Books on psychology that a woman should read (TOP 10)

Books about the psychology of women are a way of self-knowledge and self-filtration, containing a unique technique for upgrading one’s own personality using the example of both scientific and artistic texts. Often, simple everyday happiness in the stability of a romantic relationship, successful career growth or the opportunity to travel remains beyond reality for many representatives of the fair sex.

The reason for such a sad state of affairs is not always justified objectively: the lack of material savings or proper education turns out to be just the tip of a huge iceberg on the path to gaining self-confidence to achieve a specific and desired goal. The dictatorial conditions of the modern world have a negative impact on women’s self-awareness, promoting their rules of “ideal life”.

Among the most toxic attitudes, the points about “the unfulfillment of a woman without a husband” or “the limitations of a woman’s essence without its embodiment through family life” stand out. 10 excellent books about female psychology presented in our rating will help you overcome the rigid and unfair frameworks built and imposed by society, in the name of a sense of satisfaction with your “I” and life in general.

Women's time

St. Petersburg writer Elena Chizhova is the author of five wonderful books on the topic of female psychology. The image of the city on the Neva runs like a thin red thread through all her work, as a symbol-identifier of the heroes of the works, reflecting their feelings and character. In the novel “The Time of Women,” Chizhova ironically “retells” in a modern way the story of the heroine of the famous Soviet film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

A modest, quiet girl named Antonina is seduced by a local rake from the “hipsters”. Naive Tonya succumbs to the temptation of Casanova and soon becomes pregnant by him, but entrusting her child to the St. Petersburg midwives at the insistence of the guy, she herself leaves this world some time after the birth of the baby. The fate of a simple village girl who dreams of finding love in the romantic northern capital turns out to be tragically predetermined. Her whole life is a gray autumn Leningrad sky, through the gloomy clouds of which a rare but confident ray of hope broke through for a grain of remnants of summer in the person of her daughter Suzanne.

In the plot of this story there is no pathos in the famously twisted eloquent plot, only a gentle struggle for the right to a calm and joyful life in a disgusting sexist world. This is a story about a great female inner strength, motivated by the desire only to leave happy offspring in this world, who will be freed from the shackles of the terrible “beggarly” folk experience, drowned in the abyss of the mossy Soviet worldview.

When you need to be freer

We are limited by fears, anxiety, self-doubt and other people's influence - all this can be overcome. Below are books that tell you how.


Anxiety Therapy: How to Manage Fears, Anxieties, and Panic Attacks Without Drugs

607 rub. 690 rub.

David Burns

0 pcs.

Anxiety Therapy: How to Manage Fears, Anxieties, and Panic Attacks Without Drugs

  • Soft cover 690 rub. 607 rub.

Deal with Anxiety: A Workbook from a Clinical Psychologist

640 rub.0 rub.

Risa Williams

0 pcs.

Deal with Anxiety: A Workbook from a Clinical Psychologist

  • Cover with flaps 640 rub.


The subtle art of not giving a damn: A paradoxical way to live happily

552 rub. 690 rub.

Mark Manson

0 pcs.

The subtle art of not giving a damn: A paradoxical way to live happily

  • Hardcover 690 rub. 552 rub.
  • Soft cover 540 rub.

The Age of Anxiety: Fears, Hopes, Neuroses, and the Search for Peace of Mind

790 rub.0 rub.

Scott Stossel

0 pcs.

The Age of Anxiety: Fears, Hopes, Neuroses, and the Search for Peace of Mind

  • Hardcover 790 rub.

I'm manipulating you: Methods for countering hidden influence

790 rub.0 rub.

Nikita Nepryakhin

0 pcs.

I'm manipulating you: Methods for countering hidden influence

  • Soft cover 790 rub.
  • Paperback (new edition) No

Circle of feminine power. Elemental energies and the secrets of seduction

“Circle of feminine power. Elemental energies and the secrets of seduction" - the amazing book world of Larisa Renard, where the significance of the power of natural elements and energy flow are equated to the power of monetary currency, a world in which human relationships are not built according to animal instincts, but are motivated primarily by psychology.

