Methods of self-regulation of emotional and mental state. Relaxation, auto-training and self-hypnosis in psychology

To quickly switch from one emotional or mental state to another, you can use many methods: self-control, self-hypnosis, sports or sleep (active and passive discharge), tears, switching or turning off attention, rationalization, situation analysis, auto-training, attitude change, meditation, relaxation and other. And even prayers from the perspective of psychology are a method of self-regulation. This is how they help, because they allow a person to come to consciousness and find a rational solution. What other methods of self-regulation are there? Let's figure it out.

Direct and indirect methods

Direct methods

Direct methods of influencing the psyche include music. Yes, its effectiveness was experimentally proven back in the 19th century by V. M. Bekhterev, although intuitively music has been used for treatment purposes since ancient times.

The second method is libropsychotherapy, or treatment with special literature. Books draw a person into a fictional world, make them experience the emotions of the characters and distract them from their own experiences.

Indirect methods

  • Work and sports are the most effective indirect methods. They provide relaxation, charge with positivity and distract from worries.
  • Imagotherapy, or role-playing games, is a method of correcting a condition through personal changes. In the process, new character traits are formed, the personality structure and the experience of problems change.
  • Suggestion and self-hypnosis. The spoken words are not criticized, but are accepted by default and become a person’s internal attitude, which corrects his activity.

As you may have noticed, these methods do not necessarily relate to self-regulation, but there are methods exclusively for independent use that develop the ability to self-government. For example, autogenic training. You will also learn about this from the article, but a little later.

Definition of self-regulation

In a broad sense, mental self-regulation is considered as one of the levels of regulation of the activity of living systems, which is characterized by the use of mental means of reflecting and modeling reality.

Thus, mental self-regulation includes control of the behavior or activity of the subject and self-regulation of his current state. There are also narrower interpretations of this phenomenon:

  • “Mental self-regulation is the influence of a person on himself with the help of words and corresponding mental images”
  • “By mental self-regulation we understand mental self-influence for the purposeful regulation of the comprehensive activities of the body, its processes, reactions and states”

According to V.I. Morosanova, self-regulation is understood as “integrative mental phenomena, processes and states” that ensure “self-organization of various types of mental activity” of a person, “integrity of individuality and the formation of human existence.”

What all definitions have in common is the identification of the human condition as an object of influence and the focus on the use of internal means of regulation, primarily methods of psychological self-influence.

Psychotechnicians for behavior correction tasks

Decreased arousal

Effectively use:

  • distraction and switching of attention;
  • goal setting (consider different options);
  • physical relaxation;
  • psychomuscular and autogenic training;
  • breathing exercises for relaxation.

Resource Activation

Effectively use:

  • autogenic training for mobilization;
  • increased motivation;
  • breathing exercises for activity;
  • plot performances;
  • memories of active emotional states and the situations that caused them;
  • mental and sensory stimulation;
  • heterosuggestion.

Mental desensitization


  • presentation of successful behavior;
  • self-hypnosis of confidence and neutral attitude towards harmful factors;
  • deliberate passive attitude.

Relieving Emotional Stress


  • listening to music;
  • relaxation;
  • substitution;
  • rationalization;
  • fantasy.



  • meditation;
  • suggested dream;
  • self-hypnosis for quick recovery.

Regulation of the autonomic system


  • auto-training;
  • heteroregulation;
  • breathing exercises.

Autogenic training

The method was developed in 1930 by the German psychotherapist I. G. Schultz. In Russia, the method has been used and studied since 1950.

At first, auto-training was used only for the treatment of nervous disorders, but gradually began to be used for preventive purposes. Today this is a popular method of unloading the emotional and mental state in all areas and activities: study, work, relationships, and so on.

Auto-training in the modern sense even has its own subtypes:

  • psychomuscular training (PMT);
  • psychotonic training (PTT);
  • psychoregulatory training (PRT).

