How to understand that a person is in love with you but hides it and you don’t communicate

In this article we will tell you:

  1. 3 signs of falling in love: the psychology of a man’s behavior
  2. Nonverbal signals in the behavior of a man in love
  3. 5 signs that a man is hiding his feelings
  4. Signs of falling in love in men of different ages
  5. Ways to respond with mutual sympathy

As a rule, men cannot always openly express their feelings towards the fair sex. In this matter, the strong half of humanity often turns out to be indecisive.

Knowing a number of features that accompany the behavior of a man in love, you can easily determine whether you are the object of sympathy. Therefore, we propose to consider these signs in detail and learn to draw the right conclusions.

How to understand that a person is in love with you but is hiding it: in simple words



1 How to understand that a person is in love with you but is hiding it: in simple words

2 How to understand that a person likes you

3 How to check if a guy needs you

4 Top obvious signs of how to understand that a person is in love with you, but hides his feelings 4.1 Sign that they are in love with you No. 1. Loss of self-control.

4.2 Sign that they are in love with you No. 2. Increased attention to you.

5 How increased attention to you can be manifested.

6 How to tell if a guy in school or college likes you

7 How to tell by looking that a guy likes you on the street

8 How to understand that a guy likes you if you don’t communicate at work or in a company

9 How to find out whether a guy likes you or not 9.1 Method 1. Take the initiative yourself.

9.2 Method 2: Ask for help.

9.3 Method 3. Provocation.

9.4 Method 4. Reveal his hidden desires for you.

10 How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence

Greetings dear lionesses. I am with you, black panther. And I will convince you again, again and again that you are not pussies, you are lionesses - predators! And today we will talk about how to understand that a person is in love with you but is hiding it. Because this weak kitten simply does not understand his happiness in owning you.

Well, you’ll have to explain to this unfortunate man that his whole life is predetermined in love with you and only you. But first, we will look into the details. Is it worth spending time on this fluffy guy?

Brings more romance into communication5

His character changes in a positive direction in the presence of someone he likes. He becomes softer, sweeter, more tolerant and more attentive. Even if it seemed that a person was rude and ill-mannered, then love turns everything upside down and he becomes his absolute opposite.

In the presence of a girl, he tries to use less foul language, does not raise his voice, and generally tries to be the best version of himself. And the most interesting thing is that with everyone except her, he will behave as he is used to. And only with a girl will his romantic nature be revealed. He will literally melt from the warm feelings overwhelming him.

Only those who are truly in love can allow such “licentiousness” in character. This feeling allows you to be more attentive to your beloved’s requests, memory works better, and intuition too. Due to this, he can pleasantly surprise, remembering everything that the girl says and at a moment when she is sad, spontaneously come and give her favorite flowers and sweets. Just to make her feel a lot better.

He will also be the most caring. He will always be interested in whether everything is fine, whether it is comfortable and ask about many other little things, as long as his passion is happy with everything. If there is such a gentleman next to you, then keep in mind that all this is not in vain.

How can increased attention to you be manifested?

  • he is close, sometimes very close, while trying to touch you;
  • tries to give you some kind of gift or surprise, and you catch the envious glances of your “friends”;
  • attempts to attract your attention with some story, anecdote, sparkles with wit on the verge of imbecility;
  • if you try to flirt with another man, you can see how jealous he is;
  • The change in voice timbre when talking to you looks especially contrasting.

Everything is banal and has been known to everyone for a long time, so I’ve outlined it here briefly and concisely, just as an example.

For information. If the gaze of a representative of the opposite sex is focused on the forehead, this means that he has a purely friendly interest in relation to the girl and nothing more.

Why do men hide their feelings?

Representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry to confess and openly express feelings. The reasons may vary. Firstly, they are afraid that the girl, having learned about their love, will begin to twist ropes out of them. Love is perceived as weakness and vulnerability.

Secondly, after words about love, the chosen one can make her answer for the “market”, that is, she will be drawn to the registry office or want to live together, and the man may not be ready for this yet.

