Passivity in life. What does it mean to be a passive person?

A person’s character is formed from childhood and 90% depends on the surrounding upbringing. Conventionally, people can be divided into active and passive. A passive person is a person who limits himself in activities, likes to sit on the sidelines and observe other people’s lives.

Any activity, no matter in what field of activity, causes anxiety in such people, since they will have to prove themselves, be noticed, and they really don’t like this; if possible, they avoid it. And they do this because they have negative experiences - ridicule, reproaches, even bullying.

The position of a passive person

Psychological weakness, inability to take energetic action, irresponsible behavior, manifestation of apathy towards success is called passivity. For a passive person, the events happening around them do not matter. A pessimist is immersed in addiction and thoughts, and sees negativity in his surroundings. A pessimist suffers from low energy.

Inactivity is limited by fear of the difficulties of life. Aggression in the character of the human personality is manifested by some form of passivity. It is expressed in:

suppressing anger and negative emotions; panic about possible leadership; restraining statements about specific situations in a team, family, society.

A person suffering from passivity justifies inaction, thoughts, and is afraid to live fully.

Types of passivity

The passive behavior of an individual affects aspects of life, from the team at work to the family circle. People who blame others for inaction are sometimes pseudo-active individuals themselves. What does it mean to be “active”? This means vouching for actions. Some take an active part in areas of activity, but do not take responsibility. This is called pseudoactivity.

Psychologists called passivity in the form of an act without guarantee “an external center of control.” Example: a man was unable to meet a woman - inaction; met, but the relationship collapsed - the woman is to blame, not the man. This also applies to a form of inaction.

There are two types of inactivity:

Personal lack of initiative

The group activities of the team remain on the sidelines. The motto of a passive person: save mental energy, do not interfere, everything goes on as usual.

Not making mistakes means not blaming yourself for anything as a consequence.

Collective lack of initiative or the “Ringelmann principle”

In the 19th century, scientists in the field of psychology conducted an experiment. Each person was asked to lift a heavy object. After recording the results, the test subjects were divided into three groups: two people, four and eight.

In the first experiment, each person lifted forty kilograms. In a group with two people, the weight lifted should be 80 kg. Four people must lift 160 kg, eight - 320 kg. Psychologists are sure that working in a team gives maximum results.

After the test, the indicators of the labor participation coefficient of the groups turned out to be contradictory: group 1 - the amount of weight lifted was 70 kg; Group 2 lifted 75 kg; Group 3 – 160 kg. This indicates incomplete physical initiative of an individual.

During group exercise, a person saves energy resources. Working alone requires maximum energy output. Conclusion: the achievement of high results is influenced by the smallest number of performers. This eliminates collective passivity.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

PASSIVE, passive, passive; passive, passive, passive (Latin passivus - passive, inactive) (book).1. Inactive, indifferent to the environment, lethargic; ant. active" title='what is active, the meaning of the word active in Ushakov's dictionary'>active. Passive person. Passive character. Passively (adv.) refers to something.2. Conditioned by the activity of someone else, passive. Play a passive role.3. One in which imports exceed exports (econ.). Passive balance of foreign trade.4. adj. to passive» title='what is passive, the meaning of the word passive in Ushakov's dictionary'>passive in 3 meanings, passive (gram.). Passive construction.• Passive suffrage (political, legal) - the right to be elected (ant. active, see active" title='what is active, the meaning of the word active in Ushakov's dictionary'>active). — Speaking about various reservations and restrictions in bourgeois constitutions establishing active and passive suffrage, Comrade. Stalin said at the Extraordinary VIII All-Union Congress of Soviets: “The peculiarity of the draft new Constitution of the USSR is that it is free from such reservations and restrictions. For him there are no active or passive citizens, for him all citizens are active... For him, all citizens are equal in their rights.”Generated by n-Cyclop

Classification of passivity


The problem does not cause any reaction. The person is paralyzed by the risk of becoming “responsible” for the situation. Example:

during a family conflict, the wife silently listens to the threats of her tipsy husband; A colleague had an accident at work. Having a medical education, the colleague does not provide assistance because he is afraid to influence the situation and become the culprit in the death of his colleague.

Characterized by inappropriate actions and hopelessness.

Excessive addiction

Submission of the will to the demand of another individual. Personal desires remain aside. “Humility” sets in in fulfilling the instructions, the rules of behavior. Example:

an employee of a company performs work without understanding its significance; the husband listens to his wife’s instructions with an attention deficit, without emphasis on the result of these demands.

The person reacts inadequately to the information received.

Irritation, affective state

In this case, the person takes the position of unconscious “active” existence. Creates the appearance of work, a lot of noise, fussing:

drumming with fingers on the surface during a business meeting or serious conversation; the lady complains about her husband beating her, talks about fights in the family to her friends, but does not write a statement to the police; the girl screams loudly and becomes covered in red spots, arguing with the seller who did not issue the receipt.

The condition is characterized by aggressive behavior.


