What is pride and pride, what is the difference between them

What is pride?

If we take the healthy psyche of a healthy person, with normal self-esteem, then it will be normal for a person to be proud of himself, his achievements, or, conversely, the achievements of an object that he likes. Why object? Because you can be proud not only of people, but you can also be proud of your fatherland, homeland, city, region, etc.

In my opinion, and it may differ from others, the concept of pride has a positive connotation, since pride implies sympathy for the object of pride, but at the same time acceptance of its shortcomings. For example, a father is proud of his son for winning the school football championship in one of the districts of Moscow. \

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But the father understands that his son is no match for famous players, but in any case he is proud of his son’s achievements and will do a lot to ensure that his son continues to develop in sports. And at the same time, the son understands that his father is proud of him and absorbs such love like a sponge. Usually such children grow up successful; he does not need to prove to his father that he is proud of him. This gestalt is already closed for him.

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I will also add that if a child understands that they are not proud of him for his achievements, he will constantly look for situations and prove that they would be proud of him. And situations can be both positive and negative. But in any case, if a person is looking for reasons in everything to be proud of him, then he already has a problem with self-esteem, he was underestimated by his parents/environment/opposite sex.

If a child did not feel proud from his parents, it will most likely develop into low self-esteem, resentment and revenge, as well as pride, which I will describe below. This has already gone to the negative side of the coin.

Is there a difference

To determine how the concepts differ, you need to know the semantic meaning of each word:

  1. Pride is a feeling that arises in response to awareness of one’s own merits and self-respect. In addition, she appears for another person who, through his actions and deeds, deserves respect, admiration, and recognition.
  2. Pride is a feeling that is formed as a result of inflated self-esteem and inadequate self-acceptance. Closely related to pride, selfishness, egocentrism, and excessive arrogance. Pride arises only in relation to oneself. A person is not able to appreciate the merits of other people.

These concepts differ from each other in the degree of egoism. A proud person notices and highlights his own merits without hurting the feelings of other people, while a proud person does not see anyone worthy around him. From a psychological point of view, pride helps people improve, achieve goals, and set new ones. Pride interferes with this process, because it does not allow one to adequately perceive oneself, problems and the current situation, and leads to personality degradation. A proud person rises above others, without any underlying reason. Main differences:

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Arises for oneself, other peopleApplies only to those who have
Consists of adequate perceptionSignals high self-esteem, incorrect perception of yourself and others
Has a positive connotationHas a negative color
Feeling of dignityArrogance
Helps you improve, realize yourself, and achieve your goalsInterferes with achieving what you want, even when the goal is extremely clear

Knowing what the difference between the concepts is, you can determine where these qualities come from in a person.

Pride is the main sign of low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem affects success, achieving goals, and happy relationships. The lower your self-esteem, the higher the chance of not being fulfilled and “fucking up” your life.

The longer you do not solve problems with self-esteem, the deeper the problem will go and it will be more difficult to get rid of, and this is fraught with stress, depression and illness.

The simplest and most effective solution is to raise self-esteem, find the root of the problem, which lies in childhood, and close the gestalt. And then self-esteem will rise.

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