How to test your wife's fidelity? Is it worth hiring a spy for your wife and checking SMS?

  • Signs of female infidelity
  • Ways to test a wife's fidelity
  • What to do if your wife cheats?
  • Bottom line

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What man doesn’t want to know that his wife remains faithful to him, despite disagreements, quarrels, some cooling of feelings and other problems that arise in the family? Undoubtedly, I want family life to always be joyful and not subject to monotony and boredom. However, life unfolds completely differently. Soon the husband may begin to suspect his wife of cheating, which often becomes the reason why women begin to cheat. In order not to provoke infidelity in women, it is better to know about the methods that help in resolving the question of whether wives are cheating.

Since men are famous for their possessiveness, it should be understood that excessive jealousy can push women into cheating. If you start accusing a woman of something she has not yet done, then at first she will make excuses and look for strong evidence of her fidelity. However, over time she will get tired of doing this. A man in her place would do the same if he was constantly accused of something he didn't do. Cheating soon becomes true if the woman is accused of betrayal before it happens.

However, there are many men who are faced with infidelity from their wives, whom they trusted and did not suspect of anything. Unfortunately, it happens that women find lovers. Although this news turns out to be unpleasant for the reader of the men's site, it is still better to know how faithful a wife is, so as not to act like an idiot and not carry constantly growing horns.

Why do you have doubts about your beloved’s fidelity?

To deal with a problem, you need to find its root and what caused it. Reasons why you may suspect your wife of infidelity:

  • Cold attitude. Has your wife always been less than friendly or has her attitude towards you changed dramatically recently? To begin with, it’s better to just build a friendly dialogue, during which you ask about work and other matters.
  • Constant absence. Does your wife very often disappear somewhere without your consent, without warning? This could be a serious reason to think about cheating.
  • Screaming, lashing out at the child. If you have a child or he is married, and the mother often starts yelling at him, scolding him for not so important things, and often using force, then this also becomes a good reason to suspect her of cheating.
  • Talk about divorce. The wife herself hints that the relationship is over and it’s time to get a divorce. Or she sends hidden hints, which, when clarified (direct question), begins to justify itself.
  • The wife began to earn more or she had a new source of income. Expensive gifts that you didn’t give her and for which you simply don’t have enough money, where do they come from? How to find out if a wife is cheating on her husband? Find the source of her luxurious jewelry!

What signs of “betrayal” may be false?

Imagine that your significant other has a real sell-out at work. She has no time to drink an extra cup of coffee, she is forced to constantly stay late in order to have time to complete the overwhelming amount of work. At the same time, you decided that all her delays were nothing more than fiction, and you were sure of the presence of a lover. Another situation: your spouse is preparing a surprise for your anniversary, so she tries to talk on the phone so that you can’t hear her. What groundless speculation can lead to in this case is not even worth commenting on. Any facts that could raise doubts about the wife’s fidelity must be supported by evidence.

A happy marriage is built on trust. Jealousy is a natural, healthy feeling towards your chosen one. Women, of course, love it when their man cares, but too intrusive suspicions will definitely not cause admiration. For someone who is constantly puzzled by the question: “Is my wife cheating on me?”, a test in a notebook will not save you! In this case, real psychological help is needed. A specialist will help you sort everything out and give practical advice on how to choose the right tactics of behavior.

How to test your wife's fidelity?

First you need to do the following action plan:

  • Calm down. You shouldn’t steal your loved one’s phone, read all the SMS in it, or look at a page on a social network again and again. Also, you should not shout at your wife or hint to her that you know everything or suspect something. Cool down, don't take anything to heart. After all, for all actions you can find the right justification.
  • Analyze the behavior. Maybe something has changed in the wife’s actions, in her character? Has she become nervous or, on the contrary, is she fluttering like a butterfly? Maybe she has problems or a promotion at work? To begin with, just watch until it’s time to start a dialogue.

It is necessary to conduct a theoretical analysis of all her actions and actions. Maybe at the first stage you will be able to reduce all suspicions to nothing.

You are no longer her hero

A woman’s beloved man is always a hero and protector. Without this, love and long-term relationships are impossible. The wife admires, and the husband creates reasons for admiration, enjoying the fact that he is appreciated.

It doesn’t matter who is to blame for the fact that a woman no longer considers you a hero. The important thing is that another man could take this role. More responsive, generous, loving, attentive, gentle, strong - like you have never been.

Active steps to test your wife's fidelity

The next step is more proactive action. For example:

  • How to check if a wife loves her husband? Spend more time with your family, and especially with your wife. Are you bogged down in work or on constant vacation? Spend time with your wife, go shopping, or at least visit the park. Give your beloved joyful emotions and warm memories.
  • Don't neglect any mutual friends. If you are invited to a party, then go together as a loving couple. At the event, it is important not only to show yourself as a family man, but also to try to be a person who knows and follows the rules of etiquette.

These were more active actions. If they do not help, then you should move on to the most effective methods. But in no case should you start with them, they are extreme.

