How to be romantic with a girl: 29 cute ideas for every day

2. Send her love poems

This tip is for guys who don't have a creative way of expressing their feelings. Find a site with love poems and send it to your girlfriend via email or social media. Add something of your own, a few nice words. You can take something from this:

  • All messages on this page come from my heart;
  • These messages are exactly how I feel about you;
  • This site expresses my thoughts and feelings towards you.

But, if you still have the desire and opportunity to write a couple of rhyming lines, then do it. Girls really like it when guys express their love freely, and one of the ways is to write a romantic rhyme. This could be a short poem of three or four lines.

How to become a romantic: tips for men


Known. that men are by nature more pragmatic and reasonable. Not many of them are prone to excessive emotional outbursts, experiences, and romantic actions that women expect from them. Girls sometimes have complaints against their boyfriends because they are not able to give a bright, lush romantic relationship. Men, in turn, cannot understand why girls need this. Sometimes a guy really wants to surprise his lady and give her unforgettable emotions. However, there may be a fear of looking awkward in front of your lover. Not every person is inclined to romantic actions. This article will help you understand the question of how to become a romantic and make a girl happy.


First of all, you need to give compliments. It is very important that words come from the heart; lies and insincerity are always noticeable. Every lady is pleased when a guy notices her natural beauty, charm, femininity, which distinguishes her from others. It is not advisable to make compliments regarding the style of clothing; you need to see and emphasize its peculiarity and uniqueness. For example, say how beautiful her eyes, lips, hair, hands are. You shouldn't be afraid to express your admiration for a girl. This way she will be able to feel the warmest feelings for her beloved. Romanticism also manifests itself in how often a guy tells his chosen one that he loves her. A woman is always pleased with confessions from her loved one; they make her happy.


If possible, you should not spare money on a gift for your loved one. You don't have to give her something new every day. It is important to approach this process with soul. You can choose something inexpensive, but the more exquisite the gift, the greater the likelihood of surprising and delighting your chosen one. You can arrange a romantic evening for her during the week, take her to some cozy restaurant. It should be noted that the main thing is to have a desire to give the girl joyful emotions. If your budget does not allow you to go to an expensive establishment, you should not spend family money on such entertainment. Your companion may not appreciate this. Gifts should be presented based on financial capabilities. A good gift for your beloved will be sincere constant attention from a guy. For a loving girl, this gift will be the most valuable.


A young man's appearance also plays an important role in a relationship. To please a girl, you need to know what style of clothing she likes, you need to take into account her opinion, but a loving lady will never insist on one style of clothing or another; the main thing for her is that her boyfriend feels comfortable. Romantics are not necessarily those who wear stylish classic clothes, trousers, a white shirt, and a tie. It is more important to feel romanticism from within, to know that this is a distinctive feature of a man, a quality that is not given to many. Casual clothing can even be sportswear. It doesn't matter. A person's romanticism is measured in the colorful actions he performs, in the desire to be happy and in love.


Many men don't know how to be a romantic, what it means to be one. This quality, first of all, lies in showing attention to your beloved. Of course, you can try to surprise her every day, give her gifts, take her to the cinema, but it is important for a girl to hear words of love from her chosen one. You can become a romantic even without being in a relationship with a girl. It is enough for a guy to dream, to believe in love, that sooner or later he will meet his soul mate, for whom he will want to perform feats, to please her day after day. Romanticism also lies in the guy’s artistic abilities, in his developed imagination. If a man does not naturally have such qualities, they can be developed.


Men with romanticism are always attentive to loved ones, family and others. They usually are. kind, patient, compliant. The health and well-being of their loved ones comes first for them. A young man is inclined to give gifts not only to his beloved, but also to close relatives. Such guys are characterized by generosity and an irresistible desire to surprise. Romantics love to travel. Visiting interesting places inspires them to live, to enjoy every day they live. Traveling together certainly brings variety to the relationship of lovers. You can go with a girl to some city for the weekend, or to nature.


