How to change jobs without headaches [10 tips from an expert]

Every person has changed jobs at least once in their life. We hope that changing jobs is voluntary for you, but even in this case, you probably have a million questions: “How to look?”, “Where to write?”, “Where to start?”.

And here is the main advice for you:

Exhale, don't panic!

And if you suddenly have thoughts of “you haven’t found a job for more than two months, there’s no work,” then it’s time to change your approach to your search and set your goals correctly.

Follow our tips and get your dream job!


Decide what you want

The first thing you should start with is to understand what you have now - how satisfied you are with the current situation on a 10-point scale.


10 points missing?

To get something, you must first understand WHAT exactly you need.

Based on this, think about and write down what kind of job you would like to get:

  1. Job title

This is one of the main parameters by which personnel are selected.

When you apply for 5 different positions and write this in the title of your resume, the recruiter does this: #hand

The other extreme is 10 resumes that are different in meaning, or even cooler, 10 separate but similar in name resumes. Is this about you? Then fix it quickly!

Which is correct?

  • Choose one position, maximum two. For example, “Head / Deputy”
  • The job title should make it clear what exactly you are looking for
  • “Specialist”, “Manager”, etc. - general concepts, your resume will simply be lost on the Internet.
  • “Accounting specialist”, “head of department” also doesn’t say much.
  • "Warehouse Accounting Specialist"
  • “Head of the sales department” - this way the recruiter will understand what you are looking for, and this will save you from unnecessary calls.
  1. Wage level

Determine three options for yourself:

  • The minimum below which you do not consider vacancies, but are ready to work under satisfactory other conditions and development prospects.
  • A comfortable level that matches your qualifications.
  • Ideal (for the future) is the maximum amount that you can qualify for, so that if you are invited to an interview, and maybe even a job, you will not faint with joy, but know that you deserve it!
  1. Other personal requirements

Work schedule, office location, social guarantees, area in which the company operates, etc.


Setting a goal

So, you have decided to make changes in your life. Now the goal you are striving for should always be formulated inside. Because sometimes you will be thrown back, doubts, fears will come, “Am I doing everything right” and similar things. At these moments, a clear internal focus will allow you to stay on track.

I remember lying curled up on the bed, and I didn’t want anything, but I knew that I just had to take one small step, then another. I had a clear picture in my head of my life in five years, which I imagined. And I can say that this approach works. My picture of 2016 coincides 95% with the one that is now realized in my life.

When drawing up a long-term plan, you need to record important intermediate milestones, for example, writing a resume, passing an interview, gaining the necessary experience in the position. Essentially, this is your compass by which you can always compare whether you are moving in the right direction.

You will be tossed around, as if on waves, because some things will be easy and thrown upward, progress can be very fast, and at some point there will be a feeling that you are standing still.

My little advice: to cope with anxiety, do not be afraid to contact various specialists - career consultants who will help you create and prepare a resume, mentors who will help you understand problem areas, psychologists to model and work out alarming situations.

Start looking for a new job early

Of course, if you have a “financial cushion” for two months, you can afford to go “nowhere” and enjoy the job search, but it’s better to do it in advance.

“He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne!” - this saying, unfortunately, does not work when looking for a job.

There are two problems here:

  • It is unethical to look for a new job while working in your current place without warning about it. But if this is not a moral obstacle for you, hide visibility from a specific company in your resume settings.
  • It is inconvenient to look for a job while working at your current place - you will have to ask for time off for interviews, although you can always reach an agreement.

If the separation from your current employer is mutual, then start looking for a new job as soon as you decide to change jobs.


