“I’m tired, I can’t, I’ll help you tomorrow”: how to deal with burnout syndrome

Each of us has at least once encountered conditions such as fatigue, apathy and disappointment caused by our professional activities. At this moment, the first thing that comes to mind is a job change. But let's figure out if everything is really like that.

At the beginning of the journey, we always experience that feeling of happiness from going to our favorite job, and then we return no less happy, with satisfaction from the tasks completed. A state of well-being and harmony in the professional and personal spheres is very important for a person, but at some point there comes a drop in vigor and enthusiasm, and they are replaced by fatigue and disappointment. At this moment, it is important not to make serious mistakes and try to figure out what is really behind these conditions.

What to do if emotional burnout has already occurred?

If you are truly diagnosed with SEV, then all that remains is to change your job.
For example, a teacher who worked at school for 30 years and suddenly discovered that she hates children (and used to love them) - she yells and can no longer control herself, she has burned out as a teacher, she is only causing harm, she needs to change her field of activity. There is a chance to remain a teacher if she changes schools or goes to university, but only with close psychotherapeutic support.

Burnout is that very state when, in the process of doing something, you realize that you don’t want to do it ever again.

With a heartbreak and tears: “I don’t want to do this anymore.” To such an extent that it actually turns off and shakes. Then that's the end and the end.

We must admit that you can’t force a dead horse to ride, and it’s time to throw away a suitcase without handles.

Professional psychological crisis

The main symptom is a change in a person’s attitude towards his work. It manifests itself in a feeling of emptiness, lack of desire to do anything, detachment from the work process, and, as a result, disappointment comes. Internal irritation is imposed on colleagues, clients and the entire external environment through outbursts of anger, sarcasm and even rudeness.

Sometimes the opposite happens, when a person begins to completely withdraw from the team and from what is happening in the company. There comes a period of a formal approach to work, and sometimes indifference to everything, which provokes a transition to one’s own helplessness and hopelessness. There is a deterioration in health and physical symptoms such as headache, blood pressure, and weight changes occur. The question arises - what to do?

If you don’t quit the business that made you burn out, what will happen?

This threatens that CMEA will turn into chronic fatigue. Errors will appear in the workplace, even radical ones. There can be health problems if you ignore your body's signals, even death. Because of such things, gastritis, ulcers, and oncology are formed. To the point that people, for example, in speaking professions, start to have a sore throat all the time. In sports, your legs fail.

Of course, people who do not have the experience of self-analysis and reflection can engage in self-deception. They become hostage to their own prejudices. For example, all my life my mother said that I needed to work in a factory. And there are terrible conditions, low wages. And now the opportunity arises to go into a commercial structure, but the person is convinced that it is bad there, he becomes hostage to prejudices from 30 years ago.

After work you don't feel like doing anything at all

The only desire that comes to you is to quickly get home, sit comfortably on the sofa with a tablet and not have anyone bother you. Unfortunately, an unloved task can turn into a nightmare not only the morning and day, but also the evening and night: when you are exhausted at work, you don’t want to make plans for your free time, and even a vacation doesn’t seem such an attractive idea to you, because it still needs to be organized. In other words, when absolutely nothing tempts you, this is the surest alarm signal.

Is this all treatable?

There is rehabilitation and prevention, it all depends on the level of neglect. If this is at the initial stage, then, as a rule, one or two consultations with a psychologist are enough. Plus a visit to the general practitioner to find out whether it is chronic fatigue syndrome or burnout syndrome.

If we are talking about the most advanced options, then medical psychotherapy will help. You may need to go to hospital. Lie there for a month, get antidepressants, then get out and start rebuilding your life. The worst thing is when successful businessmen brought themselves to a state of psychosis, where they could destroy both their family and business. They are not much different from those people who ruined their lives with drugs or alcohol. This applies primarily to workaholics; it is very important for them to regularly diagnose themselves. Go to a psychologist almost once a month and see doctors once a year. And they are prescribed a month's vacation at least once a year. And then there is a chance to fix everything.

Where to begin?

I highly recommend starting with organizing a plan and living your DAY .

After all, this is where the main problem of the vast majority of people lies. For example, everyone misses their most powerful time, wastes it on nonsense, on unimportant things.

Then they try to spur their dead horse with caffeine at a weak time of day.

In the evening they cannot fall asleep, many relax with alcohol or simply do not get enough sleep.

