What to do if your husband drinks every day: how to identify alcoholism and help a loved one

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  • Is drinking alcohol every day really dangerous?
  • Why does my husband drink?
  • Signs of chronic alcoholism
  • Relationship problems
  • What to do if your husband has alcoholism?
  • How can our clinic help?

Many women are faced with the fact that at first their husbands occasionally allowed themselves weak alcohol, but why did it become such a habit that it became regular. The wife has to watch drunken husband every day, which leads to family problems. If a wife decides to fight her husband’s alcohol addiction, she will need professional help. To get a guaranteed result, you need to go to the clinic, but with the consent of the patient.

Is drinking alcohol every day really dangerous?

Often, men who drink foamy drinks do not consider them dangerous. The alcohol content in them is small, which means there will be no serious consequences. Even light beer is a toxin that destroys body cells. Drinking alcohol daily is a very dangerous habit. It leads to severe addiction and various pathologies, including cancer.

This phenomenon cannot be considered characteristic of socially disadvantaged families. Alcoholism also occurs among wealthy, educated, prosperous people. The consequences may be the following:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Chronic depression;
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Excess weight;
  • Liver cirrhosis, etc.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, before ethyl alcohol leads to irreversible consequences in the body, such as cancer, cirrhosis, heart failure, and dementia.

The main danger is that a person is not aware of his addiction. Advice from relatives only irritates. He does not notice how he becomes persistently dependent . Sometimes the impetus for reassessment of values ​​is a heart attack, severe tremors, hallucinations or another alarming symptom. It’s better not to let this happen and contact specialists while the body’s cells are still so badly damaged.

Treatment prices:

Sign up for a free and anonymous consultation with a narcologist0 ₽
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist in person or Skype3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy50 000 ₽
Consultation with a psychologist and selection of a treatment and rehabilitation program for an addictfor free
Intervention session12 000 ₽
Social rehabilitation of alcohol addictsfor free
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽
Standard rehabilitation program40 000 ₽
Intensive rehabilitation program80 000 ₽
Premium rehabilitation program120 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation (21 days)150 000 ₽
Rehabilitation Spain, Bulgaria200 000 ₽
VIP rehabilitation program350 000 ₽
Online addiction rehabilitation course28 000 ₽
Rehabilitation of age-related alcohol addicts50 000 ₽
Rehabilitation of drug addicts60 000 ₽
Adolescent social-psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation70 000 ₽
Psychotherapy5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Support groups for loved ones of addictsfor free
Webinars for relatives of addictsfor free
School for codependents3 000 ₽
Transfer supportnegotiable
Motivation for treatment6 000 ₽
Escort to the clinic6 000 ₽
Testing (urine/blood/hair)specify


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Why does my husband drink?

Women tend to blame themselves for their husband's alcoholism, sometimes his mother, friends, etc. You need to know that there can be many reasons for addiction, but only the person himself is responsible for his choice. We need to help him cope with his problems, see how wonderful the world is without alcohol, and not plunge into self-flagellation. Feelings of guilt can interfere with a happy family life.

There are several reasons for male alcoholism:

  • Dissatisfaction with life. If a man doesn’t like his job or position, things aren’t going well in his relationships, there are conflicts with colleagues, he begins to get rid of anxiety with the help of strong drinks.
  • Environment . If it’s customary for a man at work to drink in the bar in the evenings, friends constantly offer drinks and condemn any attempts at sobriety, he will side with the majority. He will not want to stand out and lose his usual circle.
  • Heredity . Of course, not all children of alcoholics become alcoholics, but addiction tendencies can be passed on genetically. Education also plays a big role. If a boy grew up in a family where his parents drank every evening, he will be sure that this is the norm.
  • Inability to relax without alcohol. If for a long time a person relaxed only with the help of alcohol, he simply has no idea what to do sober on a day off or just on a free evening.

can be overcome on a physical and psychological level . Any psychological problems can be solved with the help of an experienced psychologist. If ethyl alcohol has already caused serious mental disorders, you need to consult a psychiatrist.

You need to understand that none of the reasons is an excuse for alcoholism. Problems do not disappear if you drink every day, they only accumulate and become more obvious . For example, treating depression with alcohol is useless. As a result, it will only become stronger, insomnia and various neurological disorders will be added.


  1. Why does a person drink alcohol - psychology
  2. Psychology of alcohol addiction in men, women and children 2.1. Why do men drink 2.2. Why do women drink alcohol 2.3. Why do children drink alcohol?
  3. Psychology of an alcoholic

Why do people drink alcohol? In psychology, the causes of alcoholism have been discussed repeatedly. Unfortunately, sobriety cannot be bought with money, just like you can buy an artificial lens or false jaws. Alcohol enslaves a person. It is important to understand why this happens, because without identifying the cause, it is very difficult to get rid of addiction.

