TOP 40 best books on the psychology of communicating with people – download and read

Now I want to tell you about books on the psychology of communicating with people. About 40 of the coolest books with the secrets of this skill. What is especially good about these books is that without any online courses, without any training, these books will teach you the art of talking effectively with anyone. You can download, read and use them immediately.

And what will happen to you as a result will be just a bomb! Your life will simply turn upside down. And you will finally stop walking on your ears. You will begin to stand firmly on your feet in life.

Because communication is the key to life in general, especially in relationships with people. This is the most important thing in our life. And here are these 40 best books on communication - if you master them and can apply them, then you will simply become a master of communication.

Our review of books on communication should start with the most popular topic. It is this information that will allow you to understand how to consistently successfully communicate with completely different people.

How to Talk to Assholes by Mark Goulston

Yes, from time to time we all have to communicate not only with pleasant and friendly people, but also with completely unbearable ones. And don’t let the title of the book confuse you: we will talk about the category of people with an irrational and dishonest communication style. You cannot build a constructive dialogue with them.

Mark Goulston, a business psychiatrist, offers a whole range of techniques: 14 ways to communicate with crazy people, 8 ways to cope with madness in your personal life and, of course, recommendations for working on yourself (after all, we also sometimes lose our temper and may seem not entirely adequate ).

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Books about the psychology of communication

In this selection you will certainly find books that are very important to you. They are written about the main human skill - communication. Communication psychology is a field of knowledge that is constantly evolving. Read! It will be very interesting!

No. 1. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” - Dale Carnegie

About the author: The author is not only a writer, he is an excellent teacher from America, as well as a speaker. Many years ago, he decided to found self-improvement courses.

About the book:

The book is written in simple, but nevertheless very understandable language. It will be useful not only for psychologists, but also for ordinary people who want to find a common language with colleagues, as well as loved ones if they have become distant due to quarrels.

This is a bestseller. Just think! Dale Carnegie has sold 15,000,000 books. This work of his has been translated into 15 languages ​​of the world. It's amazing!


"Don't criticize, refrain from judging."

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Do you want to learn how to express your thoughts in a captivating, reasoned, original and witty manner, so that you are interested in reading and listening. This program will help you.

No. 2. “Mastery of communication. How to get along with anyone - Paul McGee

About the author: Paul McGee is an excellent author, has written about 10 books, and has been a leading lecturer in the UK. He also regularly speaks on topics on personal development, gaining confidence, loves the topic of motivation, talks a lot about the negative impact of stress and how to overcome it.

About the book:

A high level of knowledge, developed intelligence, and professionalism - these factors are not enough to achieve success.

You need to look at life soberly and be able to convey your ideas to other people, and also try not to be afraid of difficult and difficult conversations, conversations, and negotiations.

The book focuses on the mistakes we make when communicating with other people.


“Life is not determined by events, but by your reaction to them.”

No. 3. “How to Overcome Shyness” - Philip Zimbardo

About the author: Philip Zimbardo, in addition to writing books, is also engaged in social psychology, and is also an excellent speaker.

About the book:

The author wrote this wonderful book a relatively long time ago, but it is still popular. In Philip's books, instead of some abstract thoughts, you can find exclusively statistics and scientific and proven approaches to problems.

The author considers shyness to be an individual response to emotions. The author suggests certain exercises to finally overcome shyness.


“Shyness is an obstacle to rapprochement.”

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No. 4. "How to Talk to Anyone" by Mark Rhodes

About the author: The author is an entrepreneur and has written a lot of business literature. This is an excellent mentor and business coach. He works and collaborates with companies all over the world.

About the book:

If tension arises during a conversation, do not be afraid, this is quite natural. The most important thing is to try to overcome it. This is exactly what the author decided to write a book about.

How to get rid of fears and barriers, start talking, become confident and get rid of the fear that they won’t want to talk to you, they will drive you away and reject you.


“Talk to people about themselves, and they will listen to you for hours.”

No. 5. “We turn on the charm using the methods of the secret services” - Jack Schafer

About the author: Jack Schafer is a professor of psychology. He worked as an FBI special agent for a long time. In some operations that were classified, he used charm.

About the book:

The author claims that there is a so-called golden rule that will allow you to win over absolutely anyone.

You will certainly learn to recognize lies and see various signals in the manners of others.


“Remember that knowledge without practical application is dead knowledge.”

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"The Strange Girl Who Fell in Love with a Brain" by Billy Fitzpatrick and Wendy Suzuki

Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki once realized that she was completely dissatisfied with her life: she devoted all her time only to scientific work. But it was the knowledge of neurobiology that helped her establish communication with people, improve her physical fitness and change her way of thinking.