It is difficult to attribute “The Circle of Female Power...” to any literary genre - whether an advanced novel or a home manual - the creation of Larisa Renard teaches beautiful ladies how to discover the deeply hidden secret charms bestowed by nature itself. It is not surprising that the main symbol of this “artistic aid” is the ancient goddess of love Aphrodite.

The author persistently promotes in his work the entertaining theory that a woman should rely on a number of specific rules of behavior at different stages of a relationship with a man. The basis of the self-proclaimed set of these instructions is the principle of “taking energy from the surrounding world and the law of its conservation.”

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The practice itself is a set of technically simple exercises that promise to change your attitude towards your person, increase self-esteem and change your previous way of thinking. Skeptical but thirsty readers should approach this book from a humorous point of view. A light and optimistic attitude will make it easier to perceive Renard’s sometimes vulgar advice on seducing men. After all, only by clearing your head of stagnant prejudices does it become possible to comprehend new facets of your own mind, which can now open up new and bright horizons.

No. 19. "Secrets of an Easy Life" - James Mangan

General meaning: How to live without problems and instantly achieve what you want

In the book “Secrets of an Easy Life,” as you might guess, the system of an easy life will be described. Author James Mangan staged a real revolution in the 20th century when, with the help of the word “together,” he prevented many diseases, disputes, wars, and improved the relationships of everyone around him.

He dedicated his book to certain “password words” that can change a person’s life and make it easier. With the help of one single word, a person can find new friends, get what he wants, attract wealth and much more.


“An easy life is achievable if you focus completely on yourself to achieve personal happiness.”

for 34r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 377 rubles

Confession of a former lover. From wrong love to real love

Life is generous with unexpected surprises for which a person is not prepared: in a situation of complicated circumstances, one inevitably has to make difficult and strong-willed decisions, or always try on the role of a sufferer. Nika Nabokova’s work “Confession of a Former Lover. From Wrong Love” demonstrates the consequences of choosing a courageous position to go to the end at all costs, and even when the whole world turns its back on you.

In a simple and accessible style of presentation, the author talks about ways to find the inner strength necessary to “cure” the state of depression after failures. Based on personal experience, Nabokova invites readers to familiarize themselves with a number of psychological tips and recommendations that promise to help them understand everything that is happening and “reassemble themselves” from a thousand small fragments into a self-sufficient and independent person.

No. 18. "What Do You Really Want" - Beverly Batchell

The Big Picture: A Guide to Goal Setting for Teens

Setting goals is not the most interesting and exciting activity, but it is very important. Setting a goal means answering the main question in life: “What do you really want?”

In the book “What Do You Really Want?” The author explains in simple words:

  • What are goals?
  • How to understand what you want?
  • How to clearly formulate goals?
  • How to go and achieve them?

With the help of various questionnaires, questionnaires, motivational stories, tips and ideas, you can set your first goal in life.


“As long as you have passion, drive, energy and support, you can do anything.”

for 399r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 814 rubles

A woman starts with her body

Mila Tumanova, in her work “A Woman Begins with the Body,” made a successful attempt to “dig deep” into the depths of the human “biological shell,” uprooting many hidden internal psychological aspects, the existence of which many women had never even suspected.

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The author's main appeal is the need to love your own body. Tumanova does not advocate diets or intense physical activity, but strongly recommends that readers seriously and diligently study their body, which needs constant care and respect.

The book is replete with a huge number of useful conclusions about how parental upbringing directly influences the formation of self-esteem, and unfortunately, according to the experience of the vast majority, the result of overprotection or, on the contrary, detached behavior of parents in adolescence ultimately results in a set of unreasonable complexes for the child.

Tumanova strongly suggests dealing with problems stemming from childhood through interesting and unusual techniques based on grounding practices, breathing techniques, building “healthy contacts” with food, following regular skincare procedures and many other useful ideas on how to find harmony in “ communication" with your body.

No. 7. “One habit a week” - Brett Blumenthal

General meaning: Description of one habit per week

Many people, especially women, have been trying for many years to cope with their bad habits and develop new useful ones, which include:

  • Jogging in the morning;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • A glass of water in the morning;
  • Get up on an alarm clock, etc.

But they don’t succeed and they give up. Their problem is the wrong approach to habits.

In the book “One Habit a Week,” Brett Blumenthal offers exactly the right and original method for developing new and useful habits.

