How fortune telling works. The truth from a former psychic.


People have been searching for a definite answer to the question of whether to believe fortune-telling for decades. In this article we will try to analyze in detail each point of this issue with examples and indisputable facts. After reading the information, the reader will decide for himself whether to believe the fortune-telling or not.

For decades, people have been trying to understand whether to believe the results of fortune telling or not.

My fortune telling experience.

I want to highlight my point of view as to why fortune telling works. For people who sincerely believe in the effectiveness of fortune telling, I suggest that they refuse further reading. The question that I want to highlight has tormented me for a very long time.

From the age of twelve I began to study esotericism, occultism, etc. As I approached the age of twenty, I began to slowly move away from all this.

Throughout this entire period, I was tormented by the question: why does fortune telling work? I tried various practices: astral travel, love spells, spells, and it didn’t work, but fortune telling did. This always surprised me very much.

Read on the topic: My experience of out-of-body travel.

One day I stopped doing all this privately, accepting people and helping them. I still have a couple of people with whom I met for fun, not for money, and threw cards at them. Thanks to word of mouth, people still know and remember me.

At one time I was very famous in these circles and held very serious “posts” in them. I was even the coordinator of one of the esoteric schools. In general, in my old age I have something to remember.


Another fairly common type of magical influence is conspiracies. As a rule, they are aimed at good. With the help of conspiracies they get rid of alcoholism and various diseases. It is healers and healers who use spells. In addition, they are accompanied by some rituals. Should you trust fortune tellers who practice healing?

On the one hand - why not? In any case, there seems to be no harm from it. On the other hand, some charlatans use tinctures and potions in their rituals that can be harmful to humans. In addition, some of them claim that in order to cure a person, it is necessary to visit him several times a week and, of course, for each such session they require a lot of money.

It is interesting that sometimes, even when turning to a charlatan, people get good results. Scientists call all this the placebo effect. A person becomes better only because he believes in the effectiveness of this method. And a person’s thoughts and positive attitude are half the success in any business.

Why does fortune telling work? Insight...

Once I told fortunes to a woman, and at that moment an understanding came to me of why fortune telling works. Now I will tell you about it. We will consider all this during fortune telling using tarot cards. It is clear that there are different types of fortune telling. I’ve even come across fortune-telling using used pads, beans, tea leaves and many other crazy things, you shouldn’t be surprised at this.

Why, despite everything, does all this work and come true? I'll tell you three versions.

Very rarely did people come to me who were silent. Most often people came to me and told me a story. In such cases, one had to guess and look at what was happening to them at the time of the story.

Event Projection

Fortune tellers' prophecies usually deeply sink into the soul, especially among suspicious people. It is not a fact that she will predict a happy future for you; only negative visions of death and illness are possible. Having learned about this, people begin to invent problems themselves, to expect what they have been told.

It is extremely difficult to live with thoughts of imminent death, especially since this may not come true at all. But if you predicted a rich groom with blond hair, you will certainly wait only for him, perhaps missing your real destiny in the form of a brunette who will try to win your favor.


Based on the story a person tells, a question arises that requires guessing. Like all my colleagues at the time, I laid out nine cards in the shape of a square - three high and three long. We know that each sector - top, middle and bottom - is divided in a specific way.

Let's assume that on the first square I get the following figures: six of pentacles, ten of pentacles, thirteenth and fifteenth lasso. Each card has some symbolism and meaning. This is where the explanation comes in as to why it works for everyone, no matter who does it.

Suppose we take the “death” card - the thirteenth lasso.

Death, in general, has only one meaning, so we consider this card as the passing of something. Further, depending on where this card will be located, as well as depending on the question asking the question and many other variables, it will mean one thing or another.

For example, if a person comes to complain about material problems, this will mean that they will stop. If he complains about the love triangle, it will mean breaking the triangle. This is exactly how it seems to you, and this is how you are taught in all esoteric schools. In fact, this is a misconception, because next to the thirteenth lasso card there are other cards that complement the meaning of the first.

“Child to grandma!”

Archpriest Dimitry Klimov:

A person must think about who he is dealing with, with what forces. When a doctor comes to see a child, the parent, unless the doctor changes his shoes or washes his hands, will not even let him near his child. But it’s the same in the spiritual sense: do people really not care with what thoughts, with what wishes, with what faith a person touches your child, with what power does he turn to?

