Think positive: 4 ways to improve your mental state H&F has chosen four techniques that will not replace a specialist, but will help to significantly improve your psychological health.

Wise thoughts

It's hard to talk about what's going on in our heads. But it’s even more difficult when you need to talk about it in a way that everyone can understand. Philosophical and wise statuses about the state of the soul, but at the same time simple and understandable.

  1. Let's create some quiet. We have forgotten how it sounds, we love our speeches too much.
  2. Sometimes it's hard to find words when you really have something to say.
  3. You must be able to remain silent about everything that matters only to you alone.
  4. When we begin to appreciate what we already have, and not live in search of ideals, then we will truly become happy.
  5. An awakened thought always awakens another one.
  6. Life is short. Live for fun…
  7. Fear disappears when you start doing what you are afraid to do instead of thinking about it.
  8. The years are flying by... And I’m running... And damn they will catch up with me!
  9. There is a choice, but sometimes it is very difficult.
  10. It’s me... Yes, I have changed. And probably forever...
  11. I wish I could go back to the time when life seemed so easy.
  12. Tears are not a sign of weakness. This is a sign that a person has a soul!
  13. The key to my happiness will be your happiness.
  14. We so often see only the past and the future that we stop seeing the present.
  15. Today I can’t only work, I can’t even do crap...
  16. A person is either from childhood or never.
  17. I thought about my behavior... Am I allowing myself too much?
  18. Let's be honest: without a beautiful appearance, no one will want to know what kind of soul you have.
  19. Keep it simple and life will become even more boring.
  20. My demons appear only after they have wiped their feet on my angels.
  21. And even what cannot be, may one day be!
  22. How difficult it is to be human!
  23. Everything can be explained, but not everyone will understand.
  24. Whether it’s Monday or Friday, it doesn’t matter now.
  25. People do not live with what they have, they live among what they do not have. That is why their life is empty and never full.
  26. My theory is that everyone is crazy. And those who consider themselves normal simply do not have the courage to admit it.
  27. The most pleasant thing in life is doing what you are forbidden to do.


Do you know how to account for your impulses? Inner observation will not help you fully understand the state of your inner world if you do not analyze the results of the feelings you receive. A person should know his likes and dislikes well. A person must be aware of what she likes and what annoys her. Such awareness helps a person to know himself better and to be restrained always and everywhere. Coolness is a good trait that is sometimes confused with arrogance. In order not to become a doll that is devoid of emotions, a person must let them pass in doses so that they are expressed externally. Self-analysis allows a person not to be an open book in which all thoughts can be read by the external expression of feelings and emotions.

The advantage of the method of self-analysis is that a person independently understands his soul. But no specialist knows your inner essence better than you yourself.

And the sun is shining and the birds are singing

Good mood? Hurry up to share it with others. Perhaps this will make someone’s day a little brighter, and maybe even help someone rethink something! Statuses about a wonderful state of mind and good mood.

  1. Catch a good mood on the hook and don’t let it go anywhere.
  2. From small joys you can put together quite decent happiness!
  3. To whom the soul lies, the legs go to... and the hands reach out!
  4. Why expect a miracle from life? Marvel for yourself!
  5. You need to write a book about me, it will be called “50 shades of mood in one minute”!
  6. I'm following my dream... I'm going to bed.
  7. Yes, I remember how old I am! This is the age to dream, love and enjoy life!
  8. Today I wanted to buy myself a diamond ring. I counted the money. I bought a pie. With cabbage!
  9. Night is a pause. A time when you can think about everything while everyone is sleeping.
  10. Sometimes stupid things become decisive moments in our lives.
  11. Friday, still reluctant... No love, no pity, no tea. Don't be afraid of me today, work. I won't touch you, I promise!
  12. The bastards crawl into your soul, they crawl into your soul cleverly. I'll save a rifle for this case!
  13. There is still no answer from spring... Well, to hell with it! Where are you, summer?
  14. Yes. I made a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.
  15. Not telling others about your problems is the easiest way to avoid making them worse.
  16. Talented people are like flowers that become more beautiful the longer they grow. But they always try to rip them off young... by other, envious people. For such people, their own beauty is not enough; they also want someone else’s.
  17. Meeting a soul mate is a true miracle. Meet someone with whom you can be yourself, and not pretend. To be with someone who makes your blood hot... what a pity that this happens very rarely.
  18. I'll be bright like the sun. Delicate as petals. Unpredictable, like the weather. And happy! I have to... be like this.
  19. I have a split personality! One wants to lose weight, the other wants to eat!