The key role in a relationship is played by mutual understanding, mutual support, the desire to protect your soulmate and bring her joyful emotions. Romance fills relationships with vivid impressions that will be remembered for a long time. Every woman dreams of feeling loved, desired, special. A man should tell her words of love more often, give her compliments, and try to make her every day unique. Relationships will never seem routine; lovers will enjoy spending time together and giving each other happiness.

3. Try to be well-groomed and look good all the time

When we talk about how to be a romantic boyfriend for your girlfriend, it doesn't matter how long you've been together, a few months or a few years. Either way, taking care of yourself and looking neat will show that you want to look good for her and want to impress her. All of this will ignite a romantic spark and show that you still love her. This will remind her of the time when you both just started dating and tried your best to impress each other.

Options for developing your life scenario

The danger is that a person himself does not understand what his problem is until he deeply analyzes the burden of childhood grievances.

1. Frequent punishments lead to secrecy and further inability to open up to a loved one. And as a result - multiple misunderstandings and quarrels.

2. The busyness of parents entails an eternal attempt to attract attention. Later, such children grow up to be manipulators, causing feelings of guilt, suffering from this themselves and making others suffer.

3. Because of their parents’ excessive demands, children strive to be better, to seem different from who they are. Hence the rapid burnout, the inability to complete what was started, mistakes in choosing one’s path, vocation, or life partner.

We could go on, but the trend is clear.

Now you know the other side of the coin. If you want to move forward and develop, they can hold you tightly and, at the subconscious level, not give you this opportunity. Often a person himself does not even understand what the reason is.

Is there a way to get rid of this baggage of negative emotions? Yes, you can do some techniques and practices yourself, or you can contact a specialist. If you are interested in working on yourself in this way, write about it in the comments, and then I will share my proven and effective methods on my blog in other publications.

4. Make a cute photo collage from your photos

In order to create a collage from photographs, you do not need to have any special knowledge. It can be done in many popular programs and applications. And it will take very little time. So choose a couple of photos of you together and make a collage. Write a cute caption at the bottom of the collage to add a romantic touch. You can take something from this:

  • The happiest moments of our relationship;
  • I and my love;
  • This is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Symptoms of Romanticism

Romantic girl on a carpet of flowers

singing songs under the window of your beloved; horseback riding; creating gifts with your own hands (typical of romantic girls); presenting cute little things (romantic cards, hearts, soft toys); reading your poems.

Romantic relationships are accompanied by flowers and unexpected surprises. Romantics are called frivolous and narrow-minded people. They don't know about practicality. Romantics live for today, look at the world through the prism of their worldview. But not all men are romantic by nature. They even came up with a special word for them, the antonym of romance is aromantic. But is it so bad to be unromantic?

5. Say sweet, romantic things in her ear.

When it comes to how to be a romantic guy, you need to understand that even the smallest things can make a girl feel loved. Even whispering sweet words in your girlfriend's ear will make her feel romantic. Your whisper doesn't have to mean anything. It could even be the sweetest and silliest things that come into your head. Here are some examples of sweet notes that you can whisper in your lady's ear.

  • I want to say that you look absolutely gorgeous;
  • When you're around, I feel like the happiest guy in the world;
  • You are so beautiful that I just can’t stop looking at you.