As a priest, I can testify to many cases where there was a direct connection between turning to fortune tellers and subsequent problems in a person’s life. For example, one girl had some kind of inflammation on her skin, she went to her grandmother, she whispered something to her, anointed her, gave her some water, and everything seemed to go away. And then, six months later, such a terrible misfortune happened to her that she almost died.

The meaning of the cards is constantly changing!

Variables can shift the meaning of the map in a completely different direction. As many of you know, death does not mean complete withdrawal and collapse. This card can also talk about the arrival of something new. That is, if something old goes away, something new must happen. Roughly speaking, in my case, this is a monetary period filled with money. He will leave and a new period will come, filled with prosperity, success and good luck.

Thus, the meaning of this card has changed to the opposite. This happens with any Tarot card. It doesn’t matter what exactly will be drawn, what interpretation of the card, large or small lasso.

Let's take another card - karmic retribution - “tower”.

Depending on the location of this card, we can get different meanings. The card itself denotes karma in the negative sense of the word. Suppose a person asks you what awaits him financially. With this layout, you can say that you had a stage of well-being, happiness, success, but now it will go away, as a result of which something new, interesting and prosperous will come into life.

Thus, two Tarot cards - death and karma - carry different symbolism and meaning in themselves, but, being in the same position, they talk about the same thing. Or, for example, the seventh lasso means well-being, success, career.

In the same layout - the devil, the six of pentacles and the seventh lasso. Since in this case there is a devil, this sets a negative vector. However, in fact, despite all the curiosity, the devil is more of a positive card. Therefore, we can say, at the expense of the devil, that negative events will be resolved, and the person asking will experience prosperity.

I changed three cards, but the meaning, as you understand, remained the same.

Fortune telling works because a person desires it.

This is how it all happens if you are guessing or someone is telling you fortune. This was the case for me personally. The man asks me a question, looking at him, I begin to lay out the cards. After I have laid it out, literally for a split second I look at the person, and by his face I determine what he expects to hear. This is a very subtle and most importantly unconscious process. I purposefully don't catch his gaze or try to understand him. I determine everything I need unconsciously and give him the result he expects.

The whole thing was getting ridiculous.

One day I was sitting in my office and a man came to me. He looked sad and was silent the whole time. Accordingly, I didn’t talk about anything, I started laying out the cards. I no longer remember what combination of cards came out in his case, but after I laid out the cards, I looked at him for a second and said that his wife had left him. I absolutely cannot justify why I said exactly this. Perhaps I actually took this information from the chronicles of Akash and the subtle world.

Next, I ask the person a question: “has your wife left for someone else?” To which the answer follows: “No, to another one.” I miscalculated here because it wasn’t in my head, but there were two possible scenarios. That is, in the case of a man, there may be two questions: regarding finances and family life. Unfortunately, despite all the diversity of people, in the vast majority of cases we have the same problems.

Two sides of magic

Each phenomenon has its own, both positive and negative qualities. What can you say about magic? On the one hand, it provides an opportunity to look into the future, but on the other, it raises a lot of controversy and questions. The opinion of the church also has a significant influence on people's views. True Christians are sure that turning to magic and witchcraft is a great sin. On the other hand, magic surrounds a person from all sides. You pick up the phone to call a friend, and at that moment he calls you. Doesn't this situation fit the term "magic"? In this case, intuition worked, but it is intuition that allows us to predict events in a person’s life.

Everyone has the same problems.

If a woman comes, then she is disturbed, either by the child or by the family. If a man comes, he is worried about finances and family. In general, people are not interested in anything else. There can be many options: the wife left for her lover or the husband left for his mistress. The person begins to pronounce all this. Tarot cards work in approximately the same way, as do any other methods of fortune telling.

Read on the topic: Raising a child without a father.

Nevertheless, despite all the frivolity of what is happening, there are times when, in the process of fortune-telling, I begin to tell a person a lot. Any fortuneteller knows that in this case the fortuneteller finds himself in a state where it is easy for him to interpret the cards non-stop.

Among all the information I give out, you can find many contradictions and inconsistencies in the case of a particular person.

Next, a person from this stream simply chooses what suits him or, in other words, what he wants to hear. If you first tell a person that his child will grow up, become rich and successful, and literally a few minutes later tell him that the child will die, the person will only hear the first option. After all, this is exactly what he most wants to hear about. On this basis, conclusions are drawn about how well a particular person can tell fortunes.