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Welcome to the student bench at the Institute of Love and Happiness.

Thirdly, he may be married or in other relationships - this also happens. One way or another, you should respect his silence and make do on your own.

How to tell if a guy likes you in school or college

Girls, all men are the same. And they drool at us the same way, even in the office at work, even at school or college.

Although no, teenagers at this moment look even more sad and funny. God, if only someone told them about this... Most often it looks like rudeness. Flat jokes, gags.

BUT, don’t allow yourself to make fun of him and his behavior, no matter how weird it may look from the outside. The guy approaches you as best he can and as best he can. We should at least appreciate such gestures of attention.

Maybe a person is in love, but hides it, although he really is head over heels for you, it’s just that hormones at this age prevail over the brain. We must forgive and understand.

VIDEO TESTS: Is a man in love with me test about the development of your love relationship.

Signs of falling in love in men of different ages

The behavior of men of different ages may show different signs of falling in love with a woman.

  1. Young men often experience platonic feelings: just the image of their beloved girl causes excitement, arouses an enthusiastic desire to see her as often as possible. Thoughts about physical contact do not excite the imagination of a young man, because he deifies his beloved, experiencing strong emotions in his soul. This state is typical for falling in love for the first time in life.
  2. The matured young man is still prone to youthful maximalism, but his actions are much more courageous: he is ready to move mountains for the sake of his beloved. Many guys strive to impress their chosen one with sometimes reckless behavior, so that only she can see their strength, dexterity, dexterity and appreciate the ability to fulfill her every whim.

How to tell by looking that a guy likes you on the street

My dear lionesses, if someone stares at you on the street, this is the first and main sign that a man likes you. Unless you are dressed very extravagantly and attract puzzled looks from ALL people with some twirling their fingers at their temples.

And so, the guy will constantly look at you, catch your eye, try to smile with the hope of getting a smile back and starting a conversation.

This is how people meet in transport or in a public place. Some people consider such acquaintances indecent, but I am ready to object.

If a person's gaze expresses:

  • tenderness;
  • tenderness;
  • kindness;
  • Delight.

You can meet such a person even on the subway.

And if:

  • lust;
  • lust;
  • assessment;
  • neglect;
  • and so on.

Stay away from them. These are not hunters, which is normal for males, these are jackals.

How to understand that a guy likes you if you don’t communicate at work or in a company

You find yourself being shown signs of attention. But you do not work together with this person, you are not in the same company.

For example, the guy from the next department. You rarely see each other, don’t communicate, but suddenly you notice that he:

  • constantly looks at you;
  • tries to visit your department more often;
  • is always somewhere nearby when you gather with your company;
  • if he is standing with friends, and you are nearby, then he will try to show his wit, or make a joke that is funny for everyone;
  • tries to get as close to you as possible;
  • you suddenly found out that he was interested in you from your colleagues and asked for your phone number;
  • smiles if you look at him.

Does he like you or is he in love with you? Not sure? Then you need to check to be sure.

What do gestures say?

Everyone knows a simple truth: the words of the interlocutor are not always sincere. Playing the role of your well-wisher, he may experience different feelings in his soul

Or, on the contrary: the guy does his best to pretend to be a tough macho, and his fingers nervously fiddle with his scarf and his eyes timidly ask: “Do you like me?” Therefore, in such a situation, pay attention to the gestures that accompany the words. By understanding their language, it is easy to understand how this person treats you

It’s easy to tell a man’s attitude by his gestures. To do this, watch him when he is close, watch the movements of his body, hands, and facial expression:

