How to understand that a girl is in love with you, but is hiding it: 13 important signs

The stronger sex often has problems understanding the reciprocity of feelings with a girl. It is very difficult for them to understand that a girl has fallen in love and is waiting for a response. Ignoring an interested passion can lead to a cooling of her feelings for you, and communication will stop at the most interesting point. In such situations, men usually tend to go ahead and ask the fair sex about feelings directly, without any intrigue. But some have many doubts about reciprocity and a feeling of fear appears. It is justified by the emergence of an awkward situation, and even worse - by ridicule. Therefore, you should not spoil your self-esteem and rush ahead.

For many years, psychologists have studied human behavior when falling in love, because this condition causes significant changes. Particularly attentive men can take advantage of scientific data and apply them in practice, reducing the risk of unpleasant situations to a minimum. The state of love in women is very pronounced; they cannot control the intuitive signals of the body. They themselves do not notice them. Having become better acquainted with the information in the article, you will be able to read the signs of a girl’s body and be sure of her feelings. Recognizing such impulses on the part of women can significantly increase your chances of serious relationships with girls.

She gets emotionally invested.

If a girl loves you, she worries and cares about you.
She cares about how your day was. She wants you to share your problems with her. You are now a part of her life. Keep in mind that she wants to ask questions not because she sticks her nose everywhere. She shows that she loves you. Note that this means that she is thinking about you and is worried.

Emotional investment is a very important and revealing factor.

Don't get angry if a woman asks you for the second time if you'll come soon. This is not control. She's just worried and waiting for you.

Her look and eyes

It is believed that the eyes cannot lie and this really is the case. They are a mirror of a girl’s soul and first of all these feelings give her away:

  • The main signal of the eyes is the gaze; more than once you could feel someone else’s gaze on you. So, a girl on a subconscious level in a large company will constantly look at you. But don't confuse staring with regular peeping. Having noticed the gaze and attention on yourself, try to count how many times the stranger will look at you. If more than five times per meeting, then you definitely interested her.
  • More pronounced, which makes it clear that a person is in love - the dilation of the pupils when looking at a loved one. This is simple physiology and it is impossible to argue with it. However, it only works with females with light eye color. On dark eyes it is very difficult to recognize changes in the size of the pupil and you can easily confuse your chosen one.
  • When she turns her gaze to her, she abruptly turns away and pretends that she wasn’t looking. The surest sign of falling in love, she looked at you, but when you paid attention to her, she immediately became embarrassed. This means that she is in love and is afraid of being misunderstood.

She trusts you.

If there is no trust, then there is no intimacy.

She doesn't get into your phone if you're late at work. She doesn't monitor your social networks and doesn't eavesdrop on conversations. She believes you and understands that since she chose you, she must cast aside all doubts.

In turn, she can share her experiences with you. For her, you are the closest person.

These are the main symptoms of whether a girl loves you. Hope they help. If the article was useful, share it with a friend. Help him improve his personal life.


Another universal way is to observe a woman’s behavior. It clearly reveals her feelings towards her love object. Below are these manifestations of love:

  • By communication it is very easy to understand whether a girl likes you. She will always look for contact with you, even in large companies. You will become number one for her, she will prefer your company to her friends and other acquaintances. Please note that if in a large company a girl tries to stay closer to you, then she is clearly not indifferent.
  • Genuine interest in your stories and stories. The most striking sign will be her questions about your affairs, and she may also ask friends or acquaintances about you. She will help you in every possible way to the detriment of her own affairs and worries. With these signals, you will understand that the girl has definitely fallen in love.
  • Signs of attention and gifts on her part may mean love on her part. Especially if this all happens for no significant reason. This is the main way to let you know that she has fallen in love; it is difficult for a girl to openly admit her feelings first, and she tries in every possible way to draw your attention to herself. If you were given an expensive gift, or it took a lot of time to make it with your own hands, this may be a hint of a long and serious relationship on the part of the woman.
  • Negative emotions can also reveal a beautiful lady’s feelings for you. She begins to be jealous even with a casual glance in the direction of the other. It doesn't matter who it is, your old friend, or her best friend. The reaction will not be long in coming, because she does not want to share you with anyone, even without a serious relationship between you.
  • People in love are very happy when they are close. This can also be a very clear sign of a girl’s love for you. A woman in love is like a bright flower that glows with happiness in the company of her beloved. Any little thing connected with you can provoke her joy.
  • Find out that a girl loves you simply through her care. If you are sick, and she constantly spends time with you and tries to help you with treatment, then this is a sure sign of love. Associated with this is the maternal instinct that every woman has. They are ready to spend 24 hours with loved ones, no matter what.