I say again: I had no malicious intent, just as 99% of esotericists do not have it . People hear exactly what they most want to hear. That's why everything works. I realized this much later after I started doing fortune telling, when I had everyday and psychological experience. Although I was very surprised that people came to me and said that it happened exactly as I told them.

Only a few actually came to me for fortune telling. The bulk of people came to watch some kind of show, because for them it was outlandish to meet a psychic. Many people, of course, came to hear what they wanted. When I was doing this, my phone did not know peace and was ringing almost around the clock. I quit doing this because the need arose to cheat. I looked at my colleagues who earned millions, but I could never do this myself, because I always doubted my knowledge of the occult and knew that, by and large, it did not work.

Fake phone numbers?

In addition to profiles on social networks, where complete information about a person is missing, there are also fake numbers from which mass calls can be made.

Most often, fake numbers are used by advertising companies, which, thanks to the mass calling service, offer their products to the population in a particular region, and often throughout Russia as a whole. This case is harmless; such a call cannot cause anything bad. But fake numbers are also often used for fraud, where people call a randomly dialed number and try to somehow get the person's money. Everyone knows cases when people called and asked to borrow money, supposedly, for example, to help their relative, who is currently with them. Most often, people are deceived using SMS via phone number, since this allows them not to reveal their identity, which is to the advantage of scammers.

Now every self-respecting company and organization has an answering machine and staff who will call clients who voluntarily left their phone number in the association to receive up-to-date information. The staff calls the consumer and tries in some way to interest the person in order to increase the demand for the goods and services that the company provides.

People themselves attract life to fortune telling.

Many people have problems with inner desire, so they need someone to give them that desire. I'll explain with a literal example. Previously, on the Internet, in particular on YouTube, it was fashionable to film reactions to various events, for example, to music videos. What do you think is the point of looking at Absolutely No Famous Person's reaction to a certain event? A person simply looks at this reaction and understands how he himself needs to react to it.

It is entirely a matter of desire. I have no inner desire, so I watch a blogger who tells me: “React like this.” This is a kind of instruction for life. Unfortunately, it is not given at birth, and we all have to look for it. Therefore, many people need someone from the outside who will give them instructions.

You are watching the channel “Accessible Psychology”. Do you really hope to solve some of your problems with the help of this viewing? You understand perfectly well that this is impossible, and the only way to solve the problem is to do it yourself, without listening to anyone, or to go to a personal appointment with a psychologist. You can hardly solve any problem through YouTube.

You are watching because you want to get psychological advice from me. That is, for you I am a man who advises you on how to live, what to do, experience, etc. So, in fact, when I was a psychic, I was just a psychologist. A woman comes to me and asks me questions about how she should be and what she should do. I answer, and by doing so I give this very instruction. When visiting psychics, life is much easier because you don’t have to think for yourself and decide anything.

Read on the topic: Advice from a psychologist. Myths and reality.

The brain thus saves resources when a person relies on a psychic who knows exactly what will happen and will tell me how to live.

Fortune tellers - who are they?

Among the people who are generally called fortune tellers, the following categories are distinguished:

  • clairvoyants - those who can predict the future or talk about the present without using certain tools or manipulations (they are also called psychics);
  • astrologers are specialists who talk about a person’s present and future, drawing information from the stars;
  • grandmothers, healers - help solve the problem with the help of spells, herbs and special rituals;
  • palmists - predict by reading the hand;
  • fortune tellers - they use runes, coffee grounds, cards for their predictions;
  • sorcerers, as well as shamans, are capable of bewitching, casting a spell, cursing, and seeing the future. They have ritual objects and master spells.

It is important to know that a true person with a gift:

  • will not advertise himself, advertise in newspapers or on television, word of mouth about him is passed on by word of mouth;
  • he does not require any payment for his help; the person who applies can come with minimal gifts;
  • a real specialist will not ask leading questions; he will tell you everything he sees.

Fortune telling is like instructions for life.

Further, people make psychic sessions an integral part of their lives. One day a woman came to me and complained that her husband had left her and asked when he would return. I told her fortune and said that he would come to her on May 17 at 19:00 in the evening. What do you think she did after that? She called him on the 16th and asked if he could come to her tomorrow at 7 pm. Naturally, after work he comes to her. She remains pleased that my fortune-telling came true.

