Psychology of professional communication - Psychological characteristics of the communication process

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Concept of professional communication
  2. Stages and tasks of professional communication
  3. Forms and types of professional communication
  4. Main principles of professional communication
  5. 5 rules of professional communication
  6. How to overcome the difficulties of professional communication

Professional communication helps to establish high-quality connections between company employees. It is this that allows effective interaction at a variety of levels. The speed and availability of information transfer ultimately determine the pace and quality of work of the entire enterprise. This means that profit indirectly depends on professional communication.

It should be noted that it is also included in the concept of ethics of business communication. And therefore, at the industry level of the market, professional communication is also used. Communication with competitors, suppliers and potential investors can sometimes feel like a skillful game, where every step can result in either success or failure. We will talk about other opportunities for effective professional communication below.

Concept of professional communication

First, let's define professional communication. This is formal communication that occurs in the business sphere. The purpose of such interaction is to solve problems, achieve results or optimize any activity. The parties to such communication have statuses, for example, boss, partner, employee, employee, colleague, etc.

Subordination interaction occurs when there is contact between two people who occupy different levels of social position (boss and subordinate). Here we can trace the vertical relationship. If the partners are at the same level, then they carry out horizontal communication.

Professional communication is an integral part of our lives. We encounter it in educational and official institutions, as well as at work. It is the communication that occurs between lecturers and students, colleagues, competitors, directors and employees. And for effective professional communication, it is important to comply with the principles, conditions and be familiar with the means of transmitting information. The interlocutors need to literally and figuratively speak the same language and understand each other.

There are 3 styles of business dialogue:

  • Manipulation. A type of professional communication in which one party wants to influence or use the other to achieve a result.
  • Humanism. It means team action, group cohesion and focus. Each person in such communication is an individual who has useful skills and qualities. Such communications are no longer negotiations, but the history of the team.
  • Ritual. It is used to increase authority by an interlocutor who is lower in position than the other party.

Professional communication

Professional communication is the verbal interaction of a specialist with other specialists and clients of the organization in the course of professional activities.

Professional culture includes possession of special skills and abilities of professional activity, behavioral culture, emotional culture, general speech culture and professional communication culture.

Special skills are acquired through professional training. The culture of behavior is formed by the individual in accordance with the ethical standards of society. Emotional culture includes the ability to regulate one’s mental state, understand the emotional state of one’s interlocutor, manage one’s emotions, relieve anxiety, overcome indecision, and establish emotional contact.

The general culture of speech provides for norms of speech behavior and requirements for speech in any communication situations; the culture of professional communication is characterized by a number of additional requirements in relation to the general speech culture.

In the professional culture of communication, the role of socio-psychological characteristics of speech becomes especially important, such as the correspondence of speech to the emotional state of the interlocutor, the business orientation of speech, and the correspondence of speech to social roles.

Speech is a means of acquiring, exercising, developing and transferring professional skills.

The culture of professional speech includes:

– knowledge of the terminology of this specialty;

– ability to build a speech on a professional topic;

– ability to organize and manage professional dialogue;

– ability to communicate with non-specialists on professional issues.

Knowledge of terminology, the ability to establish connections between previously known and new terms, the ability to use scientific concepts and terms in the practical analysis of production situations, knowledge of the features of the style of professional speech constitute linguistic competence in professional communication.

The ability to control emotions, direct dialogue in accordance with the needs of professional activity, compliance with ethical standards and etiquette requirements constitute behavioral competence. Communicative behavior implies such an organization of speech and corresponding speech behavior that influence the creation and maintenance of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication with colleagues and clients, the nature of the relationships between participants in the production process, and the style of their work.

Communication on professional topics in any field requires not only the precise use of terms and knowledge of the concepts behind them, but also compliance with general norms of speech culture. Addressing speech to specialists does not negate the need to monitor its compliance with the norms of the literary language.

Communicative portrait of a competitive specialist: for success in professional activity, a modern specialist needs to be fluent in speech culture skills, have linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in professional communication.