Decided to test your wife's fidelity? Effective ways

There are 2 ways:

  • Straight talk. It's a pity, but many consider this method trivial, useless and completely unnecessary. After all, a wife can always act out her emotions and pretend to be loving. How to test your wife's fidelity? about betrayal that will definitely take her by surprise. During a conversation, psychologists recommend looking into a woman’s eyes and trying to follow every action with your gaze. Maybe you yourself will understand her attitude towards you and further intentions for simple actions.
  • Hire a spy for your wife. The next extreme measure is to organize surveillance, which will be carried out by a detective. You can hire him from a special agency or simply ask mutual friends you trust. This method is relevant only if your problem becomes global and interferes with your usual normal life activities. It is better to know the truth than to torture yourself daily in ignorance.

These actions are typical for extreme cases; they can lead to mistrust and a quarrel with a loved one. All actions must be careful, calm and thoughtful.

Do you want to know the truth?

Before you bring your wife into the open, think about whether you are ready to receive confirmation of your guesses? After all, if you receive evidence, you will no longer be able to live as before in blissful ignorance. Serious decisions will have to be made.

Empty suspicions spoil the mood, of course, but proven betrayal will ruin your marriage and even your life. You will have to get a divorce or live with the knowledge that your wife cheated. Dividing jointly acquired property, parting with children, going through terrible stress.

You can, of course, continue to live with the traitor further. But your family life will no longer be the same.

Therefore, before convicting your wife of cheating, think seriously - do you need it?

Instructions for checking

Perform the following list of actions:

  • Analyze your relationship with your loved one. Choose a typical type of relationship, think about its logical conclusion. Choose a certain type for your couple.
  • Think about whether you have found your perfect match. Has your wife's behavior changed? Maybe she was like this before, you just didn’t want to notice it, and only now you have seen the light? Maybe you didn’t want such a family and dream of something else? Perhaps she is also thinking about a different life and a new relationship.
  • Attitude to time. Don’t wonder how to check your wife’s SMS, but rather think about where she spends her time. Has the woman started to be late for meetings often? Is it too late to come? If yes, then it's time to start a dialogue and share your suspicions. And if she does everything perfectly well, as before, then there is no need to worry.
  • Reaction to a phone call. Check how your loved one runs to the phone if someone calls her. Does she do it sluggishly, tiredly, or does she jump up from her seat with joy? Ask who called and evaluate her answer.
  • Think about it, do you need the truth? Maybe we should leave everything as it is, not change anything, even if the wife cheats? Maybe it's not so bad, and divorce will only bring you problems? Compare all the pros and cons of your life together with your wife and assume what will happen if she leaves you. Some couples practice open relationships. Perhaps this is your option.

Do not forget that any problems in your sex life are not a reason for cheating. It can be anything. Even a simple quarrel, problems at work, or illness may well cause rejection for some time. This does not mean that they will definitely cheat on you.

What to do next

With such an arsenal of tips and techniques, you will definitely be able to find evidence of your wife’s infidelity, if she is truly unfaithful to you. And after that you will have to make a very difficult decision:

  • get divorced;
  • to take revenge on his wife for betrayal;
  • forgive and save the family.

Nothing will be the same as before, so before you bring her out of the shadows, think about the consequences and your further actions. Sometimes it's better to just guess and not know for sure.

Another way: careful analysis

This list of actions occurs in several stages:

  1. Finding the problem. Imagine your problem is a project. In order to solve it successfully, it is necessary to find the main root of the project. Since when did your wife become cold towards you and family life?
  2. Be careful. Notice every little detail, update in appearance, as well as variability in character. Observe, analyze actions and any actions deviating from the norm.
  3. Lies, constant calls and SMS. The article has already discussed the method, which talked about how to hire surveillance of your wife. But besides this, you can observe her behavior yourself. Go to the page on social networks, try to discreetly (through special applications) check her communication with unfamiliar men. If you are caught, then be vigilant and under no circumstances retreat from your position. Don't break down at the first mistakes.

Is it worth hiring a spy on your wife and checking it yourself?

My wife’s behavior has really changed a lot lately, and thoughts that she needs to be checked are gradually starting to creep into her head. The first thing that comes to mind is checking SMS on your mobile phone. But is it worth doing?

First, take a closer look at the problem. This is one of the most important rules. You really need to make sure that there have been some changes in your wife's behavior. And only if you are convinced of this, you can check incoming SMS from strangers on your phone, correspondence on social networks.

She doesn't spend the night at home

Remember your childhood: even then, spending the night away from home was an unusual adventure, a little adventure. This is because during sleep we are as unprotected as possible, and therefore we try to spend our nights at home - in our comfort zone.

Now you understand that to spend the night away from home, a person must have a compelling reason or strong desire. As a child, we stayed overnight with friends for movie marathons and parties, but in adulthood there is practically no time for this.

To spend the night in another place, and more than once, you need to come up with a really good reason. But no matter what it is, the absence of a woman at home at night is always a cause for concern. Take the time to make sure that she spends the night exactly where she said.

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