Her technique is based on four-minute brain workouts that help restore strength, improve mood and make thinking more intense. The body and brain are connected, and if you learn to manage this connection, you will literally be transformed - both externally and internally.

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Books to increase vocabulary

To speak beautifully and develop your own speech, you don’t have to become a philologist. Sometimes from time to time you just need to read high-quality and interesting literature, as well as special books for self-development.

No. 18. “The Word Living and Dead” - Nora Gal

About the author: Translator of not only English, but also French literature into Russian. He is also considered a literary critic and translation theorist and an excellent editor.

About the book:

The book will be useful not only to philologists, but also to ordinary people. The author wrote this book more than 40 years ago.

But over the past few years she has not lost ground and remains very popular. The book is not at all old and was even able to find a second wind when the Internet came. In the book you will find recipes for getting rid of verbal garbage that will certainly come in handy. Read!


“The more specific the word, the better, more imaginative, more convincing the text and the fewer ridiculous mistakes there will be.”

No. 19. “From Adam’s apple to the apple of discord” - Vadim Khrappa

About the author: The author is a linguist, not just an ordinary writer.

About the book:

It is immediately worth noting that the work is written in an easy and fairly accessible language. All stories and descriptions are easy to understand, even a child can understand them. Suitable for audiences of all ages.

Reading an ordinary etymological dictionary is very boring. The author decided to kindly study it instead of the reader and noted many good notes on how certain phraseological units appeared. Among other things, he spent a lot of time on how to correctly use phraseological units.


“I used to believe that the established expression “our little brothers” in relation to animals is ancient. But not so long ago I was told that these are just the words of some poet.”

No. 20. “The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown” - Maxim Krongauz

About the author: Maxim Krongauz is a linguist dating back to the times of the USSR. He is also a Doctor of Philology and works as a professor.

About the book:

The author constantly monitors how the Russian language is changing. He is trying to connect language on the Internet with literate speech.

This book will remain popular for a long time. The fact is that it talks about what changes are taking place in the Russian language, about the most common mistakes that sometimes appear even in the media.


“Can a language remain unchanged when everything around is changing: psychology, society, politics, technology?”

"Don't growl at the dog"

The full title of this work is “The Book of Training People, Animals and Yourself.” Author Karen Pryor uses original psychological techniques that have received many flattering reviews from both professionals in this field and ordinary readers.

This work does not call for hypnotizing the interlocutor or somehow manipulating him. The book consists of a series of positive reinforcements for a particular individual. That is, here we have a kind of reward for each person for some actions. This could be simple praise, gifts and other niceties, if the results of your work satisfy the person trying to manage you.

I'm listening to you

Eastwood Atwater

Eastwood Atwater - "I'm Listening to You"

A small book on communication, but despite its size, it is packed with important introductions for productive communication. After reading it, it will be easier for you not only to speak, but also to listen to your interlocutor, and this skill perfectly helps to form a positive impression of yourself in the interlocutor’s head.

So, let’s summarize 5 tips that will allow you to become sociable

  1. Conquer your insecurities. It is impossible to become sociable with her.
  2. Direct your energy to directing your own speech and adjusting your body language.
  3. Learn informal communication techniques.
  4. Always be tolerant of your interlocutor.
  5. Practice your skills regularly.

Use our tips and become more sociable! After all, it is easier for a person who has built his own social and business connections to succeed in life.

This training may be right for you:

  1. 10 Best Public Speaking Courses in Moscow
  2. 10 Best Public Speaking Courses in St. Petersburg
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  5. The Best Online Training Courses in the Field You're Interested in

Easy to talk! How to become a pleasant conversationalist by communicating confidently and at ease

Author: Carol Fleming

What is this book about

Carol Fleming is an expert in the field of communication skills, and in the book she talks about the difficult art of small talk. The book helps readers solve many problems:

  • unite people;
  • understand and trust each other;
  • make new friends and strengthen friendships;
  • avoid conflicts;
  • exchange opinions.

Listen to a fragment of the audiobook from liters:

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Spouse relationship

An important topic that occupies a separate place in psychological science. This area has many pressing problems that require serious analysis to solve.

"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" - John Gray

According to reader reviews, this book is called the most truthful in describing the relationship between a man and a woman. She helps people understand the intricacies of love and find ways to resolve controversial situations.

