If you lost your job, what should you do? — 10 wise tips from professionals

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Bad news always comes suddenly. Just yesterday you were planning to buy a new car, and today the phrase “You’re fired” came out of the blue. Dismissal is not only a loss of income, this event immediately causes a storm of negative consequences: depression, decreased self-esteem and fear of being left without a means of subsistence.

If you lost your job, what should you do? The first thing you need to do is stop thinking about what happened and start acting. You can also find advantages in losing your job, for example, taking a break from the hard work of everyday life; this option is relevant if you have prudently saved up some money for yourself before leaving.

Now that the bad emotions are behind us, it’s time to make a plan for further action, because a new job will not find itself, and now you will have to spend money sparingly.

Day 10

Do you have daily rituals that help you feel better? Do you exercise, journal, read something inspiring? It's not too late to start. During this difficult period, taking care of yourself is especially important.

It is also helpful to write down what you were grateful for today. According to research, regularly expressing gratitude makes us happier Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life..

What should I do

Try to live in the present

No matter how much the future with its unemployment and lack of money for bread scares us now. This is just an invented fear. It appears due to the fact that a person constantly spins the same thought in his head, developing it and allowing neurons to build new chains, which in turn develop into negative thoughts. And so on in a circle. There are no hopeless situations; there are not fully thought-out plans of action. Try to do everything for your own good.

Look for another job

Work took up most of the day - find something else to do. When there is no mental stress, the brain begins to fall into despondency and apathy, and emotions take over again. Nobody canceled household chores. No matter how much you want to lie down and cry, overcome yourself and start general cleaning or minor repairs. Gradually you will get involved, and it will become easier. Create a daily routine and stick to it.

Fit all your planned activities into the daytime, leaving the evening for reading or watching a movie with your family. Choose good family comedies. Saturate yourself with positive moments. Communication with family or friends will help restore mental strength. In moments of adversity, support is one of the anchors that helps you not to break down. At the same time, restore social connections, find out about the availability of vacancies from friends and acquaintances.

If you lost your job, it means you have free time to study the habits of rich and successful people. Maybe you have a chance to become cool :))

Don't forget about physical activity

A person whose physical health is at zero is less likely to believe in himself and his strength. Your body is tense and tired, so let it relax by stretching or exercising. Proper breathing helps cope with anxiety and fills the brain with oxygen. Sport helps take your mind off your thoughts and also fills the body with oxygen. Which in turn helps the body produce energy for all kinds of physical and mental activities. Let them be positive.


New knowledge and skills. While you have a few days to recover, look at what's new in your profession. After all, it is constantly changing, which means it is necessary to gain new experience and knowledge. This is not always what the company does. Take the initiative. Find courses or lectures, material available for reading. By increasing your professional capabilities, you increase the likelihood of finding a worthy place and company.

Change your profession

Didn't your previous position bring you joy? Consider changing your qualifications. Choose something you always wanted to do, but were afraid it wouldn’t work out. There's nothing to lose now. Just purchase. New experience and skills will spur a change in position. By studying another field of activity, there is a risk of becoming happy. You are not alone. Losing your job does not make you inferior. Does not lower the status and does not belittle all past merits and merits.

Your family and friends will not turn their backs on you. On the contrary, it is worth telling them about your experiences. They will support and help with advice or ideas. Go through your address book, call old friends, chat, ask about available vacancies. Say you are looking for a specific position. As soon as a vacancy appears, they will definitely notify you and invite you to come for an interview. The proverb “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” comes in handy here after all.

A selection of the best books on self-development and motivation. Read and recharge your batteries. Maybe your former job didn’t bring you joy and now you’ll find something better.

Set yourself new goals

Have clear goals. To work in a place you love, you need to clearly understand what you want to get from this life and position. List your strengths and weaknesses. The more determination to act and the more things to do, the better the result will be. It's good to have a plan for your job search. When something goes wrong, he simply corrects himself, adapting to external circumstances. But they don’t back down from it. Look for information about the new job: what working conditions you want, payment terms, team atmosphere, etc.

