How to get a guy to write first: women's tricks, tips and tricks

Most modern young ladies are still under the sway of the established stereotype that the first step in a romantic relationship between a man and a woman must certainly be taken by a young man. He should come up to meet you, invite you on a romantic date, and write first. Is this position justified in the realities of our time? Can representatives of the fair sex take initiative, even in a soft and unobtrusive format? Let's talk about this right now. Let's consider the main question that girls so often ask themselves: how to get a guy to write first?

Control over the situation

For example, you met in a cafe or park and exchanged contacts, but several days have passed and there is still no news from the guy, although the young lady probably felt that she liked the young man, and she also liked him. What to do if the notification of a new message does not appear on the smartphone display? You should take some control into your own hands. We have put together a number of tips that will help answer the question of how to get a guy to write first!

By the way, experts in the field of relationships talk about the need to take into account the fact that male representatives at the very beginning of romantic relationships can be incredibly shy, and therefore any communication is difficult for them. Therefore, an unobtrusive step forward from a girl for whom a guy shows sympathy is perceived by him as a valuable gift.

Be active

Join one of the groups that the guy constantly follows for updates and where he often visits

Become an active member of the community
, comment on photos and videos (only in a smart way, and not with words like “cool”, “cool” or “cool photo”). If a person you like constantly sees you here and there, perhaps he will be keenly interested in you and offer to get to know you. Common interests bring people together well - proven.

SMS by mistake

Instead of tormenting yourself with the most incredible versions of why a young man does not get in touch without leaving his mobile phone for a second, you can simply provoke the guy to communicate. For example, you can pretend that you made a mistake and send him a message as if it were addressed to some other person. True, it is desirable that it be intended for a friend, and not another man. Otherwise, the guy may continue to ignore you further. What do you need to do to get a guy to write first? Send him something like: “Hi! I read your book, I’ll return it when we meet!” or “We’ll meet our classmates at the skating rink on Saturday!” Most likely, such a message will arouse the guy’s interest, which means he will enter into correspondence with you or even call you.

Prayers for the call

The religious side of rituals can also help speed up the process of communication or reconciliation between people. There are several rituals where the texts of prayers are conspiracies.

On the water

It is best to use holy water to enhance the effect. Above it you should say a request for a call indicating the name.

The text can be anything - the main thing is that it comes from the heart and is sincere.

With an appeal to the Lord

In this case, no additional items will be required. It is important to clearly imagine the image of your beloved, then sincerely ask the Lord for help. As a result, the guy will start to get bored and will definitely dial the number.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

In this case, the request must be addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to pray in front of his icon. Then, after reading the prayer, indicate the name of your beloved.

Everyone in their life wanted to continue communication, they waited for a call for an hour. In order not to suffer in anticipation or not be tormented by doubts, you need to use conspiracies and rituals that suit the occasion.

Have you had experience using similar rituals? Did spells and prayers bring positive or negative results?

Share your experience and tell your story in the comments.

Comments and likes

Quite often, immediately after meeting, young people’s communication is transferred to various social networks. However, it also happens that even on sites that encourage correspondence, a young man is in no hurry to establish a connection. You may notice that he liked the photos he liked and even commented on some, but that’s where all his actions ended. How to get a guy to write first on social networks? Try to be cunning again: comment on a new photo that he posted on a page on a social network, leave your favorite or simply interesting musical composition on his wall, or send him a virtual gift. If after such actions the guy does not rush to enter into a dialogue, we can draw conclusions: you probably simply exaggerated his interest in himself. Please note: you do not need to rate all posts or comments in a row. You should only leave messages that are relevant, otherwise it will simply look stupid.

What should you do if a stranger writes to you?

If a guy you don’t know well is the object of your adoration and is not even aware of your sympathy, or you realized that you want more than formal friendly communication from your friend, first you should attract his attention to you.

