Psychology of communication - how to learn to talk to people correctly

In practical and theoretical psychology there is a separate section devoted to problems of communication. At the moment, due to the rapid development of modern information technologies, the problem of live communication is becoming especially relevant, because it is increasingly being replaced by correspondence on the Internet. It is known that many successful people do not know how to find a common language with others. Most often this happens due to a lack of practical experience.

People communicate not only for benefit, but also for pleasure


Communication is a complex socio-psychological process of mutual understanding between people. The pragmatic J. Rockefeller, well understanding the importance of communication for business activities, said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought with money, like sugar or coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world.” But what does it mean to be able to communicate? This means being able to understand people and build your relationships with them on this basis, which presupposes knowledge of the psychology of communication. In the process of communication, people perceive each other, exchange information and interact.

The specificity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises on the basis of and regarding a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. At the same time, the parties to business communication act in formal (official) statuses, which determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical) of people’s behavior. Like any type of communication, business communication is historical in nature; it manifests itself at different levels of the social system and in various forms.

Working with people is one of the most complex, difficult and multifaceted forms of human activity. But sometimes it is not taken into account at all, and managers focus on economic indicators and technological processes. A person is considered simply as a labor force, that is, not as a goal, but a means of fulfilling plans and tasks. This leads to lack of initiative and alienation. However, it is not possible to create a powerful system of motives and incentives that encourage all employees to fully reveal their abilities, work fruitfully and use production resources most efficiently without taking into account human psychology and the socio-psychological patterns of team development.

Business man appearance 2

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that against the backdrop of the development of the civil service in Russia, professional ethics, in particular the ethics of civil servants, received a new impetus for development. The civil service places various demands on the personality of a civil servant. This type of activity requires constant contact with the public, which, in turn, leads to higher demands on the professional qualities of the employee.

The peculiarity of business communication is that a civil servant in business communication always acts as a person significant to the subject; The main task of such business communication is productive cooperation and protection of the interests of citizens. An important factor here is the ability of a civil servant to receive visitors, conduct negotiations, and have conversations.

Styles of information perception

In addition to different communication styles, your subordinates, partners and clients perceive information differently, that is, everyone sees, hears and interprets it in their own way. One of the communication specialists, former head coach of the Oakland Raiders John Madden once said: “Some players just need to explain the play and they will understand. You don’t need to say anything to others, but rather draw it on the board. And others need to be explained, drawn, and they still won’t understand until they run across the field themselves.”

Madden earned a teaching degree and, at age 42, became the youngest coach to achieve 100-win seasons. In practice, he encountered the fact that some perceive information auditorily (auditory learners), others visually (visual learners), and others physically (kinesthetic learners).

To effectively train and communicate with your people, figure out their typical perceptual style so that they hear you and be heard, see what you mean and grasp what you want to convey to them. If you carefully listen and observe clients and employees, you will find that they use words that signal the most comfortable ways for them to absorb information. Auditory learners listen to sound and intonation. They are very sensitive to emotions expressed in their voices. Visual learners need to see words, otherwise they won't understand you. Kinesthetic learners must physically and emotionally feel what you are talking about, touch it and let it pass through themselves.

Observe for a few days what words reveal your communication style. Also notice how the best salespeople adapt to their customers' communication styles. These skills are usually overlooked, but they have a positive effect on business contacts, resolve conflicts much faster and turn you into an effective manager

These skills are usually overlooked, but they have a positive impact on business contacts, resolve conflicts much faster and turn you into an effective manager.