The clearer the goals, the higher the likelihood of getting what you want. It’s worth searching every day, not when you have free time. Consider all the options offered. Go to interviews. Prepare answers to expected questions from the employer. Be confident in your abilities. The staff reduction occurred due to an external factor, and not because you are not a qualified specialist.

Don't hang your nose

When you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, look at it from the other side. Losing a job can serve as an incentive for growth and development. Look at this as a new stage in life, where you need to take the next step: change your place or position, grow professionally or master another profession. Life gave me a chance. It is unpleasant to be left without a source of income in such a situation. But extensive experience, certain skills and knowledge will help you quickly find your desired job, even in a crisis.

Day 60

Assess the situation again. If you still have no success, you may need to expand your search parameters. See if there are similar positions in other areas of activity. Consider whether you are ready to move to another city or country. Or maybe it's time to try yourself in a new field?

Even if you haven't been able to find a job for several months, don't despair. You will succeed. Develop useful skills. Continue to maintain business contacts. Apply for vacancies. Focus on what you can control and don't worry about what's out of your control.

Treat your search for a new place as a full-time job. Make an effort every day, but don't forget to give yourself a break. And be sure to remain optimistic, because it is quite possible that you will find a job that you love even more than the previous one.

Psychological support for yourself

Being without a job is an unusual situation. Most people don’t know what to do at such moments and begin to panic. Stop. Panic and despair will not help. Try to rest for 2-3 days, take your mind off depressing thoughts. Do what you love, communicate with family and loved ones. Activity and a fresh look at the situation on the labor market will be faithful assistants in your search for a new job.

During the time that you are resting, try to understand that you are not a victim of the world around you. It adapts to the internal state of a person. What's inside is also outside. Try to control your thoughts and think in a positive way. A good option would be to sit down and write out the pros and cons of the current situation. Find more positive aspects than negative ones. This will trigger creativity and allow you to quickly resolve life's difficulties.

Time after interview

Don't sit and wait for someone to call you. Take the initiative here too. At the end of the interview, find out when the result of the interview will be known. Don't wait too long, call yourself. If they promised to call you before the end of the week, but this did not happen, this means that you were not approached. Call and see for yourself, start looking for backup options.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just one vacancy. Go to several interviews with different companies to increase your chances of finding a job.

Studying the labor market

When looking for a job, pay attention to the following tips:

  • How often do you come across advertisements for the desired vacancy?

If the number is minimal, look to other positions that act as backups. Always have a backup option in case this happens.

  • To what extent do you meet the stated requirements?

When the application form indicates “age up to 30 years,” then you can send a resume at 32 years old. But at 45 it’s too late. Don't stroke your ego, look at things realistically. The requirement “at least 2 years of work experience” means that if you have worked in a similar position for a year and a half, then you are suitable. But if the experience does not exceed one year, you will receive a refusal.

  • Do you agree to the proposed salary?

Will you be able to cover expenses with the money that will be paid at the initial stage? All enterprises pay low wages for the first 2-3 months during a probationary period. This is fine. Please clarify whether the payment will be increased after? Or is there an increase in the form of bonuses planned?

  • Try to find out how many people are looking for a similar position?

It's good to know the real chances of getting the desired place.

  • Find out your competitors' advantages.

To definitely get a position, check whether you have enough knowledge and experience? Is it worthwhile to read the material additionally, or take a refresher course? Try to understand all the points.

Clearly define future goals

It is extremely important to understand what comes first in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, having lost their job, many people, instead of taking concrete actions, begin to rush around without results, committing outright stupidity. All this undermines the sense of balance.

When a person describes his own goals, it becomes much easier. Positive thoughts and reasonable strategies are formed, which potentially make it possible to realize ideas. Probably, now is the time to make your own dream come true, to do what you like most. Fortunately, today it is possible to take a wide variety of courses, seminars and trainings to improve skills and learn new professions.