But this is not because this woman is stupid and a redneck. We just all do it unconsciously. There are people for whom everything is really bad, they need outside help, a kind of big adult who will tell you what to do and how to be.

I sincerely believed in all this and did not understand why everything came true for my clients, but not for me. I was tormented by the question: “Why can’t I tell fortunes for myself?” Many of you who are reading this article understand perfectly what I’m talking about if you are or have been involved in esotericism. Surely you made yourself a plan for some life situation, and realized that nothing came true. Why does this happen, do you think?

In fact, the answer is simple and obvious: we know nothing about ourselves. Therefore, I go to a psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychic, priest, to my parents, who will tell me something about me. My desire is always hidden from me by the veil of the unconscious.

My desire always eludes me, it is visible only from the outside. Yes, I strive for something, but this is not the desire we are talking about. For this reason, telling fortunes to yourself does not work. I don’t know myself, how to make money from fortune telling? No matter how many times you lay out the cards for yourself, you will either not know how to decipher the cards, or you will have a decoding that will not work.

I don’t know myself, so I don’t know what to tell myself, but I know the desires of my friends and clients, so I can tell them. Here, too, everything gets ridiculous. I have a friend who got hooked on all this and constantly pestered me with requests to tell his fortune. He continues to do this now. Things got to the point where, having become convinced of the uselessness of fortune-telling, I did it for him without cards. I was just telling him something from the lantern. No matter how surprised you are, it came true.

Read on the topic: Why people believe psychics.

Is it worth contacting

Of course, this question worries people no less than whether they should believe fortune tellers. Reviews about sorcerers and shamans differ significantly from each other. Some say that visiting a fortune teller really helped them. She suggested what to do in a certain situation. Others argue that this is nonsense and quackery.

But in fact, a lot depends not only on the fortune teller herself, but also on why exactly you turned to her. There are certain cases when the help of even the most experienced magician will be in vain. For example, if a certain event in your life is destined to happen and it cannot be changed.

Even fortune telling “from a lantern” - it will come true!

That is, for fortune telling, no extraneous attributes, such as cards, are needed. You can just speak from a lantern, and it will come true. The person himself will lead his life according to what you tell him. I don’t specifically tell him that fortune telling doesn’t work, so Thank God he doesn’t watch my channel. Although he still knows that I don’t believe in fortune telling, despite the fact that I’ve done it.

I'm not trying to dissuade him because that's what helps him cope with his inner anxiety. After all, when I don’t know how to live, I need at least some instructions for life. She may be crazy, but she needs to be. Many people replace their visits to psychics with visits to doctors.

I spoke in one of my videos about my belief that 90% of all diseases are psychosomatic. A person may have second-degree diabetes and go to the doctor to get some instructions. You should not eat sweets, you should have such and such a menu and such and such a daily routine. This is the same instruction from my life. I organize my life around this diabetes. I eat some things, I don’t eat some things, and I feel great. This is what gathers me around one diagnosis.

This is very well illustrated by child psychoanalysis. Mom gives birth to a child, he begins to get sick. The mother herself had not decided on life, she had not decided on the child. Here there is a need for someone who will explain what needs to be done. A doctor takes the place of this someone. He says that the child has diathesis, intracranial pressure, something needs to be done about it. Thus, he gives instructions to the mother on how to cope with her child.

I recently learned that maternity schools even appeared on this basis. My colleagues don't approve of this, but I think it's very good. Even before giving birth, a woman can be explained what a child is and how to deal with him. You see, we are not talking about specific instructions about what, how and why, but about assembling ourselves around something.

Now you understand why fortune telling with cards, runes and beans will work.

Strange things

For example, a girl wanted to bewitch a married man. And thanks to the fact that she turned to an experienced sorcerer, everything worked out for her. The lover left his wife for his girlfriend. But then strange things begin to happen. They may differ in different cases, but basically:

  • The bewitched person begins to abuse alcohol and drugs.
  • He cannot leave the one who bewitched him, but at the same time begins to regularly cheat on him.
  • A bewitched person may look slightly sluggish and lethargic, and he may begin to get very sick.
  • A person whose will has been broken often experiences feelings of anger. Subconsciously, he does not want to be with the one who bewitched him, but he cannot leave either. In one case, this condition leads to depression, and in another, it finds a way out in fights and beatings. No matter how absurd it may seem, a bewitched man can regularly beat his “beloved”.