Table. Basic communication styles

Task-oriented People-oriented Indirect

Self-confident, decisive, risk-taking, one-way communication, high achievement level, talkative, gives orders Assertive, proactive, negotiator, sociable, dreamer, big thinker, optimist, reliable, enthusiastic Style: likes clear, concise, specific memos, follows up for time: “Don’t waste my time. When will you report? Style: prefers open and friendly conversation, praise and encouragement: “A most interesting task and a great opportunity. We will do it". Needs: clear, concise, specific information Needs: recognition, freedom of expression, solving difficult problems Position: CEO, executive director, board member, president Position: sales manager, PR person

Direct Risk-averse, thorough, sticks to the rules, realistic, meticulous, precise, diplomatic, high standards, neat Friendly, calm, good listener, attentive, sincere, team player, focused on one task Style: prefers facts or questions without personalization: “Give us the facts. Please tell me what this money was spent on." Style: prefers a friendly, warm, pleasant conversation: "Good morning

How are you? Can I help you?" Needs: accuracy, organization, formal interaction Needs: friendly, familiar environment, recognition, attention to detail Position: accountant, engineer, system administrator, IT specialist Position: HR manager, social worker, administrator

Neil Fiore. Psychology of personal effectiveness. How to beat stress, stay focused and enjoy your work. — M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013. Published with permission of the publisher

History of the issue. Specifics of business communication. The concepts of “communication technique” and “techniques of communication”

Business communication is a complex, multifaceted process of developing contact between people in the professional sphere.

Its participants act in official capacities and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e. submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national cultural traditions and professional ethical principles.

The ability to behave with people during a conversation is one of the most important factors determining the chances of achieving success in business, official or entrepreneurial activity. A person’s success in his business, even in the technical or scientific field, depends only fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with the people with whom he works.

Business communication is a process in which business information and work experience are exchanged, implying the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific task or the implementation of a specific goal. The specificity of this process is the moment of regulation, that is, submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions accepted in a given territory, professional ethical principles accepted in a given professional circle of people.

Business communication these days penetrates into all spheres of public life. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial and business spheres of life.

Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people involved in management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, i.e. The ability to respond adequately in any situation during communication for representatives of these professions is one of the most important components of their professional appearance.

Service contacts are built on a partnership basis, based on mutual needs and the interests of a common cause. There is no doubt that such communication increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in a successful business.

“Speech etiquette and communication culture of a business person”

For successful communication, so-called “communication techniques” are used, which ensure positive results in the process of communication activities.

In practice, a communication technique is understood as a set of communicative actions and techniques that lead to the satisfaction of certain socially valuable needs (in activity, cognition, leadership, etc.).

Let us note that there are universal communication techniques that are effective in relation to various spheres of human life: in particular, tactfulness, friendliness, a sense of humor, etc. They are significant for any type of joint activity and in a group of any level of development. However, the communication characteristics we have indicated are necessary, but generally not a sufficient condition for the effectiveness of specific communication techniques between you and the person you are interested in.

It should be noted that techniques that are effective for unregulated free communication may very often be unacceptable for official or business communication. A specific communication technique is needed to establish relationships and organize interactions both with colleagues or partners of various official positions, and with other interested parties. Communication techniques usually develop spontaneously, in the process of active interaction with partners. This process is greatly influenced by established traditions and the general psychological climate of social groups in which the person of interest is included. Good results here come from self-improvement and training.

In recent decades, interest in communication problems has increased. An amazing fact: in human interaction, more than half of all problems relate to a lack of mutual understanding. A person wants to say one thing, says another, the interlocutor hears a third in this and interprets it as a fourth. Psychologists call this communication difficulties. To overcome these difficulties, experts have identified those forms of communication that most contribute to establishing mutual understanding and cooperation.

They are called effective communication techniques. These techniques can be used in the family, at work, and when clarifying various conflict situations.

In the next chapter we will look at these techniques in detail, characterize them, and define their areas of application and the appropriateness of their use in particular.