The main idea is to form one new habit every week that will change your life for the better. The author also explains the benefits of this habit, methods of cultivation and methods of constant use.


“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

for 339r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 1183 rubles

You are your own psychologist. Let go of the past, love the present, create what you want

Edena Druma in her book “You are your own psychologist. Let go of the past, love the present, create what you want” also touches on the problem of childhood traumas, which may not be directly recognized by a person in adulthood, but will certainly leave their negative imprint in all areas of his interaction with the outside world.

In his work, Druma addresses the topic of the past in an incredibly detailed way, pointing out the need to understand the problems lurking in the subcortex of consciousness that grew up in infancy. The writer’s work contains three sections: the past – about pseudo-attitudes imposed at an early age, the present – ​​about the importance of building personal boundaries, and the future – about finding motivation and competently defining goals.

The primary goal of the book is to teach readers to analyze past experiences, as a result of which a person will be able to see his true self, acquaintance with which will become the starting point for personal transformation and the successful formation of social relationships.

No. 15. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” - Dale Carnegie

The Big Picture: Current Truths on Communicating Effectively with People

The book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is truly a bestseller among self-development books. The most important thing is that over the 75 years of its existence it has not lost its relevance. The advice expressed on the pages can still be applied in communicating with people of our time.

For those who are not familiar, the book contains many simple and effective practices that will make communication with others successful, competent and interesting.


“I did something bad once and I’ve been hearing about it ever since. Another time I did well twice, but didn’t hear a word about it.”

for 252r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 293 rubles

In bed with your husband. Notes from a lover. A must read for wives!

“In bed with your husband. Notes from a lover. A must read for wives!” - another deep psychological work by Nika Nabokova about adultery, the reasons for adultery breaking up families and future prospects that caused a serious crack in marriage.

This time, the writer urges readers, first of all, not to brand the “third participant” in the current circumstances with the title of “homewrecker” and “destroyer of families.” The first step in such a difficult situation, according to the author, is to start with self-analysis. The stumbling block in building and developing a truly prosperous unit of society often turns out to be unspoken dissatisfaction with the husband or wife, based on everyday, emotional or sexual grounds.

The simplest way to resolve this problem is always a calm conversation without feigned claims and, especially, dialogue in a raised voice. Nabokova’s work will help many women open their eyes wide to the most obvious aspects of their relationship with their chosen one, the awareness of which will help them get out of even the most seemingly hopeless situation.

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It becomes possible to survive any “sore” and insult by thoroughly turning over your own insides, where old wounds can still “bleed”, directly affecting the current state of a person. Nabokova’s sensual and “passionate” book will allow readers to put themselves in the shoes of each of the representatives of the love triangle and understand the phenomenon of adultery from a completely different side.

The purpose of psychological literature

If the reader has not read books on psychology before, then even the basic concepts will be new to him. Such literature lays the basic foundations for the functioning of the human mind and subconscious.

Thanks to psychological works, it becomes possible to streamline the flow of thoughts and come to a clear understanding of grace. After reading such books, a person tries to become aware of himself, analyze his actions, and find out the root causes of behavior.

In the absence of knowledge in the field of psychology, in an unusual situation, a person will act at random. And a prepared reader will act more rationally - solve the problem in the best way.

Charming girl

“Charming Girl” by Hallen Andlelin is a universal work on female psychology for both sexes. The main objective of the book is to give practical guidance on the topic of correct expression of emotions of gratitude and respect for a husband to women with a clearly defined “dominant” position, effective ways to develop the skill of listening to the chosen one and advice on directing their “testosterone” energy in the right direction.

The fundamental questions of the entire book are posed from ancient times, the doubts that have weighed heavily on strong women: “What is good and what is bad” within the framework of family relationships. The author proposes to take a closer look at the statements about how women’s desire to climb the career ladder acts as a stumbling block in the formation of a happy family, and how important it is for a man to be feminine in the name of maintaining long-term sexual interest.