Destructive behavior is expressed by thoughts and feelings, not the correct ratio of actions to cause. Example:

a volunteer comes to the home of an alcoholic and offers a course of treatment in a rehabilitation department. A drunkard attacks a social assistance worker with threats and fists; mother beat her son for unsatisfactory behavior at school. Due to a feeling of guilt in front of the child, he drinks alcohol.

Destructive behavior is accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness.

How does passivity manifest itself?

It is not difficult to determine a person’s behavior in society.

Man is capable of self-abasement. He puts the needs of the world above his own desires. In everyday life, at work, in society - a driven person.

A person is not always inactive, only in the event of a certain situation. Example: fight on the street. A random passer-by does not take action for fear of being hit by troublemakers. Or a boxer: in the ring he shows increased aggression towards his opponent, but in life he does not resist the desires of girls.

Consequences of human inaction

For the person himself, passivity has a negative impact on all areas of life. The result of a negative character trait is: dismissal, divorce, illness, problems, death.

A person does not achieve ideals, dreams, life goals; The emergence of alcohol and drug addiction; The individual accumulates resentment, anger, and grief; Passivity becomes the cause of an unstable psyche; A person stops making decisions himself.

Frequent statements from passive people

People suffering from apathy or inaction are not “silent”. A representative of society is able to express passivity with “active” remarks and phrases. The result depends on the situation the subject is in. What phrases are in the vocabulary of a passive person?

Which have not be avoided

Relying on miracles is a negative character trait. The pessimist believes that it is Life that is obliged to give him privileges. Luck does not await everyone at the end of the road. It is advisable to regularly work with your self-esteem, situations that have arisen, and improve relationships in the family, in the team, and in society.

Constant bad luck is “my” credo

Positive and negative events can happen in the life of every person. Bad luck does not affect an individual person. Conflict situations and problems are a consequence of inaction and apathy. In order not to reap the fruits of bitterness and disappointment, it is better to prevent them.

Expressing consent to defeat

Even recognized people are subject to victories and defeats. The result depends not on the success of an individual, but on the approach to solving emerging problems. The more you demand from life, the more obstacles appear along the way. Example: a car breaks down on the highway, the tire goes flat and the fuel runs out. A pessimist will think about the end of the journey. An optimist calls oncoming drivers for help.

Success doesn't come without luck

Concentrating on your own efforts is the key to success.

“It’s just not my thing”: giving up when you fail and refusing to try again.

Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. And anyone who strives for something can fail at least once. And if the goal is big enough, then much more. Watching the success of other people, we see only the external side of their lives and believe that everything is much easier for them. But if you become more patient and persistent, it becomes clear: difficulties are only part of the path that needs to be overcome and move on.

Passive aggression. How to deal with it?

Passive-aggressive behavior boils down to one principle: feeling helpless, powerless and afraid, he or she avoids a direct conflict situation. The result is silent resistance, a “silent battle.” Expressed:

sarcasm silence sabotage criticism failure to carry out instructions

Passive aggression can be intentional. One subject forcibly pushes the second to create a conflict. In families where the father acts as a dominant, other family members most often become inactive aggressors. Example: a friend tells the second that she will not tell her father, knowing what a despot he is, about the conflict that happened at school.

That's not all

There are many more ways that I don’t know or guess about yet. Communicating with different people, I constantly learn about new methods of generating passive income.

Last year, while wintering in Asia on the island of Bali, I met Nikita. He has been traveling non-stop for several years and selling goods through Amazon.

I can’t tell you exactly the whole earning algorithm, but its essence is that Nikita takes an ordinary product that is already on the market, fully packages it, brands it, looks for a manufacturer-supplier in China or somewhere else, and puts the product on Amazon . All this is done completely remotely via the Internet.

Next, he only orders the production of the product, sends it to Amazon warehouses and makes sure that the product is in stock. Everything else: advertising, sales, delivery is handled by Amazon, paying Nikita most of the profits.

Reconciling passivity and activity

What can affect a passive person? What steps should you take to increase your physical and social activity? An individual’s internal source of energy must work not only in emergency situations, but also in the presence of everyday despondency, lack of interests, and addictions. The reason may be laziness, lack of support, or a negative attitude towards the situation.


before doing anything, you should carefully plan your tactics of action, eliminate weakness of will and include self-control, do not take advantage of past unsuccessful experiences, find support in your environment

What's more important

Both dictionaries are extremely important for effective communication, since the active dictionary allows you to correctly express your thoughts, and the passive one allows you to understand the statements of other people without much difficulty, develop a semantic guess, even when communicating on completely new, unfamiliar topics.

However, it is always worth maintaining a natural balance. That is, to work efficiently both in receiving and delivering information. You may perfectly understand everything that is said to you, but it will be very difficult to say anything. This situation will arise if you do not pay enough attention to speaking practice.

Either way, there is no point in deliberately developing any particular skill. When learning new vocabulary, words will sort themselves. Some will seem interesting to you, some will be useful, and some you will simply put aside as unnecessary in the passive stock of the English language.

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