8 methods that will help solve any life problems

Logical thinking helps us not only in solving complex puzzles and while performing tasks at work, but also in everyday affairs that constantly bother us.

Every day we are faced with problems, most of which are ordinary routine: choosing children's clothes, shopping at the store, meeting with a dentist or other doctor, etc.

These problems are not complex, but approaching them in the wrong way can put us under undue pressure, which can cause us to become nervous, which can be detrimental to our health. So, eight tips that will help you easily solve any life problem.

Focus on the solution, not the problem

Scientists who study the processes occurring in the brain recommend that we solve all problems from beginning to end. That is, we don’t need to dwell on the problem and think about how it could be, we need to focus on solving it directly. All this happens because the brain has difficulty finding a solution when it is focused directly on the problem itself.

In problem situations, the brain also imagines extreme situations that may arise. Thus, the correct approach to solving a problem is to recognize that there is a problem and think through all possible solutions to it.

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Example 3.

Author: Ivan Kopchenov

1. Definition of the problem . When installing our parts (sieves with 50mm*16mm cells), the client’s productivity dropped by 1.5 times. 2. Study the situation . The client checked the dimensions of the cells; the flow area turned out to be 1.5 times less than indicated on the drawing. Those. Dimensions do not correspond to drawings. 3. Finding out the reasons . Such parts were produced repeatedly (raw material X), but in this case, raw material X was replaced with raw material Y. There was no technology for cutting screens from raw material Y. The parts were not inspected before shipment. The client's drawing indicated requirements that we were not able to fulfill technologically. 4. Impact on causes . The mesh size of these sieves is critical. A drawing that suits the client has been agreed upon. A technology for cutting sieves was developed, and modes were selected that made it possible to cut raw materials with the required quality. 100% control of cells during plasma cutting by the operator was introduced. 5. Checking the results . After corrective actions, such nonconformities did not recur. More than a year has passed, orders are repeated monthly. 6. Consolidate changes . A standard for the design of drawings of a sieve of this configuration has been developed, changes have been made to the technological process, and the technology for cutting the specified nomenclature on various raw materials has been described. A rule has been introduced for mandatory approval of drawings with the client, as well as any changes to drawings and materials (raw materials), with the client’s signature. 7. Lessons learned. Any replacement of material (raw materials) must be analyzed for the consequences of the replacement (perhaps the technology needs to be adapted; before making a batch, it is necessary to make samples).

Make sure you are solving the right problem

This may seem obvious, but you need to make sure that you are truly focused on solving the problem that is bothering you. It often happens that we are looking for a solution to the wrong problem.

For example, you may feel exhausted and mistakenly assume that you need more sleep and rest, when in fact, poor health is not due to the amount of sleep, but to health problems or stress.

Slow down your pace

Problems make us feel uncomfortable, so we try to solve them as quickly as possible. However, it is important to slow down and take your time while thinking about decisions. There is no need to immediately cling to the option that just came to mind.

Once we stop thinking about a problem and then come back to it after a while, the solution becomes much clearer and more logical. When you give yourself a break, your subconscious does not forget about the problem, but slowly works on solving it, and after you make a mental effort, the correct answer will be on the surface.

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Additional materials

  1. About the DMAIC cycle: Watson G. Six Sigma methodology for leaders. M., 2006. Six Sigma. A Quick Guide to Yellow Belts.
  2. E. Ksenchuk. Nemawashi: a few words about Japanese decision-making culture. Article for Leaninfo.ru, Article for LeanZone.ru
  3. Luc De Brabander, Alan Iny. Think in other formats.
  4. Sergey Litti. A3 thinking. (You can skip the first two minutes).
  5. Peter Gelderloos. Consensus: Decision Making in a Free Society.
  6. J. Hammond et al. The right choice.
  7. Morgan Jones. Solving problems using the methods of special services. 14 powerful tools.
  8. Troubleshooting by Sergei Faer. (There he pronounces the abbreviation IKR. This is the Ideal End Result - one of the central concepts in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, TRIZ).

Don't tense up

It’s easy to get stressed when faced with a problem that has a direct impact on our lives or disrupts some plans. This pressure begins to have a negative impact on the clarity of our thoughts. The adrenaline that begins to be produced distracts you from everything and does not allow you to relax or think creatively.

Therefore, there is a need to relieve tension. Sit down, take a few breaths, go outside and take a walk.

Keep asking “why?”