But the basis of any auto-training is a relaxation mechanism, that is:

  • mastering muscle relaxation techniques;
  • development of skills for sensing heat and cold in the body;
  • increasing concentration and volitional attitude towards the general condition of the body.

The purpose of auto-training is to relieve muscle and emotional tension, to instill in a relaxed state the development of volition.

I suggest you get acquainted with morning auto-training, which will charge you with energy and positivity for the whole day. You can perform it at any time, even immediately after waking up, while lying in bed. You just need to say the following words (installations). It is very important to speak on your own behalf in the present tense.

The text can be saved and printed as a reminder

Ways to control emotions

What rational ways are there to control emotions?

There are some postulates that should not be forgotten.

  1. Emotions are not your choice, since they are responsible for that part of the gray matter that is beyond our control.
  2. Emotions are not governed by ethical standards. These are emotions, and nothing more.
  3. You are responsible for your own emotions.
  4. You are able to curb emotions, but you are not able to eradicate them.
  5. Emotions often lead a person down the wrong path. But in some cases they can open up great prospects for us. It all depends on what you intend to do.
  6. The more you suppress them, the more intense they become.
  7. The most correct method for taking control of emotions is to allow yourself to experience them.
  8. Emotions fuel your thoughts. You can use your reflections to control your own emotions.
  9. You need to become aware of your emotions and what they signal, and in this way you will get rid of nervous turmoil. Simply put, you need to think through your emotions.
  10. Any emotion contains a hidden meaning. This meaning allows you to understand yourself better, even if you try not to show it. Take care of yourself and come to terms with all the emotions that you experience while living the corresponding state.
  11. The way your mother and father responded to your emotions influences how you perceive them now. While you were developing as a person, your emotions underwent similar changes. They became more and more complex and distinct.
  12. Your emotions have been trying to spill out for a long time. They do not evaporate, but grow inside, and all this is not without a certain meaning.
  13. If you want to better understand your own emotions, then you cannot isolate yourself from them in order to avoid disagreements with people.

The inability to control our emotions sometimes has a negative impact on our relationships with other people. If you want to avoid problems in many areas of life due to the inability to suppress your anger, jealousy and other negative feelings, then we recommend that you use some simple tips.


In fact, the technique described above is self-suggestion. With the help of these words, your faith in your own strength and the implementation of your plans increases. You get set up for success and understand that everything depends only on you.

Self-hypnosis is always positive statements in the first person, spoken in the present tense. You can come up with your own up-to-date and customized settings. Self-hypnosis directly affects the psychophysiology of the brain, forces it to concentrate on the goal.

There are several principles for constructing phrases. You are addressing the subconscious, so it is imperative to follow them.

  1. Use positive and affirmative phrases and avoid “not” and “never”. For example, instead of “my head doesn’t hurt,” say “the pain has left my head.”
  2. Maximum specificity. Don't skimp on your words and sentences. Break a big goal into small ones. For example, “I am successful” is a common phrase. Decipher what this means in your mind.
  3. Try to replace abstractions. For example, not “the head has passed,” but “the forehead has cooled.”
  4. Do not complicate the wording, use simple words, most importantly, understandable to you.
  5. One phrase – maximum 4 words.
  6. Always only the present tense. The subconscious perceives this as already accomplished, and what is said actually happens.

How to deal with stubborn emotions

A person can get rid of an excess of violent emotions using the following actions.

  1. Breaking dishes helps some people. To do this, you need to buy cheap plates or cans and beat them, for example, on the street. It's good if you have a private house. But don't forget to clean up after yourself.
  2. Playing darts and bowling allows you to cope well with emotions.
  3. Dancing will add positive emotions to you and allow you to throw out accumulated negativity.
  4. Scream. Sometimes a person needs to shout out to get rid of an excess of emotions.
  5. Sport. Allows you to improve your health and psychological state; during physical activity, endorphins are released, which are the hormones of happiness.
  6. Long walks down the street. It will be nice to watch the autumn leaves falling from the trees, green crowns, and snow-covered branches.
  7. A change of scenery. Sometimes the only thing that helps is avoiding familiar events.