Modesty and embarrassment i

At the initial stage of a relationship, or even at the time of acquaintance and friendly communication, girls tend to show shyness. Of course, everyone is different, and in some cases, ladies are assertive and active from the first day they meet. This behavior may indicate two personality traits and her attitude towards a man.

Firstly, there are a lot of confident ladies in the world. Over time, many women come to the understanding that their embarrassment and timidity can push away a potential gentleman. That is why they express themselves from the position: “This is who I am.” These can be active steps, and the absence of the slightest tightness.

Men value directness and frankness in women. Although sometimes they tend to fall in love with an open-minded young lady. And over time, it turns out that the cheat did not at all count on starting a family or building long-term relationships. She was quite content to go on dates, have fun and have sex without strings attached. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at a woman’s behavior and try to analyze it objectively and impartially.

The second option for a girl’s aggressive, open or liberated behavior is a measure of protection of personal space and total self-doubt. It is quite difficult for some women to let new people into their lives, especially male ones. They laugh uncontrollably, their movements are jerky and intermittent. Don’t be afraid, perhaps this is her manifestation of sympathy.

In most cases, girls try to behave modestly and quietly. They watch their partner, evaluate him from all angles. It's no secret that women more often consider every potential gentleman as a life partner. Therefore, they are quite uncomfortable to behave one hundred percent openly and naturally. The environment and stress put pressure on such individuals with such force that they do not even allow themselves to eat or go to the restroom in the presence of the object of sympathy. This is the feminine essence, it only happens in the process of communication and building trusting contact with a guy.

Signs a woman is indifferent to you

Now is a very difficult time in which many women are looking only for personal gain in communicating with men. It is worth being able to recognize such signs in advance to avoid wasting time on such people. Here are the main indicators if a girl takes advantage of your feelings:

  • The main signal will be stories about your relationships with other men. After all, she is not interested in you as a man and she will share various adventures with you and ask for advice. If she was in love with you and was dating another guy, she probably wouldn't tell you about it.
  • Absence of at least minimal regret about breaking up with you: perhaps you have been communicating for several days and you are in a relationship. If you intend to break up, she will immediately fade and become very worried. If she calmly leaves your life with a smile on her face, she was simply using you and looking for an opportunity to leave for someone else.
  • She always calls you not for communication, but only when there is a need or help. Such women like to keep several handy men close to them who are ready to help them in any problem, try to avoid them. But there are other situations when, between times during a conversation, she asks you to fix the faucet at home, this may mean that she is looking for a meeting with you. You should be able to determine intentions by the manner of conversation; if it started with the words “make, buy,” then avoid it.

Practical advice and results Girls change a lot when they start to love, so her love is very easy to understand by many different body signs.
Increased attention to you and constant questions “how are you?” indicate her sympathy for your person. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and be the first to admit your feelings; a man has been the initiator of all relationships since ancient times. At first, it may seem that it is very difficult to recognize all the signs of a girl’s love. Yes, indeed, at the very beginning this is so. But after you practice, you will become proficient at tracking signals. This skill is useful not only for dating, but also in other areas of life. It will help you become more successful and understand people from the first minutes of meeting. Improve your skills in large companies, or even at work. Maybe some pretty beauty has been watching you for a long time, and you didn’t even notice it. Understanding that a girl is in love with you is much easier than you think. Go for it and luck will definitely smile on you.

The best test is life4

But, if the decision to check is nevertheless made, it is necessary to begin its implementation. As the relationship with the girl develops, various life situations arise.

How the partner behaves and how she reacts to them will answer many questions. You just need to carefully observe and draw appropriate conclusions.

Don’t forget that you yourself need to look dignified and masculine. In response to greed, cowardice or boorish behavior, it is difficult to expect love or affection.

What to do if a girl is in love?

Answered “yes” to most questions? The girl has a crush on you. What to do about it? There are two options:

  1. If you are interested in her: meet her halfway and start a relationship.
  2. If a woman is “not hooked”: gently and delicately refuse.

The main thing: do not torment the young lady, do not force her to remain in uncertainty. Otherwise, it is possible that without achieving reciprocity from you, she will find another man. I talk more about such situations in the section “Ideal love relationships.” In the meantime, let's look at complex cases in more detail.

How to behave with a married lover?

A more juicy situation, right? You were able to understand whether a married woman loves you. How to be in this case? Answer yourself the question of how strong your feelings are for her. What do you want from a woman: sex without commitment or a full-fledged relationship. If she is just a sexual partner for you, get out of her life. Don't come between her and her husband, don't ruin her marriage. But do it tactfully, like this:

  1. Invite her to a meeting in a cozy restaurant or for a walk in the park.
  2. Tell her that you know how she feels and that you are very flattered that such a beautiful woman is interested in you.
  3. Explain that your intentions do not include a serious relationship, and you do not want to destroy your family.

