly limited. The presence of such a bad shade in the aura means that a person has a mental illness.

Whom should I recommend to use?

Yellow is both a simple and complex color. Therefore, when presented correctly, it carries the message that you need. Yellow is a good color for clothes, shoes, accessories, for the home, its elements and interiors, car color and much more. It is energetic, full of vitality and has a wonderful characteristic: it brings joy to the places where you place it.

  • Depression

Bright, rich yellow tones are recommended for people prone to:

  • to pessimism;
  • to isolation;
  • to frequent bad mood;
  • to depression;
  • with a prolonged illness;
  • with low levels of vital energy.
  • Clothes, shoes, accessories

There is a saying: “She who dresses in yellow believes in her beauty.” This saying reveals a great truth as this color certainly makes a woman look radiant and conveys a great feeling of immediate happiness as soon as she wears it. This creates an undoubted rejuvenating effect.

The color yellow has more than 100 shades, so every woman is sure to find the perfect tone for herself.

There is an opinion that every woman of any age should have these things in her wardrobe:

— Yellow shoes, bag, gloves, umbrella.

— Yellow summer dress.

— Yellow sweater with a high neck.

— Yellow light skinny or flared trousers.

— Yellow blouse or top.

— Yellow cardigan or trench coat.

  • Clothes for special occasions

If you are afraid to present your project or have a very important meeting or negotiation ahead of you, wear yellow! Once you wear this color, you will be able to exude security and confidence and feel ready to take on the world.

  • Interior, exterior, design

In the home, different shades of yellow represent wealth, joy, happiness, energy, intelligence, positivity, radiance, warmth, sunshine and hospitality.

Yellow stimulates mental activity and generates muscle energy. This is often related to food. Therefore, it is a traditional color for kitchens and study areas where you need to concentrate.

  • Public catering and trade

Yellow is recommended for use in fast food restaurants, street retail and for promoting leisure products, but not for expensive, prestige or male-oriented products.

  • Art

Yellow is a symbol of wealth, radiance, energy, happiness, warmth and sun. It is a very stimulating and positive color. It creates a certain excitement in our eyes that is eye-catching, making it a great color to represent a fine art store.

  • First car color

Yellow attracts the eye and is a psychological signal that expresses how we want the world to see us.

Based on this, this is an ideal color for women and novice drivers.

What does a yellow car mean?

  • Few of us would prefer to buy a yellow car for ourselves. But such people exist, however, statistics say that there are very few of them - only 0.4%.
  • Psychologists say that these are true optimists, distinguished by sociability and good nature. We intuitively identify the color yellow with joy and happiness. And its lovers know how to be happy and lucky; they are able to see positive aspects even in the negative.
  • The driver, driving a yellow car, understands perfectly well that he attracts the attention of others by being different from others. But he has a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor - so everyone’s attention does not bother him. On the contrary, he is proud of his yellow “friend” on wheels.
  • By the way, yellow cars are the safest vehicles on the roads, as they have the most noticeable coloring.

Origins of color

The word “yellow” is phonetically related to such words as “green”, “ash”, “gold”, “yolk”, “bile”. Not everyone realizes that the yellow tone is “related” to green. Yellow color is often identified with gold. The word of Germanic origin “gold”, which translates as “gold”, has a common root with the word “yellow”.

The color system was first created by Leonardo da Vinci. He was convinced that yellow belongs to the six primary colors. Isaac Newton later established that only three elements are basic in the color palette. These are yellow, red and blue colors. When mixed, they create all other shades.

In ancient times, although people revered the yellow (sunny) color, they considered it only a complement to purple (a mixture of red and blue)

What does yellow mean in a bouquet of flowers?

For Russians, the meaning of yellow flowers is the most controversial. Some people believe that they mean a quick separation, while others, on the contrary, believe that they are a symbol of happiness. Which one is right? Of course, the second!

  • Well, these sunny flowers cannot symbolize any misfortunes or troubles, it’s just that popular singers put this idea into people’s heads with their hits. This color is filled with vital energy, sun, gold, ears of wheat, candle flame, autumn leaves.
  • It contains joy, happiness and warmth , and, taking into account all these components, yellow flowers can be safely given to everyone with whom you want to share a piece of your warmth. A cheerful bouquet can please anyone in any season; children will especially admire such flowers.
  • Drawing an analogy with sunlight, yellow spring flowers are associated with joy, care, trust, and love. Happy autumn - with health, wisdom, mature love, family well-being. With gold - with the brilliance of wealth, success, prosperity, intelligence, ambition.
  • Let's try to dispel all prejudices about sunny flowers. Even in paganism, the Slavs considered the dark yellow color to be a kind of synonym for betrayal, inconstancy, betrayal, jealousy and envy. But golden yellow had a completely opposite meaning: this color symbolized nobility, dignity, sun and divinity.
  • Since it became fashionable in Russia to use the language of flowers, the negative symbolism of the palette was transferred to these beautiful representatives of the world of flora. For example, yellow hyacinth was used to let a partner know about their jealousy; a yellow rose - that he was caught in treason; yellow chrysanthemum - that love is no longer as strong as before. But even in the old days, there were never any signs regarding yellow flowers and separation.