Learn not to take other people's problems to heart. You can show your sympathy and provide support, but you should not sit and cry together. Such actions will not benefit either him or you. Try to get to know yourself better. Determine what irritates you, throws you off balance

Identify the reasons, try to avoid them in order not to provoke your emotional instability. Much attention should be paid to healthy sleep and proper nutrition. Lack of sleep, as well as diets, affect the occurrence of irritability and increased fatigue. Determine suitable rituals for yourself that will allow you to relax

These should be consistent actions that you can perform at the same time every day. For example, you can take a relaxing bath before bed or read your favorite book. Take up meditation or yoga. Eastern techniques allow you to relax, improve your psychological state, and teach you how to control emotions and feelings. Work on your mood. It is necessary to understand that what emotions will be depends on it. It is advisable that you have something that would improve your mood, for example, a walk in the park. Watch your breathing. The emotional state can change as the breathing rate and its rhythm change. Surround yourself with positive emotions. Look at everything in your life from a positive perspective.

Now you know how to control your emotions. There must be an understanding that a person must monitor his emotions, manage his behavior and mood. It is necessary to understand that excessive expression of emotions can lead to a deterioration in overall well-being, as well as negatively affect interaction with other people. Remember that it is also not recommended to restrain your feelings too much, otherwise you will aggravate your condition even more. However, it is unacceptable to throw out feelings through aggression or anger.

That’s why it’s so important to be able to control yourself and find ways to get rid of unnecessary stress.

So, before we talk about practice, let us talk about why we need to control emotions at all and whether it can be done at all. Are our feelings something beyond our control, something we can never cope with? Let's try to find out.


Meditation involves working with attention: relaxing it or, conversely, increasing concentration. The purpose of meditation is to relieve emotional stress and develop the ability to stop the flow of thoughts.

Focus on the score

Count slowly from 1 to 10, concentrating on each number. You shouldn't think about anything else. If you realize that your thoughts have again “fled away” into your problems, then start counting from the beginning. Count like this for a few minutes (without losing your way).

Focusing on emotions and mood

  1. Record your inner thoughts, inner speech.
  2. Stop her.
  3. Catch your mood and focus on it.
  4. Rate it: good, bad, sad, happy, average, upbeat.
  5. Now focus on your emotions. Imagine yourself in an elevated, joyful state. To do this, remember a joyful event in life, a pleasant image.
  6. Get out of the state of relaxation.
  7. Go through reflection, that is, evaluate your state and thoughts now and during the exercise.

Control of emotions is

Emotions out of bounds

normal manifestations, no longer serve for the benefit of a person, they provoke illnesses (including mental ones), spoil relationships with others, complicate self-realization in various spheres of life, change personality (a person becomes impulsive, irritable, aggressive, etc.).

Excessively prolonged and intense emotions, especially negative ones, can make a person unhappy and significantly ruin their life.
It is known, for example, that in a state of passion an individual can even commit a crime. Emotions are difficult

, and such extreme forms of intensity and inhibition of all other mental processes as affects are generally impossible.
The stronger the emotion, the more effort it will take to curb it. Therefore, it is much easier not to bring
the emotion to a state of excessive and too long, to learn to control yourself.

No matter how difficult it may be, a huge number of people still know how to regulate their emotional state. Actors, politicians, lawyers, military men do this masterfully - many people know how to control themselves.

Control your emotions

this is not the same as suppressing them or ignoring them!
Controlling emotions means

  • the ability to be aware
    , that is, to catch oneself thinking about the occurrence of emotions and to understand the specific name of a particular emotion being experienced,
  • the ability to accept
    both good and bad emotions and
    their functional significance, necessity for the body and personality,
  • the ability to manage them, that is, to maintain normal
    intensity and duration of experiences.