Analysis of the reasons why a person wants to quit

The most common reasons that force a person to go looking for a new place of work:

  1. Insufficient pay and low salaries are the most common reasons among both office workers and blue-collar workers. In order to achieve a position with higher pay per hour, you should think about upgrading your qualifications.
  2. Poor relationships in the team. Women often quit after an office romance became the property of the entire team. Only an extremely thick-skinned person can endure such a test. That’s why all psychologists recommend refraining from romantic relationships with a colleague.
  3. Too far a distance to the place of duty is exhausting and does not leave time for proper rest. In big cities, many employees of large companies spend about three to four hours just traveling from home to office.
  4. Nagging from superiors often becomes a serious problem. Is it worth changing jobs if your boss constantly makes comments and forces you to redo tasks again and again? It is important to realize whether there are truly shortcomings on the part of the employee. If the nagging is based on nothing, then moving to another company is the only way to get rid of this neurosis.
  5. Difficult working conditions - forced standing, carrying heavy loads and other health challenges. Almost always, such work provokes the appearance of chronic diseases. As a result, a person will spend more on medicines than he earns. Is it worth changing your job if it begins to cause physical discomfort? Definitely, we need to start looking for a more comfortable and safe position.

Analyze your work experience

“It’s always more pleasant to talk to an intelligent person in front of a mirror”

Answer three questions about your previous work experience that recruiters most often ask during interviews:

Why did you choose this place of work?

What was your main task? There can be one task, maximum two.

“Studied the responsibilities of a sales consultant”; “I studied the company’s assortment.”
Selling the company's product range, working with clients; Ensuring efficient logistics; Control of the manager's daily routine; Cleaning the premises.

What can I praise myself for (my achievements)?

Fulfillment of the plan 100% monthly Letter of gratitude from the client Victory in the company’s internal competition

To formulate, use the perfect form of the verb (what did you do?):

“Received, increased, formed, handed over...”


Identify Opportunities for Growth

Once you understand the market, plan your career path. It doesn’t matter whether you are just changing your place of work or have chosen a new profession - it’s good when it’s clear where to move.

By researching job openings, you can build a roadmap of the skills you need to acquire. It’s also worth analyzing the websites of educational institutions - they usually have filters by area.

This is how it works at the Russian School of Management. Let's say you decide to develop in the field of financial management. Open the “Directions” tab in the header of our website ↑ and find the desired section - as in the screenshot below:

You can open a list of courses in different specialties

When you open the Finance section, you will see a general course, programs for directors of finance, and several courses for specific skills. For example, “Financial and economic strategy of the company: planning and implementation” and “Risk management system in the company.” By completing these courses, you will significantly increase your value in the financial industry.

Based on the data obtained, you can build a development strategy for a new place of work or in a new profession.

Prepare your resume.

A resume is your business card

It’s up to you to decide in what format to write your resume, but it’s always easier and more effective to choose a template with the correct structure and original design, add your experience and send it to the vacancies you like.

“I don't want to post a resume. I’m still working and I don’t want my current employer to find out about this.”

Many companies do not post vacancies in the public domain, but buy access to the resume database.

And how will you find each other if you are both hiding?

And a couple more tips on your resume:

Choose your photos responsibly. Leave photos with cats, family, flowers and bottles for social networks. It is better to choose a plain light background and a casual business style of clothing. You should not rewrite the work book verbatim. If your work experience is less than 3 months, you should not indicate it. If the break in work is more than 6 months, this should be mentioned in the cover letter. List your responsibilities in a list format (like this one). Also include a few terms from your field, but do not use abbreviations that only you understand


Features of going to a corporate event

The corporate culture has taken deep roots, and not a single self-respecting company or company can do without organizing a festive evening for its employees on New Year, International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and so on.

A common mistake employees make is drinking too much alcohol. How many careers have been destroyed after such fun corporate events! You need to monitor the amount you drink and not do anything rash. This rule applies to both beginners and fairly experienced employees.

When is it worth changing jobs after an unsuccessful corporate event? In case the person behaved in an extremely indecent manner, blabbed out some important or secret information about figures or reports.


Sell ​​yourself as a specialist.

And no matter how strange this phrase may sound, it is exactly so. You sell yourself as a specialist, they sell you a vacancy.

Anyone who works in sales understands what we're talking about. Your resume is a commercial offer, and you are the seller of your competencies, knowledge and skills!

The labor market is highly competitive in almost all areas, so be active.

Selling yourself wisely is
Actively send out your resume for the vacancies you like, and read the description carefully. Often, employers ask cover letters to begin with a certain phrase, or include specific information, and if you just sent a resume, you will automatically be rejected.
Call and find out how long it will take to review your resume and what your next steps will be.
Forget about
“Well, I’ve already written everything in my resume, what else should I tell you?”