Where to start learning competent and correct speech

How a man who truly loves behaves - the psychology of falling in love

Psychology has known for a long time how to talk to people correctly. To do this, you need to have well-delivered and maximally understandable speech, clear diction, vivid imaginative thinking and a high level of intelligence. To speak correctly, clearly, competently, it is recommended:

  • Develop good diction every day with the help of any tongue twisters and light articulation exercises. If the patient has serious problems, you can contact a speech therapist. These competent specialists, with extensive experience, successfully work not only with children, but also with adults, in a group and individually;
  • Read as much as possible, especially classical literature and books by Soviet writers, as well as the most common children's fairy tales. Such reading develops vocabulary and teaches figurative speech, as a result a person ceases to be shy;
  • Listen to the speeches of famous speakers as often as possible: politicians, actors, television presenters. While listening, you should note the speaker’s strengths and take note of the techniques with which he holds the audience’s attention for a long time;
  • Talk not only with family and close friends, but also with strangers. For example, the simplest way is to approach a person and ask him for the exact time, then start a conversation on any topic, perhaps ask for advice. This training is very effective, especially for overly calm and silent people.

Also, to develop competent speech, you should remember the good old tradition of writing paper letters. Formulating thoughts in writing helps develop oral speech, making it coherent and logical.

To learn to speak correctly, you need to listen to good speakers as often as possible.

Manipulations in communication. Their neutralization

The use of communication methods (techniques), the true purpose of which does not coincide with that declared to the communication partner and causes obvious or hidden damage to him, is called manipulation.

Business communications_T2

Manipulation as a way to exert a hidden psychological influence on an interlocutor in order to achieve beneficial behavior is constantly used in business. Various tricks and tricks (techniques) allow you to conclude more profitable contracts and push your partner or client to the right decision.

Let's consider the basic techniques of psychological manipulation in business communication, which are based on the use of the properties of the human psyche.

Among the main manipulation techniques, the purpose of which is to directly force the interlocutor to make an erroneous decision that is unfavorable for his position, there are:

· “irritating the interlocutor” - removing him from a state of psychological balance with ridicule, accusations, reproaches or irony, which makes him nervous and, as a result, make rash decisions;

· “stunned by the pace” - the use of a fast pace of speech, the requirement to make a decision “here and now” under the threat of losing a “unique opportunity” (for example, discounts, “last product in stock”, “special offer”, etc.);

· transferring the discussion into the realm of speculation - transferring the polemic into the direction of denunciation in order to force the interlocutor to either justify himself or talk about something that has nothing to do with the essence of the matter, thereby wasting time and effort;

· reference to “higher interests” - a hint that the interlocutor’s position affects the interests of those whom it is extremely undesirable to upset (Do you understand what you are encroaching on when you do not agree with this?)

· “Carthage must be destroyed” - unsubstantiated repetition of the same thought so often that the interlocutor “gets used to it” and accepts it as obvious (method of the speaker of the Roman Senate, consul Cato the Elder);

· “understatement due to special motives” - a hint that complete information cannot be announced due to certain “special motives” that cannot be communicated directly;

· “false shame” - the use of a false argument with which the opponent does not argue after statements such as “You, of course, know that science has established ...”, “You, of course, read about ...”, “All business people know , that…”, fearing to publicly admit his own incompetence;

· “using obscure words in communication” - similar to the previous one, the technique is based on the opponent’s reluctance to admit that he is not familiar with this term;

· “demonstration of resentment” - avoiding responding to an unwanted argument or disruption or argument by depicting resentment at the interlocutor’s behavior (“Who do you take us for here?”);

· “imaginary inattention” - loss of necessary documents, omission of arguments or dangerous arguments of an opponent;

· “imaginary misunderstanding” - repeating the interlocutor’s arguments “in your own words” with deliberate distortion of the information received (“In other words, you think...”);

· “multiple questions” - inclusion in one question of several questions that are not compatible with each other, followed by accusations of either “not understanding the essence of the problem” or of avoiding answering one of the questions asked;

· “What do you have against it?” - a requirement for the opponent to provide critical arguments followed by a discussion of his arguments instead of arguing the proposed thesis;

· “compulsion to an unambiguous answer” - pressure on the opponent in order to obtain a strictly unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”, and immediately (“Tell me straight...”);

Nonverbal means of expression as a form of interpersonal communication

· “rabulism” - a deliberate distortion of the meaning of an opponent’s statements, presenting them as funny and strange (“Your colleague has agreed to the point that...”);

· “reducing a fact to a personal opinion” - reducing an opponent’s fact-based argument to his personal position (“This is just your personal opinion”);

· “apparent support” - imaginary support for the opponent’s arguments, aimed at reassuring him with agreement, diverting attention, and then bringing a powerful counterargument, creating the impression of very thorough familiarity with the thesis, which allows one to see its inconsistency (“Yes, but...” ).