To gain a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, there is a little trick. When children don’t understand something, they ask “what is it?” or “why?” So how does it work? For example, you eat unhealthy food, constantly ordering something at home because you don’t have enough time to prepare healthy home-cooked food. Close your eyes and ask yourself, “why am I running out of time?” As a result of reflection, you may come to the conclusion that you are not ready for any changes, so you unconsciously try to keep everything as it is.

Another possibility is that what if you really don't have enough time to cook because you're always busy? In this case, you have problems with time management. Think about a solution. Change your routine so that you have a couple of hours a week to prepare delicious and healthy meals.

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Life story #3

Author: Oleg Samoilov

When processing product “X” at site “Y” during the night shift, a problem arose with the breakage of the cutting tool on machine “Z”. In order to avoid long downtime, under the command of a foreman who has the skills of “Kulibin”, the service technician finalizes the equipment “on his knees” and installs a time-tested cutting tool. After innovation, the site successfully completes its shift.

In the morning, the foreman reports on the feats accomplished at night to the head of the workshop and asks him to call the technologists to make official changes to the equipment and process maps.

After producing “X”, the site processed several more types of products and after a month returned to “X”. The problem again came to the same foreman and adjuster. It turned out that no one lifted a finger to secure the decision. It’s clear that the couple of craftsmen did not have the resources or desire to “get out” again.

The downtime resulted in the disruption of the order and a directly proportional reduction in the premium. Only after this were engineering measures carried out.

A few more stories from life for this module.

Make it easy for yourself

Most of the problems that unsettle us are actually complex, or at least we think they are. For example, your problem is related to money, you can think about it from different angles: your salary is too small, or maybe you just frivolously and regularly waste it? If the problem is the first, then change your type of activity or find a second job. Once you realize that you do not have enough finances, your brain will begin to give you options: how to get a promotion, or you will start thinking about starting your own business.

Help yourself and simplify the problem, if you think it is really complex, then you will not be able to get rid of it quickly.

After you divide the problem into several components, start working on each of them separately. You will end up solving a big problem. Don't try to do everything at once; work through each component slowly.

Example 1.

Author: Andrey Khabarov

1. Problem identification: chromium chips on the working surface of piston rings 7511-1004044. 2. Study of the situation: according to the quality control department (QCC), the percentage of chip defects has increased. Due to the technical process, chips can only be examined during final inspection. Potential operations where chipping was possible were identified. 3. Identification of causes: a group has been created. A conversation was held with operators. A number of experiments were carried out. Experimental batches were launched, which were monitored by technologists, and on which 100% control was carried out in QC after each operation. The reason was identified: incorrect sequence of operations. 4. Impact on the causes: the order of operations was changed. 5. Checking the results: as written above, all batches underwent 100% control, all data was recorded in a log. Based on the results of studying the log, it was revealed that the batches that passed through the change of operations had a lower percentage of chips. Therefore, it was decided that we would work in this order of operations for a month. 6. Consolidation of changes: after a month, the percentage of defects due to chips on the working surface has decreased significantly. The technological department has changed the technological process (flow maps) for processing piston rings 7511-1004044. 7. Learning lessons: teamwork is what allows you to solve the problem more efficiently and quickly.

Learn to think ahead

If you persist in solving a certain problem, but do not use the right tools, then you are unlikely to be able to solve everything. In addition, it will leave an imprint on your inner state. Many of us want to get in shape for summer. We make a schedule and promise that we will stick to it, but many people don't. If you do not renounce your standard approach, then the extra pounds are unlikely to go anywhere. In addition, due to the fact that you could not start, you will be haunted by a constant feeling of guilt. So try to open your mind and accept new solutions to the problem.

Sometimes the exact opposite method to yours can bring excellent results. For example, you want to start working out on the sports ground, you tried it a couple of times and didn’t like it, then try your hand at the gym, hire an instructor who would explain everything to you, and then start working. And by the way, in order to get in good shape, it’s enough to engage in some sports section, so find what you like and go ahead!

Example 2.

Author: Denis Grechukhin

1. Problem identification : nicks on the bottom of the piston. 2. Study of the situation : when installing the piston on the base part of the machine, the performer touches the piston with the equipment, creating a nick. 3. Identification of causes : the edges of the equipment are metallic and sharp. 4. Impact on the causes : make a fluoroplastic ring to hide the sharp edges of the equipment. 5. Checking the results : processing the pilot batch on this equipment. The cause has been eliminated, there are no nicks. 6. Consolidation of changes : make changes to the equipment drawing, distribute to all areas. 7. Lessons learned : all contacting surfaces must be made of fluoroplastic, or have a radius at the edges of the tooling.

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