Someone else's story

Alexandra worked at a newspaper. An experienced proofreader, she knew and loved her job very well. In difficult times, I looked for and found extra work. When the newspaper closed, Alexandra decided not to register with the employment service, but... to go abroad. That's how she ended up in Italy. For two years I looked after the old lady. I learned the language, saw Rome and the mountainous part of Italy. Having earned a decent amount of money, she returned home. By this time, her former boss had opened a new newspaper, where he gladly accepted Alexandra.

Fifteen years passed, and everything happened again. The newspaper went bankrupt. Alexandra found herself on the street again. It was necessary to decide: either to go to work in Italy, or to try to find a job for myself in my native country. My health no longer allowed me to do physical labor, there were no vacancies in other publications... What to do? Alexandra decided to try herself in a different field. And then an opportunity arose: a friend said that a company engaged in telephone sales was recruiting staff. I went for an interview, brought documents, got formalized... And things started to happen.

It turned out that she has all the necessary qualities for this job: a pleasant timbre of her voice, competent speech, the ability to persuade, evoke sympathy, and resistance to stress. Alexandra felt in her place. She is impressed by what she does, likes the team, she happily rushes to the office in the morning, earns good money and looks to the future with confidence.

I told these stories to convince you that losing a job is not a fatal event after which life stops. On the contrary, it continues, and sometimes it gets better, because new opportunities open up, turns in fate occur.


Now that you don't have to jump out of bed and rush to work in the morning, you have time for introspection.

If you made mistakes at your last job, draw conclusions. If you were fired, the problem lies not only in the terrible character of the director, but also in your wrong actions somewhere.

It is important to learn to find the positive in unpleasant situations, then it will be easier to adapt to various life changes. Self-analysis will help you understand yourself, realize the mistakes you have made and change your own vision of a particular situation.

Training and professional development

Job loss can occur for various reasons:

  • the position you worked in was abolished;
  • you have been laid off due to changes at the company;
  • automation - your work is now done by a computer;
  • you were fired due to poor quality of work;
  • or forced to write a statement using psychological pressure and intrigue;
  • There was an economic crisis in the country, which negatively affected the work of the employing organization.

If it is difficult to find a place with similar working conditions, you should think about changing your occupation or improving your skill level.

Many employment centers provide this service free of charge, although there are some restrictions:

  • training at the expense of the state is carried out only in certain specialties that may not be of interest to you;
  • Courses for the unemployed are held according to a set schedule. It is quite possible that you will have to wait several months for classes to start. That is, you will lose a lot of time.

BY THE WAY! Another option is to choose courses yourself at specialized training centers for specialists. Many specialties allow distance learning. Although in this case you will have to pay money, and a lot of it.

If you need a free certificate of completion of courses, we recommend visiting the INTUIT website. Here you can study in a variety of areas, although the main emphasis is on information technology.

TK: dismissal. The legislative framework

Any dismissal must be based on Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this law and read all the amendments that have been made to it.

If the case is complex, then it would be useful to contact a lawyer. You must make sure that everything is happening according to the law and the boss is not trying to deceive you by not paying the required compensation. In a stressful situation, people rarely think about the legal side of the matter, as they are in a phase of denial or anger. And when emotions become dull, it is too late to demand something. If you yourself cannot understand the legal intricacies, turn to your loved ones for help.

Quality resume

You should take writing your resume very seriously - it is your business card. It should briefly describe all your strengths, both professionally and personally. There are 4 principles to consider when writing your resume:

  • brevity, no one will read the story of your life written on 4 sheets;
  • relevance, all dates, names of organizations, educational information must be specific;
  • honesty, you should not attribute fictitious achievements to yourself, in almost every self-respecting company everyone checks their resumes for the accuracy of the information;
  • selectivity, for each desired position it is better to create a separate resume and list in it the skills useful only for this vacancy.

A good resume is half the battle, so if you can’t think of what to write, turn to professionals for help. There are a lot of companies where they will help you create a resume that will make your competitors envy, but you will have to pay.

How to look for a job

Finding a job takes more than one day or week. To search effectively, spend all your free time. Go to interviews, look at vacancies on the labor market, communicate with friends about the search. The more attention you pay to this, the higher the likelihood of getting a place you like. If you have talked to 2-3 employers but have not received feedback from them, do not despair. It is not the first time that a suitable vacancy appears. Keep looking.

