How to make eye contact with a stranger without seeming creepy: a smart guide

In all romantic films, special attention is paid to eye contact between a man and a woman. It is very important for directors and screenwriters to convey the moment of attraction of strangers to each other, and in such a way that it is as effective as possible.

Usually such situations look like this: two main characters look at each other for a while, then one of them winks seductively at the other and in the next frame we already see them in bed.

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In real life, everything happens a little differently, so counting on such a rapid development of events is, to put it mildly, presumptuous. Firstly, it’s worth remembering that not all girls enjoy being stared at. Especially if this happens late in the evening in a deserted place. Secondly, their plans may not include meeting an unknown dude who suddenly fell for them.

These and many other factors must be taken into account before deciding to make eye contact with a girl in order to get acquainted and not seem creepy. Now we will talk about the main rules of this process.

Does eye contact always mean mutual attraction?

Eye contact is an important part of nonverbal interaction between people. The ability to correctly recognize and respond to it is a very useful skill that directly affects the outcome of an acquaintance.

However, a girl's gaze in your direction does not necessarily indicate that she wants to make love to you. More often than not, eye contact may simply indicate that the person has decided to look around and nothing more.

Some views even contain a negative assessment of what is happening, for example, disgust or disapproval of your smoking in a public place (this may be the case). Therefore, you should not rush to conclusions and rush into battle.

Practical picture

It's no wonder that the drama of realizing that we are an object for another mind is very distracting. Consider a recent study by Japanese scientists. Volunteers watched videos of faces while performing various tasks that involved coming up with verbs that would correspond to different nouns (for example, if they heard the noun “milk,” the appropriate answer would be “drink”). It's important to note that the volunteers thought about the word much more (but only for more complex nouns) when the face in the video appeared to be making eye contact with them. The researchers believe this effect occurred because eye contact—even with a stranger on video—is so intense that it depletes our cognitive reserves.

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A similar study found that facing another person's direct gaze also interferes with our working memory (our ability to hold and use information in our minds for short periods of time), our imagination, and our mental control in the sense of our ability to suppress irrelevant information. You may have experienced this effect directly when you stopped making eye contact with another person in order to better concentrate on what you were saying or thinking. Some psychologists even recommend looking away to help young children answer questions.

Eyes to eyes. The meaning of views

Attitude series:

Part 1 - What to wear on a first date to look your best? Part 2 - “What beast is inside a woman? or A woman is a mystery to a man..." ... Part 12 - Women's cunning, or How to make a man lose weight? Part 13 - How to meet a man Part 14 - Eye to eye. The meaning of looks Part 15 - Why do women love scoundrels? Part 16 - 3:0 in favor of a mistress or how to get rid of your wife... Part 22 - In the arms of a bitch, or How to attract a man Part 23 - How to become a bitch Part 24 - A bitch who wants to fall in love with a man for a long time and seriously must learn ten rules.

Series of messages from "men":

Part 1 - What to wear on a first date to look your best? Part 2 - How to make a guy fall in love with you... Part 13 - Women's cunning, or How to make a man lose weight? Part 14 - How to meet a man Part 15 - Eye to eye. The meaning of looks Part 16 - Dance Part 17 - Why do women love scoundrels? ... Part 25 - In the arms of a bitch, or How to attract a man Part 26 - How to become a bitch Part 27 - A bitch who wants to make a man fall in love for a long time and seriously must learn ten rules.>

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Sideways glance


6:549 6:554

This is how people who are either interested in you or are hostile look at you. If a person raises his eyebrows high or smiles, then he is clearly interested. This is a courtship signal.

If, on the contrary, the eyebrows are frowned and drawn together on the bridge of the nose, and the corners of the mouth are downturned, then the person treats you with suspicion, hostility or criticism.


Psychology of gaze

Gaze is the most important component of nonverbal communication, and the psychology of gaze is quite complex, but it is precisely this that allows you to obtain maximum information about a person and his intentions by the direction of his gaze, the position of his eyelids and eyebrows. This information is very important for building effective communication; it allows you to find out what a person’s level of confidence is, whether he is telling the truth, what his position in the dialogue is.