You can cope with the task if you act carefully using the following methods:

  • It's important to always be beautiful. No simplicity or carelessness. If you know that you will definitely meet him, then dress brightly, emphasizing all the advantages of your figure. Think through your image to the smallest detail to feel as comfortable and confident as possible. Do your hair or styling, good makeup and manicure. With this approach, you are guaranteed the attention of not only the desired object, but also all the guys around;
  • After your acquaintance or first conversation, you need to demonstrate, as far as possible, the skills to maintain a conversation with intelligence and an appropriate sense of humor. Usually all men like such qualities in girls, and you will increase the likelihood that he will quickly take the first steps towards you;
  • try to find out more information about the places where the guy spends the most time. Plan how you can do it so that you catch his eye by accident more often (don’t forget about point 1). It will be good if you are aware of all his interests. You will probably be able to do the same and spend more time next to him - this will give him a chance to look at you with loving eyes;
  • warm up the spirit of competition in him so that the guy knows and sees your popularity with the male sex. Let him always see you cheerful and confident;
  • You should make sure that the young man knows your contacts through which he can find you. You can unobtrusively offer “just in case” to exchange phone numbers and pages on social networks. It will be ideal to make mutual friends to maintain communication in groups.

New avatar

Another great way to get a guy to write first is to set up a new avatar on the social network. There are a number of recommendations that should be considered if you want to attract the attention of a young man you like:

  • the facial expression in the photo should be positive and cheerful, the ideal option is an open, sincere smile;
  • do not forget to demonstrate your strengths - the new photograph should have some detail that will allow you to stand out from others;
  • forget about vulgarity and intrusiveness, it can leave a negative impression of you.

It is worth noting that an avatar is a great way to declare your own interests. It's very good if you and your boyfriend have similar hobbies. Not stating this in a new photo on a social network is a real crime. By the way, it is not recommended to put sparkles, rhinestones and quotes on the photo that seem witty!

What to do to get a guy to write after a quarrel?

If you had a fight with your boyfriend and are waiting for him to take the first step towards reconciliation, then you can arm yourself with cunning feminine tricks.

For him to write first and apologize, don’t expect miracles and don’t doubt, but act:

  1. take care of yourself so that he feels and knows that you are not standing in one place, but are developing and feel great without him. This doesn't mean you should only show joy. When meeting him, you can allow yourself to be sad about your quarrel;
  2. make him jealous of your fans and pastime. Here it would be appropriate to add new photos to social networks or share something pleasant with your mutual friends, who will definitely pass everything on to him. In this case, the guy will start to figure everything out on his own. This is only for the good. This is not about betrayal - enough rumors that another young man sympathizes with you;
  3. start sending mental requests to the universe. For example, think about him or say as often as possible: “Thank you! He will definitely write to me.”


If a young man never writes first, but responds to your messages, this may indicate that he is simply not completely sure of his feelings. Does he maintain sluggish communication, but is he in no hurry to move on to active action? Perhaps at the moment you are simply on his “bench”. First of all, you need to think about whether you need it. You can also try to clarify this situation by asking him for some kind of service or help.

How to make him call with the power of thought?

Are you sitting in front of your phone screen and waiting for it to call? The situation is common and familiar to everyone. You can speed up this process and force him to dial a number with the power of thought.

  1. Concentrate carefully and imagine the image of your man down to the smallest detail (height, facial features, details of clothing);
  2. Place your phone in front of you and make sure your number is displayed on its screen;
  3. Imagine that your lover comes to the phone and dials your number, concentrate as much as possible on your thoughts.

At that very second, the man will have an irresistible desire to call you. Two conditions must be met: he must be familiar to you and know exactly your coordinates.

Common friends and interests

Do you know about the young man's hobbies? Be sure to take advantage of this! For example, if he leaves a post on a social network page about the achievements of a football club, write to him that the last match was very good, and they showed a similar result at the last championship. You can also take advantage of meeting the guy’s friends. Moreover, the closer the friend is to the interesting object, the better. He will certainly tell his friend about the pretty, interesting girl he met. How will this help you? The factor of rivalry can play a significant role. In this case, you don’t even need to be active: it will be enough to leave a “like” on any of the guy’s posts or photos, and then just wait, while communicating with his friend. Why would this make a guy text first? As you might have guessed, he will want to personally meet a girl who would understand him, and the rivalry factor will only increase his interest, because men so love to achieve something. By the way, you should communicate only with male representatives, but you should not establish contacts with close friends, sisters or the guy’s mother yet, because sooner or later this can result in pimping, and the young man will simply be afraid of such pressure.

