Romance with a shadow: what to do if your life has become meaningless

Technological progress in our time is obvious, but it does not allow people to cope with the feeling of the meaninglessness of their existence. Existence seems gray and empty to many, and coping with this feeling is quite difficult. A person who suffers from such a problem would do well to ask himself the question: if someone decided to write a book about his life, what would it be called? “An empty and sad life” dedicated to a monotonous existence? Or would it be a publication called “Adventures and Adventures of a Desperate Daredevil”? It is within our power to transform our life from monotonous and boring into something interesting and filled with meaning. How can this be done?

Ask yourself some helpful questions to gain clarity.

An empty life is one in which we lose the opportunities that reality provides every day. For example, we want to do what we love, but we come up with hundreds of excuses not to do it. The guy wants to approach the girl, but he doesn’t dare. An elderly woman wants to take an interesting course, but it seems stupid to her. As a result, each of them lives an empty life. To understand yourself, it is useful to answer a few questions:

  • When was the last time you laughed sincerely? What brought you joy?
  • Do you have friends? If not, where can you meet new people?
  • Where have you been the furthest from home? How long have you been traveling?
  • What was your last long walk?
  • When was the last time you worked up a good sweat? Have you exercised your body in the last month?

By answering these questions, you can understand the current conditions of your existence. And perhaps these answers will provide the necessary motivation to turn an empty life into a conscious and meaningful existence.

Life without a hobby, favorite activity

Important: “Find something you love, and you won’t have to work a single day!”

Have you probably heard this catchphrase? Have you noticed that there are those people who go to work with joy and a smile, while others walk for years with a dissatisfied expression and a desire to leave the workplace as quickly as possible? It’s just that the first people love what they do. And the second category of people is out of place.

If you don't like your job, don't be afraid to change it for another one. Of course, you need to take into account all the risks; it’s stupid to leave a well-paid job for nowhere. If this is not possible, find yourself a hobby that will bring you joy and pleasure. Life without a hobby or favorite activity is boring. Hobbies fill a person’s life with meaning and give a lot of positive emotions.

Find a job or hobby you love

Forget about fear

Many of those who suffer from the monotony of their existence experience many fears. Some of them are conscious, while others are visible only from the outside. However, in any case, fear slows down our existence and makes it uninteresting. It is impossible to make an empty life whole and filled with meaning if only fears live in your soul. Many people are afraid of being embarrassed, being rejected, or looking stupid. But what will happen otherwise if we do not follow the lead of our phobias? In reality, nothing special - the world will not collapse, and everything will continue to go as usual.

Our decisions are in our hands

The empty lives of empty people are, in fact, their own choice. If such individuals do not want to overcome their own fears, then they limit their own capabilities and make themselves dependent on the situation. They should remember that our existence is not always all joy and happiness. No one will try to organize ideal conditions for us, as if we were greenhouse plants created for measured and well-fed conditions. Everyday life is full of challenges that we accept or not.

The empty life of empty people leads them to the point that they sometimes don’t want to lift a finger for the sake of their own happiness. “I won’t be able to open my own sports school, because there are so many problems associated with it,” the young man says to himself. However, what is behind this phrase? Common fear of failure. In such cases, we forget that it is much worse to do nothing than to at least try to take steps towards our dreams.

The aimless life of my aunt's neighbors

My aunt lives in the private sector.

To the right of her live comrades who love to drink, but to the left there is a seemingly normal, at first glance, average family: a couple in their 60s and their adult unmarried son.

They live, like many others, they don’t create any special problems, like the same alcoholics on the right, they seem to be quiet, but here they are - the brightest illustration of the material “ aimless life ”, this is just a classic example.

The three of them live in two rooms; for 30 years, none of the neighbors have seen them do any repair work; they still haven’t even installed water in the house.

Their 40-year-old son never got married, moreover, no one even saw him accompanied by a girl.

They don’t read books, there’s nothing to talk to them about, but they watch TV: mostly stupidly humorous series that are very educational and good for the brain, like “The Bukins.”

What am I living for or why am I living?

Sometimes it seems to me that they are not people at all.

So, robots created by someone by mistake that are burdened by their existence.

Yes, even the drunkards who live to the right of the aunt have some goals in life: find money, get drunk, beat each other's faces in the face.

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