Coping problem

Coping behavior
This is a set of measures aimed at helping the subject cope with difficult life situations, as well as reduce their negative impact on the body.

The chosen coping strategies depend on the situation and personality characteristics, including self-esteem, level of anxiety, and social experience. Strategies such as planning to solve a problem, confrontational coping, taking responsibility, self-control, avoiding the problem, and distancing are often used.

There are two types of coping behavior:

  1. Problem-oriented. A person looks for auxiliary information to solve a problem, turns to others for help, and analyzes what happened in every possible way.
  2. Subjectively oriented. A person involves others in his problem and immerses himself in it. May be accompanied by self-accusation and self-aggression.

The duration of a particular condition that is not typical for the subject may indicate pathology. Often people tend to experience a mixture of states, for example, anxious joy with a feeling of fear.

Everything is bad

But it also happens that cats scratch at your soul. Everything is sliding into the abyss, but there is nothing to grab onto. The day was not a success, love has passed, and there is complete loneliness around. Statuses are about a state of mind when someone’s support would be nice. Share your pain.

  1. Yes, time heals, it just hurts... and without anesthesia.
  2. Be patient. Another day, week, month. It should pass. Everything passes.
  3. There is pain for which you cannot apologize...
  4. There are just moments when you want to turn on music in your headphones and be alone...
  5. Sometimes the only way to appreciate what you have is to see what it's like without it.
  6. Sometimes we open our souls to the wrong things!
  7. It is always easy to understand other people's problems. It’s difficult to clear away the rubble in your...
  8. If memories faded as quickly as people, life would be easier.
  9. Death is not scary. It's sad, but not scary. Death is peace and ease. Life is much scarier...
  10. I would like to tell someone how I feel, but they won’t understand.
  11. Sometimes you just want to tell some people: “Thank you for everything.” And leave their lives. Forever.
  12. I've been alone for too long. I am an angel of loneliness who can fly away, but no one will even notice.
  13. Loneliness is not a status on social networks... it is a special state of mind.
  14. My heart is empty inside. It was as if there had never been life in it. It's like I was always alone...
  15. A mug of hot coffee and a rainy day. Favorite music in headphones and an inexplicable feeling of emptiness and loneliness...
  16. It’s rainy at heart, but my eyes are smiling. My heart hurts, but there is peace on my face. No one will know what it's like to love and hope... but not be with him.
  17. Money can buy almost everything - except the warmth of the human heart...
  18. You try to understand, but nothing comes out. You try to run, but you can't see the road. You try to sleep, but the visions don't come. And the soul disappears, you become a shadow...


Are you thinking about how to find out the inner state of the soul? You can take a survey. A simple questionnaire will give you something to think about. To find the answer, you need to formulate the question correctly. And not all people have the unique ability to talk to themselves. For those individuals who do not know how to do this, universal questionnaires have been developed. The reason this method is good is because each person may understand the questions differently. No explanations or clarifications are given for the questions. Each person interprets them differently and the answers of two people only partially coincide. You can assess your internal state yourself, or you can contact a specialist. Correctly interpreting the result of a survey is not so difficult, but you need to be relatively impartial. Therefore, if you do not want to go to a psychotherapist, ask one of your friends to honestly read the answers to the questions and draw a conclusion about your inner well-being.


Work with the internal state can be carried out using tests. This method of analysis is less effective than questioning. Tests do not allow freedom of creative expression. A person has the ability to only briefly answer clearly posed questions. With this form of testing, one can only superficially assess a person’s condition. It will be impossible to delve into the mental anguish that torments the individual.

Why then use such an ineffective method of analysis? Sometimes you have to check a large number of people at once. And in this case, testing can bear fruit. It will help identify individuals with weak psyches, who will then additionally have to check their internal state using other methods of analysis. For example, such tests for mental well-being are often carried out in schools or in large organizations where the work of employees involves frequent stressful situations.