“Act like a woman, think like a man” - Harvey Steve

This work is suitable for loving wives who want to understand how their husband thinks, what needs to be done to increase interest in themselves and strengthen relationships. Based on numerous reviews from satisfied readers, we can assure that this work has helped many couples improve relationships and avoid scandals and quarrels.

“The Laws of a Happy Family Life” - Oleg Torsunov

The author of this work is an experienced doctor who studied not only medicine, but also psychology. The book is written in the style of a conversation between a married couple and a psychologist. From it, the reader will learn a lot of useful information about building strong relationships, learn to make compromises, and sacrifice their interests.

Charismatic speaker

S. Shipunov

S. Shipunov – “Charismatic speaker”

This book on the psychology of communication teaches you to discover your creativity, which helps you become an interesting, bright personality. The author gives practical recommendations:

  • how to speak beautifully;
  • how to behave in public;
  • how to put on a pleasant voice;
  • how to control facial expressions and gestures.

Useful to read: 100 clichés in copywriting that kill the text

New rules for business correspondence

Authors: Maxim Ilyakhov and Lyudmila Sarycheva

What is this book about

The authors propose changing the culture of business writing and put forward two new rules: respect for the addressee and concern for his interests. Letters written according to these rules endear you to people and help them find a common language.

After studying the book, readers will be able to confidently write commercial proposals, cover letters, requests to colleagues, responses to clients and any other work letters.

Watch Maxim Ilyakhov’s lecture from Beeline University, where he talks about the new rules of business correspondence:

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Kremlin school of negotiations

Author: Igor Ryzov

What is this book about

The publication talks about the main tenets of the school in question and describes various techniques for conducting aggressive negotiations. The author is one of the leading Russian experts in the field of negotiations.

Over 18 years of experience in conducting commercial activities, he had to hear “no” more often than Soviet diplomats in his time. Here he shares tips on how to emerge victorious from any dispute and direct negotiations in a direction that benefits you.

Watch the recording of Igor Ryzov’s training on conducting tough negotiations:

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"The Power of Preliminary Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini

Book “Pre-Suasion. A Revolutionary Way To Influence and Persuade" (“Preliminary persuasion. A revolutionary way to influence and persuade,” not published in Russian) is a long-awaited new product from Robert Cialdini, the famous social psychologist and author of the super-bestsellers “The Psychology of Influence” and “The Psychology of Persuasion.” The book received many positive reviews from readers and critics. The Financial Times named Pre-Suasion the best business book of 2016.

In 1984, Robert Cialdini published The Psychology of Influence, which has become a classic in social psychology. “Preliminary Persuasion” complements and expands it, drawing on modern experience.

Read the book's key ideas

"Delight: 7 Triggers of Persuasion and Captivation" by Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead's book "Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation" (not published in Russian) is a bestseller about the influence, charm and attention-holding skills so necessary for people, companies and brands in this age information satiety. The book received mostly positive reviews from readers on Amazon and GoodReads. The book is recommended by such recognized marketing and management experts as Seth Godin and Tom Peters.

In her book, author and celebrated branding consultant Sally Hogshead, who has worked with Microsoft and Starbucks, draws on history, neuroscience, psychology and anthropology to reveal the secrets of charm. How to compete in a world where people spend only a few seconds getting to know new products, ideas, and advertising messages? How to capture and hold the attention of the consumer, how to charm him?

Read the book's key ideas

Read more, become masters of persuasion and effective communication. New useful collections are coming soon!

Effective communications

Author: Harvard Business Review Top 10 Articles

What is this book about

The publication is a new issue of Harvard Business Review, the world's leading business magazine dedicated to effective communications.

The authors have selected the most useful and practically applicable articles on the topic. Readers here:

  • learn why the way we present ideas is sometimes more important than the ideas themselves;
  • will understand why it is so important to make presentations of new projects differently for charismatic bosses and follower bosses.
  • will understand why subordinates are more willing to listen to managers who show sincere interest and sympathy for them and why management is simply obliged to maintain constant communication with employees.

The authors of the book promise that thanks to the use of the techniques described in the collection, anyone will be able to find a common language with almost any interlocutor in any business situation.

Watch a short video review of the book:

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Key phrases:

“A true and accurate glance represents a more useful, more necessary quality of a commander than cunning, although this quality does not spoil anything if it is not developed at the expense of the more necessary properties of temperament, which, however, is too often observed.”

“Where there are no great forces and great passions, of course it is easier for a clever mind to play its game, but isn’t leading large forces, working at the helm in the middle of a storm, under the blows of angry waves, not in themselves a higher activity of the spirit?”

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