  • By chance, you ended up not far from each other. The guy begins to automatically straighten his clothes. These gestures will indicate that he wants to look attractive in your eyes.
  • If a girl in love and a young man are standing next to each other and having a conversation, she needs to look at his posture: a man who likes a woman often unconsciously puts one leg forward, as if pointing to the object of his interest.
  • The guy, being next to the girl he likes, tries to look taller, so his body at this moment is slightly tense and stretched upward.
  • When talking to a man, look at his face: if the eyebrows are slightly raised, as if expressing surprise, then the woman can be sure that she is interested in him.
  • If in your presence a young man twirls a ring on his finger or, while talking to you, fiddles with a button on his jacket, this means that he is overcome by excitement, which he is trying to cope with. And this can definitely serve as a sign that he has feelings for you.
  • Have you noticed that the guy is looking at you? Don't worry, this is a simple demonstration that he is interested in you. And most likely, he had time to look at you even when he first saw you.
  • While talking to you, a man rubs his chin or cheek with his hand, touches his eyes. In these gestures you can see signs of his excitement and desire to please.
  • If a guy stands with his hands on his belt, it means that he subconsciously wants to show his physical strength, as well as self-confidence. He wants to please his interlocutor.
  • Sometimes you can see that his eyebrow rises and falls subtly. The guy does this, without noticing it, for a few seconds. Such an involuntary movement on his face is a sure sign that he is far from indifferent to you.
  • If a woman notices that a man is looking at her with his lips parted and his nostrils slightly widened, she can be sure that he admires her appearance.
  • The young man smoothes his hair or, conversely, involuntarily ruffles it. This gesture suggests that he is trying to look more attractive.
  • Feeling the cool breeze, the guy carefully offers you his jacket or sweater. Know that he considers you his woman and is ready to protect and protect you.
  • You can be sure that you are his favorite woman if you are talking with your loved one and during the conversation he begins to unconsciously repeat your gestures. For example: you take a phone out of your purse, he immediately mechanically takes his mobile phone out of his pocket, and so on. These gestures are a clear sign that he really likes you.

To be absolutely sure that the guy is not indifferent to you, you should conduct a small experiment: ask him for a small favor or help in some matter. If the young man accepts this with joy, then you should no longer doubt the sincerity of your lover’s feelings!

How to find out if a guy likes you or not

All the signs that a person is in love with you, or is not indifferent, may simply appear to you, since you yourself are in love with him and have imagined reciprocity for yourself.

Well, then it's time to test your guesses in practice.

Method 1. Take the initiative yourself.

If this does not work, then you will not need the remaining points. There is no need to throw yourself on his neck and shock his fragile mental state. Just invite him to accompany you.

See how the man reacts to this. If he agrees, and even with pleasure, then your assumptions turned out to be correct.

If he refers to being busy, or starts talking other nonsense. Then say that you didn’t really want to, Lyokha already agreed, I just thought that you and I were on the same path. All. We no longer need this shabby cat, he is in love, but not with you, unfortunately, or fortunately.

Test: For sincerity of feelings and devotion

How to understand that a person is in love with you but is hiding it? Time's up

Method 2: Ask for help.

Before you get close to a person and start a relationship, you need to find out if you can rely on him. We only need fluffies in bed, but next to a lioness in life there should be a lion. A strong predator in love with you, capable of protecting you.

Ask him to help you with something. Will he refuse or not? Better yet, agree with a friend to act out a scene. When the person is not far away, start to swear. Or speak in a raised voice and see how he reacts.

If he pretends that he is not here, or just leaves. You definitely don’t need this big-eared hare, let him make eyes at another fool.

Method 3. Provocation.

Try to start a conversation about a sensitive topic. Try to prove that you are right. But calmly, not aggressively, with a smile. See how he will react. If a man:

  • will calmly conduct a conversation without showing aggression;
  • will offer to change the topic to a more pleasant one if this does not offend you;
  • politely admits that you are right and ends the conversation;
  • will provide support, empathy, and offer assistance.

Then everything is fine. He likes you and sensitive topics cannot spoil his attitude towards you. This person will always support and help you.

But if it happens that in the heat of an argument he starts:

  • use obscene language;
  • scream;
  • wave your arms;
  • to defend one's innocence;
  • will not support or sympathize;
  • or he'll just leave.

Then this jackal is not a match for the lioness.