Permanent Accounting Method

The specialist cannot immediately determine what the patient’s internal state is. A complete history is needed in order to better understand personality problems. A person's internal states tend to repeat themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person who is worried and panicked about a report today will be in the same state before the next report. Everyone should keep a diary of their experiences so that, if necessary, they can quickly improve their well-being. Sometimes it seems that problems in life cannot be solved. But looking through the diary, you realize that the problems of last month, which also seemed insoluble at that moment, today seem like a mere trifle.

What types of mental states are there?

All kinds of mental states are closely interconnected. And this relationship is so strong that it is very, very difficult to separate and isolate individual mental states. For example, the state of relaxation is associated with states of pleasure, sleep, fatigue, etc.

However, there are certain systems for categorizing mental states. Most often, states of intellect, states of consciousness and states of personality are distinguished. Of course, there are other classifications - they consider hypnotic, crisis and other types of states. At the same time, a lot of criteria are used to categorize conditions.

Personal crisis states

For many people, individual everyday and work conflicts result in unbearable mental trauma and acute, persistent mental pain. The individual mental vulnerability of a person depends on its moral structure, hierarchy of values, and the meaning it attaches to various life phenomena. For some people, elements of moral consciousness may be unbalanced, certain moral categories may acquire the status of super value, and moral accentuations of the personality and its “weak points” are formed. Some people are highly sensitive to infringement of their honor and dignity, injustice, dishonesty, others - to infringement of their material interests, prestige, and intra-group status. In these cases, situational conflicts can develop into deep crisis states of the individual.

An adaptive personality, as a rule, reacts to traumatic circumstances by defensively restructuring its attitudes. The subjective system of values ​​is aimed at neutralizing the traumatic effects on the psyche. In the process of such psychological defense, a radical restructuring of personal relationships occurs. Mental disorder caused by mental trauma is replaced by reorganized orderliness, and sometimes pseudo-orderliness - social alienation of the individual, withdrawal into the world of dreams, addiction to drugs. Social maladjustment of an individual can manifest itself in various forms. Let's name some of them.

The state of negativism is the prevalence of negative reactions in an individual, the loss of positive social contacts.

Situational opposition of the individual is a sharp negative assessment of individuals, their behavior and activities, aggressiveness towards them.

Social alienation (autism) is the persistent self-isolation of an individual as a result of conflictual interactions with the social environment.

Alienation of the individual from society is associated with a violation of the individual’s value orientations, rejection of group, and in some cases, general social norms. At the same time, other people and social groups are perceived by the individual as alien and hostile. Alienation manifests itself in a special emotional state of the individual - a persistent feeling of loneliness, rejection, and sometimes in embitterment, even misanthropy.

Social alienation can take the form of a stable personal anomaly: a person loses the ability for social reflection, taking into account the position of other people, his ability to empathize with the emotional states of other people is sharply weakened and even completely inhibited, and social identification is disrupted. On this basis, strategic meaning formation is disrupted: the individual ceases to care about the future.

Prolonged and difficult to bear loads, insurmountable conflicts cause a person to experience a state of depression (Latin depressio - suppression) - a negative emotional and mental state, accompanied by painful passivity. In a state of depression, an individual experiences painful feelings of depression, melancholy, despair, and detachment from life; feels the futility of existence. Personal self-esteem sharply decreases. The entire society is perceived by the individual as something hostile, opposed to him; derealization occurs when the subject loses a sense of the reality of what is happening, or depersonalization when the individual loses the opportunity and need to be ideally represented in the life of other people, does not strive for self-affirmation and manifestation of the ability to be a person. Insufficient energy supply of behavior leads to painful despair caused by unsolved problems, failure to fulfill accepted obligations, and one’s duty. The attitude of such people becomes tragic, and their behavior becomes ineffective.

So, in some mental states stable personality-characteristic states appear, but there are also situational, episodic states of a person that are not only not characteristic of her, but even contradict the general style of her behavior. The causes of such conditions can be various temporary circumstances: weakened mental self-regulation, tragic events that have captured the personality, mental breakdowns caused by metabolic disorders, emotional declines, etc.


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