There are three main methods of neutralizing these and other techniques of psychological manipulation in business communication.

· “Over the ears.” The method involves avoiding the discussion, avoiding direct questions, or changing the topic of conversation. You might drop something, be distracted by an imaginary phone call, or get a speck of dust in your eye. The purpose of the method is to gain time and dodge manipulation.

· “Dot the i’s.” A direct statement that your opponent is trying to manipulate you, indicating his true motive. “Tell me directly what you want? For me to get angry and give up my demands?

· Countermanipulation. Using manipulation techniques to repel an opponent’s attack and force him to make a decision that is unfavorable for himself. This situation is fraught with a sharp aggravation of relations and the emergence of conflicts. In a situation of open confrontation, the one who is armed not only with knowledge, but also with the ability to put it into practice, will certainly win.

2.3. Neologism

Neologisms - words denoting new concepts and objects, are divided into two groups: neologisms that have become terms and neologisms-professionalisms or words of professional jargon. The use of new words in the text of a document should be based on an assessment of whether this word is a term or names a concept that already has a stable designation in the language.

Neologisms of the first group have every right to exist in business speech. These are words like: satellite information, car dealership, press secretary, municipal, prefecture, depositary, telefax, etc.

Neologisms of the second group do not have legal rights to be used in official business speech. So, instead of “announcement” you should use the word “announcement”, instead of “elimination” - “exclusion”, “liquidation”, instead of “rotation” - “by-election”, instead of “sanitization” - “recovery”, etc. [8]

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication does not involve the use of audible speech or natural language as a means of communication. Nonverbal - communication through facial expressions, gestures and pantomime, through direct sensory or bodily contact. These are tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person.

Nonverbal communication is valuable because it manifests itself, as a rule, unconsciously and spontaneously. Therefore, despite the fact that people weigh their words, it is possible for hidden feelings to “leak” through facial expressions, gestures, intonation and timbre of the voice. Any of these non-verbal elements of communication can help us verify the correctness of what was said in words or, on the contrary, cast doubt on what was said.

The basics of nonverbal communication are:

Poses and gestures. Posture plays an important role during business communication. A successful person is upright and open, showing that he is interested, approachable, and friendly. A slightly raised chin shows that you have everything under control. You want your interlocutor to see that you are relaxed and comfortable. This will help him relax too. When you are standing, the best position is to have your back and legs straight, the toes of your feet turned directly towards the client, and your body and face facing straight. Keep your arms freely at your sides, palms relaxed. Do not cover yourself with crossed arms, do not cross your legs - all this will worsen the impression of your interlocutor.

Individual conversation

- hands on hips - a person looks aggressive and edifying;

- hands at the chin - you critically evaluate your interlocutor;

- hands in your pockets - you are uninterested or nervous (in addition, your nervousness can be revealed by the jingling of change or keys in your pocket);

- crossed arms over your chest - you are cold or you don’t really want to talk;

- palms connected below the waist (footballer's pose) - you look weak and defensive;

- the hand clasps the other hand behind your back - you restrain yourself, “take it in your hands”;

- lean back in your chair - you disagree and are ready to declare it.

Gesticulation involves hand and head movements used during communication. It helps to reinforce the words, thoughts and ideas that you are trying to convey to the other person. So, unless you are negotiating with an Italian, try not to replace words with hand movements. At the same time, using your hands correctly will help you be more persuasive, and showing open palms will help you gain trust.

Move your entire arm during the gesture, not just your hand, preferably up and down gestures, and always above waist level.

- gestures with the index finger are an accusatory gesture, even if you didn’t mean it;

- thumb out - an expression of superiority, disdain;

- fist - hostile, aggressive mood;

- touching your mouth or other parts of your face during a conversation - you are insincere and trying to cover up your lies;

- touching your ear, mouth or neck while you are listening are gestures of doubt and disagreement with the interlocutor.