Origin of the concept – romanticism

Etymologically, the term romanticism is associated with the designation in the Romance languages ​​of a narrative work on a fictional plot (Italian romanzo, 13th century; French rommant, 13th century). In the 17th century, the epithet “romantic” appeared in England, meaning: “fictional,” “bizarre,” “fantastic.” In the 18th century, the epithet became international (in the 1780s it appeared in Russia), most often denoting a bizarre landscape that appeals to the imagination: “romantic locations” have a “strange and amazing appearance” (A.T. Bolotov, 1784; quoted by: Nikolyukin A.N. On the history of the concept of “romantic”). In 1790, the esthetician A. Edison put forward the idea of ​​“romantic reverie” as a special way of reading, in which the text serves only as “a hint that awakens the imagination” (Adison A. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. Hartford, 1821). In Russia, the first definition of romantic in literature was given in 1805: “An object becomes romantic when it takes on the appearance of the miraculous, without losing its truth” (Martynov I.I. Northern Bulletin. 1805). The prerequisites for romanticism were the mystical theosophical teachings of the 18th century (F. Hemsterhuis, L.K. Saint-Martin, I.G. Hamann), the historical and philosophical concept of I.G. Herder about the poetic individuality of nations (“the spirit of the people”) as a manifestation of the “world spirit” "; various phenomena of literary pre-romanticism. The formation of romanticism as a literary movement occurred at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, with the publication of “The Heartfelt Outpourings of a Monk Loving Art” (1797) by W. G. Wackenroder, “Lyrical Ballads” by S. T. Coleridge and W. Wordsworth (1798), “ The Wanderings of Franz Sternbald" by L. Tieck (1798), the collection of fragments of Novalis "Pollen" (1798), the story "Atala" by F.R. de Chateaubriand (1801).

Having begun almost simultaneously in Germany, England and France, the romantic movement gradually spread to other countries: in the 1800s - Denmark (poet and playwright A. Elenschläger, who had close ties with the German romantics), Russia (V.A. Zhukovsky, in his own words) definition, “the parent of German romanticism in Rus'”; letter to A.S. Sturdze, March 10, 1849); in the 1810-20s - Italy (G. Leopardi, U. (N.) Foscolo, A. Manzoni), Austria (playwright F. Grillparzer, later poet N. Lenau), Sweden (poet E. Tegner), USA ( W. Irving, J. F. Cooper, E. A. Poe, later N. Hawthorne, G. Melville), Poland (A. Mickiewicz, later J. Slowacki, Z. Krasiński), Greece (poet D. Solomos); in the 1830s, romanticism found expression in other literatures (the most significant representatives were the novelist J. van Lennep in Holland, the poet S. Petőfi in Hungary, J. de Espronceda in Spain, the poet and playwright D. J. Gonçalves de Magalhães in Brazil ). As a movement associated with the idea of ​​nationality, with the search for a certain literary “formula” of national identity, romanticism gave rise to a galaxy of national poets who expressed the “spirit of the people” and acquired cult significance in their homeland (Ehlenschläger in Denmark, Pushkin in Russia, Mickiewicz in Poland, Petőfi in Hungary, N. Baratashvili in Georgia). A general periodization of romanticism is impossible due to its heterogeneous development in different countries: in the main countries of Europe, as well as in Russia, romanticism in the 1830-40s lost its leading importance under the pressure of new literary movements - Biedermeier, realism; in countries where romanticism appeared later, it retained a strong position much longer. The concept of “late romanticism,” often applied to the main line in the development of European romanticism, usually assumes as a turning point the mid-1810s (Congress of Vienna 1815, the beginning of a pan-European reaction), when the first wave of romanticism (Jena and Heidelberg romantics, “Lake school”, Senancourt, Chateaubriand, Stael) comes the so-called “second generation of romantics” (Swabian romanticists, J. Byron, J. Keats, P.B. Shelley, A. de Lamartine , V. Hugo, A. Musset, A. de Vigny, Leopard, etc.).

Kiss her unexpectedly

The next way to be a romantic guy is to kiss your girlfriend even when she doesn't expect it. So the next time your love talks to you about something, just kiss her on the lips. Make your kiss long and pleasant. When she asks why you interrupted her, simply say that you couldn't help but kiss her. She will instantly smile and kiss you for being such a romantic guy.

Romantic dinner in a restaurant

If you want to organize a romantic evening in a restaurant, it is better to choose a calm, cozy place with live music, without a noisy disco. It is best if there are special booths or at least tables closed on both sides so that you can enjoy each other, without the presence of other people's views and conversations. It would be great if the restaurant was designed in an old style, like a tavern or tavern with appropriate furnishings and surroundings.

