How to Start Living Your Best Life Right Now: A Guide to Action

In this article we will tell you:

  1. How to become the best version of yourself
  2. How to identify your bad habits
  3. How to Visualize Your Ideal Life
  4. 10 Ways to Start Living Your Best Life

One of the most cherished desires of any person is to live a rich and happy life. Everyone wants to feel like they are part of something important and to feel like our existence matters. But how well do we understand what it means to live life to the fullest?

We are all unique, so each of us will have our own idea of ​​an ideal life, because it reflects our true values.

However, public opinion broadcast through social media can influence our own ideas of happiness, dictating how we look, what clothes we wear and what people we associate with, how we entertain ourselves, and what food we choose. In our effort to live up to these expectations, it is very easy to lose ourselves and forget what it means to us to live a happy life.

To stay on track to your best life, you should listen to these recommendations:

Identifying your bad habits

This can be done by observing ourselves and noting those things that definitely do not make us happier. For example, scrolling through your Instagram feed for 5 minutes can be interesting, but then? Was that last glass of wine worth the consequences the next morning? Did the euphoria from eating a chocolate bar continue after the effect of the increase in blood sugar wore off?

Once you discover your bad habits that are wasting your time and energy, you need to start working on breaking them.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

How to motivate yourself to change

The most compelling reasons for a person to have a desire to start life anew are stressful situations and complete dissatisfaction with the current way of life .

Whatever these reasons may be that prompted a person to cross out everything past, first one should clearly understand and fully accept one fact. Negative past experiences are like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a shame to throw it away and hard to carry . If you have learned all the life lessons you need from such an experience, then you need to be able to say goodbye to depressing memories without regret. You need to be able to forget the events of past years and stop engaging in reflection, endlessly analyzing your past. Instead, you need to evaluate your present and develop ways to start a new life.

The past is as dead as a broken gramophone record. Chasing the past is a thankless task, and if you want to be convinced of this, go to the sites of your past battles. © Ernest Hemingway

Setting an intention

One of the keys to living your best life is to have the determination to do so. Having an intention is not the same as having clear goals. Goals are a list of what we want to achieve.

They can be installed at different intervals, even every day. By setting an intention, we tell ourselves what positive feelings and emotions we want to experience.

For example, thinking that we intend to enjoy going to the pool three times a week helps us focus our emotions and manage our expectations.

Changing ourselves - 10 effective methods

In order to find the strength and energy to change your life for the better, you need to make adjustments to your personality, change your character and habits. Otherwise, how can you change your life for the better while remaining the same? After all, you, exactly as you are now, have created a present for yourself that does not suit you, and which you are striving to radically reshape in a new way. If you have not yet developed your own individual strategy on how to start a new life and change yourself, then check out the selection of advice from psychologists given below in our article.

10 methods on how to change for the better:

  1. Cultivate positive thinking . If you constantly tune yourself in and think in a positive way, then over time you will notice that the world around you accepts you with joy. The well-known psychological law of reciprocity: what you give is what you receive.
  2. Learn to see the positive in others, try to become an optimist . Surely, you yourself enjoy communicating with smiling and hospitable people. So why not become the same yourself, so that people will be drawn to you.
  3. Do not forget about your appearance - after all, appearance perfectly reflects internal changes. You should not suddenly and radically change your appearance if you are not ready for this. A neat and clean appearance will be enough to win over those around you and feel comfortable yourself.
  4. Eliminate bad habits . Smoking and alcohol are active depressants that have an irritating effect on the psyche. It is difficult for a person who is dependent on something to find harmony with his inner self.
  5. Stick to your daily routine . Sleep at least 8 hours a day, train yourself to get up and go to bed at approximately the same time. The daily routine has a beneficial effect on both the mental and physical health of a person.
  6. Switch to proper nutrition . Down with junk food like fast food. Include exclusively healthy and natural products in your menu. In addition to helping you avoid gastrointestinal problems and improve your overall well-being, eating healthy is an incredibly practical and low-cost option.
  7. Play sports . You don't have to torture yourself with grueling workouts in the gym. A light jog or daily morning exercise will be enough. Even minimal physical activity will keep the body in good shape.
  8. Become the master of your emotions . A restrained person who knows how to control his inner impulses is less susceptible to everyday stress. This means it is easier for him to adapt to changes and new living conditions.
  9. Find motivation . If you clearly know why you need to change, then all changes and work on yourself will be easy.
  10. Engage in self-development . Read books, listen to good music, improve in your favorite activity. Self-development is an excellent driving force that makes a person better and better every day.