Find jobs in your industry

If a new profession is not your goal, the easiest thing to do is change your position to something similar in the industry. Here are the main sources where you can look for work:

  • Colleagues - if you do not hide your decision to leave from your colleagues and management, you can ask them about vacancies. As a rule, many people communicate with representatives of other companies, including HR, and can recommend you.
  • Communities on social networks, chats on Telegram - look for public pages and industry groups, ask your colleagues if they know about them.
  • Catalogs and sites with vacancies - most likely, there will be the fewest good offers there, but you can find several dozen open vacancies in almost any field and region.
  • Active search - find contacts of executives in companies you are interested in, contact them on social networks, meet them at conferences and business lunches. Offer yourself as a candidate.

See also: How to properly look for a job during a crisis

Save time

Time is money!

If you are still working, the time you are away from work is usually deducted from your pay.

If you are no longer working, any trip to an interview is an extra expense.

So back to tip number one.

, and in a telephone interview we clarify the minimum requirements for the new job.

The issue of wages is not always justified on the first call.

Many companies do not have an approved rate, and if other parameters (location, schedule, position, tasks) suit you, feel free to schedule an interview.


Alexander Filimonov 11/14/2017, 16:14

The article itself is simply FEAR.

  • Answer
Alexander Naumeiko 11/15/2017, 06:12

When giving advice, do not make mistakes in words. It turns out that I give advice while making mistakes. Not serious;)

  • Answer
Anastasia Chernaya, Content Manager of the website 11/15/2017, 10:15

Alexander, if you notice a mistake, point it out and we will fix everything.

  • Answer
Lyuda Vlasyuk 11/15/2017, 08:42

)))) every article is an anecdote. It is impossible to get rich working for someone. Recommendations for losers...

  • Answer
Victoria Belous 11/15/2017, 15:17

Where are editors looking? Mistakes, nothing but mistakes!

  • Answer
Lyuda Vlasyuk 11/17/2017, 09:16

What would you like ? They are written by ordinary workers, parts of the matrix, they don’t think, they just survive like everyone else

  • Answer
Alexander Mikhailenko 11/20/2017, 15:04

Country of smart people and smart girls, write better, my dears!! If you criticize someone else's, offer your own. If you offer - do it!!!!

  • Answer
Nikolay Yurchenko, TOV Spektr 11.27.2017, 17:54

Sound thoughts. It is worth thinking about for those who cannot understand themselves.

  • Answer
Yura Kamenchuk 03/06/2018, 12:56

fight and overcome

  • Answer
Olga Slepchuk 03.26.2018, 10:32

And I really like the article. The main thing is action, without moving forward nothing will happen by itself. And mistakes... nonsense, the main thing is the essence!

  • Answer
Volodymyr Monosyuk 06.06.2018, 11:10

Nah... This is not Rio de Janeiro!

  • Answer

Prepare for interviews

Proper preparation is 70% success!

It is necessary to prepare for any business meeting and here is what you need to know before going to the interview:

Read about the company and the vacancy.

There is a chance that you will be asked a question like “What do you know about our company?” strives for 99%.

Obviously won't add any benefits to you
“I didn’t have time” “I heard something like that”

Answer these questions for yourself:

"Why am I going to this

Trite? But consciously


Think about what to wear to the meeting. The options “I’m going from the dacha, I’ll run to their office” are unlikely to make anyone happy. You shouldn’t choose a style that’s unusual for you either. Ask the recruiter about the dress code - this way you won’t be able to understand whether the company’s corporate culture suits you or not.

Think about what time and how to get to the office. You should not schedule more than two interviews in one day.


The third fear. Disappoint the employer

How can I leave? Without me everything will be lost! This is how perfectionist specialists think, who care about the employer, but not so much about themselves and their careers. They are afraid that if they leave the company, projects will fail, contracts will not be signed, deals will no longer be concluded, and bankruptcy is not far away.