Facial expressions. Each of us knows. That a facial expression often speaks louder than a hundred words. Avoid unnatural, unfriendly or awkward facial expressions. Remember, that:

- frowning eyebrows are not a businesslike facial expression, as many people think, but a gloomy, unfriendly one;

- raised eyebrows - an expression of surprise and doubt;

- yawning is an expression of boredom;

- grimaces - an expression of pain.

Smile. Human lips are especially expressive. Everyone knows that tightly compressed lips reflect deep thoughtfulness, curved lips - irony or doubt, slightly open - surprise.

The face expressively reflects feelings, so the speaker usually tries to control or disguise his facial expression. In this regard, a smile can reflect different motives. One must be careful in its interpretation. If someone has made an unexpected mistake, they may smile guiltily, as if asking for an apology. Excessive smiling can be an expression of ingratiation with the interlocutor or express the need for approval of one’s actions and words. As a rule, a smile means a friendly disposition of a communication partner and a desire to make contact.

Sight. Eye contact is an extremely important part of communication. Looking at the speaker means not only interest, but also concentration on what we are being told. During a conversation, the interlocutors alternately look and then turn away from each other, feeling that constant gaze prevents the partner from concentrating.

Business communication: conversations, public speeches

It is much easier to maintain eye contact with an opponent when discussing a pleasant topic than when discussing unpleasant or confusing issues. In the latter case, refraining from direct visual contact is an expression of politeness and understanding of the emotional state of the interlocutor. An insistent or inappropriate gaze in such cases causes outrage and is perceived as an interference in personal feelings. Moreover, persistent or intense staring is usually perceived as a sign of hostility. A sideways glance accompanied by a smile signifies interest. If the interlocutor looks sideways, but at the same time the corners of his lips are lowered and his eyebrows are frowned, then this means aggressiveness, hostility, and a threat. The presence of an obstacle in front of his eyes during a conversation (for example, the interlocutor, while talking to you, looks with interest at his papers, pen, etc.) means that he wants to “take you out of his field of vision,” i.e. end the conversation because he is either tired, or he is not interested in communicating with you, or he feels superior. In the latter case, you need to change tactics or interrupt the conversation.

The maximum information about the interlocutor is carried by the pupils, or rather, their reaction (dilation or contraction) to the interlocutor or the situation. Dilation of the pupils means that the interlocutor has a positive attitude towards you, is interested in the proposed business, and assesses the situation positively. Constriction of the pupils indicates a negative attitude towards the interlocutor, the situation, and disinterest in the proposed matter.

Interpersonal space is the distance between interlocutors in the process of communication. Choosing an interpersonal space is a difficult matter. The distance at which you approach the interlocutor should not be too large (so that the interlocutor does not think that he is unpleasant to you or that you are arrogant), nor too small (this may offend the interlocutor).

By the distance between the interlocutors, one can judge what kind of relationship they have with each other. Usually, the shorter this distance, the better they know each other.

The interlocutor can somehow mark his space. For example, put your notebook, pen, documents on the table at which you are sitting. This space must not be violated. If you want to establish friendly relations with your interlocutor, it is better if nothing separates you from each other - not even a coffee table, and you sit next to your interlocutor, and not opposite each other.

The importance of communication skills

Communication skills allow you to support any conversation, change the topic of conversation, speak out at the right time and find the right approach to your interlocutor. In addition, the psychology of effective communication includes articulation, gestures, mastery of facial expressions and expressive intonations and postures.

All these little things add up to a single canvas of professional, high-quality communication, which breaks down the boundaries of misunderstanding and alienation between people. By showing sincere interest in your interlocutor, smiling and showing cheerful participation, you can always win people over and improve your relationship with them.

Verbal (speech) communication

It includes not only the process of speaking, but also the process of listening. Thus, the most common verbal communication techniques are:

· - active listening techniques;

Active listening techniques. Listening is an act of will that involves mental processes. The following active listening techniques are distinguished:

— Non-reflective listening is listening without analysis, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to speak out.