Christine Newman "What I Did While You Were Having Babies"

“What I Did While You Were Having Babies” is a bold and honest adventure story from the writer of the cult comedy series “How I Met Your Mother.” Written with humor and self-irony, this book is the answer to the question that every woman asks. Christine Newman is a girl who will not leave anyone indifferent. You can reproach her, you can envy her, feel sorry for her, worry about her - any reaction will be correct. She invites you into a life full of the wind of ocean freedom, real feelings and men, bright emotions, colorful countries and self-discovery. Read and decide which path is yours!

Psychology of women

The book “The Psychology of Women” by Karen Horney is an interesting collection of reflections in the form of essays and articles on the topic of men’s fear of strong women. And let modern readers not be embarrassed by the “dusty” nature of the work in relation to time, because the problem of the transformation of patriarchy into outright chauvinism is more relevant today than ever.

Horney interprets the need for male dominance in terms of compensation for the complex of inability to bear a child on his own, focusing on Freudian concepts of the relationship between son and mother and the unhealthy manifestation of interest of the “stronger” sex in their own “physiological dignity.”

It becomes amusingly paradoxical that “Women’s Psychology” turns out to be useful literature for men, perhaps even more so than for a female audience. The first pages of the book will most likely plunge readers into outright shock from the bold and unceremonious truth of life, but by the middle of the story, caustic and sharp remarks begin to line up in a logical chain of cause-and-effect relationships.

Books to increase self-esteem

Among the many literary works, several publications that are valuable specifically for women stand out, helping to increase self-esteem and create a new view of the world. These bestsellers are in great demand. After reading such a book, the reader will receive unforgettable impressions and emotions:

  1. “Forest Gump” by W. Groom, on which the famous film of the same name was based. Describes that even a stupid person can achieve a lot if he has a kind soul and loves the world around him.
  2. “The Seagull Called Jonathan Livingston” by R. Bach. Thanks to the work, the reader will believe in his strengths and capabilities. The unusual format of the book helps to rethink the meaning of life: it describes the life of a bird that wanted to be different from others.
  3. S. King "The Shawshank Redemption" is the best publication for those who have lost hope and lost faith. The main thing is to be yourself and not contradict your beliefs.

Books of this kind also include “Fear and Trembling” by A. Nothomb, “The Alchemist” by P. Coelho.

Elixir of love

The title of Larisa Renard’s book “Elixir of Love” in itself already sounds somehow festive, straight from the cover setting up readers in an optimistic mood. Indeed, a serious psychological work, written in the style of a ladies' novel, is in a sense a comforting read for ladies desperate for love.

Women of the modern world will find it useful to get acquainted with the “Elixir of Love,” since the burdens of everyday worries have long made them forget about their “inner goddess.” The author reminds readers that Happiness does not fall from the sky, but requires tireless and diligent work, first of all, on oneself. You can only get something from above through your own sacrifices and training, but even then everything is subject to the will of fate.

Renard suggests taming luck into your own hands by following special practices reminiscent of yoga programs. Trying strange and interesting rituals on yourself will be worth the time spent, but just time, because success loves only those who are patient and persistent in pursuit of their dreams.

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French women of all ages are admired by everyone for their legendary style of presenting themselves. They do it so casually that even the simplest clothes look chic. They look natural and know how to not create the impression that they spent a long time choosing an outfit. It also never feels like they put a lot of effort into their makeup and hair, even if that's true—especially in this case. Tirelessly improving their appearance, they do not forget to work on their inner content. Appearance, although an important component of their personality, is far from the most important thing. A lively mind, a charming nature, education and intelligence - these are their real trump cards. Add sophisticated elegance to this incredible cocktail and you will get a completely irresistible, bewitching feminine charm. Remaining subtly intriguing throughout life is a real art, but any woman can master it, from the pages of this book you will learn how.

Erich Maria Remarque "Life on Borrow"

The book of the famous writer Erich Maria Remarque “Life on Borrow” is written in an unusual style for him: there is almost no political subtext, the plot is focused on human psychology.

In the mountains of Switzerland there is a sanatorium where Lilian, a young and beautiful girl, spends her last days. She is sick with tuberculosis, but appreciates every day she has left. She would like to see the whole world, because it is so beautiful! Lilian does not understand how you can risk your life, take it for granted, because it could end at any moment. Realizing that there is very little left, she decides to make the most of the remaining time and leaves the sanatorium.

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