How can you tell if a girl is hiding her feelings and understand whether she loves you or not?

It so happens that a girl is traditionally prescribed a quiet, passive model of behavior. Previously, any attempts to take the initiative and speak about your feelings directly were condemned.

Nowadays, girls are no longer so shy, they are not afraid of self-expression and leadership, but the majority, following tradition, try to appear modest. This is not bad, since it is modest behavior that often attracts us even more than shocking behavior. But in such a situation, a reasonable question arises: how to understand that a girl loves you?

How to check if you are loved?

There are moments that make it clear that sympathy is taking place. But love is a deeper and more complex thing; body language and words alone cannot do it. How can you tell if a girl loves you, if not by her actions?

  1. You are her priority. A smart girl will never sacrifice herself for someone, but you occupy one of the first positions on her list of plans. A girl is more interested in spending time with you than hanging out with her friends or going shopping.
  2. She listens to you. And he hears. If a girl is ready to understand your position in life, sympathizes with your failures and rejoices at your successes, then she probably loves you. Who needs the problems of an unloved person?
  3. If some kind of force majeure suddenly happens, she is ready to help you. Of course, not to take on the whole problem, but to help with exactly what is preventing you from coping on your own.
  4. She doesn't expect any answer from you. This is not about selflessness, but about the desire to give love. She loves only because she loves. Not to receive love in return. He just loves.
  5. She's not jealous of you. It seems difficult to understand. “Jealousy is proof of love” is an extremely infantile statement. If a girl is jealous of you, then she either doesn’t love herself, or doesn’t really trust you, or all of the above.
  6. The girl trusts you. Any healthy relationship is built on trust, and it is very difficult to earn and easy to lose.
  7. The girl respects you and your boundaries. If she loves you, then she will not demand from you eternal company, gifts, attention, giving up hobbies and friends. And he won’t demand anything at all. A loving girl will give you complete freedom, because she can understand that harassing something is an element of psychological violence. If he loves, he will not rape.

Here's how to understand that a girl truly loves. Not by the number of meetings she makes for you, not by the number of gifts, not by the taste of the meat pie and not by the depth of her neckline. Online communication is also unlikely to be a guide. How to understand that a girl loves you by correspondence? Online communication is just a set of templates, devoid of true emotionality. Love is on the inside, not on the outside.

Psychological methods for detecting lies

There is a separate branch in the science of observing human reactions. She analyzes behavior, identifying symptoms of lies or understatement. You can use the technique during a conversation, asking leading questions, or taking specific actions. In the first case there will be a facial reaction, in the second - behavior and non-verbal gestures. One should proceed from the opposite. If there is a reason for jealousy, the girl will not blame the guy for looking for a convenient reason for quarrels.

There were cases when partners checked each other using an allegedly found page on a dating site. The young ladies, obviously aware of their boyfriend’s jealousy, quickly found confirmation that this was his doing. And the situation changed radically: suspicions arose among the weaker sex. Either the man wanted to humiliate the woman, or put her in an indecent light, or break up, but not on his own initiative.

Perhaps she is using you?

Everyone has their own ways to survive and take their place in the sun. There are all sorts of situations, so you shouldn’t be judgmental about it, everyone can be understood. But no one will be pleased to realize that they are dating him for self-interest. How can you tell if a girl loves you or is using you?

  1. If she is heavily dependent on you financially, this is already a reason to think about it. It is not difficult to understand that cases of selfless love between a provincial woman and a successful businessman are quite real, but, to put it mildly, they are few.
  2. If you are her boss, and the girl makes it clear that she wants a promotion and makes unambiguous hints, then the likelihood that she is using you is extremely high.
  3. A girl is definitely manipulating you if she denies you intimacy when you don’t indulge her whims. I didn’t buy a fur coat, I didn’t give her a phone, I didn’t take her to Nice - there will be no sex.
  4. There is a high probability that a young lady is using you if she turns to you only when she needs something.

Dating by phone6

This is a type of communication using special methods. If your method is described through social networks, then we are talking about a telephone conversation. Knowing a woman's number, a man can introduce himself as anyone in a conversation. And his best childhood friend, about whom he knows enough information from the words of a woman (most importantly, verified), and a courier, and just a fan.