Control over emotions

this is managing them to the extent possible when they have already arisen, as well as the ability to prevent the unwanted development of strong, excessive, dangerous emotions.


Perhaps the most popular psychological technique today. There are many trainers and people willing to undergo training. Trainings are divided into separate profiles covering narrow topics. For example, training to improve stress resistance is popular. Most often they are directed:

  • to increase self-esteem (or decrease to the correct level if necessary), emotional stability, self-confidence;
  • formation of motivation to achieve success and behavior strategies under stress.

What is self-regulation

Let us take a closer look at the concept of “self-regulation” in psychology and pedagogy.

In psychology

Self-regulation means assessing the situation and adjusting one’s own activity directly by the individual. As a result, the results of the action are adjusted. There is voluntary and involuntary self-regulation.

Voluntary form is characterized by conscious control of behavior in order to achieve the desired. With the help of conscious self-regulation, a person develops individuality. Involuntary is more aimed at survival and self-preservation - subconscious defense mechanisms are triggered.

The norm is considered to be a situation where self-regulation is formed and develops in parallel with personal maturation. If there is no personal development, a person does not learn to bear responsibility, then the situation worsens. The development of self-regulation is impossible without personal growth.

In adulthood, self-regulation helps subordinate emotions to intellect, but in old age the balance shifts again towards emotions.

Aspects influencing self-regulation


  • external environmental conditions;
  • personality traits;
  • features of the relationship between the individual and the environment;
  • goals of activity.

Simply put, self-regulation is socially acceptable methods of dealing with feelings and emotions, as well as accepting norms of behavior, respect for others, and adequate reactions.

Breathing exercises

There are many options for breathing techniques, but it is a mistake to believe that they are all aimed at slowing down mental reactions. On the contrary, there are exercises that activate the brain.

Relaxation exercises

The goal is to master conscious natural breathing, relieve muscle tension and tension, and calm emotions. I want to introduce you to some exercises.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten up, and inhale. As you exhale, bend down, relax your neck and shoulders (as if they were hanging calmly on their own). Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Breathe deeply, watch your breathing. Slowly straighten up.

"Conscious Breathing"

Sit comfortably and relax, but keep your back straight. Take your first shallow breath in and out. Then inhale and exhale a second time, but deeper. And for the third time, inhale with your whole chest, but exhale very slowly (one in three).

"Breathing under stress"

Breathing is rhythmic and combined with walking. The scheme is as follows: two steps - inhale, two steps - exhale. Gradually increase the duration of exhalation, that is, then it will be: two steps - inhale, three steps - exhale, and so on.

Arousal exercises

The purpose of the following exercises is to increase neuropsychic activity and activate resources.


Sit up straight, place your hands on your knees and clasp them together. Inhale and at the same time raise your arms up (palms facing up). Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, exhale sharply through your mouth and “drop” your hands on your knees.

"Getting ready for work"

You need to breathe according to a certain pattern described below. The first number is inhalation, the second (in brackets) is retention, the third is exhalation.

2(2)+2; 4(2)+4; 4(2)+5; 4(2)+6; 4(2)+7; 4(2)+8; 8(2)+5; 9(4)+5; 10(5)+5.

How to learn to control your emotions

This is the question we will try to answer in this article. By following a few simple tips, you will learn what control and self-control are, and learn to control yourself even in the most stressful and unexpected situations.

Don't push yourself to the boiling point.

Contrary to many stereotypes, psychologists have proven that any, even the most unbridled, temper can be pacified if you do not push yourself to extremes. Moreover, this applies not only to negative, but also to positive emotions. Developing self-control is something that comes from your own experience and practice.

For example, you begin to argue with someone and lose your temper, “heating up” like a boiling kettle.

Even if you were not the initiator of the conflict, but you feel that managing your emotions is starting to get out of control, just stop, leave the room, take a break from communication. After just a few minutes you will understand how right this decision was. Thanks to a simple effort of will, you will be able to save yourself and your loved ones nerves, and, in the end, just remain friends.

