Pride and Arrogance: Definition and Methods of Removal

Signs of pride and arrogance


The proud man is a prisoner of far-fetched principles:

  • I am the best;
  • do not admit your mistakes;
  • to be a leader;
  • ignore the opinions of others;
  • remember other people's mistakes;
  • taking help for granted;
  • criticize other people unreasonably;
  • put your interests above all else;
  • to assert oneself at the expense of others.

People who have this unpleasant behavioral quality are loners. They are unable to find friends because they are not capable of making friends. Sacrificing oneself for someone is a quality that is completely alien to an arrogant person.

First you need to understand - do you have these qualities?

The presence of vanity and pride is manifested by the following signs:

  • self-concentration and self-admiration. "I" and "Mine". Such a person divides the world into two unequal halves - “He” and everyone else. Moreover, other people are something insignificant;
  • contempt of others . A proud person remembers others in pursuit of profit. He pleases his ego that there are weaklings and fools around, against whom he feels superior;
  • confidence in one's rightness. A proud person perceives any situation with prejudice. He is sure that only his opinion is correct. Does not want to listen to other people's arguments;
  • constant condemnation of people . A proud person concentrates on the negative qualities of other people, criticizing everyone for their appearance, behavior, and mistakes. Moreover, he puts himself in the best light, claiming that he himself is not like that;
  • imposing your advice. An arrogant person is accustomed to giving recommendations and directions, even if people do not need them. “You’re doing it wrong! Why are you stupid? - a proud man mocks a person;
  • inability to admit one's mistakes . The proud person transfers all the blame for his mistake to others, circumstances, etc. He does not admit that he himself is the culprit of the mistakes;
  • inability to lose . A person with arrogance reacts painfully to the fact that someone is better than him. For this reason, he looks for shortcomings in rivals and competitors;
  • commanding tone . An arrogant person does not know how to restrain negative emotions. He is selfish and extremely hot-tempered, shouts, orders, demands, communicating with others. He is capable of subtly humiliating a person in the presence of others;
  • violent reaction to criticism. An arrogant person does not want to hear other people's opinions. He gets very irritated at the slightest remark that is addressed to him;
  • boasting and arrogance . Struck by exorbitant pride, a person is accustomed to boasting about his achievements. He is confident that he lives and does the right thing.

Note! A vain man walks with his head raised. His facial expressions demonstrate disdain for society.

As a result, the vain person is left alone, as he causes hostility and bewilderment among those around him. No one wants to communicate with him and listen to endless complaints. Pride and arrogance destroy even the warmest relationships.

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Reasons for Arrogant Behavior

What is pride formed from and how does it manifest itself? Its roots lie in the historical past, when the people obeyed the will of emperors and kings. The throne, a symbol of power, stands on a pedestal, which emphasizes the difference in status between the ruler and ordinary people. Today, an arrogant person is not a royal person, but simply a proud person with high self-esteem who is used to demonstrating his advantages.

Pride is an acquired quality of character. Old people and children are especially susceptible to it. The reasons for the appearance of this character flaw are various. Let's describe them in more detail.

Luck . A proud person may be born into a wealthy and famous family or suddenly become rich. Financial independence and a high position in society can cause a person to have a contemptuous attitude towards less “successful” acquaintances. This also applies to beautiful individuals.

Poverty, plain appearance. Surprisingly, lack of money and physical imperfection can also give rise to pride. Such a person compensates for his “failure” by humiliating others. He causes squabbles and quarrels, gaining fame as a “toxic” person whom no one likes.

Knowledge of some “higher” wisdom . Among scientists you can meet vain individuals who consider themselves the center of the Universe. This arrogance stems from an exaggerated self-esteem regarding acquired “higher” knowledge. This type of person loves to teach others, treating them with condescension, like children who do not understand anything.

Glory . Fame is fertile ground for vanity, which is why the behavior of most “stars” comes as a shock to ordinary people. The stage, the spotlight, the crowds of fans rapidly develop a painful conceit in a public person.

Flattery . Public and political figures are accustomed to being catered to. They are confident that they deserve the honors given. But they don’t see that they are simply being used for personal gain.

The most common cause of arrogance is considered to be improper upbringing . This happens when parents instill in their child a sense of superiority over others and a disdainful attitude towards others. Adults think that such behavior will accustom him to the post of chief. In fact, they all form the child of a tyrant.

The child is not criticized or punished for mistakes. He considers himself special, a celestial being who has no flaws. Responsibility for the committed negative act is transferred to others.

Every child needs praise, without the harmful suggestion that he is better than others. Otherwise, as he grows up, he will stumble upon a wall of misunderstanding. The environment will not tolerate his consumer nature. It is difficult for such a person to live in society.

So, there are many reasons due to which arrogance can develop. Pride is inherent in both powerful and high-ranking people and the poor and disadvantaged. But the conceit of an arrogant person is usually unjustified.

Mask of Powerlessness

But the child does not reach the bar set by his parents, then he blames himself, considers himself mediocre, and incorrect self-esteem comes to his mind, because his parents are unhappy with him.

When a child grows up, that’s when the fear appears that he will never be able to be as good as many people around him, that they cannot like him, and therefore success, happiness and love will never come to him. He begins to openly declare that he is a loser. A deep internal conflict is brewing and a chain of complexes is formed that hide under a mask that means “don’t pay any attention to me” and “don’t expect anything special from me.” He is not used to praise and does not accept it because he does not believe in himself.

Arrogance Problems

The problem of arrogance is a societal one. The main flaw of pride is that an arrogant person has no respect for other people. Dislike comes back like a boomerang. Such an individual finds it difficult to establish a serious relationship with a person of the opposite sex, enter into communication with co-workers at work, and make new connections.