Rules: minimum answers (non-interference), feedback, i.e. we must constantly let the other person know that we hear him.

Applicable: - when the interlocutor is eager to express his attitude to something. It is appropriate to start with an open question: “What do you think about this?”;

- in tense situations, when the interlocutor wants to discuss pressing issues. For example, conflict. Here it is prudent to first let the person speak, and then begin to solve the problem;

Business conversation as a form of business communication

— the interlocutor has problems expressing his difficulties, worries, and joys. You can use the same open and closed questions: “Is something bothering you?”, “You probably want to share your news?” etc.

Insufficient: - the interlocutor’s desire to speak is weak or completely absent;

- if you do not agree with what they are saying, it is better to express it right away, otherwise, seeing your feedback, he will think that you completely agree with him;

- the speaker seeks to receive more significant support and approval;

- when this type of communication interferes with self-disclosure and is contrary to your interests.

— Clarification is an appeal to the speaker for some clarification; carried out through clarifying questions.

Applicable: - when an accurate understanding of the interlocutor’s position is necessary;

- if a person speaks confusingly, jumps from one to another;

- when clarifying questions show the speaker that they are listening and trying to understand.

— Paraphrasing means saying the same idea, but in slightly different words.

To show that you are listening and understand what is being said, to let you know that you are grasping the meaning of his words, you can repeat his main ideas, concepts, etc., emphasizing the main facts in your voice, for example, “If I understand you right, then...”, “In other words, you say that...” or “Your thought, in fact, boils down to the fact that...”.

Applicable: - when a full understanding of the partner’s desires in negotiations is necessary;

- in conflicts or during discussions. If you repeat the thought of your interlocutor before expressing an argument against, then he will pay more attention to us, because he sees that they are listening to him and trying to understand him;

- when we are poorly oriented in the subject of the conversation, because our answers are his own thoughts;

- helps the interlocutor - he has the opportunity to see whether he is understood correctly.

- Summing up - summing up. Rules of use:

- use phrases like “Thus, the main thing is...”, “So, you propose...”, “Your main idea, as I understand it, is that...”, etc.;

- when summarizing, the main part is highlighted from a whole part of the conversation.

— Reflection of feelings (empathy) is the desire to show the interlocutor that we understand his feelings. In this case, it is necessary to specify what he feels and experiences, for example, “And you were very worried about this ...”, “It seemed that this was very worried about you ...”, “You feel that ...”.

This technique is used: - in conflict situations. If you make it clear to a person that his feelings are understood, then the accusatory intensity of his speech will certainly subside.

- in situations when the interlocutor is tormented by a personal problem and he wants to share it and find understanding;

- helps the interlocutor better understand the emotional state.

I-statements. This technique involves speaking with an interlocutor in the first person. This means that most statements begin with the word “I,” hence the name. Statements in this form allow you to openly communicate your feelings to your interlocutor without offending him personally, without offending him with incorrect assumptions about what he wants or what he feels. Often in business conflicts, emotions flare up precisely because people express out loud their worst assumptions and fears as a fait accompli. When the I-message technique is used, the interlocutor feels safe, because we do not evaluate either his actions or himself - we only report how we experience what is happening.

Organization and conduct of business negotiations in the hotel

It is recommended to use phrases like: “I feel despair (pain, anger, resentment...) because... (at the thought that...); “I’m afraid (worried, afraid...); “It irritates me (surprises, depresses...) when...”; “In this situation, I would like (it would be nice...)…”, etc.

Compliment techniques. Compliments are words that contain a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor wants to see in himself. In this sense, we consider a compliment as one of the methods of effective communication in business communication. What are the rules of compliments?

1. “One meaning.” A compliment should reflect only the positive qualities of a person; double meaning should be avoided when a quality can be considered both positive and negative.

2. “No hyperbole.” The positive quality reflected should be slightly exaggerated.