Learn to write a resume correctly. Read how to do this in this article.

Realize that every person faces a similar situation in their life. Be it an experienced employee or a newly minted specialist who has just graduated from university. No one is immune from layoffs. But with a skillful approach and a well-constructed plan, there will definitely be a way out of the situation. Not everyone is able to immediately pull themselves together and begin to act. Some people, by inertia, play the role of the victim and wait for pity and help. This helps for a while, but the people around him quickly realize that the person simply does not want to act and turn away from him.

A break is necessary to put your thoughts in order, sketch out a plan of action, and understand what you want. But not for long. Having calmed down, get down to business. But approach it wisely. Before signing up for all the interviews and competitions, sit down and think: what kind of job do you want to get now, what can you do, what skills do you have, what can you learn, what would be interesting to study, etc. Pay attention to the professions that are currently in demand. Suddenly something catches your eye.

When searching, a difficulty may arise: the profession to which you have devoted so many years is no longer relevant in the market, or it no longer offers a high salary. This circumstance is usually encountered by people over 45 years of age. They received a status education at one time, but times change. Read the instructions on how to start making money online from scratch.

If you are over 50 years old and have lost your job, then study this article. Maybe you’ll quickly find something suitable to support your pants.

And one profession pushes out another. It can be a shame to devote so much time to a task and end up being an unnecessary specialist. In Russia, there is still a habit of working in one place for 50 years and not changing positions. This applies more to the older generation. The young look up to the West, and try not to stay long in one company and often change positions.

Changing activities is not so scary at all. Working all your life in one specialization, you stop thinking creatively and start thinking narrowly, without creating new ideas. Therefore, the Japanese advise changing jobs every 7 years so as not to disrupt brain activity, but rather maintain and develop it. There is always a chance that a new profession will bring satisfaction and perspective.

Would you like to become a copywriter? We dedicated a huge article to this post.

Take all rejections calmly. Walk into every interview as if it were your first. Build positive thoughts and go to your meeting with your employer in high spirits. Believe in your success, and realize that when one door closes, another opens. Many people look for a job by starting communication with the particle “no” - “Do you need a security guard?” To such a phrase I want to say “Not needed” even if it is needed. That is, a person deliberately sets himself and the employer up for a negative answer.

If you are looking for a job the old fashioned way, visiting all the firms and companies in the area, it is better to tell them about yourself and your experience. Where they worked, for how long and in what positions, about personal qualities and merits. When viewing advertisements in newspapers, choose those publications that are credible and have the “Vacancies” section.

Do not call places that promise high salaries or ideal working conditions, fast growth or minimal occupancy. Take advantage of your friendships. Some employers hire a position only through acquaintance, because they know that employees are offering to hire a trusted person and can vouch for him.

Let go of past grievances

It is quite logical that after leaving your old job there will be an irresistible desire to get even for failure with your boss or colleagues. Under no circumstances should you damage other people's property, take things from the office with you, or openly express your own indignation. Perhaps in the future a calm reaction to what is happening will still be beneficial. After all, you never know whether you will have to run into former colleagues again, and what benefits can be drawn from this. It is wise to leave the most pleasant memories of your personality at your previous place of work.

Registration of benefits

Unemployment benefits can be a saving grace while you are looking for a job. Its size varies greatly depending on the city, region and even country.

The sooner after losing a job an employee contacted the employment center, the larger the amount of payments he can count on. In addition, the amount of the benefit can be significantly influenced by the level of wages at the last place of work.

If a person lost his job a month ago, he will receive the maximum benefit. If you apply after a few years, you can only count on the lower limit of payments.

You can obtain unemployed status with payment of benefits if you send the necessary package of documents to the regional employment center:

  1. photocopies of completed pages of the work book;
  2. copy of passport;
  3. a certificate from the last place of work about income for the last six months or a year, depending on the territorial location of the subject.