Signs of chronic alcoholism

Often a person with an addiction convinces himself and his family that he is able to control the situation. However, he cannot stop drinking alcohol for a long time. He constantly breaks down and justifies himself by saying that he is stressed, had a hard day, etc. There are several signs to identify an addict:

  • A person has no control over how much alcohol he drinks;
  • After large doses of alcohol (even if he mixed alcohol), he does not feel sick;
  • In the morning there is a headache, nausea, weakness, tremors and other signs of withdrawal syndrome;
  • The mood constantly changes, aggression and causeless anxiety appear;
  • The person has problems with the heart, kidneys, stomach pain, and swelling on the face.

There is a certain line between an alcoholic and a drunkard. Home drinking does not cause severe withdrawal symptoms . A drunkard drinks, but not regularly, and can easily go a week or more without alcohol.

At first, an alcoholic drinks only light drinks and cocktails to relax. Then he switches to stronger alcohol. And in the end he drinks everything indiscriminately, the main goal is to get drunk.

The man enjoys euphoria. Alcohol allows him to forget about his problems, but when he gets sober, he realizes that his problems are only getting worse. This gives rise to a new wave of drunkenness . A sober life seems boring to him, because fun is associated only with alcohol .


To prove to loved ones that he is in control of everything, the spouse can give up alcohol for a few days and say: “You see, I don’t have to drink.” He uses quitting alcohol as an excuse, but such breaks never last long .

When to see a doctor

There are common signs that are a reason to visit a narcologist:

  • The body has become better at absorbing alcohol, and to achieve the effect of intoxication a person needs to drink more than before;
  • Before a festive event or meeting with friends, a man plans to limit himself to a glass of beer, but as a result he gets drunk;
  • There is an irresistible desire to drink strong drinks;
  • Hangover syndrome, characterized by nausea, headache, etc. A man drinks to alleviate the condition;
  • Short-term or long-term binges.

These and other signs serve as a signal for taking effective measures aimed at treating the drinker.

Relationship problems

Looking at families where the spouse regularly , the question arises: why doesn’t the wife leave him? There can be many reasons: from codependency to “nowhere to go.” Alcoholic husbands are divided into 3 types:

  • Aggressive - they experience a wave of aggression under the influence of alcohol, they provoke conflicts, they can raise their hand;
  • Pathetic ” - absolutely helpless when they get drunk, they don’t control themselves, they don’t understand anything, they can’t put two words together, they literally have to drag him to the sofa or bed;
  • Emotional - their love for their wife and children awakens under the influence of alcohol, they begin to hug everyone, shower compliments, actively plan a family vacation, which they then forget about.

Psychologists say that the woman in such a couple is no less dependent than the husband, but not on alcohol, but on the behavior of her husband. Often she does not even realize that she made a choice in favor of a person with addiction because she wanted to be special, the one for whom her loved one changed. However, the rescue procedure constantly encounters various obstacles.

Some wives simply pathologically want to be needed, to feel like heroines. They experience a certain pleasure in staying with an alcoholic and telling everyone around how he will be lost without her.

If a girl’s upbringing was based on the fact that a woman’s lot is to suffer , she will subconsciously look for these ennobling sufferings. What a drinking husband is perfect for.

However, even in those marriages where a woman loves emotional swings, sooner or later life becomes unbearable. A person’s personality changes under the influence of alcohol, he degrades , not realizing how much suffering he brings to his family. Relationships are deteriorating more and more, and fatigue from constant struggle is growing.

To save the marriage and solve the problem of both addictions, you need to find a good specialist. You can go to family therapy or individually to psychological consultations.


  1. Psychology of addictive behavior: textbook. manual: for students majoring in Psychology / N. N. Mehtikhanova; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation, Feder. education agency Yarosl. state University named after P. G. Demidova. - Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2005 (Yaroslavl: Remder). — 123 p.
  2. Addictology: psychology and psychotherapy of addictions / G. V. Starshenbaum. - Moscow: Kogito-Center, 2006 (Mozhaisk (Moscow region): Mozhaisk Printing Plant). — 366 p.
  3. Dependent behavior: formation mechanisms and correction methods / N. G. Idrisova. - M.: Elf-Z, 2005 (12 TsT RF Ministry of Defense). — 173 p.

What to do if your husband has alcoholism?

First of all, you need to understand that not every person can cope with the problem themselves. Most require professional help and there is no shame in that. Drug treatment clinics provide alcoholism treatment that includes both medication and psychological therapy. It is necessary to simultaneously influence all factors in the development of addiction in order to overcome it.

You should not blackmail your husband, start quarrels, threaten divorce, etc. It makes no sense to force a person to stop drinking. The basis for successful treatment is his own desire . Even if it is absent, an experienced psychologist will create positive motivation. You can call a narcologist to your home for a conversation.