Why doesn't the man call himself?

In some cases, the person you like may not call. The negative development of events is preceded by several reasons:

  • Reciprocity did not arise between people after a short acquaintance - as a result, the man does not have the thought of continuing communication, but the woman realizes that she cannot live without him.
  • A person does not feel feelings of affection for a woman - in this case, the call spell will not work (a strong love spell is required, but it is not recommended to perform it without the necessary set of knowledge).
  • The man belongs to the category of quiet individuals. Magical influence can “stir up” indecisive, timid individuals. Excessive modesty is the reason for the lack of a call on his part. He is afraid of a possible refusal or other negative turn of events. In this case, after the ceremony, your loved one will call within a few hours, as he will feel positive energy on a mental level.
  • A quarrel or other conflict situation has occurred (misunderstanding on everyday basis, disagreements in interests or life views are common causes of discord between lovers) - lack of communication in this case may be associated with resentment, fear of receiving additional negative emotions, shame for misbehavior. Sometimes pride prevents a man from taking the first step. In such a situation, calling a loved one using magic will solve the problem.

Ritual actions will help a person quickly understand his feelings. If a woman chooses the right option for magical influence, then her lover will begin to yearn and feel a desire to hear the voice. Such emotions are guaranteed to overcome fear, indecision and even resentment.

Are you around more often?

If it is extremely difficult to lure a young man into your network in the virtual world, you can try to interest him in reality. To do this, it’s enough just to be nearby as often as possible. True, you cannot overdo it here, otherwise the young man may begin to associate you with the source of trouble. How to get a guy to text you first? If you often communicate at work or school, offer to work together on an interesting project or simply share responsibilities to make the work easier and more efficient. Of course, to communicate you will need to exchange phone numbers. If you hint that sometimes you are very busy, the hunter’s instinct will turn on again in the young man, which means he will certainly write first.

Conspiracies on photography

A working and proven way to get a person to call. There are several types of ritual.

If date of birth is known

In this case, a photograph of a person is used and a conspiracy is read above it. Feature: all words should be pronounced clearly, intelligibly, without taking your eyes off the image (which is a photograph in the ritual).

With a sheet of paper

You need to write your lover's name on it. After reading the words 3 times. The photograph is wrapped in it and removed from prying eyes.

Ninefold conspiracy

To carry it out you will need a photograph, a sheet of paper, a red pencil, a metal container and matches. Write the phone number on the photo and put it on a piece of paper. Then wait until evening and transfer the paper to a metal container and read the plot. After this, set it on fire and leave to smolder until it dies out. The resulting ashes must be scattered outside in the wind.

Pronounced 9 times in a row, without stopping.


Tips on how to get a guy to text first may not work if you break the basic rules of communication. You shouldn’t try to take over all of a guy’s personal space: under no circumstances comment on his every post, don’t “like” all his photos. You should not subscribe to all the communities in which he is a member! Your profile on a social network should not look like a place of worship in front of this guy, your avatar should not scream that you need the attention of this person. You shouldn’t establish contacts with all his friends and acquaintances, much less share with them information that you are trying to win this guy’s heart. In no case, in pursuit of a man, do not forget about yourself and your interests. You should be natural, sincere and independent - this is the main secret of how to get a guy to write first!

In what cases to use a conspiracy?

Conspiracies, as a tool to influence fate and to get a man to call, have been used in love magic from the very moment of the inception of both feelings and ancient knowledge. Not all women decide to pronounce (in magic this is called reading) or simply memorize a modern spell to ring a bell.

The magical effect during the sacrament is performed at the energy level. A person perceives sent signals subconsciously.

You can use a spell to receive a call from a man, but this is not done all the time, but only when cases occur:

  • When you are overcome with longing for a person, which simple physical strength is not enough to overcome, but your emotions overwhelm you.
  • I unbearably want to hear the words, the melody that attracts in the voice.
  • After a short-term relationship, you want to renew it or continue it, strengthening the connection with the invisible threads of fate. You can equate this to love at first sight.
  • After a quarrel, if there is a desire to improve the relationship.
  • In the case when you want to hear the voice of the man you like, but the woman is shy or afraid to call first.