Those who belong to the creative profession type also manage to start a conversation. Girls are willing to make contact with artists, photographers and writers. If you manage to get to know each other, it is important not to get carried away, as in the film “I Love My Husband” - the wife tries in every possible way to influence her husband, takes him away from the family to herself, and then proves her importance in family relationships.

Whether comedy can become a prototype for a testing method is unknown. However, such situations arise when a young man is not sure of his suspicions and is afraid to inform the girl about the speculation that has arisen. More mature and experienced people come to a consensus together.

Does it happen that a girl hides her feelings?

Oh yes, female secrecy is legendary.
Negative old experiences can undermine a girl’s trust both in men and in romantic and close relationships in general, so she is in no hurry to be the first to open her heart. It is also worth understanding that from childhood, remembering Tatyana Larina, girls are told that if they themselves start talking about their feelings for a man, they will suffer a sad fate: they will lose all interest in them and will try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Since many girls are not without fear of loneliness, they try to be good to everyone so as not to be abandoned. Hence the adherence to outdated rules of “decency”, which only suppress what is inside.

How to understand that a girl loves you, but hides her feelings? Outwardly, a young lady may act completely indifferent or extremely polite, but this does not mean that she does not feel anything for you. Try to watch her. Some gestures, characteristic features of behavior, phrases will definitely give her away, unless, of course, the girl has undergone many years of training in the school of self-control.

Is it right to test for loyalty?

Do you know what is very important in a close relationship between two people?


I have never understood wildly jealous guys and girls who carry out surveillance, monitor email and mobile phones, study social networks, and control every step.

All this is due to uncertainty, of course, how can one even live and build relationships in such an environment?

You can go crazy, suspecting your beloved of treason every day.

Well, you can drive yourself and your significant other to a madhouse.

Is not it so?

If you are so jealous and distrustful, then I recommend two ways out of this impasse:

  1. Change for the better (become less suspicious and distrustful).
  2. Test your girlfriend's fidelity.

If the first option is not an option for you at all, then I recommend that you still decide and test your girlfriend’s fidelity.

Don't take this as a sign of weakness or insecurity.

Look at it as mandatory safety precautions, like washing your hands before eating and brushing your teeth before going to bed.

If a girl easily passes the test of fidelity, stop tormenting her with your suspicions and jealousy.

Finally start enjoying the happiness that the Universe has sent you.

Eventually learn to trust her!

How to find out about her real feelings: test

A test as such will not help in how to find out if a girl loves you. Before you start testing the young lady, you should understand that few people like experimenting on themselves.

You can, of course, go to the hospital and time the time it takes for her to reach your room, but it’s better to stop playing children’s games and test normally. But yourself. Your attentiveness and observation.

So, a girl really likes you if:

  • When talking, she looks at your face. It doesn’t have to be straight to the point; for many people this is quite difficult. The main thing is not through you, not into your wallet, not into your phone, and not onto your nails.
  • When she listens to you, her lips are slightly parted. Essentially, this is readiness for a kiss.
  • When communicating in a cheerful company, when someone jokes, she looks at you, at your reaction. The girl will subconsciously be guided by the reaction of the guy she is interested in
  • She smiles at you sincerely and laughs at your jokes. This is a moderately wide smile, in which almost all facial muscles are involved: this is made clear by the “crow’s feet” near the eyes. This smile does not look rehearsed, it does not appear too quickly and does not disappear immediately after you turn away.
  • She straightens her clothes and hair when communicating. If she straightens her hair, her arms rise up, revealing her breasts. This is a subconscious sign of demonstrating your sexuality.
  • If during a conversation her hands are near her waist, this is an almost direct, but subconscious hint to continue communication in a more intimate setting. This is how she focuses your attention on her hips and genitals.

What is the difference between male and female lies?

Everyone lies. Some are petty, while others are constantly and skillfully entangled with flattery. But at the same time, men's and women's lies are different. Girls use longer sentences, and guys more often repeat words such as “certainly,” “definitely,” “of course.” Instead of these words, ladies often say verbs such as “I’ll try” and “I’ll try.” Men and women also have something in common: when they deceive, they use more pronouns in conversation and correspondence. At the same time, girls place more emphasis on “I”, and men more often repeat the word “My”, “Mine”.