3. "High opinion." An important factor in the effectiveness of this technique is the person’s own opinion about the level of qualities reflected in the compliment.

4. “No didactics.” This rule is that a compliment should state the presence of a given characteristic, and not contain recommendations for improving it.

5. “No complaints.” The interlocutor does not strive to improve his quality; he believes that it would not be bad if this positive quality were more strongly expressed in him than it is now.

6. “No seasoning.” The last rule concerns not the content of the compliment itself, but those additions that often follow it.

Development of communication skills

Today, all our acquaintances, friends and colleagues can easily be placed in a small contact window; dialogues, business and intimate conversations take the form of chats, and emotions are expressed with colorful emoticons. And at the same time, for us, and especially for the younger generation, the problem of socialization is becoming increasingly relevant, and more specifically, the problem of developing communication skills, i.e. developing communication skills - real interaction with other people. If a person does not know how to communicate, he will encounter many problems and difficulties along his path, both in his personal life and in the professional sphere. But this can be avoided, and this is exactly what we are talking about in this article. Read more…


List of sources used

1. Valgina N.S. Spelling and punctuation: Directory / N.S. Valgina, V.N. Svetlysheva. – M.; Higher school, 1993. 2. Veselov P.V. Axioms of a business letter/P.V. Veselov. – M.; Information and implementation, 1993. 3. Veselov P.V. Modern business letter in industry/P.V. Veselov. – M.; Standards Publishing House, 1990. 4. Gromova N.M. Basics of business correspondence/N.M. Gromova. – M.; RUSSLIT, 1992. 5. Your foreign partner (Correspondence, documentation, contracts) / N.M. Gromova, T.M. Deeva, E.V. Krichatova [etc.] - M.; Techno-ecology, 1992. 6. Business correspondence with foreign companies: A practical guide. – M.; Image, 1991. 7. Kuzin F.A. Business communication/ F.A. Kuzin. – M.: Culture of business communication, 1996. 8. Rakhmanin L.V. Stylistics of business speech and editing of official documents. 3rd ed./L.V. Rakhmanin. – M.; Higher School, 1988. 9. Rosenthal D.E. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. 6th ed./D.E. Rosenthal, M.A. Telenkova. – M.; Russian language, 1987. 10. Handbook of business correspondence. – M.; Moscow City Hall, Research and Development, 1996. 11. Yakhontova E.S. Psychology of business relations / E.S. Yakhontova.- M.: Business press.-2008.– 360 p.

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  • The concept of communication and its structure (Discipline “Legal Mechanisms in the Field of Information Systems and Technologies”)
  • Artificial Intelligence (History of the development of artificial intelligence)
  • Major changes characterizing the modern economy
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  • Delo system (General information about the “delo” system)

2.5. The use of words with a “universal” meaning

A feature of business style is the use of so-called universal words - words with an erased, uncertain meaning. Universal words are polysemantic, which allows them to be used in various contexts instead of precise semantic definitions, for example:

“Until now, preparatory work for the reconstruction and repair of utility networks has been poorly carried out” (the word “weakly” here simultaneously means that the work is being carried out slowly, irregularly, unorganized, in a word, poorly).

If in other styles of language the use of such words is perceived as an undesirable phenomenon, then in business texts it is the norm. Such words are used, as a rule, in the descriptive part of the text, the purpose of which is to outline the outline of events and give a general assessment of the situation as positive or negative.

2.6. Use of language formulas

One of the features of business speech is the widespread use of language formulas - stable (template, standard) language expressions used unchanged. Their presence in business speech is a consequence of the regulation of official relations, the repetition of management situations and the thematic limitations of business speech:

“We inform you that in the period from ... to ...

“The act was drawn up by a commission consisting of: …”

“We send (introduce, send, return) to you...”

“We ask you to consider the issue of...”

Linguistic formulas are the result of the unification of linguistic means used in similar repetitive situations.

Mastery of business style is, to a large extent, the ability to use language formulas. By expressing typical content, language formulas ensure accuracy and unambiguous understanding of the text by the addressee, reducing the time for preparing the text and its perception

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