Even if you do everything right, be prepared for an emotional reaction. If you think that you have found the love of your life in this girl, continue the relationship, fight for her heart. In the article “Pickup truck is no longer in fashion” I convey these and other valuable thoughts. Take them into service.

Sign six – time7

I want to spend a lot of time with my loved one. So many. I love any free moment. And don’t wait for him to call you somewhere. The girl will initiate communication only with those who are interested in her. The greater her passion, the more she strives to communicate. She will write, call, come. He will offer to go to the cinema, to a cafe, to the park - anywhere, as long as we are together.

She understands perfectly well that she needs you, so she won’t wait for the weather by the sea. Risks being left behind. Therefore, he will put his principles of “girls don’t call first” aside and will fight for his happiness.

Ways to find out if a girl loves you or is just flirting

Flirting is harmless entertainment, inherent in both women and men. It’s difficult to see true love behind cutesy looks and ambiguous jokes. Therefore, it is difficult to discern whether a woman is giving a signal to attack or is simply flirting with you.

But some of her actions may directly indicate she is in love with you.:

  • She is interested in the life of the object of her love . A flirting girl is limited to flirting alone. She is not interested in your life beyond these few minutes of communication. A girl in love will be interested in what his favorite football team is, his favorite TV series, music, she needs to know everything.
  • Only the beloved is in my thoughts . A girl in love will not ignore the disappearance from all her radars. If you are sick, she will certainly call, or even show up to you with a pot of chicken broth. A flirting girl who is not focused on a long-term relationship does not care about your life.
  • Shows concern . A girl in love strives to push as much food into her lover as possible. If this is a colleague, there will always be pies according to her signature recipe and fresh cookies on your desk. A girl whose goal is to flirt will not worry so much.

If it’s difficult to figure out where is flirting and where is falling in love, take the first step. A flirting girl will reject your attempt to move to a new level of relationship, and a woman in love will be happy with this turn of events and take a step towards you.

How to check her feelings?

If you still doubt whether a girl loves you, try breaking up for a while. If your chosen one really loves and takes you seriously, she will really miss you and wait faithfully. Nothing will change during the period of time you spend apart. What is important is not only whether she will wait or not, but what she will do in your absence. If, in order to pass the time waiting for your return, she goes to a party and walks in a noisy company of friends and young people, then we can safely question the veracity of her words and the sincerity of her feelings. Temporary separation will put everything in its place, so this method of checking is the most reliable.

No matter how mysterious and incomprehensible a girl is by nature, it is still possible to understand what she feels.

We also recommend watching an interesting video on the topic:

How to understand if a girl really needs you

Is the girl playing or experiencing true love? Analysis of behavior on the above points will help you draw the right conclusion. If she uses a man to achieve her goals, it is difficult not to notice.

Such a young lady calls in case of personal difficulties, rather than find out about the guy’s affairs, shows playfulness and coquetry in the presence of third parties, does not share his hobbies, actively fights them, and ridicules attempts to do something new.

A loving woman is a trembling creature, afraid of causing her chosen one pain, discomfort, or damaging his self-esteem. She tries to be a friend, adviser, helper.

Sign three – change4

Any progressive relationship consists of movement. In order not to reach a dead end, a person must develop. Similarly with feelings - if one loves, then he is ready to change for another. But the golden mean is important here - for example, learning to cook a man’s favorite dish is a positive change, but having facial plastic surgery that a woman doesn’t need, but a man needs, is overkill.

Over time, relationships (of any kind) begin to fade, so you need to add more wood to the fire. A woman who loves will try to be desired by her man. It will pique his interest.

Trying to look good

A girl who cares about you will try to look good for you. Even if your meeting is planned to last a few minutes and no one will see your significant other except you, she will still use cosmetics and make sure that her hair is clean. And she will also try to choose clothes that will emphasize her sexuality and hide her flaws.

Loving girl tries to look good

Fear of eye contact2

Continuing the theme of tightness, let us note the peculiarity of eye contact between objects that experience interest or sympathy for each other. Girls tend to stealthily watch the man they desire. In these moments of secret peeping, she tries to note his behavioral characteristics, evaluate his appearance, and get to know the desired companion through facial expressions and gestures.

If at the moment of observation the guy looks into her eyes, the result will be predictable. The girl will instantly look away and pretend that she didn’t look at his silhouette at all. Sometimes such turns look extremely comical for men. The girl immediately rushes to do some illogical things and quickly starts a conversation with the first interlocutor who turns up.