Vain people find it difficult to advance their careers due to an inadequate response to management's claims and attempts to increase their authority at the expense of their colleagues. As a result, the team with such “personnel” comes into conflict. Pathologically proud people have an arrogant disposition, but they do not want to improve their character. Arrogant individuals make the lives of others difficult with their obnoxious behavior.

Arrogance: what is behind it?

Observation practice

There is a very good practice of observation, which helps to get rid of probably almost all negative qualities. As soon as we discover signs of pride in ourselves, we begin to observe this feeling as if from the outside. As soon as you enter the state of an outside observer of your emotions and sensations, in this case, the observation of pride, you will see how this quality begins to be “illuminated” by your attention and you begin to become more aware of it.

At the same time, enter into a feeling of humility and repentance for the fact that this feeling has manifested itself in you. After this, you will notice that you begin to get rid of pride.

Getting rid of pride is not as easy as it might seem. This is one of the most cunning and insidious enemies on the path of soul development. Be careful to recognize this feeling. If your attention is directed to eradicating pride, then you will begin to notice it where you had not noticed it before, and this will begin to take you to a new level of development. Warmth to you!

Author of the article, Lyubomir Borisov

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How to overcome pride

Psychologists recognize arrogance as a personality-destroying vice. For this reason, you should seriously think about how to eradicate this quality of character that distorts your worldview.

You can rehabilitate your personality using the following methods:

  1. Admit there is a problem . Take a sober look at your own behavior. Such a step will direct you on the path to correctly building your “I”.
  2. Analyze personal qualities. Write down positive and negative character traits. This is where you have to be honest to see the flaws.
  3. Don't forget about other people's feelings . There is no need to show moral violence to others, imposing your point of view through insults and humiliation. The culture of communication is formed by tact and tolerance.
  4. Keep a personal diary. Write down in it the negative results of the manifestation of vanity and successful steps to eliminate it.
  5. Be humble. Amenable behavior keeps the problem under control. A humble person does not complicate matters, which allows him to work hard to correct mistakes.
  6. Don't judge others. It is advisable to understand that others have their own opinions. They are not required to meet someone else’s far-fetched standards and criteria.
  7. Take care of others. Selfless focus on other people's problems, the desire to help people is a win-win way to combat your own arrogance. It helps you find reliable friends.
  8. React calmly to criticism. Recommendations from loved ones often provide irreplaceable support and valuable assistance. You should learn to accept them calmly, without unnecessary offense.
  9. Dirty job. A person who imagines himself to be a celestial being will not do “dirty” work. To eradicate arrogance in yourself, it is recommended to engage in just such work. You can work as a cleaner for a month.
  10. Refuse to communicate with flatterers. Fawning and ingratiation can cause arrogance even in a modest person. Communication with flatterers harms a person. Stay away from an insincere friend.

So, proud people do not experience true happiness because they are not able to truly rejoice. To free yourself from the strong network of arrogance, it is important to have desire. Regardless of what the true causes of pride are, fighting it requires enormous and daily effort.

Methods of disposal

Returning to a normal perception of the world is the only way to avoid a lonely death, and only working on yourself can help.

Recognize the problem

No matter how trivial and simple it may sound, awareness of the problem is the first step towards a solution. A person who realizes that he is subject to pride will find in himself the ability to pacify it.

He will begin to pull himself together, control his own thoughts, and finally fight. Thus, the solution to the question will come by itself, because all the answers are within us.

View the horizons

A person who has achieved success has the right to be worthy of himself, but not to humiliate others. Look around, do all successful people really consider others to be complete dirt, then you too will be a nonentity for him. Think about this more often.

Connect with more successful people in other fields

Another method of dealing with pride can be considered communication with people who are more successful and developed. Look for those, strive for those and get to know them. Moreover, be interested in business issues, life and everyday issues. Find someone who will be an example for you.

You will say that you are already good enough to take an example from another person. So answer the question: why don’t you have world fame, haven’t invented anything, or haven’t given birth to children?

Constantly change your hobbies

When considering what a hobby is, we imagine an activity that we like and enjoy doing. Over time, having “eaten the dog” in a hobby or other type of activity, pride increases, they say: “Here is how much I can do!” The task of a person, being successful in one area, is to constantly be at the bottom of another.

Let it be cross stitch, pottery, figure skating.

As soon as you have learned to do something thoroughly, immediately change your occupation. This is useful for all-round development, and this way you will always remind yourself that there is still something to learn.

Work with your own shortcomings

That's right, don't win, but work with them. Weaknesses are part of individuality and distinguish one person from another, so working with them is a normal practice that allows those who soared to heaven to descend to earth.

The work is as follows: you write your shortcomings on a piece of paper, and then regularly consider them, thinking about whether a person with such a set can be ideal and whether there is something to strive for.

Criticize yourself

When pride has saddled a person, then it is worth fighting it with the help of criticism addressed to oneself, from oneself. Criticize yourself mentally, on paper, on a tape recorder, whatever you like, but criticism should accompany you everywhere.

Try to keep it healthy and objective.

Ask a loved one for criticism

A person with signs of pride has a weakly expressed ability for self-criticism, and therefore it will be much more effective and objective to ask the opinion of another person. This could be a husband, girlfriend, sister. Any person you trust. Ask him to name three of your negative qualities, and then grit your teeth and don’t even think about proving him wrong.

Sleep with this thought for a day, two, think about what you were told. These are your shortcomings! Work on them.

Reading an article about pride already indicates that you have the ability to recognize and understand problems, which means you can get rid of them in no time, because a reasonable approach and willingness to work on oneself moves a person from one stage of development to another.

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