Interesting read

How to discourage a rival from your loved one at a distance: 60 conspiracies for any circumstances

Also, methods of magical influence are used in cases where a lover or simply a person who has aroused sympathy, which one would not like to lose, to lose the connection that has arisen, has left and does not show any impulse to return or desire to communicate. A separate group are those rituals, the purpose of which is to encourage a man to be the first to call a woman (witch).

The technique of magical influence can also be used in cases where a call is not a way to start a love relationship. Example: a call from a doctor, during which the results of the examination will be known.

Magic rituals

Even without any special witchcraft skills, you can perform a number of actions that will attract the attention of the person you are interested in. For example, you can make the simplest energy bindings. How to get a guy to text first? A spell with a photograph can be very effective. Look carefully at the photo, and then imagine the young man with your eyes closed. As soon as the image in your head becomes clear, try to keep it in your thoughts, repeat the following words 9 times: “My long-awaited (name of your loved one), why don’t you write to the servant of God (your name)? I am really looking forward to your good news. I want to talk to you. I’m a good girl, pretty, stately, and you’re not the only one who likes me, but others too. But only for you alone I want to be loved and significant. Take your phone, servant of God (boyfriend’s name), and send me a message. And when I answer you, your heart will tremble. Joy and love will fill him. As I said, so it will come true. Amen".

The magical ritual is quite simple, but effective. The girls who used it noted that it not only helps to gain the interest of the young man they like, but also restores the broken spiritual connection.

Conspiracies on the subject

There is a conspiracy to make him call, for which various objects are used.

Per strand of hair

Time: after sunset. You will need: a strand of hair, scissors and metal utensils. To carry out the conspiracy, you can go outside or stand in front of an open window. You need to cut off a strand of hair and set it on fire. While they are burning, you need to recite the text of the conspiracy. After completion of the ceremony, the ashes must be scattered.

On the stones

To carry out the ceremony, you will need stones (according to the number of digits in the phone number). A small bag and a marker are also used to indicate the numbers. You need to read a spell over the bag containing the stones. Then hide it from prying eyes.

Gypsy love spell

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • Gold ring, possible with engraved decorations, but without a stone.
  • Wine (red is ideal, but you can use any that is available at the time of the session).
  • Glass or crystal glass.
  • Candle.
  • Red thread or ribbon.

You need to light a candle, fill the glass with wine (2/3 of the volume). Tie a thread to the ring. Then bring it to the candle, and then to the glass. You need to wait until the ring hits the glass (according to the number in the names of the fortuneteller and her lover). Then the text of the conspiracy is pronounced.

For coins

In order for the guy to call, you can use coins. You should only use those that show the profile of a man. The essence of the ritual is this: the coin should be held under the left armpit. Then take it to the intersection and leave it there.

Say a spell and leave. The ritual works if there are no strangers nearby. Re-carrying requires the use of another intersection.

On a candle

Carried out in the evening. All you need is a candle. You need to light it and say the text of the plot 3 times. Then the fire needs to be blown out.

For water with salt

For the ritual you will need a glass of water, salt, a sheet of paper and a pencil. On paper you need to draw a circle in which the glass is then placed. Add 3 pinches of salt to the water.

While it dissolves, you need to imagine the image of a person and pronounce the words of the conspiracy. After completion, the water must be poured out. It is best under a fruit tree or bush.

Ritual with black pepper

A simple and working ritual. Peppercorns are used in the process. It needs to be heated in a frying pan, taken and left at the intersection. Read the text of the conspiracy and additionally leave 6 coins of 1 ruble each. The number of peppers is calculated by the number of letters in the name of a loved one.

To the ashes

You need to write your lover’s name on paper and burn the piece of paper over a candle flame. Read the words of the conspiracy over the ashes, and then scatter them on the street (best at a crossroads).

On the subject of the chosen one

A personal item of the beloved is used for ritual purposes. You need to read the plot over it 3 times.


All in the same social networks (in Russia the VKontakte network is especially widespread) there is the opportunity to like (that is, to let other network users know that you like a post on the wall from some community, photo, video, comment, etc.). Even if the guy is a stranger, but you really like him, you can like his photo

There are good chances that the guy will see you on the list of those who like his photo, and out of interest he will go to your page
in order to actually get a better look at you.

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