How to test a man's feelings and distinguish love from infatuation

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Why do women test men's feelings?
  2. Differences between love and passion
  3. 6 ways to test a man's feelings
  4. Checking a man's feelings from a distance

Usually men are confident and quite straightforward, but as soon as they fall in love, they immediately change their behavior. They often prefer to hide their feelings until they fully understand them. And at this time the girls are at a loss.

How he treats me? Who am I for him - his beloved or another trophy? Do we have a future? This could be approximately the range of questions that ladies ask themselves when trying to understand their lover. That is why they want to know how to test a man’s feelings, especially at the very beginning of a relationship. There are several surefire ways to do this.

Signs that a pen pal likes you

In order to find out if a guy likes you, you need to carefully analyze the messages he sends. Watch what he writes and how often he replies. If you see that a guy is online and hasn't responded in over an hour, he just doesn't like you.

How to check a guy's feelings by correspondence? The most effective way to find out that he likes you is the questions he asks you. Is he interested in your life, what are your hobbies, what movies do you watch, how was your day? Many guys are embarrassed to ask these kinds of questions, but they can be encouraged to do so. If he is not interested in your life and insists only on meeting as soon as possible, you need to pay attention to this.

The next sign indicates his intentions to be with you. He can make plans for the future. These could be hints about getting to know your friends and perhaps even your parents.

Next we will talk about how he ends the correspondence with you. He is not trying to leave quickly, but, on the contrary, wants to talk a little more.

If you correspond with a guy for a couple of days, and he constantly writes compliments, sends copied poems about love, calls for a meeting, then this cannot be called a sign of sympathy. How to check a guy's feelings in such cases?

How to increase self-esteem?

Let's use men as an example. How can a man improve his self-esteem? For example, if a man grows in his career and business, then his self-esteem also grows. He becomes more courageous, more self-confident. Why? Because he understands that the more successful he is, the more valuable he is, in principle, to many people. And his condition changes because of this.

Many girls also resort to this when pursuing a career or business. But it is important to understand, yes, self-esteem from a career or business can also grow higher, but this is not a woman’s self-esteem, this is a person’s self-esteem. And often a woman can be confident in work, in business, but often nonsense happens in life. And often there is such a dissonance that she is successful in her career and business, but not in relationships. It's different for women. A woman's self-esteem greatly depends on the quality of her relationships with men.

This is how the world works. This does not mean that you should bow down to someone or try. No. This means that you must first establish a relationship with yourself. These are the most important relationships you need to establish. And when you establish them, your relationships with men will also improve. Until you have established a relationship with yourself, you want to manipulate, you want to pretend to be someone you are not, and you attract the same men who pretend to be someone they are not. And you and each other have hard sex in the brain.

If you are satisfied with this, then continue in the same spirit, if you are not satisfied with this, ask yourself more often the question: what is my plan, what do I really want and what am I doing or not doing for this. Am I moving exactly towards my goals and desires or am I marking time.

Do you want to know what a man needs to make you happy? Sign up for a free online course Man: honest instructions.

Loyalty check

You can use one small trick. Ask a friend to meet him and chat a little. Will he say the same words he says to you? Send a large number of emoticons? Will he call you somewhere? If he likes you, he will not answer her at all or will be reluctant to answer.

You and your friend can sit at different laptops and phones, try to start a correspondence at the same time. Observe whether he will lie to you or simply ignore his friend. If you have been corresponding with your chosen one for several days and he is passionate about communication, he will not start getting to know his girlfriend. But if a guy suspects or finds out something, he can get very angry and offended by it.

Another way to check a guy’s feelings is to leave all your contacts on social networks and your own phone number. Will he do the same? Will he give away all his contacts? Then you can understand how open the guy is to you.

What not to do

First of all, you should not trust fortune tellers and so on. There are few good ones among them, and besides, it is very difficult to check a man’s feelings with the help of cards or something like that. It makes no sense to guess on your own.

Ask him openly about his feelings. May be shocking. In addition, he may lie so as not to offend you.