Loyalty to your employer is, of course, commendable, but what about loyalty to yourself?

What to do:

  • Face your fear, remember that no one is irreplaceable. First and foremost, be true to yourself and your career principles.
  • At your previous job, do everything in your power, prepare for your departure, train the person who will replace you. Already in the process, you will feel how fear is slowly receding.

Change of specialty

Sometimes, in order to successfully find a new job, it is necessary to change not only the place, but also the specialty. Today, mechanics, turners, plumbers and other technical professionals are again held in high esteem. On the other hand, the rapid development of IT technologies requires programmers, system administrators, and web designers. All this can be learned even in adulthood. The main thing is to find good retraining courses or dare to get a second higher education. This way you can solve the problem of how to change jobs at 40 by mastering a new specialty. After all, as the old movie says, “at 40, life just begins.”

What to do

If you are interested in the question of how to change your job, even changing your type of activity, then you need to think through the following points.

  1. First, evaluate what skills you have, particularly those that are not relevant to your current industry. This will make it easier for you to decide in which direction to move.
  2. Ask yourself what profession seems interesting to you, what you would like to do. It is possible that you will not like the profession for which you have more abilities. And there is nothing wrong with that, because any skill can be developed.
  3. Knowing what industry you would like to work in, you should meet at least five people currently working in this industry. This is an important point, as your impressions can be deceiving, and it is better to learn about what is happening inside from people working in a particular field.
  4. It's also important to think about what you love to do and what you hate doing. These positions will need to be taken into account when choosing a future profession.

If you decide that you still need to leave, follow these recommendations.

  1. Talk to your manager first. It is possible that communication with your boss will make you think. The manager can offer some options that will suit you, and the idea of ​​leaving will disappear by itself.
  2. If you still decide to leave, inform your work colleagues about your intention.
  3. Write a statement. By law, you must work for two weeks. During this period, you need to finish all your affairs and transfer them to your successor.
  4. On the last day, say goodbye to the team in a good way. If possible, arrange farewell gatherings.

Form for writing to psychologist Anna Litavrina on the question “How to change jobs”:

If you have any questions for a psychologist about the article:

“How to change jobs? The first steps towards change"

You can ask them online to our psychologist on Skype:

If for some reason you were unable to ask a question to a psychologist online, then leave your message here (as soon as the first free psychologist-consultant appears on the line, you will be contacted immediately at the specified e-mail), or go to the psychological forum.

“How to change jobs? The first steps towards change"

Your colleagues and co-workers annoy you

Labor strife, infighting and whispering are often relevant for a particular place of work. If you regularly feel irritated about this, this is a big minus. This feeling is humanly understandable. Firstly, it greatly distracts from the work process. Secondly, it spoils relationships between different departments, groups of people, or, for example, you quietly begin to hate the sales manager who is most indignant in the smoking room. Agree, all options do not promise anything good.

Remember that work stress permeates every area of ​​our lives. Many people bring accumulated negativity home and splash it out on their wife, children and cat, spoil relationships with friends and become unreasonably hot-tempered. If you notice this happening to yourself, move away from the source of stress.

Simple rules for conflict-free care

Having found a new job, you need to try to leave with dignity. After talking with your former employer, thanking him for his experience and years of service together, you can say goodbye to the team. It is recommended to organize a small corporate event or just a tea party with people who helped the employee and were his faithful colleagues. When leaving, you should not miss the opportunity to meet with former colleagues in a common field of activity. Therefore, it is important to remain on friendly terms with the employees of the former enterprise.

Change of management

As you know, a new broom sweeps in a new way. And new bosses may want to select their team of employees, making it clear to old employees that it's time to leave. The problem becomes especially acute during a crisis, which the company is going through for a number of reasons.

With a change in management, the leadership style changes, and as a result, the working conditions and rules. The situation at the enterprise becomes nervous and tense. All this happens because both the new boss needs to get used to his new status and the employees need to get used to the new management. Some workers cannot withstand uncomfortable conditions and prefer to quit and look for another job. How to change a service, how to make the right decision is a priority problem that arises before a person. And the main thing here is not to panic and confidently move towards your goal.

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