Sunny bouquets

What does yellow color mean in the interior: psychology

  • Under the influence of yellow color, all other components of the spectrum seem to come to life. It adds dazzling brilliance to hot colors and even more freshness to cool colors. This is why most designers have chosen yellow as their favorite. Any room will become brighter and warmer if you add the color of the sun when decorating it.
  • Very often the kitchen and dining room are decorated in yellow, as it increases appetite - this is the conclusion drawn by psychologists. And, as practice has shown, it works! But remember: too much yellowness is tiring. Muted tones of yellow can be conducive to relaxed conversation. And yellow with a tint of gold evokes thoughts of wealth and luxury.
  • When decorating your interior, it is important to remember to maintain balance: small doses of yellow can create a happy atmosphere in your home. But from a long proximity to bright lemon, the brain can be overexcited, which makes a person become restless and cannot completely relax.

In the interior

In the interior In the interior

Using the warm spectrum in the interior

Yellow stimulates appetite. It will be useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases, but for those who are on a health-improving diet, it will be an additional irritant. A warm color spectrum is useful to use near the stove and cutting table - areas where food is cooked and not eaten. Then it will stimulate imagination and the desire to try new dishes.

In a children's bedroom, moderate use of yellow is acceptable. It stimulates the child’s psyche, so you need to decorate the work area with bright colors. And in the sleeping area you should choose softer colors.

It is useful to use yellow during sports or yoga: it increases physical activity. For an adult, it helps to increase muscle volume and make it easier to tolerate increased physical activity. If you cannot use yellow in the design of the walls, then you should at least choose furniture of a similar color.

Combination of yellow with other colors

  • Yellow can be combined with absolutely every primary color - the color of the sun will not spoil any of them with its presence, but will only ennoble it.

Let's look at what comes out of merging two colors:

  • Pink and yellow. This tandem gives the impression of light, femininity, and pleasure. With pastel colors, such a union can achieve a soft color contrast - it creates a warm effect. Medium and dark shades of pink create the appearance of dynamism and expressiveness.
  • Red (burgundy) and yellow. As if merging in a passionate kiss, these colors create the appearance of brightness, festivity, and spontaneity. Such a riot of colors should be used with caution, as it can overstimulate the psyche. As the brightness of red increases, the expression and explosiveness of such a union also increases. Muted shades (dark, burgundy, cherry) can achieve a noble combination.
  • Orange (peach) and yellow. In this related range, the basic tone is given depth and ardor. If you choose a darker orange, the contrast will be more obvious, while lighter ones will hold it back. Pastel combinations of peach and pale orange will add some romanticism and softness to the combination.
  • Green and yellow. Combining yellow and warm green, you can achieve a pleasant effect of spring and sun. Looking at this combination, it is easy to imagine that the daylight is peeking through the dense forest greenery. Yellow-green colors contain goodwill and warmth, but at the same time there is also a particle of cold contrast. Cool greens, combined with yellow, can create a pleasant feeling of watery coolness on a hot summer day. This sonorous combination contains fun and richness; it is more likely to relax than to tone.
  • Blue (cyan) and yellow. This combination provides the maximum contrast between heat and cold. It is this difference that brings fullness and grace to the union of two colors. The colors complement and highlight each other’s strengths, and this is why artists and designers fell in love with the lush tandem of yellow and blue. This palette is filled with bright drama, intense feelings and the eternal craving for opposites. Light blue tones emphasize femininity and tenderness, while dark blue tones are filled with idealism and originality.
  • Violet (lilac) and yellow. This pair is the most expressive, since it is based on the principle of additional contrast (color rays, when mixed, acquire a gray color). A true creator is able to present this union of two colors so artistically that a person can feel: in front of him is complete harmony. It happens that in one of these compositions one can see flatness, clumsiness and even a certain obsession. The best thing is to combine the most muddy tones of both colors, then the impression of this union will be pleasant.
  • Brown and yellow. From the union of brown and yellow colors, truly life-affirming compositions arise, since they have a family unity, natural beauty and deep light contrast. A calm, peaceful palette can be achieved with complex yellow, pale or dusty tones. Since nature is full of such shades, it is to them that we subconsciously gravitate.
  • White (beige, gray) and yellow. The modesty of the base shade and the cheerfulness of yellow in tandem create a subtle, pastel palette. Such bows are usually filled with elegance, grace, and femininity. The more expressive the contrast, the more catchy and stylish the composition looks. If yellow predominates in such a pair, then it becomes light and airy, as if sunny joy managed to defeat the dull grayness.
  • Black and yellow. This couple is flashy and dangerous, and at the same time chic, bohemian. You can be amazed by her, make you admire her. This combination contains brightness, catchiness, grace and expression.