Find out through mutual friends. It's also ridiculous. No, you can, of course, but the third person is clearly superfluous when it comes to relationships. In addition, the information may reach your lover too distorted, and in general, you will cease to be a mystery to the guy. There may be other incidents in this case.

You should not test it by creating too extreme situations. Sometimes it works, but not everyone is ready to lose their life, even for their loved one. And in general, it’s a little ridiculous.

Indifference and difficult life situations

Try to show a little composure. Not writing, not calling him a couple of times is the next way to test a guy’s feelings. Try not to appear on social networks for a while. He will immediately become worried and call you. Ask what happened, why she disappeared for so long. You need to be prepared for this and find a more truthful excuse.

During a difficult situation or illness, tell him about it. This is another effective way to test a guy’s feelings. A person who cares about you will definitely support you, sympathize with you, come and help you in every way he can.

What else can you do to find out about his feelings?

Here are a few more ways to test a guy’s feelings on VK:

  1. Shows initiative. That is, he writes to you. You don’t have to sit and wait for a message from him; you can write it yourself. But if a guy writes to you first, it means he is not indifferent to you.
  2. Sends songs with love meaning. If a line with such subtext slips into the song, then this is certainly a hint that he likes you. Why not say it directly? There is no answer to this.
  3. When you just wake up and go online, you will immediately see a message from him: “Good morning!”, In the evening he will wish you the best dreams.

Loyalty above all

It is important for a man how faithful his companion is to him. He will test his loyalty. It’s enough to simply write an SMS from an unknown number and invite them to meet you. Or just write from a fake page, start flirting, invite someone somewhere. A woman may perceive this as meaningless communication. So you need to be careful.

Another great way to set a trap is to be late for a date. And while she is waiting for her partner, a friend will come up at this time. He will meet a girl and ask for her phone number. If she gives it, the man’s trust will disappear.

A man can also send anonymous bouquets and gifts. If a girl thanks him, the guy will know: he is the only one she has.

Ex-boyfriend: how does he feel?

If a guy and a girl break up, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten each other. A person will not be able to let go of his soul mate. If you want to know how to check the feelings of your ex-boyfriend, you need to immediately note an important point - communication. You need to pay attention to how he wants to contact you. If your ex is bored, he will try to call or write to arrange a meeting.

How often do you see each other? Usually, after a breakup, your ex will want to cut off all contact with you. However, if he offered you friendship, then he will try to return the relationship. Constantly remembers how good you were together. Only people more often forget what bad things happened to them, and remember only the good moments. So you need to carefully analyze what he said.

A young man who wants to get his ex back will strive to show that he has become a better person. This will indicate that he is not indifferent to the girl.

The easiest way to find out how your ex feels about you is to talk to him about it. Ask directly if he misses you, if he wants something back. If he doesn't respond or isn't being sincere enough with you, then just end the conversation and let it go.


A woman needs to pass a fidelity test. She answers questions for a man, taking into account his behavior, habits and views. It's absolutely free. Choose 1 answer and count your points.