You can find much of this in my Mindful Living Workshop. I also change there every day along with the participants. My examples, theory, tips and life hacks - my whole system in one place.
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Define your goal

Many of us tend to be vague about what we want to achieve at the end of our education. This prevents us from assessing our effectiveness - how quickly we are moving towards our goal. If we do not see the result, then motivation will decrease, which means that the body will begin to “sabotage” all our efforts. This is how fatigue appears.

To clearly see your desired goal, write down the end result and the step-by-step actions that need to be completed. Check your list and adjust it if necessary. Every time you cross out another item from your plan, you will see your goal getting closer.

You involuntarily fall asleep at work or feel unwell

In science, this is called unconscious sleep, and you probably remember this state from your school days: you are trying to concentrate on something, but your body seems to “turn off” itself, and you fall asleep for a few seconds or minutes. This is a sign of accumulating fatigue, which in the following stages turns from such attacks of a minute's sleep into a general disorder of the whole organism. In other words, you feel as if you are sick, you have headaches, weakness and lack of appetite.

Why does the computer hurt my eyes?

The eye is a sensitive organ that reacts sharply to any external stimuli. These include electromagnetic radiation from a computer monitor.

Modern developments and advances in the field of computer technology make it possible to smooth out this negative effect, and the monitors that people use today have virtually no negative effect.

The root of the problem is that
when working, a person peers at the image on the monitor and blinks less often.
As a result, the tear film dries out, which, although restored, already forms a thinner protective layer. As a result, the negative electromagnetic effect on the tissues of the organs of vision increases.

Also in such situations, the sensitivity of the eye begins to decrease and disturbances occur in the circulatory system.

As a result, metabolic products accumulate in the tissues of the organs of vision.

Attention! Additionally, oxygen starvation of tissues develops, since the unstable tear film does not sufficiently cover the surface of the eye. All this leads to pathologies that are accompanied by pain.

How to help your family overcome fatigue syndrome

Illustration: Veronchikchik Three of us came - a teenage girl, an older woman and an elderly woman. The facial features and even the structure of the figures are similar, obviously they are relatives. The girl is in reddish curls, the woman is well-groomed and, it seems, already has traces of modern plastic tricks, and the elderly lady, perhaps one might say, is majestic - a sort of mixture of Anna Akhmatova and Faina Ranevskaya at their elegant age.

They introduced themselves in ascending order: Inessa, Suzanna and Miroslava Mikhailovna. Indeed, as I suggested: granddaughter, daughter, grandmother. They live together. And usually, and in general, they get along quite peacefully, without interfering with each other.

Reason for contact: recently they had a loud, completely unexpected and therefore even more terrible scandal. As soon as we left him, we almost unanimously decided that we needed to turn to someone. The choice fell on me because Inessa recently wrote a school essay on my story “The House Over the Rainbow” and had related information from the Internet: the author is a practicing psychologist and receives treatment at the nearest children’s clinic.

“Yeah, everything is clear,” I said. - So, our procedure will be this: first, everyone tells a little about themselves formal things in the scope of studying - working - being a member - participating, and then together we restore the scene of an epoch-making scandal.

Then they started again in a disciplined manner according to seniority, and I found out that Inessa is fifteen years old, she is in the ninth grade, as a child she went to many different clubs, now she has abandoned everything, she once attended an art school for three years and now continues to draw a little, in mostly anime characters. He posts pictures on the Internet, there are those who like them. There are friends, there were love-relationships with one, two, or three boys, but they never lasted more than two or three months, then the young people simply bored each other. She is going to go to the tenth grade and has not yet decided what she will become later. Maybe I should become a psychologist? A specialty that is in demand and not burdensome - you sit in the warmth and listen to what people tell you.

Suzanne is forty-four years old, she graduated from a prestigious mathematics school, has a successful career and works as a department head in an international company. She was divorced from Inessa’s father, her former classmate, a long time ago; after school, at first for ten years he “showed promise” and studied, and then, after the divorce, somehow he went to Belgium for academic reasons and now lives there on benefits, draws up some amazing projects and seems to be happy with everything. At the moment, Suzanne has been in a civil marriage for five years with a man named Peter, who works with her. The marriage is successful.

Miroslava Mikhailovna, a widow, has been retired for three years, before that she worked as a school director for many, many years. By profession - chemistry teacher. Now, practically on a voluntary basis, he runs a certain chemical association for high school students and is permanently offended by Inessa for the latter’s complete lack of interest in chemistry as an interesting science and important human practice.

- Great! - I said. — The disposition is clear. Now let's move on to the scandal.