Method 4: Reveal his hidden desires for you.

He just pretends to be in love, but he has a banal desire to physically possess you. And nothing more. This needs to be identified immediately.

Offer him a walk, a date, a movie, a cafe. Just spend time together. But during this time, somewhere in the middle, let him understand that all this will not end in intimacy.

Look at his reaction. Maybe the person will not express any bad emotions, or maybe you will detect a grimace of displeasure. Then everything will become clear without words.

TOP 5 most incredible actions of men in love

  1. Prince on a white horse.
    Today Queen Elizabeth reigns in Great Britain, and in the first third of the last century the throne was occupied by King Edward VIII. This man is famous for the fact that he abdicated the throne for the sake of his beloved woman, who at the time of his marriage proposal was already a divorced lady. Edward and Wallis Warfield met back in 1930, but the real romance between the lovers began only 4 years later. In 1936, the ruling King George V of Great Britain left this world, and the Prince of Wales became the current ruler. However, at the same time, information appeared in the foreign press about the connection between the heir to the throne and a certain Mrs. Simpson, the wife of a middle-class entrepreneur. British society of the last century did not even think about the marriage of a representative of royal blood and a divorced woman who, in addition to her husbands, had love affairs with other men. Not only the Government, but also the Head of the English Church opposed this marriage.

    On December 10, 1936, King Edward VIII abdicated the throne. The next day, he made a statement in which he explained his decision as follows: “I do not find it possible to fulfill the duties of a king without the help and support of the woman I love.” The news of the abdication became a worldwide sensation. In 1937, the lovers got married and lived happily until 1972.

  2. Greedy beef, generous fellow.
    No less amazing is the story of the American millionaire John Jacob Astor. His stinginess was legendary. Thus, some ill-wishers claimed that the famous rich man eats poorly at home, so he often attends social dinners and special events in order to eat properly. Others said that John Jacob does not disdain to wear torn underwear, because he does not allow the housekeeper to spend money on threads. There is no reliable evidence of the greed of this moneybag, since the only irrefutable fact of his biography is his death during the sinking of the Titanic. While other first class passengers were trying to get into the lifeboats, this gentleman gave up his seat to an unknown woman. As it became known later, the broad gesture cost him his life.
  3. Lord of "likes".
    Another instructive love story is the life of a Scotsman named Ian Henderson. Having met a resident of Kenya, Anke John, a dark-skinned beauty, on the World Wide Web, Ian lost his head with feelings. Once in a correspondence, the girl admitted that her newly-minted Scottish acquaintance was the love of her life, throughout which she had been looking for her. Wishing to immediately unite with her lover, Anke asked he has little money for the flight. The man sent her several hundred pounds so she could buy a plane ticket. However, the woman later sadly reported that she was not allowed to leave the country. According to the law, all traveling citizens were required to have an additional 500 pounds with them. Sudden circumstances arose more than once, and each time the Scot sent money to his chosen one. Until the funds ran out and I had to take my favorite bagpipes to the pawnshop.

    As it turned out later, there was no Anke. The photograph belonged to an unknown girl, and the skillful correspondence was carried out by criminals who preyed on unhappy lovers all over the world. It has still not been possible to find the scammers, nor have we been able to redeem the musical instrument from the pawnshop.

  4. Romantic driving.
    Having fallen in love with a traffic inspector, the pretty Doris Lemon, Colin O'Neal repeatedly parked in the wrong place, just to attract her attention. Despite all attempts, the traffic police noticed the gentleman only a couple of months later. By this time, the unhappy lover had already accumulated almost 40 thousand pounds in fines and more than a hundred hours of community service. However, attempts to please the lady were not in vain. Doris nevertheless accepted his marriage proposal.
  5. His Majesty and only...
    From the school history course we all know who Napoleon is. More than a dozen films and TV series have been made about his love for his wife Josephine. However, Bonaparte’s most romantic gift to his beloved can be called Sicily - after the conquest of the island, the emperor presented it as a gift to his lady of the heart.
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