Visualizing your ideal life

Visualization can help set intentions, especially if it is aimed at demonstrating how we will feel living our best life. In the process of visualization, you should not limit yourself and your imagination. So, returning to the example of going to the pool, imagine:

  • What to wear to the pool?
  • How to get there?
  • What time is best to go there?
  • How will I feel while swimming?
  • And after swimming?

When answering these questions, we need to imagine as if all this is happening now and our intention is already being realized.

Reasons to say goodbye to the past

Of course, it is impossible to single out any reasons that are relevant for everyone. But there are many typical and similar situations in which people simply need to start over.


One of the most common reasons is the divorce of a married couple, separation after a long relationship. Most people who find themselves in a similar situation quite logically wonder how to live further. Most likely, life will have to start again:

  • reconsider the usual household way of life or build a life completely from scratch
  • getting used to a new marital situation
  • learn to live independently, without a partner

It is generally accepted that when parting, it is doubly difficult for those who were abandoned. This means that they will have to work twice as hard to figure out how to start a new life after a divorce.

Death of a loved one

Another reason is the death of a loved one. In such a situation, before starting a new life and changing oneself, a bereaved person needs to cope with a difficult state of mind, overcome depression and stress . After all, such psychological traumas are characterized by a state of apathy and constant fatigue, and building a new way of life requires a large amount of energy and vitality.

Bodily level

It doesn’t matter what kind of motivation you choose: financial well-being, career growth or ideal family relationships. Your task is to feel it through your body, that is, to give it the pleasure that you love. Sports, massage, if you want, sex, sauna, aromatherapy, delicious food, etc. Find what exactly brings you positive emotions and pamper yourself. We all want to live better, and for this we need to consolidate the experience of pleasant experiences in our psyche and enter a state of energy resource. The easiest way to do this is through the body, so give yourself a real spa.

Stop running from problems and take the path of least resistance

It's very easy to do. Hiding from problems or looking for the easiest way out of them. But the problem will not go away. She will chase you or wait at the finish line. Running away from problems or taking the easy option will not make you feel brave. Life is imperfect and full of problems, difficult and bad periods. All problems that you encounter along the way must be addressed. Sometimes you have to make bold and difficult decisions.

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Happiness concept

So, let’s first define what happiness is?

Happiness is a special state associated with internal satisfaction with one’s own life, its conditions, the presence of meaningfulness of existence, understanding of purpose, self-realization in life and society.

As we see, happiness includes the material and spiritual side of life. It’s interesting that people often spend their entire lives searching for happiness, and at the end of their lives they come to the realization that happiness is life itself, the ability to see the world, breathe, hear birds singing, play with children, happiness is in everything. However, in the bustle of life, we do not notice the bright and happy moments; we constantly run, trying to catch luck by the tail.

There is an opinion that happiness means wealth or unprecedented success, everything is relative. The rich also have difficult periods in their lives, but an ordinary person can receive more joy from life due to his development and ability to see beauty. This means that the ability to be happy depends on a person, his internal state, and perception of the world.

The Dalai Lama has identified two ways to achieve happiness

External - the desire to obtain the maximum amount of benefits, comfort, luxury and internal - spiritual development. Moreover, a conscious person who is in harmony with the world around him can be happier than a person who constantly strives to receive material reinforcement. Of course, the material part of life cannot be excluded from life, but with internal development, a person knows how to use wisely obtained resources for the benefit of his own family and society, and also always enjoys life and his own achievements.

It is important to notice the results, the development process, the beauty of the world, to live for today and the moment. Happiness is not always a result, it is a state of mind, a feeling of joy from actions, striving for one’s own goals, and helping others. Often the path to a dream also brings joy, no less than the achievement. And realizing your abilities and caring for loved ones helps you feel your own importance and happiness in life.

The sages say: he who understands the world is in no hurry and seizes every moment of life.

Indeed, in the hustle and bustle we often do not notice something important - a favorite look, the first steps of a child, the smile of a passerby, a sunset or sunrise. It is useful to give yourself a break, to look at the world through the eyes of a child who learns and notices beauty. And happiness is also known through comparison. It often seems that everything is bad, but let’s remember poor countries or people with disabilities - the realization comes that happiness is living, having shelter and food, and the rest can be created, improved, finalized, found.

Happiness is multifaceted: it includes the presence of love, family, friends, living conditions, but some people attract good luck and good people, others - on the contrary. Maybe you need to find inner happiness initially in order to obtain the external attributes of a happy life?

Stop waiting for the right moment

Don't wait for the "right time" to take action, make changes, quit your job, follow your dreams and do what will make you happy and bring you that "best life." The right time will never come. If you decide to wait, you will have to admit to yourself that life is passing you by and you will never achieve what you want. If you stop waiting, you will get everything you want. Everything is very simple!

