How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings: signs of falling in love for all zodiac signs

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In real life, men who are in love but hide their feelings are rare. Usually, representatives of the opposite sex try in every possible way to show their attitude towards their beloved, showing her signs of attention or presenting gifts. However, another scenario is also possible, when a man is either too timid or is afraid to receive a refusal from a woman in response to his confession. In this case how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings? There is no need to despair. You can always find and recognize in the behavior of a representative of the stronger sex certain signs that reveal an internal emotional state, by which it is not difficult to determine his true attitude.

Nonverbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman

In addition to the obvious signs that indicate a man in love, there is communication interaction without the use of words. These are the so-called nonverbal signs of communication. Even if a man is silent, body language will most likely help determine his attitude towards you.

Such wordless signs are laid down at the level of a person’s subconscious, and their manifestations in communication show a true attitude towards the interlocutor:

  • gestures;
  • facial expressions;
  • intonation.

For a man in love, meeting his chosen one is akin to an extreme situation when a large amount of adrenaline is pumped into the blood. At such moments, a representative of the stronger sex is in an extremely excited state, so it is difficult for him to hide his true attitude towards a woman.

You can figure out a representative of the stronger sex by characteristic features. There are ten such signs in total.


It’s easy to determine his attitude towards a woman by looking at a man’s eyes. A lover's gaze literally lights up when meeting the object of his desire. Moreover, the man’s eyes glow in the literal sense of the word. They appear shiny and radiant, and some representatives of the stronger sex experience a change in the color of the iris, which becomes brighter than the usual shade.

The pupils of the eyes become wider, which creates the effect of an open gaze towards you. A man looks either openly or secretly, trying to see and remember the smallest details of a woman’s appearance, and having met her eye to eye, he quickly looks away to the side.

If a man focuses his eyes on you and looks closely at you, this is a clear sign of falling in love.


All a person's emotions are reflected on his face. It is facial expressions and complexion that largely express the attitude towards a person. When meeting his beloved, a man may blush or, conversely, turn pale, his eyes widen, and his eyebrows involuntarily rise, taking the shape of an arch or a house.

Loss of self-control

If a confident, usually serious and domineering man suddenly gets lost at the sight of you and begins to behave in a completely stupid way, gets confused in his words, is embarrassed, jokes inappropriately, becomes awkward and clumsy in his movements, you can be sure that he likes you.

The brain of a man who is in love is overloaded with emotions and simply cannot cope with the load, which is why such metamorphoses happen to him. And even willpower does not help to pull himself together - a new meeting with the lady of his heart also knocks a man out of his usual balance.

Verbal signs of a man in love

Verbal communication is the main form of communication between people. That is why verbal signs of a man’s hidden love should not be neglected. There are clear verbal signs that indicate a man's favor towards a woman.

He is probably in love and is trying to show it if he performs this kind of action in your presence:

  • showers you with compliments;
  • often calls, constantly texts or actively corresponds with you on social networks;
  • shows genuine interest in all aspects of your life;
  • sincerely rejoices at your victories and sympathizes when something goes wrong;
  • tries not to offend you either by word or deed and asks for forgiveness for the slightest offense;
  • constantly looking for a reason to see each other;
  • if this is a man higher up the career ladder, he will promote you in every possible way, assign you important tasks, and distinguish you among your colleagues;
  • he is always ready to sacrifice something for you, to give his best;
  • experiences a feeling of jealousy when other representatives of the stronger sex are near you;
  • does not hesitate to invite you to his home, show you everyday life, introduce you to loved ones;
  • suddenly begins to actively engage in his own body, for example, signing up and going to the gym;
  • seeks opportunities to be alone with you;
  • tries to find out more about you by trying to get information from other people;
  • when communicating with you, he often uses the pronoun “we”;
  • is not just interested, but also involved in the activities that you love;
  • tries to do only what you like.