12. Remember all your dates and anniversaries together.

The one thing that sets romantic guys apart from the rest is that they can remember important dates and anniversaries in a relationship. These dates include birthdays, holidays such as Valentine's Day, March 8th and your first dates. Set reminders on your smartphone if you have trouble remembering dates. Pamper your woman with gifts and cards these days. As a result, all your efforts will bring more romance into your relationship.

What does it mean to be romantic

The word "romantic" comes from the Latin word Romanus or Romanicus, which literally meant "Roman" or "from Rome." Throughout the Middle Ages, Old French used the word romanz, meaning "of the Roman vernacular," to describe both a specific type of Latin speech and literature written in that vernacular style, which usually featured tales of knights and passion. Over time, the word "romance" became associated with dramatic love stories in general. This is one of the reasons why when people talk about romance today, they think of excessive gestures between lovers.

“Being romantic is about creating feelings of passion, anticipation and excitement in a relationship,” says clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manley. — Romantic partners do not have to be a specific personality type; they can be introverts, ambiverts or extroverts.”

Surprise of a sexual nature

The intimate sphere of life also needs variety, so a sexual surprise is a great option to surprise a girl. Here your imagination is your best friend. But before you experiment, find out how your loved one feels about this kind of entertainment, and whether there are any prohibitions for her.

Alternatively, you can use different sex toys, experiment with positions, or offer your loved one role-playing games. When choosing this gift option, focus solely on your imagination and the girl’s preferences. No one can advise you in this kind of matter.

Unusual date

There are a huge number of ideas for a romantic date, but there are very few truly worthy ones that can bring back the sharpness of feelings and surprise the girl you love. It takes a lot of effort to come up with something special.

First of all, you need to decide on a place. A great option would be a themed date, for example, in the style of a children's party. Instead of flowers, when you meet, give the girl an armful of balloons. For entertainment, give preference to an amusement park, and go to an ice cream parlor for refreshments. Buy soap bubbles in advance and invite your loved one to blow them from the bridge, and then go for a boat ride. Your girlfriend will definitely not forget such a romantic walk!

Spontaneous trip

An unexpected trip for two is a romantic act that many girls secretly dream of. But to prepare such a surprise, it is not enough to simply purchase a ticket to hot countries. It is important to clarify and resolve the following points:

  1. Will the girl be able to take a vacation while traveling?
  2. Does she have a foreign passport?
  3. Will your parents be against it (if you are not yet married and the girl lives with her parents)?


If you draw beautifully, write poetry, sing or play any instrument, then your talent will come in handy. You can create a unique masterpiece for your beloved. A poem about your love for her, her portrait or romantic love songs are a wonderful gift for your beloved that will touch even the most capricious princess.

It is better to present such a gift in a romantic setting and in private. Under no circumstances do this hastily or in company, with a large crowd of people. This is a rather intimate gift that should only connect the two of you.


Jewelry is a popular gift for girls. But to make it truly dear to your heart, you need to worry about its uniqueness. Only then will this decoration always remind you of you and your love.

A good idea is to engrave it on a ring, bracelet or pendant. You can put the date you met or a declaration of love. Such romantic actions will touch your beloved and will not leave you indifferent.

Natural experiences

A girl will certainly appreciate romantic actions, so this is the best way to prove your feelings to her. But the choice of a surprise must be approached with all responsibility. After all, an ordinary banal gift is unlikely to surprise or be remembered.

If it's summer outside, pick up a net, call a couple of friends to help you and go to the nearest park to hunt for butterflies. It's not easy, but very fun and exciting. Catch several winged beauties, place them in a jar, make holes in it and in the morning, while the girl is still sleeping, leave your gift on the nightstand. Your beloved will definitely never forget such a romantic act.

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