Signs that your ex-girlfriend still loves you

If a girl’s feelings have not yet cooled down, she will always try to maintain contact with her ex-partner, appearing on his social networks, tracking life events and being interested in affairs through acquaintances. She will be jealous and at the same time defiantly post her “happy” photos online.

He will look for an excuse to meet and ask for help.

She will always “accidentally” find herself in those places that her ex visits, trying to unobtrusively remind her of herself. She will complain to mutual friends about how she regrets the breakup and how bad she feels alone, hoping that the information will reach the recipient.

She won’t be stopped late to call and talk about their past together and the reasons for the breakup, especially if she drank a couple of glasses of wine.

In the end, the girl can openly say that she misses her and wants to get back into the relationship.


Stages of falling in love in girls

The feeling of sympathy arises unexpectedly; it is impossible to plan it, just as it is impossible to plan sincere joy and sadness. Chemistry, magic, instinct - all this speaks of the feeling of falling in love. The stages of this feeling in women and girls can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Flash. The sudden feeling is still incomprehensible and causes many emotions that contradict each other;
  2. Awareness. The girl begins to understand her feelings and shows sympathy;
  3. Euphoria in the event of a response, developing into addiction. I want to devote all my free time to my chosen one. If the feelings are not reciprocated, depression and loss of energy may develop.

Couple in love

Falling in love does not pass without a trace; it is one of the components of a relationship. There are 7 stages of their development:

  1. Love. At this stage, the fair sex is fascinated by attention and time spent together. The stage is dangerous because the ability to think rationally is lost. A woman has a desire to see only the good in her chosen one; she does not want to understand his shortcomings. Psychologists say that lovers do not really know each other, they see the one they want;
  2. Becoming. Romance turns into everyday life, prudence returns, and the girl begins to evaluate her partner. At this stage, many couples become oversaturated with each other's attention and break up. Those whose relationships survive form a couple;
  3. Negation. A testing stage that not all couples go through. The advantages are no longer so noticeable, the girl begins to learn about the shortcomings of her chosen one. She tries to change his behavior and habits, but in response she receives resistance. You can’t do without quarrels and scandals;
  4. Humility and calmness. The realization comes that the person next to you is a separate person with his own character;
  5. Interaction and service. If at the previous stages the goal was to please oneself, now the couple is ready to interact and change for each other;
  6. The girl's friendly attitude towards her chosen one. She behaves not like a woman in love, but like a loyal friend;
  7. A love that will not fade. Emotions no longer boil over, relationships are perceived calmly and measuredly.


How a man who truly loves behaves - the psychology of falling in love

Not every girl in love will be able to approach the guy she likes and directly say about her feelings, but she will hint and give signals in every possible way. A look is the main signal that will say more than words. The eyes do not deceive you; it is difficult to hide your interest in them.

Loving look

The look of a woman in love is easy to recognize, how to check:

  • A woman will look at a man she likes for at least 6 seconds in a row without looking away;
  • the girl will “follow” the object of sympathy with her gaze, try to catch every movement;
  • when a girl meets the eyes of a guy she likes, she looks away and hides her interest in every possible way;
  • dilated pupils, at this moment adrenaline is produced in the blood, which causes the pupils to involuntarily dilate;
  • the loving gaze of a young girl can be intrusive, it is difficult for her to control her emotions, she may simply not notice how intently she is looking at the young man.

Signs of female love

Women are creatures who are excellent at disguising many things. No, of course, not all of them, but for the most part. They know how to find an approach so cunningly that with your last money you buy her a fur coat, boots and a ticket to the island. And it’s not a fact that she will fly there with you.

In general, in order for a man not to be deceived, you will have to become a little psychologist in order to understand where the truth is and where it is not so true. There are sure signs of how to understand that a woman loves you. Just look for these signs preferably with a cool head. And sober. And you can ask not only for yourself, but also for your friends.

Changes in appearance

Emotional burnout - what it is and how it is related to stress, signs

If a woman is in love, her image changes, she tries to look better - these are the main signs. The appearance of a girl in love changes due to internal changes: a sparkle appears in the eyes, a pleasant smile, facial features become softer. A woman in love often has her head in the clouds, her muscles relax, and her face becomes friendly.

A girl can change her clothing style and wear dresses more often, even if she previously preferred jeans. Suddenly you may have a desire to change your hairstyle or hair color, or do makeup. All this in order to win the attention of the object of sympathy.

Girl putting on makeup

In the presence of a man, the fair sex wants to look perfect, sometimes this goes beyond the bounds of reason. She can go overboard with cosmetics and jewelry, and wear high-heeled shoes where this is not appropriate.

Note! Often girls in love attract the attention of not only the object of their affection, but also other men. The lover radiates warmth, her movements become light, one gets the impression that she loves everything around her. It is this state that attracts the opposite sex; another man may like her.

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