Manifestations of attraction in men according to zodiac signs

Astrologers are confident that the zodiac sign has a huge impact on a person’s character and temperament. With the help of a horoscope, a girl will be able to understand what a desperate man recklessly in love is capable of:

  • Capricorn , when in love, becomes even more timid. He tries to catch the girl’s eye as often as possible, but he cannot speak to her when he meets her, because his breath is taken away and his tongue does not obey. But having become convinced of mutual feelings, Capricorn becomes bolder.
  • Aquarius , when he falls in love, becomes terribly jealous. If a girl smiled at another guy, then a scandal cannot be avoided. For her sake, Aquarius is ready to turn the world upside down, if only his beloved shows favor.
  • Fish. When Pisces are in love, they unquestioningly agree to compromise, as long as their beloved is satisfied. Young people often do things that are out of character for them. For example, they write a declaration of love on the asphalt or give a huge bouquet of flowers.
  • Aries is not very romantic. He can court a lady for a long time, so he openly declares his feelings. If a man is in love, then all his actions scream about it. He will make a gentle partner who will surround his beloved with care.
  • Calf. Calm and balanced guys, falling in love, change their behavior. During a conversation with their chosen one, due to excitement, they desperately gesticulate, blush, and stammer a little. Taurus people don't care much about how they look. But for the sake of the girl, they want to dress beautifully, comb their hair and even shave.
  • Twins. A person in love becomes very generous. If a girl dreams of an expensive thing, but won’t be able to buy it herself for a long time, then the guy will definitely find the money and give his chosen one the desired gift.
  • Cancer is a romantic and sentimental sign. The man persistently looks after the girl and often irritates her with his obsession. He loves to give trinkets, flowers, and shower him with compliments. Shy Cancer is always the first to call or write.
  • Leo is attentive to his lady of his heart. He is ready to fulfill her every whim. Sometimes the king of beasts mysteriously disappears from a girl’s life, but only in order to surprise her with another surprise.
  • Virgo. Not very sociable guys spend a long time looking at a pretty person. They need time to fall in love. But having become inflamed with feelings, Virgos are in no hurry to admit this to their chosen one. The desire to give small gifts to a lady betrays a man in love.
  • Libra avoids haste in love affairs. First of all, a young man tries to make friends with a woman in order to get to know her better. With friendship, Libra justifies their need to be close to their chosen one all their free time. And when he is convinced of the correctness of his choice of partner, then their relationship can move to the next stage.
  • Scorpio is thrifty. His unprecedented generosity suggests that the man has fallen in love. He will often invite the girl to friendly gatherings in order to thoroughly enjoy her company. The more often invitations arrive, the more in love Scorpio becomes.
  • Sagittarius. A guy in love is sincerely interested in the girl’s hobbies, her worldview, and her social circle. It is important for him to know everything that happens in the life of his chosen one in order to be able to participate in her affairs. Wanting to change the level of the relationship, Sagittarius begins to give the woman small gifts.

The horoscope roughly describes how young men belonging to the same sign behave in love. But this does not mean that, for example, two Leos will behave the same with a girl. Their behavior will depend on their upbringing, principles and character.

Is it possible to check if a man loves you?

In matters of love, it is difficult to come up with better advice than listening to your heart. From the first days you should not be puzzled by the issue of developing a relationship with a man.

Give yourself and the prospective fan the opportunity to sort out your own feelings, take a closer look, get used to the person’s character and draw the right conclusions. Thanks to the intuition inherent in all women, you can discern something that cannot be verified by any other means.

And if it’s difficult to be sure of a man’s feelings, then it’s possible to push things a little. Sometimes for this it is enough to express reciprocal emotions, for example, smile at him, give him a compliment, show sincere interest in his problems and affairs. After such gestures, it will be difficult for a man to resist, and he will most likely show his true attitude towards you. A little patience and feminine wisdom, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Love and infatuation: is there a difference?

Falling in love is certainly different from love, although many people confuse these concepts.

There are three main differences between how men fall in love and how they love:

  1. A man's love flares up suddenly . A guy, seeing a girl for the first time, can instantly become inflamed with passion for her. But after a while, getting to know her better, he realizes that she is not his person and the love passes. Love can live forever. It develops slowly, slowly, becoming stronger over the years. Real feeling is not afraid of everyday or financial problems, and falling in love most often passes due to these reasons.
  2. For a guy in love, physical intimacy comes first. And a loving person, if circumstances force him, can do without sex, still feeling respect, trust and love for his partner.
  3. Lovers do not notice the shortcomings of the chosen one. And a loving partner knows about them, but accepts them with understanding.

Therefore, according to psychology, signs of falling in love in young men appear quite quickly. And it takes a lot of time to recognize the symptoms of true love.

Why do men hide their feelings?

Often the reasons for an adult man’s secrecy lie in his first love experience, when a boy, while still a teenager, takes timid steps towards the girl he likes.

And this experience is not always positive. The fear of rejection persists at the subconscious level and carries over into adulthood. Another option involves the desire to keep your first love a secret from the whole world.