The recovery process consists of several stages :

  • We need to find the cause of alcoholism. First of all, the fear, problem or emotion from which a person is hiding with the help of alcohol is identified. He is not always aware of this problem himself; he simply gets used to drinking when it hurts, is anxious, or scary. If you identify it, it becomes clear in which direction to work.
  • You need to fill the place of alcohol in life with something, find ways of self-realization . This can be any hobby not related to ethyl alcohol: sports, hiking and tourism, traveling, drawing, playing a musical instrument, etc. A person must be passionate about something in order to overcome the boredom that appears at first when giving up alcohol.
  • It is also important to improve communication between spouses. It must be open, honest and constant. If conflict or mistrust arises, you need to discuss it without insults or raising your voice. The ability to communicate helps save a marriage. It must be remembered that constant family quarrels and lack of trusting relationships are also provocateurs of alcoholism.
  • Changes in life help you start life with a clean slate. This could be a move or less global changes - a change of image, hairstyle, wardrobe.

Folk remedies do not help against alcoholism. Only the right psychological influence, a well-chosen treatment regimen and motivation help. You cannot use questionable dietary supplements or add powders and herbs to your husband’s food. The most effective way to stop drinking is conscious treatment from professionals.

It is advisable for both to see a psychologist. It is important not to waste time and not let your health condition become critical. It is necessary that both decide to start a new life . A wife who does not want to leave her husband in trouble should not take full responsibility on herself or blame herself for what provokes his alcoholism. Each person is responsible for his own choices and actions. You can support your husband in his decision to overcome addiction, but do not take on the entire burden of saving the person.

Psychology of an alcoholic

Taking high doses of alcohol has a detrimental effect on the psyche and the state of the central nervous system. People under the influence of alcohol become similar to each other:

  • They almost always deny that they are addicted. They blindly believe that they can easily give up drinking if they want. Sometimes it takes months to convince them otherwise and get them started on coding.
  • They behave selfishly and forget about the interests of those around them. Very often, the behavior of alcohol addicts resembles the behavior of a disobedient, spoiled child. They do what they want, do not think about the consequences, and consider everyone who does not support them as enemies.
  • Prone to contradictory behavior. They have no logic and consistency of thoughts. They cannot concentrate and clearly state their own position. They don't understand what they are doing and why. Today they assure you that they will go to get coded, and tomorrow they will take up the bottle again.
  • They have been in a state of apathy for a long time. Then they stop being interested in what is happening around them and forget about their hobby.

Considering that alcoholism consists of two types of addiction - psychological and physical - it needs to be treated by contacting both a narcologist and a psychologist. It is important to remove factors that support high cravings for drinking. Then you will be able to recover much faster.

How can our clinic help?

If your spouse drinks alcohol every day, it might be a good idea to consider getting professional help . There is a way out of any situation. We accept patients even at the third stage of alcoholism.

Clinic “Private Ambulance No. 1” offers services for inpatient treatment, coding for alcoholism, and detoxification. We employ experienced specialists : narcologists, psychologists, psychiatrists. They will monitor the treatment and select an individual regimen.

There are several reasons why you should contact us:

  • Affordable prices for services;
  • Providing assistance at home and in hospital;
  • Licensed specialists with extensive work experience;
  • Anonymity guaranteed ;
  • Modern equipment for diagnostics;
  • Original and effective drugs;
  • 24/7 work;
  • Transfer to the clinic.

We will select effective treatment methods. If the husband has been drinking for a long time, we will help avoid painful withdrawal symptoms. The doctor will select medications for the IV. The hangover will pass quickly, without pain, nausea and insomnia.

We have comfortable conditions for long-term stays. Patients do not feel like they are imprisoned. We do not limit communication with family and friends. Our specialists work until a sustainable result . We provide a 3-year breakdown guarantee.

We don't just carry out coding and health restoration procedures.
We strive to create lasting positive motivation that will eliminate relapses in the future. A person completely changes his attitude towards life and alcohol. Even after discharge, our patients can contact any specialist to share their experiences. They can, if they wish, continue to attend Alcoholics Anonymous groups or individual psychological counseling.

Male binge

Over time, the alcoholic guy develops binge drinking. Avoiding hangovers and withdrawal symptoms requires maintaining a high concentration of ethanol in the blood. All human interests are limited to drinking alcohol, and rapid degradation occurs.

The big picture

Alcoholism is considered a multifactorial disease that affects not only the person himself, but also those around him. Those closest to the addict are the first to feel the negative consequences.

According to WHO estimates, more than 237 million men worldwide suffer from complications associated with drinking alcohol. Most of them are someone's husbands, fathers and children.

The alcoholic uses excuses to justify his addiction. There are such variants of regular abuse:

  • on weekends, often Every weekend without fail;
  • with friends, when not a single meeting is complete without intoxication;
  • on frequent business trips;
  • home drinking - a mandatory bottle of beer or a glass of vodka after a working day, with dinner;
  • rare, massive use - once a week or every week;
  • binges for many days (often more than a month), when the opportunity arises - holidays, vacations;
  • hidden - alone in small portions.

In Russian regions, the culture of regular consumption is a perverted part of the mentality. Most addicts at the first stage do not consider themselves sick, denying or not noticing the problem. Men retain the ability to function normally in society for a long time and perform work duties.

The largest sales volume in the Russian Federation among alcohol-containing products is vodka. Somewhat less people drink wine and beer, as well as other low-alcohol drinks. At the same time, they do not take into account the use of surrogates, from which more than 40-50 thousand people die every year.

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