The direction of gaze indicates which hemisphere of the brain is currently involved. Looking to the right reflects the dominance of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, and looking to the left reflects the activity of the left, responsible for logic and rational thinking. Thus, a lie can be recognized by an unconscious movement of the gaze to the right at a time when a person is trying to come up with excuses for himself, rather than remembering any specific facts that would serve as a clear answer to the question asked.

When the direction of gaze changes, the way we perceive information also changes. If a person looks to the sides, auditory images are activated, upward - visual, downward - kinesthetic.

A gaze moving from bottom to top during communication speaks of respect, veneration, and admiration on the part of the opponent. A top-down gaze, on the contrary, expresses disdain and a critical attitude.

Certain conclusions about the interlocutor’s attitude to the current situation and conversation can be drawn from the position of the eyelids. Normally open eyelids indicate an optimistic perception, while a downcast gaze can mean indifference, despair, apathy or arrogance. A narrowed palpebral fissure may reflect a person’s concentration, concentration on a conversation or on his own thoughts, but if such a gaze is directed to the side, it rather expresses impatience. Squinted eyes have always been a physical defense against irritating factors (bright light, dust, acrid smoke) or physical pain. During a conversation, in the absence of such factors, a narrowed gaze may be evidence of an aggressive attitude and negative intentions.

To establish eye contact during communication, direct gaze is best. It serves as a sign of respect and interest in the conversation and is an indicator of a person’s readiness for direct, frank conversation.

A wandering gaze means either the interlocutor’s interest in everything at once, or absolute disinterest, a manifestation of boredom. It is very important to take into account the movement of the gaze: the faster it is, the more curious the person is, and the more irritable. A gaze wandering from top to bottom (from bottom to top) means increased interest.

Knowing the meanings of glances, having studied them, like a kind of alphabet, you can not only understand the emotional state of your interlocutor, his intentions, but also effectively express your own feelings and thoughts in such a way as to ensure the result you want, that is, it can be said that with a glance you can manipulate.

What could be easier than asking for forgiveness, making amends, or justifying yourself. But you need to do this in such a way that your interlocutor has no doubts about your innocence. This is where the so-called slave gaze comes to the rescue. A sideways glance, a bowed head is a kind of signal of submission. With this look, the eyes appear large and the person looks childish. Such a look can awaken parental feelings and convince of a person’s innocence and defenselessness.

Real mutual understanding with your interlocutor can only be achieved by looking him straight in the eyes, this is how you convince him of your trust, seriousness, and interest. Surely everyone has noticed more than once that communicating with some people is much easier and more comfortable, while communication with others is more stressful, and can even lead to irritation. Some interlocutors seem insincere and untrustworthy. Similar sensations can be associated with how long a person holds our gaze.

Sometimes it is not enough to attract the attention of your interlocutor and gain his trust. There are times when you need to convince someone that you are right, win someone over to your side in a dispute, or induce them to take some action. Similar tasks often arise for leaders, educators, managers, and entrepreneurs. To effectively influence subordinates, words alone are not enough, then you have to influence with your gaze, and the gaze must be decisive and authoritative. A sign of a person’s inner confidence is a fixed (motionless) direct, open, gaze. But in order to achieve authority, you need to work on yourself and your look. There are special exercises to make your gaze more expressive and powerful. As an example, you can set the following task: you need to attach a sheet of white paper with a black spot to the wall at eye level, stand at a distance of a meter from it and, without taking your eyes off the spot, make circular movements with your head left and right. This exercise helps strengthen the eye nerves and muscles.

The psychology of gaze is such that our eyes can be both our ally and our enemy. Knowing how to use the alphabet of glances, how to recognize a lie or, on the contrary, the disposition of an interlocutor, and how to achieve this or that goal with the help of a glance, a person becomes a step above those who still do not understand the language of views.

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