Useful habits: a list of the best for health, relationships, career

In this article we will tell you:

  1. The value of healthy habits for a person
  2. The difference between good and bad habits in life
  3. Sources and types of healthy habits
  4. Healthy Morning Habits
  5. List of useful habits for every day
  6. 5 Good Health Habits
  7. Useful Habits for Happiness
  8. Healthy habits for losing weight
  9. Useful habits for career and business
  10. 8 Healthy Relationship Habits
  11. Final recommendations for developing healthy habits

Useful habits are a set of actions that have been practiced to such an extent that a person, while performing them, simply does not notice it. Examples include proper nutrition, morning jogging, reading books before bed, that is, things that are already part of normal life without causing discomfort.

A person is not born with useful habits, he acquires them over the years: he lives with some for a long time, breaks up with others, replacing them with new ones. And that's okay. On the contrary, it is good when people do something useful often and regularly, both for themselves and for those around them. Do you want the same? Below we have given clear recommendations in this regard.

The value of healthy habits for a person

Any useful habit is a kind of behavioral model, the purpose of which is to improve a person’s productivity and efficiency. If an action has been brought to automaticity through repetition, its further implementation requires minimal energy expenditure.

It is very important to understand the benefits of healthy habits, that is, what it gives us in the long run. For example:

  • Let's learn how to properly organize your time. Once you get used to making a schedule, at least approximately, a person will be able to do more than usual.
  • You can improve your health and general condition by reducing stressful situations.
  • A healthy habit gives you confidence. Feeling an increase in the level of his development, a person gains self-confidence.
  • Help in giving up a negative habit. If there is one that destroys from the inside, then it can be replaced with the opposite one.
  • Movement towards your goal accelerates. Thanks to actions brought to automaticity, the speed of achieving a task can be doubled.

Since the power of good habits has a cumulative effect, it is important not to give up the process of their formation, at least until the first results.

The difference between good and bad habits in life

Good habits can change our lives for the better, unlike bad ones that stand in the way of physical and mental development. Very often we even become their hostages. As a result, you no longer have the energy or time to do anything, you feel constant fatigue, apathy, and depression can set in.

If, for example , there is a bad habit of eating at night, this will soon lead to excess weight and poor health. Smoking is known to kill. Those who “live” on social networks spend almost all their time on them, not understanding why they cannot get anything done.

Good habits can make your life much easier and improve your quality of life. But don't try to change everything at once. It is believed that it takes 40 days to fully implement any action in our lives. It takes so much time to consolidate. But for everything to work out, you need a personal desire to change yourself for the better, so the “for show” principle will not work here. As soon as you feel the desire for change, you can start working on yourself.

Adverse habits

The most dangerous habits are:

  • smoking;
  • gluttony;
  • alcoholism;
  • obsession with toxic substances, drugs, pills;
  • gambling addiction.

Such habits can kill a person. They quickly develop into an addiction and a disease that needs to be treated in hospitals under the supervision of professional doctors.

These problems may appear due to a weakened mental state or problems with the nervous system.

Among the indecent habits are the following:

  • nose picking;
  • aggression;
  • nail biting;
  • groundless jealousy;
  • constant yawning;
  • frequent delays.

They are not as harmful as the previous ones, but nevertheless they spoil relationships between people.

Sources and types of healthy habits

How do good habits appear? There are several types of their origin:

  1. Instilled in childhood - brush your teeth, wash your hands before eating and put toys and things in their place.
  2. Arising as a result of interaction with society - morning coffee/tea, walking up to your floor.
  3. Formed independently and consciously - visit the pool or play sports several times a week, drink water on an empty stomach.

In addition to the methods of origin, habits can be divided into:

  • household (wash hands before eating);
  • social (say hello back);
  • professional (the editor will automatically correct errors seen or heard);
  • individual (showing initiative).

There is also a gradation of habits according to the form of manifestation: physical (biting nails, picking your nose - bad habits), emotional (politely say goodbye at the end of a conversation), behavioral - cleaning the apartment on a certain day of the week and time.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

What are good habits for? It's simple: they help achieve your goals systematically and increase individual efficiency.

To have good health and well-being, you need to get used to performing certain beneficial actions.

Healthy Morning Habits

The way you start your morning sets the stage for the whole day. And this is very important. Everyone wants their time before bed to be efficient and stress-free, and we can take care of that.

What you need to know about good morning habits:

  • Get up early.
  • Every day should start with a smile.
  • Brush your teeth (and tongue).
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Start doing exercises or running.
  • A glass of water before breakfast.
  • Throughout the day, smile at yourself when looking in the mirror.
  • Make a plan for the day the day before.

According to doctors, the best time to wake up is before 7 am. This allows the body to function normally and correctly. In addition, scientists came to the conclusion that almost 90% of great personalities woke up every day at 4-6 in the morning.

Psychologists recommend setting specific goals for yourself for the coming year. It is better to do this a few days before the end of the current year. After which, every morning you need to check the list and note what has already been completed and what remains to be done. It is necessary to plan and analyze actions that lead to the achievement of these goals:

  • Check messengers and email.
  • Get into the habit of responding to messages immediately.
  • Meditation is a good way to collect your thoughts.
  • Listen to pleasant music.
  • Prepare healthy snacks for yourself.
  • After breakfast, clean up after yourself.
  • Walk to work or school if weather and distance permit.

This list of good morning habits is unlimited, and you can add others to it. And don’t set yourself the goal of starting to complete all the points tomorrow.

Usually habits are introduced gradually, 3-4 points at a time. When these actions become a habit, you can add 3-4 new ones.


If you don't want to be late

  1. Plan your day based on your meetings.
  2. Leave a 15-minute gap before meetings that take place outside the office.
  3. Schedule internal meetings with five minutes to spare.
  4. Include time in your schedule for breaks, short phone calls, and ad hoc discussions about work issues with co-workers.
  5. Insure yourself in case of force majeure.
  6. Set reminders on your phone.
  7. Map out alternative routes to places you travel frequently to avoid traffic jams.

If you want to be more organized

  1. Get rid of unnecessary correspondence on the way to your workplace so as not to clutter up the space.
  2. Pay your bills the same day you receive them.
  3. Add paid bills as soon as they are paid.
  4. Always return things to their place.
  5. Throw away at least one unnecessary item every day to avoid accumulating clutter.

If you want to get rid of a bad habit

  1. Make it a habit to spend 10 minutes doing something else before you decide to smoke, for example.
  2. Identify the emotions, places or things that make you want to engage in a bad habit again and again, and come up with a solution for each situation. For example, if you bite your nails while driving, wear gloves, or pick up a pencil and a piece of paper as soon as you start to feel nervous and draw until you calm down.
  3. Come up with a list of things that you will use to replace the bad habit during your next impulse.
  4. Write a list of punishments in case you do show weakness. For example, a fine.

If you want to quit smoking

  1. Remind yourself that the most important thing is to control the first impulse, and if you wait 10 minutes, the craving for a cigarette will decrease.
  2. Before smoking, put a mint leaf or mint candy in your mouth and wait until the taste disappears. Only then ask yourself whether you really want to smoke.
  3. If you usually smoke outside, take a few circles around the building or smoking area before picking up a cigarette. The desire to smoke may evaporate.
  4. Change your smoking habits. For example, go to a non-smoking restaurant, or only drink coffee indoors rather than outside with a cigarette.

Find your way

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