The most interesting thing is that fortune tellers rarely talk about these side effects. In addition, it is not always possible to remove a strong love spell. So it turns out that, on the one hand, there is no doubt about the power of fortune telling, fortune tellers and love spells, but on the other hand, does a person need services of this kind?

How to check the truth of fortune telling?

How to check whether fortune telling really works or not? It's simple. If each card had a clear connection to a particular event, had a clear definition and interpretation, regardless of the arrangement in the layout, fortune telling would not work. If you look for interpretations of your situation using a textbook, nothing will work.

I tell you again: everything works only because we ourselves attract certain events, and not the cards tell us about them. I don't know if you like my explanation, but nevertheless, I think it is very truthful. Believe my experience, I have been studying esotericism since I was 12 years old. Now I’m 29. I gave up this about 7 years ago, and I wish the same for you. Stop suffering from nonsense, stop believing in esotericists and psychics.

Let's assume that there is something conscious above my consciousness: gods, Mahonia, spirits and other mystical beings. Tell me, will they give ordinary mortals any ways to see the future? This will mean the disruption of all plans and plans, because mortals will have world domination. If I know which horse will win and who to bet on, I will become a billionaire in a week. You know that money can work wonders. With their help, I will seize power in our country. With their help, I will change history and completely change the world. All this is only thanks to some kind of fortune telling.

Read on the topic: How psychics deceive.

This, not to mention all kinds of energies and meditations on Tarot cards. I do not argue that as a way of meditation it is an excellent tool. If you meditate on some kind of detachment from the world, searching for yourself, of course, this will come into your life. You will gather yourself around this state, and it will come into your life because you attracted it.

However, this does not mean that this energy, capable of influencing anyone, is present in any chart. You saw in one of my videos how I open the emitter of Boris Moiseevich Monosov. This emitter supposedly guaranteed gregoreal protection, etc. I opened it, despite this, I am still alive, although a year and a half has passed. This is probably because I am not included in your contract, as Monosov would say? But as soon as I enter your Gregor, then it will be the end for me.

Meditation is better than fortune telling!

Therefore, I do not recommend that you engage in esotericism, engage in meditation. As a practitioner and psychologist, I can say that this is an excellent method for balancing yourself. You don't need any specific attributes like tarot cards to do this. this state can be obtained anywhere. You can catch this state just by looking at a photograph.

Imagine that you came home from work, there were children around you, noise, commotion, and you meditated and everything returned to normal. You see, this is much better than just sitting and drinking, as 90% of Russians do? I would also advise you to go to a psychologist, because this is not a psychiatrist and the entire world community uses the services of a psychologist. This is absolutely normal. But when you sit, drink and look for meaning in esotericism, you simply leave yourself.

Mostly, of course, my services were used by women. Each of them would do well to lie down on a psychoanalyst's couch. They all have certain effects in their bodies, problems that they attribute to damage from fortune telling, magic, etc. People think that a psychologist is a psychiatrist who will prescribe pills and you’ll be right and won’t get them again. This is a fundamentally incorrect reasoning. Stop going to esotericists, they will deceive you like crazy. Most likely, you will take out loans to pay for their services, and absolutely nothing will change in your life.

On the other hand, I understand you. People come to me the same way, I also have to work, think, delve into my head. Why do I need this when I can just give the money to a fortune teller? She will do a ritual of well-being, and everything will be fine for me.

I, as a person with extensive experience in the esoteric field, can tell you that you are simply following the wrong path. If you continue to do this, things will get worse.

Psychologists' opinion

According to psychotherapists, fortune telling is a method of programming fate. Experts believe that it is harmful and has a number of dangers for humans:

  • The presence of an internal conflict - people turn to magicians and fortune-tellers with such a problem, but as a result it is not solved, but hides deeper;
  • Infantility - all predictions are perceived as signs of fate. The person no longer tries to save and correct the situation.

The subconscious mind undergoes its own programming, thoughts influence the behavior of the individual. The harm of fortune telling lies in the formation and development of obsessive fears.

On turning to fortune tellers, healers, psychics, etc. (Archarch Vladimir Golovin, Bolgar)

Fortune telling and the severity of his sin!!! Abdullahaji Khidirbekov/Fathul Islam

Why you shouldn't go to fortune tellers

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