  1. The man began to hide his phone, talks in the bathroom, hangs up if the girl he loves is nearby? • Yes, but he says that he has problems at work, his colleagues are calling, his boss – 2 points. • Yes, he gets very nervous, if the phone rings, he immediately retreats to talk – 3b. • No – 1 point.
  2. Has the guy started staying late at work, at university, and going to the bathhouse with friends all night? • No, he comes as usual, meets friends at home – 1b. • Yes, but the reasons for the delays are very compelling, they are confirmed by his friends and colleagues – 2 points. • Yes, he doesn’t even explain the reason for the delays – 3 points.
  3. If you ask him directly about cheating, how will he react? • He will be surprised, but calmly hug and kiss. He will say: “What are you thinking about, bunny?!” – 1 b. • He will scream: “No, of course not! How could you think such a thing!!!” – 3 b. • Depending on how our relationship develops – 2 points.
  4. Does he easily change friends and social circle in general? • No, I’ve known friends since childhood, it’s hard to find a common language with new people – 1 point. • He makes acquaintances easily, but doesn’t let anyone but old friends get too close – 2 points. • He is always full of new acquaintances – 3 points.
  5. Has a man recently begun to devote more time to his appearance (losing weight, buying new things, thinking about changing his hairstyle)? • Yes, I joined the gym, updated my wardrobe – 3 points. • No, behaves as usual – 1 point. • Yes, some things have changed, but not dramatically – 2 points.
  6. Has a man become colder in bed? • Yes, we hardly have sex (1-2 times a month) – 3 points. • No, there was more sex, he became more inventive, active – 2 points. • It’s hard to say, everything seems to be as usual – 1 point.
  7. Has your lover's daily routine changed? • Yes, in many ways – 3 points. • There are some changes – 2 points. • No, everything is as usual – 1 point.
  8. Do you often quarrel? • Yes, over trifles that didn’t irritate him before – 3 points. • Yes, we quarrel, but we quickly make up – 1 point. • It seems to me that he is constantly looking for reasons to quarrel -2 points.
  9. After a disagreement, does a man strive to leave home or does he try to make peace? • Yes, he immediately leaves to exhale and disappears for several hours – 3 points. • He withdraws into himself, but does not go “for a walk” – 2 points. • There is no desire to leave home, after a few hours we make up – 1 point.
  10. Does your husband continue to compliment you or tries to prick you for your shortcomings? • Yes, he also gives flowers, says nice words, but less often – 1 point. • No, he nags me for shortcomings in my figure, habits – 3 points. • The mood is like a swing, sometimes he likes everything, sometimes he doesn’t – 2 points.

Add up the points and evaluate the result using the table:

Sum of pointsResult
25-30 bYour man definitely has a mistress. Reconsider your life together, try to find a way out, everything can be returned. Most likely, this is a crisis that you must go through together.
18-25 bThe guy looks to the left, perhaps having a little affair at work. Don’t miss the chance to fix everything, pay more attention to your loved one.
10-17Your boyfriend is not cheating on you. His irritability and busyness can easily be explained by difficulties in school, at work, and a temporary decline in mood. There is nothing to worry about, just give him moral support.

How does your boyfriend feel?

Despite the fact that you have been dating for quite a long time, it is still unclear how much he likes you. Doubts arise about the fidelity of your companion, and finally the question arises, how to check your boyfriend’s feelings?

First you need to observe him, what signs of love he shows towards you:

  1. The young man often apologizes to you. Even if he is right, he will take all the blame on himself so as not to upset you.
  2. He always arrives on time for your dates. For your sake, I am ready to cancel a meeting with friends. You always come first for him.
  3. Even if you see shortcomings in yourself, he will definitely accept them and can list them as advantages.
  4. A guy who loves you will try to look the way you like. Change your hairstyle, clothing style, change your perfume. Everything is for you.
  5. A man loves to be around. He will always find at least a minute to see you.

If lately he has been behaving differently than before, you should check his loyalty a little. The most accessible way in the modern world is to create a fake page of a girl with photos and try to start a conversation with him. You will immediately notice whether he is interested in communication.

In general, real relationships do not need to be tested. Don't doubt your man if he really loves you and is willing to go to great lengths for you. So be careful when checking out your boyfriend.

Differences between love and passion

  1. The main difference between passion and love is the depth of feelings and emotions. Passion, as a rule, is characterized by intemperance, power, and a riot of colors, while love is a quiet haven where tenderness and calm reign.

  2. In a fit of passion, we think little about the needs and feelings of our partner; the priority is personal desires that overshadow our reason. In a relationship based on love, everything is different: the partner is interested in learning as much as possible about his chosen one, it is important for him not to harm him and to make him absolutely happy. In addition, when we experience sincere feelings, we often do not notice the shortcomings in our passions or simply accept them as they are.
  3. Passion often manifests itself as a painful addiction. We can talk about it if, in the presence of the object of passion, you feel physical discomfort (for example, trembling in the body), confusion of thoughts and other signs that cannot be controlled. Alas, this is a clear confirmation of your painful addiction. Love is so deep that there can be no talk of any possible harm to your loved one; you are comfortable with him as with yourself.
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