You can love and forgive everything, but it is better to know your worth and not allow yourself to be deceived. If a friend behaves suspiciously, then there is no need to ignore it for fear of ruining the relationship. If you leave everything as it is, you will have to constantly adjust and listen to her lie. My students are masterful at identifying a girl’s lies, find out more what I can teach you.

Signs that your ex-girlfriend still loves you

How do you know if your ex-girlfriend loves you?
After all, there are many such situations when a couple breaks up due to some strange circumstances in which feelings do not go away. You can understand that she loves you if:

  1. Communicates with you in the same way as before. He doesn’t try to ignore you or seduce you again, but talks to you calmly and maintains a dialogue. A wise, loving girl will not manipulate or throw tantrums: she is not a capricious child.
  2. Still helpful if you need help with something.
  3. Doesn't spread gossip about you to everyone. There are no attempts to denigrate you in the eyes of mutual friends if she loves you.
  4. Doesn't throw tantrums because you found another girl, no scenes of jealousy. She is able to understand and accept the situation.
  5. She doesn’t hold a grudge against you because you broke up/ because she spent the best years of her life on you/ because you’re a scoundrel. Again, she is able to understand that the relationship involves a couple.

Before you realize that the girl still loves you, think about whether it is worth entering into this relationship a second time without working through the mistakes of your previous attempt.

There is still the easiest way to find out if a girl loves you after a breakup: ask her. If you separated amicably, she will let you know that the feelings remain.

New fan3

Before you hire a volunteer to play the role of a fan, it is worth understanding whether the ends really justify the means. Such a distrustful attitude towards a spouse with whom there is something to share besides bed is acceptable. Anyone can accuse, but even after unsuccessful attempts to catch someone in a lie, it is worth explaining and apologizing. The “victim” is unlikely to trust the inspector after all, because the undermined opinion of himself comes from those closest to him.

According to statistics, married couples without children more often resort to the verification method with the help of third parties. Men hire people they know, and only 48% of them do. Of the remaining, only 2% do not try to find the skeleton in the closet. The remaining half are inclined to believe their reasons without evidence: it seemed that she had changed, which means that it is so. Now it is her task to refute the prevailing opinion. Women not only leave this type of man, but also divorce at the first opportunity, citing unbearable jealousy.

The situation with the “sent Cossack” is unfolding according to the standard scenario. The guy's friend agrees to play love, imitating feelings for the object. Over the course of a month, there are signs of attention and conversations are held without pressure. It is impossible to immediately accuse her of indecent behavior. Too superficial and seems like a reason to break up.

When the sympathy becomes mutual, the woman will begin to look in the mirror more often, wear perfume and wear beautiful clothes. This indicates interest and a desire to be liked and attract attention. It’s not cheating yet, but the relationship is under threat, due to the man’s fault. He risks losing both his beloved and his friend. After all, relationships are not toys; people are not made of iron, and feelings can flare up in anyone.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

You should understand that you cannot be nice by force. You can't get a young lady with obsessiveness and pressure, and if you do, it won't be for long. But you can increase the likelihood.

  • Let her know that you are interested in her. These could be banal bouquets of flowers, an invitation to take a walk or discuss something.
  • Get into her hobbies. It is difficult for a girl not to love a guy at all with whom she has a favorite thing in common. Dancing, cinema, hand-to-hand combat - it doesn’t matter. Try to understand and love her hobby.
  • Help her. Actions. Give me a ride home if it's raining outside. Give her some tea if she comes in from the cold.
  • Spend time with her. Don’t be afraid to invite her to places that interest you two, but don’t overdo it either. She should have enough time for herself, and the monotony becomes boring. Try to understand her tastes and choose an event that both will enjoy.
  • Don't play with her in fits of ignoring, jealousy, indifference, etc. This looks more like a child's manipulation than the actions of an adult man. Behave according to the situation.
  • Give all sorts of things for no reason. The very fact of receiving something for free is very attractive.

At the initial stages, gifts should not make it clear to the girl that they are trying to bribe her. We need something good, sincere. A book, a bag of red tea, gummy bears, calipers, a piece of jadeite, a jigsaw. It's a matter of taste, you never know what someone likes.