Social level

Conduct an analysis: what kind of people do you surround yourself with, with whom do you communicate, do they bring you positive emotions or do they just drain your energy? It is useful to periodically review your environment. And not only real, but also virtual, because for many people their morning begins with viewing their Instagram feed. Think about what your brain sees at this moment, what information it absorbs. Even if these are beautiful pictures, but they cause negativity, envy, anger, you need to limit such content.

Also, perhaps there are people in your circle whose lives you admire and you yourself would like to achieve the same results. If there are such role models, ask them how they got to where they are and do the same.

Also, get into the habit of thanking those who bring you positive emotions, support, inspire and motivate you. This helps a lot to switch to a positive wave.

If you put things in order on these four levels and take small steps towards a better version of yourself for at least three weeks, starting that very new life in the New Year will be much easier.

Don't say you don't have enough time

Whether it's meeting a friend, visiting an elderly aunt, watching the sunset or sunrise, celebrating, reading a book or taking a nap, you should treasure these moments because you never know how long you can enjoy them. Without time, you may miss all the most precious and beautiful moments in your life. Don't put off important things you need to do just because you've convinced yourself you don't have time.

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I want to start a new life.

Where does the desire to start a new life come from? When everything around you stops bringing joy, and you resemble a squeezed lemon, it’s time to start a life reboot. As soon as the first signal arises, “I urgently need changes, and I can’t do this anymore,” it means the die is cast.

A strong desire to start living again arises when life becomes more of a sentence than a pleasure. Such a brave act can be done at any age, regardless of social status and even more so gender. For everyone, fate has prepared a secret path, which is important to come to consciously.

Take a self-confidence test

Is desire present only in ideas?

It is because of fears that perseverance may not be expressed. If a person loses after several attempts, he will automatically think that nothing else will work. But still, that hope will live inside, which after some time will light up again. The worry in your soul that everything will end in failure must be overcome with drastic steps. The more we delay the jump, the more difficult it is to make it. It’s not for nothing that it is said everywhere that you need to act at the first stage, when the desire is the most fiery. We often do not listen to the call of the soul and often regret the wasted time.

Where to start a new life? The first is to feel true desire. The second thing is to start developing a plan to escape from routine and its strong shackles. The new life is frightening with its unknown, but you can do it smartly - build its implementation step by step. The separation from what “is now” and what “will be later” is exactly what is scary!

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It is unlikely that a person is afraid that in three mountains he will be able to buy a house. He is more concerned about how he can overcome laziness, or leave his old job for a more interesting one, or how he will deny himself the purchase of unnecessary things. If everyone knew that the result was guaranteed, everyone would rush into this unknown.

Three rules for successful people.

Be determined.

“That’s it, I’m starting a new life today and no excuses!” - a great start! Dreams don't like to be thrown around. If there is a goal, then it should be decisive, and not lie on a subconscious level. This is the same as dreaming all your life about traveling to Italy and not even trying to save up for the trip. What do you really want? It is important to write down on paper as much of a list as possible of the things that come up in ideas periodically. Each captain of his own ship, which can go with the flow and it is unclear when it will reach the shore, or has a clear course towards meeting a dream.

Down with templates!

Generally accepted frameworks, personal prejudices - they are the whole point! Life is not a pattern, like a robot with autopilot. How can I start over if many people don’t understand me? It is to break the wall of misunderstanding and not be afraid to express yourself. Naturally, if people give advice, then you can listen to it. The experience of adults has not been canceled, and it can be a good hint. There is no need to become unarmed in the hands of others and play along with those around you. If in your previous place you are surrounded only by pessimists and critics, you should avoid such communication. The taste for freedom manifests itself when we are surrounded by open and positive people.

Take the test: optimist or pessimist

Enjoy the process.

How can I start life from scratch if the idea doesn’t make me happy? Obviously not! Actions should not come under pressure, but with sincere faith in the best result. We are the directors of our lives who write the script. It is important to enjoy the process. The more satisfied a person is with himself, the easier it is for him to make difficult decisions. Life will not become new without bright moments, exciting situations from which impressions appear.

Now let's move directly to the advice that we have personally prepared for those who are determined to start a new life.

Reward rule

You can often hear the question: “I want to live well, what should I do for this?” First of all, you need to learn to praise yourself and encourage yourself even for minor achievements. For example, doing some exercise in the morning is a reason to please yourself by purchasing a magazine dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

People are so accustomed to scolding themselves both over trifles and for serious miscalculations that praise and encouragement must be instilled as a new habit. But it will pay off with new achievements, increased self-esteem and transformation of the opinions of others for the better.

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