ADVICE! You can consult a specialist at the employment center about the complete list of required documents by calling, in a personal consultation, or obtaining information on the official website of the authority.

Work with your own hands

Handicrafts and other mini-productions, such as leather accessories. Handmade can bring considerable income. You can make jewelry and other decorations, such as elastic bands, hair hoops, various bows, and hairpins. Anything, maybe woodwork. Pens, spoons, even make a wooden pistol and sell it.

Hand mat

You can make wedding or any other themed paraphernalia. Having completed such work once, you can rent out these products many times. You can try making souvenirs. Notepads with logos of organizations or photographs of people, branded cups, photo frames.


  1. You can't be late for an interview. Therefore, it is better to arrive a little earlier, do not make your new boss wait for you.
  2. Don't interrupt. Always listen to the end of the questions they ask you, and only then answer.
  3. When answering, try to avoid long stories. Always answer clearly and to the point.
  4. Don't show your worries and insecurities. Do not use phrases: probably, maybe, perhaps, and so on.
  5. Don't be afraid of questions about your salary. You don’t need to underestimate it in order to please the employer, this will have the opposite effect, and he will decide that you don’t value yourself.

Don't start your dialogue with a question about salary; rather, ask what new responsibilities await you at this job. The ideal option is for the employer to tell you about your salary.

Let the money work

You can invest the money you earn in your business. Engage in buying and selling. Start small. Buy a few cheap items and try to sell them at a premium. You can find many sources for purchasing on the Internet. For example, foreign selling sites or domestic manufacturing plants.

You can work using the dropshipping model.

What you buy in your city from entrepreneurs is already sold at a premium. They buy it somewhere. For example, a regular jacket can be marked up by up to 70%. Find out where you can buy things without intermediaries. This creates the ground for you to act as a mediator yourself.

Factors influencing growth at work

The desired place has become yours. Congratulations! But it’s not enough to get a position, you still have to hold on to it. Not only experience and knowledge are important, but also personal qualities and relationships with the team. Read and heed these tips:


A person who realizes that he is also surrounded by people with their own dreams and goals achieves greater favor and success in life and work. Sincere interest in the life of a colleague, in his thoughts and interests will help to establish contact and establish warm, friendly relationships. Show concern, help others, rejoice in their achievements. This will make you a more approachable and respected employee.


Communication is the only way to gain the trust of management and gain success from your peers. A large part of our lives is built on communication; it helps us gain and share experiences. To establish contact and receive support, it is not necessary to master the art of oratory, it is enough to be able to clearly and clearly express your thoughts and be able to listen.


A person who always strives to gain new knowledge, experience or skills will never be left without work. The desire to expand one's capabilities and responsibility is rewarded with benefits: promotion at work, receiving a raise, gifts, new successful acquaintances, etc. And this is not done for show, but for the sake of curiosity and an inquisitive mind. Successful people's brains are always active. They attend lectures and seminars, read books, take courses, and start a new business without hesitation.

Cheer up

It doesn't always work out the way you want. It happens that life has its own plans that you are not privy to. But this does not mean that you need to give up and give up. Ask yourself: “What did this situation teach me? What lesson did I learn from it?” and draw conclusions. Be patient and persistent, do not lose confidence in your abilities.

Enjoy life

Successful people know how to relax. Even if work brings pleasure, there is always a place for entertainment in their life. A person obsessed with work will never achieve those heights, unlike a person who sometimes gives his brain a rest and switches from one task to another. This makes it possible to take a fresh look at the problem and find ways to solve it much faster. This leaves time for your beloved family, friends and hobbies.

The message about layoffs falls on a person suddenly. It is stated in the law that layoffs must be announced one month in advance. Things are different in life. The employer faces the fact that from tomorrow the company does not need your services. Losing a job does not mean losing all the joys of life or life itself.

Analyze errors

A person who has lost his job should take another look at his own actions in the past in order to avoid repeating mistakes in the future. By undergoing deep self-analysis, you may have to come face to face with your own weaknesses and fears. You need to be able to put aside such feelings so as not to have obstacles on the path to new achievements.

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