Don't make excuses.

Many overly emotional people (especially women) who do not know how to control their emotions often justify their behavior with anything - bad weather, character, creative nature, hormonal changes, etc. Of course, external factors have an influence on our psychological state, but not so much that it cannot be kept under supervision.

Beware of sudden emotional outbursts.

We live in interesting times, when entertainment and sensations that previously could only be dreamed of have become available. Cinemas with the effect of full presence and immersion in virtual reality, action attractions, incredible roller coasters - all this can cause a violent outburst of emotions. At first it looks like euphoria, which makes us feel good, but then people with a less stable psyche can experience side effects such as increased heart rate, sweating, nausea, fear, etc.

Therefore, before attending such events, it is important to learn how to restrain your emotions and not take unnecessary risks.

Do breathing exercises.

For those who want to know how to learn to control their emotions, it is important to pay attention to their breathing. We are not talking about some strange techniques, but about the natural process of saturating the brain with oxygen. As soon as you feel, practice the following exercise: close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath through your nose.

After holding your breath for a couple of seconds, slowly exhale through your mouth and do the same steps 8-10 times. After the exercise, you will notice a surge of energy and emotional balance.

As soon as you feel, practice the following exercise: close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath through your nose. After holding your breath for a couple of seconds, slowly exhale through your mouth and do the same steps 8-10 times. After the exercise, you will notice a surge of vigor and emotional balance.

Choose a calm social circle.

Those who communicate with people who have a calm, easy-going character are less likely to wonder how to learn to control their emotions. The principle here is relevant: don’t make me angry, and you yourself will feel better. The less you are provoked into conflicts and arguments, the easier it will be to manage your emotions. No emotions - no problem. However, it is not a fact that constantly being only in such an environment, the development of self-control will be successful, since outside the usually calm social circle, any stress can cause an uncontrollable flow of emotions.

Focus on solving the problem.

Most arise due to confusion and panic, as a reaction to a problem that has arisen, which towers over us like an indestructible rock. But any problem can be perceived from the other side - as a challenge, a specific task that we need to solve, using all our ingenuity and creativity. No matter what happens, control and self-control are always important. Pull yourself together and say out loud: there are no unsolvable situations, I can handle it, and I will do it in the best possible way!

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The goal is to realize, find and relieve muscle tension; learn muscle control.


Stand up straight, focus on your right arm and tense it. After a few seconds, release the tension. Do the same with your left hand, then with both at the same time. After - with the right leg, left leg, both legs, lower back, neck.

"Muscle Energy"

  1. Bend your right index finger as much as possible (without damaging it).
  2. Feel where the tension goes. The finger itself, the hand, the elbow, the neck?
  3. Now try to gradually ease the tension: in the neck, shoulder, elbow. But the finger is still bent and tense.
  4. Release tension from your other fingers. We don't touch the index finger.
  5. Managed? Release the tension from your index finger.
  6. Do the same with your left leg (press your heel into the floor, do not overdo it).
  7. Where does the tension go? Gradually relax, as in the case of a finger.
  8. After this, tense your back. I will make a reservation that this exercise is not suitable for people with a bad back (hernia, osteochondrosis). If your back is healthy, then bend over and imagine that a box is placed on your back.
  9. Where does the tension go? Gradually relax your entire body, last but not least your back.

Methods for regulating emotional states based on separation from an acute state

7. Observation

Watch how an acute emotional reaction appears, how it develops, note what you feel, what thoughts and feelings it is associated with. You write everything down. That is, you turn into an outside observer, a researcher and simply record what is happening and how, thereby you come out of a strong emotional experience.


Consider your strong experience. What does your panic feel like? What object, image? Create it, fix it in front of you. Try to “remake” it, for example, imagine that your panic turned into a cloud and was carried away by the wind.

