The Laws of Prosperity: How to Change Your Life in a Week

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Sometimes a person finds himself at a dead end in life. Nothing goes well or works out, everyday life is full of problems, and happiness and luck have long forgotten the way to his home. This means only one thing - it’s time to change something, and quickly! Not tomorrow, but right now, start living differently, make sure that in a week there will be no more difficulties of today! How to change your life in 7 days? There are rules that, if you follow them every day, you can change something in yourself, and, therefore, the world around you will change. This is a truth proven by many: if you want to change something or someone, you need to start with yourself!

Rules for the week of change

First, you should learn a few basic rules and strictly follow them all this week.

  1. You need to get up early and go to bed early.
  2. Perform each task, fully concentrating your attention on it.
  3. Eliminate social networks and TV from your life this week, except for the day when you need to cleanse.
  4. There should be physical activity every day.
  5. Eat healthy and balanced every day.

So, a start has been made. Let's get started!

The first day

This is the day to change your thoughts. After all, it all begins with them. They take on words and become actions that shape our lives. There is no need to think that our existence is some kind of separate substance that does not depend on ourselves. This is wrong. We ourselves draw our lives, creating pictures in our heads and transferring them into reality.

If you “train” your consciousness with negativity every day, then it won’t keep you waiting long. All these “life is terrible”, “my husband is unbearable”, “everything is bad at work”, “no money” and so on will only lead to someone from above saying “Got it, I’m writing it down!” What strange desires!” This is all a joke, of course. But it is not far from reality. We see only what we want to see! To solve the question posed - how to change your life for the better in just 7 days - today you need to do what we are saying. Notice every phrase spoken. And weed out those that have a negative connotation. For example:

  • "Nightmare!"
  • "Horror!"
  • "I can't"
  • “I don’t know” and others.

Positivity is something that should always be present, in everything and everywhere. This is one of the best ways to change your life in 7 days. Be sure to find something positive in any situation and write it down. And, in general, everything good needs to be written down. Because such moments are quickly erased from memory, but paper will preserve them. These “joyful notes” should be re-read often. They will warm your soul for a very long time.

And on this wonderful day you need to take up your favorite habits. They shape character, and character, in turn, shapes a person’s life. You need to write down everything, all, all your weaknesses and strengths. Think well and cross out what should be eradicated from yourself. And add what you need to cultivate in yourself.

Tuesday: Mindfulness

Tuesday is dedicated to developing concentration. Think about how a golfer hits the ball. First, he takes aim several times, concentrates, and only then raises the club to make a shot. If a golfer ran onto the course and immediately hit the ball, it is unlikely that he would be able to hit the hole.

It's all about mental preparation. It is closely related to the result you get in the end. If before each business meeting we prepared for it and clearly chose the position we want to take at it, then the outcome would be completely different.

To develop awareness and enter the right state of mind, it is enough to ask yourself the right questions throughout the day. It doesn’t matter how much you love your job. The main thing is to do it as well as possible. This is your sacred duty.

If you work as a barista in a coffee shop, ask yourself: “How well do I know all the different types of coffee? What should be the temperature of milk in different types of coffee? How can I improve my work? How else can I please my clients? How do I hold a cup of coffee while handing it to a client, and what do I tell him?” Ask yourself these questions and keep the right mindset.

Second day

Gratitude. Ah, this bright, warm feeling! It carries a very strong energy of life. You just have to experience it, and you become different, and life changes. It is necessary today and all subsequent days to thank God, people or higher powers for everything that exists or is happening at the moment. Any way and anyone. But you definitely need to do this! For example, in the evening, at the end of the day, going over everything that happened in your head, mentally say thank you for life lessons, for moments of happiness, for life! You should also devote this day to cleaning the surrounding area. Throw away everything you don't need. And there is no need to feel sorry and imagine that this will definitely come in handy someday. So, let's throw it out:

  1. Dresses that are waiting for the owner to lose weight. They should go to someone who is the right size for them. If the owner really loses weight, she will buy herself new clothes. And those things that just occupy the shelves in the closet but will never be worn, what are they doing there?
  2. Broken items. It is worth recognizing that no one will fix them.
  3. Old newspapers and magazines.
  4. Things that have not been used for a long time for some reason. Or those that do not understand why they exist at all. Get them out of your space!
  5. Extra unnecessary dishes.
  6. All the files that have accumulated over two hundred years on the computer, and also clean up social networks.
  7. Everything that irritates and makes you sad.

If one day is not enough for this, then we must continue this work until the bitter end. It is necessary to release the energy that is so necessary for a new life!

Wednesday: time management

Perhaps never in the history of mankind has it been as difficult to plan your time as it is now. Time management problems are most often associated with the fact that a person is in a tight ring of daily tasks, from which it seems almost impossible to escape.

And most often our absent-mindedness and unproductivity is due to the fact that we do not see the whole picture, we do not see what awaits us ahead, so we stall. We understand that we have lost control of the situation, so we don’t have time to do anything and everything is falling out of our hands.

What to do?

At such moments, the military utters two words: “We must stop.”

Experts recognize that effectiveness begins with the ability to stop in the middle of this pile of things, take a few minutes and ask yourself: “Where am I going?”

Yes, it’s not easy to stop doing what you were doing, but it’s worth it. Stop all processes and assess the situation. Collect all the pieces of the puzzle and review the tasks. Once you have all the information organized, put it on your calendar. You must create a long-term vision of your affairs and projects for the near future, which will help you move faster.