This requires the following qualities:

– knowledge of the norms of the literary language and stable skills in their application in speech;

– ability to monitor the accuracy, logic and expressiveness of speech;

– mastery of professional terminology, knowledge of the correspondence between terms and concepts;

– mastery of professional speech style;

– the ability to determine the goal and understand the communication situation;

– the ability to take into account the social and individual personality traits of the interlocutor;

– skills in predicting the development of dialogue and the interlocutor’s reactions;

– ability to create and maintain a favorable communication atmosphere;

– high degree of control over emotional state and expression of emotions;

– the ability to direct dialogue in accordance with the goals of professional activity;

– knowledge of etiquette and strict adherence to its rules.

Test questions and assignments

1. Name the features of professional communication.

2. Describe the structure of professional communication.

3. In the terminological dictionary it is necessary to disclose the content of the concepts: professional communication, professional culture, emotional culture.

Stages and tasks of professional communication

Conventionally, business negotiations can be divided into 5 stages:

  1. Familiarization. The partners introduce themselves to each other and pleasantries are exchanged.
  2. Orientation in the situation. At this stage, the interlocutors set goals, strive to understand what the opponent needs, and dictate terms.
  3. Discussion. Business problems and issues are detailed and carefully discussed.
  4. Problem solving. There is a search for a compromise, looking for those options for interaction that would be beneficial to both parties.
  5. Ending the contact. Communication stops and the parties separate.

Participants in the dialogue do not affect the goal. But the means to achieve it are discussed and planned. The needs and interests of all interlocutors are taken into account.

Fruitful and effective cooperation is the main task of professional communication. It consists of 3 processes:

  • social perception, or the desire to understand and perceive a partner;
  • communication - transfer of information;
  • interaction - taking actions.

Business etiquette and professional communication are inextricably linked.

Forms and types of professional communication

Forms of business communication:

  1. Meetings.
  2. Consultations.
  3. Meetings.
  4. Conversations.
  5. Interview.
  6. Reports.
  7. Presentations.
  8. Business correspondence.
  9. Negotiation.
  10. Conferences.

3 important steps

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Take your gifts!

These are just some examples of professional communication. Every specialist in his field needs to know the language of business communication and its rules, and be able to competently build a dialogue with partners. To achieve success, it is necessary to interact not only personally, but also using technical means (telephone, mail, fax, programs).

Professional communication is also becoming increasingly popular on the Internet. IT technologies increase the speed of data processing and transmission and eliminate errors caused by the human factor.

There are 3 main types of business communication:

  1. Administrative and clerical.
  2. Diplomatic.
  3. Legislative.

The features of professional communication in each of these cases are different, as well as the specifics. All three types require the use of precise wording, facts, and exclude strong expression of emotions. Business communication now implies not only working relationships, but also any conversation of a formal nature.

Main principles of professional communication

  • Formality and politeness. Business style is the basis of professional communication.
  • Interpersonality. In dialogue, each person has his own point of view and solution to the problem. This must be taken into account and try not to conflict with other people’s interests.
  • Versatility. The result depends not only on the essence of the message being conveyed, but also on the manner and tone of speech. It is important to use different tools and try to use as many of them as possible in the dialogue.
  • Goal setting. Dialogue must be directed. And in addition to the main task, you need to set several additional ones. They need not be voiced; their presence should be taken for granted.

  • Continuous contact. Communication does not stop when the conversation ends. It becomes non-verbal. Gestures, facial expressions and even silence are meaningful. All this should not be overlooked.

How to become a professional communicator

  • Self-improvement and self-analysis are suitable for those people who have an analytical mind. Keeping a self-observation diary will help here, in which you need to describe certain situations at work and draw conclusions from them. It is very useful to hone your oratory skills in front of a mirror or film it. You must know exactly what poses, facial expressions and phrases evoke positive or negative emotions in your interlocutor.
  • The more literature you read on the psychology of communication at work, the better. Often such knowledge is deposited in the subconscious, so you can begin to use it in practice without realizing that you just recently read about it in a book.
  • Problems of communication in psychology are better solved during play and in the process of modeling situations. This also applies to such a serious science as the psychology of professional communication. If you enroll in acting courses at the St. Petersburg School of Television, you will gain invaluable experience that will help you become a successful communicator in any field, including professional ones. In these classes you will find many exercises that are aimed at helping you reveal your creative abilities, get rid of unnecessary complexes, and learn to control your body and facial expressions, regardless of the situation.

In any case, it is worth remembering that you can become a professional communicator only when you learn to apply your knowledge in practice. To do this, you may need to combine all the proposed options. But the game is worth the candle, and the results obtained will exceed all your expectations.

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