Try to feel how the experience leaves you. Try to imagine another pleasant image that makes you feel calm and safe. Mentally complete your imaginary picture. For example, the clouds were dispelled by the wind, the sun came out, you covered your garden with a strong magical greenhouse that will protect it from a hurricane. Choose the images that are closest to you. It is useful to first do this exercise together with a psychologist.

Postponement of experience

The first stage is the recognition that you may have this strong experience, and you do not ignore it, but put it off for a while, that is, you allow yourself to worry, be afraid, worry after a certain time in the future, for example in 2 hours, when you return to yourself home. When 2 hours pass, you actually start to consciously think about your experiences or again put thoughts about them aside for a while.

In the beginning, even if you manage to put off your worries for a few seconds, this is already a small victory, since this indicates that you have become more effective in using ways to regulate emotional states, control your emotions, and it is you who decide when you are afraid, panic, and when to stay calm.

The goal of this method is to learn to postpone affect. As a result of such manipulation, you will be able to erect a “wall” between the moment a strong experience arises and its expression. The more time passes between them, the more the intensity of the experience decreases and you gain greater control over your condition.

“Daily Excitement” Technique

This technique suggests, instead of resisting a strong experience, on the contrary, devoting time to it.

To do this, you need to set aside a certain period of time for 10 minutes, and every day (2 times a day) at this time, begin to consciously think about your experiences and do nothing else and do not think about anything else during these 10 minutes, only about your own feelings. At the same time, try to feel maximum discomfort.

After 10 minutes, let go of your worries, calm down with a breathing exercise, and return to what you were going to do.

It often seems to a person that he can worry endlessly, but this is usually not the case.

When a person focuses their attention on a strong experience in the time allocated for it, rather than struggling with it, the degree of experience is reduced. So this exercise helps to change emotions and attitudes towards the problem.

Use this method for at least 10 days in a row.

Involuntary visualization

The goal is distraction from stressful situations and obsessive thoughts by means of involuntary attention against the background of relaxation.

  1. Close your eyes and look as if at the back of your eyelids. In a couple of minutes you will see dots, spots, lines.
  2. After some time, these spots may begin to form into some images, faces, objects.
  3. It is important to do this in a state of relaxation, then gradually obsessive thoughts will come out through these barely noticeable images.
  4. Keep your face and body relaxed. Don’t try to draw something yourself, but just look, as if from the outside, at what appears.
  5. This exercise requires skill. During the first practices, attention often slips; you need to consciously return it to the points.
  6. Then open your eyelids and assess your condition.

Emotion Management Techniques

To solve your problem, we can recommend a couple of effective ways to influence emotions and subdue them. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to cope with the strongest emotions on your own, but you will be quite capable of fear, excitement and indignation.

Technique 1. Balance

Balance and harmony are important in every area of ​​life. Emotions, even the most pleasant ones, must also be balanced. Don't let your excitement turn into panic or, conversely, into blind carelessness. Don't let your crush turn into obsession or cold-bloodedness.

Extremes are very dangerous, learn to balance in the middle, then you can feel the levers of controlling your emotions and understand how to learn to control your emotions.

Technique 2. Breathing

Oxygen not only nourishes our cells, but also relaxes the body. When we experience strong emotions, it becomes difficult to manage ourselves. Do you know the feeling when it’s difficult to say even a word? Deep breathing techniques can help get rid of this condition.

Stop everything you are doing, slowly draw in air through your nose into full lungs, hold it inside and just as slowly release it through your mouth. It is recommended to do this technique in a ratio of 5-2-5 seconds. By repeating this cycle 10 times, you will immediately feel relief, which will help you control your emotions.

Technique 3. Detachment

Emotions roll in like a snowball. Get out of his way and give yourself a break. Hide somewhere else and try to distract yourself with something else.

Just don't think about what makes you emotional. Ideally, try to fall asleep. This will help you manage your emotions. After taking a break, your brain will process information a little differently, allowing you to gain control and control your emotions more effectively.