Day three

Today we are making a list of our wishes, or better yet a wish card. If there are a hundred of them, then you need to write down a hundred. Even the most incredible ones! Only our own, and not those inspired by someone else. Yes, few people know what they really want. How to distinguish a real desire from a false one? When it is true, the thought of it coming true brings pleasure. You need to write about all areas of your life. All little things must be captured on paper. This really helps you decide and understand your real aspirations and dreams. And from them life goals will already be formed. All successful people know what they want.

On the third day you need to continue cleaning. Only now do we pay attention to our affairs and obligations. We need to remember everything that we wanted to do, but for some reason it was put off for a long time (well, a very long time). Maybe learn English, take a driving course or other things that are in the plans, but are not being carried out. And also pull out from the depths of memory three boxes of promises that you once made to yourself or to someone. Here we act with the utmost severity. Either we cross it all out forever, or we do it right now. You don’t need to carry such a heavy burden of dissatisfaction with yourself all your life.

How to start life with a clean slate and give up harmful behavior

How to start living from scratch if you don’t even have the desire to get rid of bad habits? If laziness and other shortcomings interfere with development, they need to be protected from control at the helm of life. To acquire any habit, it is enough to set aside 21 days (as practitioners say). Why is the habit of getting yourself in order every morning taken into account, and morning exercises - vice versa? We need to break our stereotypes, which are deeply ingrained in our consciousness.

One thing can be replaced with another without any problems. Don't watch TV for 1 hour, but go for a run or read a book. Time is such a valuable resource that it is foolish to waste it in vain. Having overpowered yourself at the first stage, then it will be to some extent even funny for your weakness.

Day four

How is Winnie the Pooh?: – What day is it today? - Today. - My favorite day!

This should become a slogan for life. When you wake up in the morning, you need to firmly know and believe that the best day has come, that everything will work out today! And if not, then there is tomorrow for that, which is also a great day. The main thing is to believe. Because faith helps you realize any goals and dreams.

And also today - cleaning the environment. It is necessary to categorically break all ties that pull you back, drive you into depression and are simply a heavy unnecessary burden. Stop communicating with those who have long been untrustworthy or constantly criticize every action. But if there are problems in relations with parents, then you need to try to solve them urgently.

Saturday: Inner Dialogue

We hope you get enough sleep for seven hours, because on Saturday you will have to get up at five in the morning again. And today Eric suggests having a day of happiness for yourself. This is a day when you should only have positive thoughts in your head. Throughout Saturday you will work on creating positive self-talk. The task of the day is to show how much your way of thinking influences everything that happens to you.

Start tracking what you think about first thing in the morning. Every time a negative thought pops into your head, block it. Every time you feel like your thoughts are poisonous, change them to constructive ones.

A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

Winston Churchill

Day five

On the fifth day, the task is this: you need to get out of your comfort zone. Face your fears head on. Do something that makes your knees shake or simply perform some unusual action. For example, if you are afraid of your boss, then on the same day you need to go to him with your proposals. Jump with a parachute if you have a fear of heights. Hitchhiking somewhere rather than taking a train, etc. Leaving your comfort zone will break down the fences inside your brain that have been built there for years, and open, albeit painfully, the path to new thinking, and, therefore, life. If you refuse this experience, you may never know yourself and never realize your goals.

How to change your life. 5 valuable tips on how to start a new life and change yourself

People who changed their lives started out in much the same way. We can reduce the activities of the initial stage, dedicated to how to change life and destiny, to five points:

Tip 1. Read more books.

It describes working ways to change your life for the better.

Tip 2. Attend cultural events: exhibitions, performances.

See how people have changed their lives and get inspired by fascinating examples.

Tip 3. Watch useful videos.

One of the motivational videos will be below. Life-changing wisdom can take simple forms.

Tip 4. Do charity work - change your life.

Formally, paying off is an ineffective option. Sign up to volunteer and help the weak and lonely. Psychologists' advice to change your life includes a recommendation to communicate with the weaker. “Change your brain, change your life,” psychologists say. It is impossible to remain indifferent when helping people.

Tip 5. Find like-minded people.

“Let's change lives for the better” is a slogan that must firmly take root in the new company. Let's turn to the science of psychology. How to change your life for the better? Experts say: you need to create a suitable environment.

Day seven

You need to think about yourself. Draw conclusions about what this difficult week has brought. Notice even the slightest changes. They must be there. Moreover, if each step was practiced and not just read. OK it's all over Now. Instructions on how to change your life in 7 days have been received, now all that remains is to apply them. It is not enough to sit and nod, agreeing that all this will help make life better. We need to act! The main thing is to overcome the fear of change that sits in every person.

Friday: rest and recovery

Probably the biggest problem of modern man is that we have completely forgotten how to rest. We often work not only during working hours, but also on vacation and on weekends. It turns out that our brain and body are always in a tense state. We cannot afford to fully rest even for one day.

However, this is what we will do on Friday. Take a hot shower at five in the morning. After that, plan to do those things that you have long dreamed of: go to the cinema to see a good movie, to the theater, to a cooking class, take a salsa or banjo lesson, wander around the shopping center, sit in a coffee shop. Do all these things in a row. Feel like you are in charge of the day. Feel the thrill of knowing that you can do whatever you want for the entirety of Friday.

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