The scandal, by all accounts, which all three easily agree on, began literally out of the blue, with some barely remembered trifle. It seems that Suzanne suggested that Inessa put away the plates or cookies she was eating or something like that in the closet. Inessa snapped at this that anyway, in half an hour someone will sit down to dinner, they will get it again and why clean up and waste energy. There was a remark from the mother in the style of “there must be order, your hands won’t fall off, why not remove it.” - Because I'm tired! - was the answer. - Why are you tired? - the mother’s picture-perfect surprise. “You don’t do a damn thing all day long, just stare at your phone and chat with your friends!” You’re too lazy to even go to the store across the street; grandma has to ask you for half a day! A nod from the grandmother present at the scene: yes, yes, exactly that! And then the usually non-conflict Inessa suddenly “blows the roof off” and starts yelling:

- Yes, I'm tired, tired, tired! I'm tired of you because everything is always wrong for you! I’m tired of always feeling like I owe something to someone and no one is ever happy! No matter how hard you try, there is always some lesson not done and some cookies not put away! And from this something terrible (god knows what!) should happen, either right now or someday later! At school every day in every lesson they scare you with exams, and at home it’s the same, as if this is the most important thing, and we are all such machines for passing exams, and nothing else in life is important to us, and we don’t need it! And friends always say that everything is bad, and they “don’t take it out,” and you have to go to psychologists, but they still don’t help, maybe only if you take pills, but this, I think, is generally stupid, but they you can’t prove it, and I’m tired of this too, because no one understands me, not even my friends, and at home they think that I should be grateful for everything, because I had a happy childhood in full prosperity, I am a hundred and five hundred thousand times from my grandmother I heard it, and the very word “prosperity” just makes me want to puke! I'm tired of this eternal race to nowhere and the need to be grateful. I'm tired of listening and knowing that what I suddenly like is primitive and moronic and, according to my grandmother and mother, not worth a penny. I’m tired of teachers always nagging and scaring me, but they themselves can’t really explain it. You are right that I haven’t really started doing anything yet, but I’m already tired of everything and I’m scared of it! Sometimes I don’t even want to live anymore!

Then, after this monologue by Inessa, something strange followed. The always reserved Suzanne suddenly blushed crimson and soared right on the same high, shrill note on which her daughter had finished:

- Are you tired of us?! Well, really, people always get tired of idleness, I’ve heard about this many times, but I haven’t had the chance to find out for myself. Neither in childhood, nor later. At first I had to comply so as not to disgrace my mother-director, and then, when I ran away from her to the physics and mathematics school, there I had to prove every day that “wow, sometimes girls are somehow good at mathematics.” " She was tired, occasionally doing her homework and bringing home grades from regular school, just think! There are no responsibilities, everything is served on a plate, and if it’s like this - “mom and dad work a lot, hard and socially responsible, they come late, so all the purchases and the main household, of course, are on you” - how would that be for you at thirteen years old? What do you, chronic slacker, even know about “tired”?! When, on the one hand, you are responsible for the well-being of people, subordinates, and on the other hand, there is competition and support from below by younger and more zealous people, and you have to constantly rotate between all this and all the time correspond, correspond, correspond. And you constantly want to eat, because our whole breed is prone to obesity, and you have to limit yourself all the time if you want to look decent, and not like a monument to Catherine the Second in Catherine’s kindergarten. Moreover, this is an absolutely irrational country, which either rises from its knees, then falls back, and nothing in it can be predicted, and its laws change every now and then, and each time you have to adapt to this and pretend that this is exactly what you were waiting for, and everything is fine and everything is under control. It’s been like this for about ten years without a single day’s break. And you can’t relax at home either - mom is watching. And Peter and I live well, but do you even understand that Petya is five years younger than me and receives half the salary? And you need to walk like on the edge of a knife, so as not to emphasize, not to offend, to smooth out and all that. Five years doesn’t seem like much, but still, thirty-nine and forty-four—even by ear, there’s a difference. This means that it is not he, but I who must think about it all the time, and again correspond, and how tired I am of this thinking and compliance, because time still passes and it is impossible to stop it. Man in a Case - is this still being done in literature now? This is exactly what I am, because there is still my circle, and they, too, are always accustomed to the fact that I am “on top” and know how to “take a punch,” and in general, everything is always good with me. And I’m really doing well, but who, damn everything in the world, knew how endlessly tired I am of all this, and the only person who seems to understand this is my ex-husband, yours, Inessa, father, a slacker, a grouch and a loser, who once wrote to me in a messenger: “Susya, leave everything and everyone and come to me, I’m already tired of here, it’s too rotten and blissful, we’ll go with you to Brazil, we’ll be together live in cardboard boxes (each in his own) and dance in the streets, we’ll be happy and fuck off!”