Technique 4. Environment

The people who surround us also influence our emotions. By surrounding yourself with melancholic introverts, you will begin to adapt to them and their behavior. If you surround yourself with active extroverts, expect a real madness in which you will forget what it is to manage emotions.

Adjust your environment to the emotional background you desire. Don't go to a party if you feel like you might burst into tears in front of a huge crowd and you don't know how to control yourself in that state. The same applies to communicating with friends who can get you talking and bring out your emotions.

Technique 5. Vector of thought

What do you think about emotionally? Of course, about what causes these emotions. This is exactly the way of thinking that leads to more problems, stress and anxiety. You need to think about something completely different, about what will help you restrain your emotions.

When you have a problem, try to focus only on solving it. This will protect you from feeling hopeless, because at least you are trying. Also, you can really find a way out of your situation, which will finally save you from emotional captivity.

"Anchoring" method

A self-regulation technique associated with conditioned reflexes, that is, the “stimulus-reinforcement” scheme. Surely it has happened to you that a song or smell evoked specific memories and emotions. This is your “anchor”, which can be positive or negative. Someone's voice or gesture can also be an anchor.

Self-regulation in the form of anchoring involves the conscious setting of “anchors” and their reasonable use, that is, the release of the necessary resource in a stressful situation.

  1. Identify a situation in which you need resources.
  2. Determine specifically what resource is needed (confidence, courage, determination, etc.).
  3. Ask yourself: “If I had this resource now, would I really use it?” If the answer is yes, then you made the right choice and you can move on. If you make a mistake, then select a new resource.
  4. Remember a situation when you had this resource.
  5. Choose three “anchors”: what you hear, what you feel, what you see.
  6. Change your position in space, reproduce in your memory the situation when you had the resource, achieve a peak state.
  7. Exit it and return to your original place.
  8. Recreate the situation again and attach three “anchors”. Hold them as long as needed.
  9. Check the success of the operation: “turn on the anchors”. Are you getting into the desired state? If yes, then everything is fine. If not, repeat the previous point.
  10. Determine the signal that will hint to you in a difficult situation that it is time to “drop anchor.”
  11. If necessary, immediately create a complex of evoked states, emotions, and feelings.

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“Ways to regulate emotional states. What can you do on your own?

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“Ways to regulate emotional states. What can you do on your own?


Self-regulation really works. The body and brain are one, as psychosomatics has long shown. Therefore, you should not be skeptical about exercises that seem to have little to do with psychology.

But you need to approach the development of self-regulation carefully and following a number of rules:

  • clearly see the goal and stick to it;
  • the process of developing a skill must be consistent and purposeful;
  • be prepared for high energy costs, especially at the beginning of the journey;
  • despite consistency and purposefulness, adhere to diversity in the development of self-regulation methods.

It is impossible to create one set of self-regulation methods for a lifetime, since the very ability to self-government is associated with such changeable elements as needs, personality and character traits, motives, and more. You can read more about the intricacies of developing self-regulation and what it is in the article “Self-regulation - what is it in psychology. Concept, types and functions."

The techniques presented in the article were borrowed from the book by T. G. Volkova “Workshop on the psychology of self-awareness and self-regulation: methodological materials for the course.” You can find this literature and learn more about other techniques and methods of self-regulation.

What is an emotion

You can’t manage your emotions well without understanding how they work. Let's take a closer look at what emotions are and what they depend on.

If you show curiosity and turn to Wikipedia, even there it will be written “Emotions, like many other mental phenomena, have been poorly studied and are understood differently by different authors, so the definition can be considered neither accurate nor generally accepted.”

Despite this uncertainty, emotions and emotion control have been studied to the extent that they can be separated from feelings and moods.

Emotions are entirely centered within us and are based on our internal state regarding ourselves. I'm scared - it's an emotion. Feelings are based on a reaction caused by an external factor. I'm afraid of this dog - this is a feeling.

Comparing emotions and moods, we can highlight their main difference – transience. A mood can last for days, while emotions can change each other every second.

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