Use in advertising and business

Yellow is the color that first catches the eye and stays in the memory for a long time. The most powerful effect on the psyche occurs when it is surrounded by other bright and saturated colors. Most often, yellow is used in combination with black. This is generally the most effective color combination, and the marketing gods use it successfully.

On all objects of increased attention you can find signs that combine yellow and black. It is impossible not to notice such symbols, because they contain both expression and aggression at the same time.

In the wild, bright colors serve as a warning and deterrent. Dangerous and poisonous animals wear bright and provocative colors. In the human world, the yellow-black combination is used on construction sites or roads, in emergency situations. You need to quickly attract attention even when in a hurry, for example, taxis are painted yellow.

The most readable composition, according to experts, is black font on a yellow background

Yellow color is easily visible to the eyes, even for visually impaired people. Sometimes yellow is combined with white. This is a combination of light and kindness, it evokes warm feelings. An example is a bouquet of daisies.

Yellow and bright green are used to lift the buyer's mood. They create a light, cheerful and summer atmosphere. It is not without reason that such shades can be found on the flags of exotic countries. But you can go overboard with these colors. If there are too many of them, it will cause irritation.

Yellow and blue are richness and depth. This contrast is often used for consumer products, as well as sporting goods.

Yellow combined with red gives a stunning effect. These colors enhance each other, providing an atmosphere of positivity, comfort and warmth. This is a very “friendly” combination. It is widely used in the entertainment industry.

Yellow color: interesting facts

  • “Yellow press” began to be called some tabloids that publish unverified information (rumors, gossip) about celebrities in their materials. In 1894-98. The American newspapers “New-York Journal American” and “New-York World”, famous for their scandalous chronicles, published the comic strip “The Yellow Child” - hence the common name.
  • People living in areas where nature has a lot of yellow colors and the sun shines all year round smile much more often than their “northern” antipodes.
  • Since ancient times, the walls of hospitals for the mentally ill began to be covered with yellow paint - a couple of centuries ago they were called “yellow houses”. Psychologists have long noticed that yellow color calms and alleviates mental illness.
  • In folk medicine, soft yellow light is used to treat eye diseases. There is an opinion among people that to improve vision, one should look at a burning fire and at the sun, which gradually sinks below the horizon, as often as possible.
  • With their yellow robe, Buddhist monks demonstrate that they have renounced the world and all earthly goods and humbly serve for the glory of their deity.
  • The painter Van Gogh simply adored all shades of yellow, and used them very often in his paintings. But the cold blue color scheme for the artist symbolized death and eternity.
  • In the Middle Ages, the French painted the doors of houses in which traitors lived with yellow paint.
  • Bright yellow clothes are most suitable for dark-skinned women.
  • Green eyes are made more expressive and beautiful if a woman uses yellow in her outfit or decorates herself with yellow accessories - the main thing is that these accents are located near the face.
  • If a person has the opportunity to admire the color yellow, then the production of gastric juice significantly increases and the functioning of the digestive tract improves.
  • There are more than 130 shades of yellow in the world.
  • Judas, who sold Christ for thirty pieces of silver, dressed in a yellow robe - at least that’s how he is portrayed. But, despite this, Orthodox iconography elevated the color yellow to the rank of a symbol of divine all-forgiving love and light.
  • In ancient times, Japanese warriors attached a yellow chrysanthemum to their clothes before battle, which symbolized courage.
  • Road signs and many product packaging are painted yellow - this is how they are most visible.

We will also talk about these colors:

  • Green
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Black

Yellow - beautiful and crazy

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the color yellow was increasingly associated with deception and betrayal due to the emergence of the stable expression “yellow press”. There are several versions of why the American press became “yellow,” but most often they cite the obvious fact: daily news was printed on the cheapest canary-colored paper.

At the same time, in Russia they began to issue certificates to prostitutes - “yellow tickets”. The mentally ill were sometimes dressed in yellow sweaters or tunics, and psychiatric hospitals were painted lemon color.

It is symbolic that the house that Vincent Van Gogh

in the south of France, was also yellow. But the artist gave this color a different meaning. Arriving in Arles, he wrote to his brother:

“I have never had such a wonderful opportunity to work. The nature here is incredibly beautiful! Everywhere, above everything, there is a marvelously blue sky and the sun, which streams a radiance of light greenish-yellow color... How beautiful yellow is!”

A passionate obsession with this color was expressed in the series “Sunflowers”, which he painted 11 times. The artist complained to his brother that the flowers faded very quickly, so he had to work in one session.

Van Gogh "Sunflowers" (1888).

Van Gogh used yellow chrome in his work. Over time, it turned out that this pigment is sensitive to light, so today museum curators face the difficult task of preserving the artist’s paintings.

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