And in adult life, a man also subconsciously tries to hide his feelings from everyone, even from the object of his desire. Some representatives of the stronger sex justify this behavior with the desire to establish control over the development of events, when only he decides whether he needs to openly express his feelings, or whether it is worth keeping his relationship with a woman secret.

There are many options, and they all directly depend on the characteristics of the man’s character.

Male hunter

This type of representatives of the stronger sex prefers not to take risks, but to systematically and persistently achieve their goals. This only increases the value of the extraction. Such men will hide their love until they are completely confident in their own victory.

All their actions are akin to a game. It arouses interest, beckons, but for the time being remains an impregnable rock. And only at the right moment, in his opinion, does a man allow him to win his heart, despite the fact that the chosen one has long been not against showing reciprocal feelings.

Male philosopher

Such a man is too comfortable in his world to change anything suddenly. He is not ready to act spontaneously, relying on the fact that what is destined to come true will definitely come true. You just need to wait for a favorable combination of circumstances, but in the meantime you should be careful. Doubts and fear leave such men no other choice.


One of the most commonplace reasons, in most cases due to lack of experience. He hides his true feelings for a long time, fearing being ridiculed or rejected.

Negative experiences in the past

A series of past failures forces a man to act carefully and, if possible, protect himself from female cunning. Such an experience deprives him of self-confidence, makes him weak and vulnerable. Confessing his feelings for him is the same as exposing himself to another blow, while secrecy helps him feel protected.

Male infantilism

This kind of representatives of the stronger sex remained boys. They are burdened by the thought of the responsibility that they will have to take on. A man expects everything to miraculously resolve itself.


Where would we be without this green monster! Jealousy is everywhere where there is love.

And, although many people in love claim that jealousy is a sign of insecurity in their partner, in fact, jealousy is only the fear of losing him. Which is quite normal, if, of course, this is “healthy” jealousy, the manifestations of which remain within the limits of what is permitted.

For a man in love, any possible competitor is a reason for a sudden outbreak of “unreasonable” bad mood or even aggression. Why are men so jealous?

How to push a man to take action

If everything is so complicated, how can you understand that a man is in love but is hiding his feelings? To find out, you can resort to feminine tricks.

Method No. 1. If you and your admirer are planning an event with friends, allow yourself some light flirting. Let one of the stronger sex look after you a little. For this purpose, you can even negotiate with one of the party participants. Next, just watch what the man’s reaction will be. Changes in his behavior will indicate that he cares about you.

Personal care

A man in love is always attentive to his appearance, because he must be ideal in her eyes.

If a man began to shower more often, suddenly fell in love with expensive perfume and fashionable clothes, bought a gym membership and visited the dentist more often, rest assured that love has settled in his heart.

Unless, of course, we are talking about a narcissistic man - a narcissist.

Bouts of humor

A man in love, when in company, makes jokes left and right, without skimping. And the very first glance after a general burst of laughter will be directed exclusively at the woman who is interesting to him.

However, in a company, a man can behave in a completely opposite way - demonstratively withdraw himself from the general fun in order to silently (and, of course, mysteriously) watch his beloved woman from the side.

How to tell by looking that a guy likes you on the street

My dear lionesses, if someone stares at you on the street, this is the first and main sign that a man likes you. Unless you are dressed very extravagantly and attract puzzled looks from ALL people with some twirling their fingers at their temples.

And so, the guy will constantly look at you, catch your eye, try to smile with the hope of getting a smile back and starting a conversation.

This is how people meet in transport or in a public place. Some people consider such acquaintances indecent, but I am ready to object.

If a person's gaze expresses:

  • tenderness;
  • tenderness;
  • kindness;
  • Delight.

You can meet such a person even on the subway.

And if:

  • lust;
  • lust;
  • assessment;
  • neglect;
  • and so on.

Stay away from them. These are not hunters, which is normal for males, these are jackals.

Macho image

Even a modest man awakens to brutality when he is in love. With all his appearance, gestures, views and actions, he shows his super-masculinity - even if in ordinary life he is a “gentle and gentle animal.”

A man in love looks at his potential woman with the gaze of a man who has “seen everything in this life,” squinting slightly and smiling from the corners of his eyes. He speaks his words more slowly, more quietly, and in a lower voice than usual, in order to charm his lady from all sides.

He “accidentally” touches her hand, or deliberately whispers something in her ear in order to get the opportunity to get closer - and smite her on the spot with his irresistibility.

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