The daughter and mother looked at Suzanne in some understandable stupefaction. Then Suzanne added bitterly:

“Inessa is a teenager and therefore a little crazy, that’s understandable, but you, mom, at least for a change, could support me at least once in my life...”

And then the absolutely incredible happened: Miroslava Mikhailovna thrust both hands deep into her lush, carefully styled hairstyle according to a long-standing fashion and, with a guttural growl, strongly pulled her hair up:

“So they’re both tired, right?!” What do you even know about fatigue?! You, Ineska! The teachers are disturbing her, she was told to put away the plate, exams in the ninth grade in a regular school, which the last idiot, turning to the wall and with his eyes closed, can pass immediately after waking up! And friends who, since birth, haven’t had anything but bird’s milk shoved into their beaks and who now “don’t take them out” - they need pills and psychologists! And you, Suzanne! Forty-four is the peak! You are as impressive as hell or like a movie star from the foreign life of my youth, you go skiing - I’m scared to even look at the pictures! And if there is a wrinkle, go to the doctor’s office and get Botox in the face. You have at least another twenty years of active, beautiful life ahead of you, and Petenka is drooling over you and is afraid that someone will take his queen away. And everyone or something is wrong with them, they are tired, you see, of them! Mother, grandmother, colleagues, friends, roommates, competitors, even the country was not pleased with something! What do you even know about fatigue? I’m sixty-seven years old, and I’m madly tired, not of someone or something, but of myself! From the inertia of my thoughts and judgments, from eternal constipation, from the fact that something always, constantly hurts, from the fact that with every day, month, year, hearing, vision, intelligence decrease, from the fact that I don’t remember why I came to the kitchen, from the fact that if something falls, then picking it up is a separate project, from the fact that significantly more than half of the people to whom I mentally turn to show or tell them something interesting or beautiful have already left for edge. And to those who remain, I can no longer say anything sparkling or even simply interesting. And the children and grandchildren of my friends go to my chemistry club mainly out of respect or habit. I regularly feel endlessly tired and lingering on the empty platform because absolutely everyone I would like to see and who could “take me in their arms” has gone there, over the edge. And nothing will come back. And the path ahead is disgustingly clear until the very end. And I am not able to believe in any “good news”, because there are so many different “good news”, and simply from any normal education and any long life experience it is clear exactly how they all work. And if you only knew how tired I am of all this!

This last exclamation from the elderly lady in the kitchen was followed by a rather long silent scene, and then everyone tiptoed to their rooms. Much later, Suzanne carefully suggested that maybe something needs to be done about this, and Inessa, who had just finished writing her essay on my story, cheerfully suggested a psychologist nearby.

“Excuse me, please,” Miroslava Mikhailovna said politely and slightly primly. - that all this nonsense has now been dumped on you. Of course, we don’t have any problems...

- This is not nonsense! — I objected energetically.

- What then?

“I would say that this is just an excellent, fully prepared chapter for a textbook on developmental psychology,” I formulated without hiding my admiration.

- Well, you say... Although you know, it’s amazing, I said it all again, and somehow it even became a little easier...

“Me too,” Suzanne smiled.

Inessa, after thinking, nodded, but then still muttered something disagreeing under her breath.

“Please, please, please,” I said and folded my hands in front of my chest. -Can I publish this? I swear that I will replace names, professions, all the details... For some reason it seems to me that many people need to read this. Please.

Both younger ones looked at the older one, and I realized that she would decide.

“Just replace the names,” said Miroslava Mikhailovna after quite a long silence. - You can leave the rest as is. Call me “Miroslava Mikhailovna” - I always wanted a sonorous name instead of my boring textbook one, and something that would suit the school principal.

“So that’s why I suffered so much throughout my childhood and adolescence!” - Suzanne exclaimed with a nervous laugh. - So you took it out on me! Suzanna Leonidovna - my God. And the main thing is that there is no way to cut it properly - Susie or Syusya - you don’t know which is worse...

- And then why do I need “Inessa”? - Inessa asked.

- And for you - a ricochet! — Suzanne rolled her eyes.

Miroslava Mikhailovna smiled at everyone present at once - condescendingly and majestically.


Now we have a question for dear readers: what are you tired of?

And of course, your proposals for Inessa, Suzanna and - which is especially interesting to me due to my circumstances - for Miroslava Mikhailovna.

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