Moving, renovation, decluttering

Each of these events takes one of the partners by surprise, even if you have been discussing this damn renovation for three years. Joint repairs were 100% invented by the devil so that families would break up and people would kill each other. So, if you have the opportunity to hire builders for this task, don’t be greedy! Your relationship will be healthier.

However, if the renovation can be entrusted to another person, then moving and decluttering can only be done by the two of you. And believe me, if you are thinking about how to test the strength of a relationship, this option is best.

Perhaps one of you is a plush person who needs every piece of paper and broken corkscrew, while the other, on the contrary, wants to free up space from all the trash. Remember that the move ends and your relationship may end with it.

How to understand that a girl doesn't love you?

She is polite, neat, tactful.
She smiles at you, talks to you and looks beautiful. Is this love? Is not a fact. How to understand whether a girl loves you or not just by appearance? No way. Only approximate. But if she really doesn't love you, you will see it and understand it. Her smile looks more automatic than real. Her conversations with you are more like small talk than an exchange of information between two interested people. Actually, that's all. If she doesn’t love you, her behavior is completely neutral, you can understand that.

And sometimes it happens that a young lady does not perceive a guy as an individual of the opposite sex. She can share so many things with you, knowing that you will be able to understand and advise. Up to love failures. If the roles are set in such a way that you feel like a “girlfriend,” then she is unlikely to consider you as a potential partner. To some extent, she loves you, but clearly not in the context that you want.

Quarantine or any other forced living together 24/7

Do you know that after the first lockdown, divorces increased by 25%?
This is the toughest test of relationships for families and couples who have just started living together. People couldn't stand living together 24/7. I agree, it’s one thing when, for example, you see each other for a couple of hours a day for two or three years, but spend full time together only once a week, or even less often. But it’s another thing when you have to watch the same face around the clock.

Even at such times, we need to remember personal boundaries and try to be patient with each other. Try to spend at least an hour a day alone with yourself and give the girl the same opportunity. Lie in the bathroom with a book, watch a TV series on the balcony, in the bedroom, on the toilet. It is important that you do not pull each other at this moment.

So, if you’re thinking about how to test a girl for love, go remote and try not to kill each other while being together 24/7.

Method six, drunk

A man wants to see a worthy life partner next to him. Therefore, you will most likely have to pass an alcohol test as well. Cohabitation presupposes the presence of children, which means a woman must be impeccable in many matters.

Alcohol tests

You yourself know your body, you know how predisposed you are to alcohol, the state of your health. Therefore, it will be useful to control the situation. Do not give in to the persuasion and various attempts of a man aimed at getting you drunk. The most ideal option would be to drink half as much as he does. Only in this case will you be guaranteed a decent time and a successful evening. And your man will receive confirmation of your adequacy and calm attitude towards strong alcoholic drinks.

Method five, economic

If you and your chosen one each have their own living space, then sooner or later you will have to meet in a common area. You will either go to visit him or invite him to your place.

Test what kind of housewife are you

In your home, first of all, a man can pay attention to how efficient you are, whether your place is clean, comfortable, and whether you keep the rooms in proper order. Most likely, it will not be difficult for you to present yourself at the proper level. Once in a man’s apartment, also try to offer your help in everyday matters.

Apartment renovation, washing, ironing are not necessary in this case.

It will be enough to wash the dishes together after dinner. Most likely, this will present you from a positive side, and the chosen one will be satisfied.

On its territory you can also conduct a kind of test for a man. If he does not have serious intentions towards you, then your attempts to interfere in his own comfort and life will be nipped in the bud. Assuming that your relationship will not last long, the man will not allow anything to be changed in his “den”. Therefore, in order not to goof off and not show yourself from an ugly side, it is better to clarify whether he really needs your help with the housework. Don’t rush to pretend to be zealous; only women who have low self-esteem do this. Remember that you are self-sufficient, just offer your services without rushing around the house with a mop and broom.

What kind of women do men want next to them?

It would seem, why bother and determine how dear you are to your passion? But we should disappoint you, since these manipulations will help not only evaluate your true feelings, but also determine the comfort of your stay together. Quite often, living in a “civil marriage”, a woman relaxes and becomes confident that she will be married. But this may not happen until you pass a kind of exam that the man prepared for you. Here are seven of the most common tests you'll likely have to go through.

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