Types of relationships between a man and a woman. What are the types of relationships called?

Types of relationships between a man and a woman

Personal relationships between a man and a woman are the most difficult.
But life satisfaction depends on them. To feel happy, you need to be able to maintain close relationships. And in order to connect your life with a person who suits you in all respects, you need to know what type of compatibility is typical for him.

The following types of relationships can be roughly distinguished:

Spiritual intimacy

In this case, partners understand each other on an emotional and psychological level. It is about such couples that they say that they understand each other without words.

But such closeness is not always achieved in intimate relationships. Spiritual intimacy most often means that partners are good friends.

Sexual compatibility

There is a strong sexual attraction between the couple. As a result, they can easily build strong relationships. But they may have misunderstandings in everyday matters.

Mental comfort

Both partners feel warmth and attraction towards each other. They have common interests, similar opinions and very often similar hobbies.

Together they experience joyful events and life's hardships, supporting each other in difficult times.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman. What are the types of relationships called?

Partnership marriage

Partners help each other solve practical life problems, complement and support each other. But their relationship is quite cold, because there is no strong sexual attraction between them, and they are not able to satisfy each other’s desires.

Smart Compatibility

Partners have common interests. They talk about philosophical topics, about art, about politics. They are rarely bored together. But due to a weak emotional connection, it is not possible to build a happy family life.

Physiological compatibility

Such relationships are similar to sexual compatibility. But such a connection occurs on an instinctive level. There is no mutual understanding, respect, or devotion between partners. Therefore, such an alliance will not last long.

In order for harmony to reign in family relationships, you need to understand the desires of your partner, and also take into account what difficulties may await you in the future.

Here is a poem written for women who love, but do not love them:

Psychology of relationships

The first thing you need to learn in relationships with other people is that they cannot be prevented from being happy - the way they want to be.
Henry James

The psychology of relationships between people has always been, is and remains one of the most important, most significant topics for the vast majority of people.
This, without exaggeration, is an eternal topic that each of us, regardless of with whom and how he plans to build relationships, must understand very well. After all, our satisfaction with ourselves and our lives depends on how we build our relationships with other people, and, to put it even more fundamentally, our happiness will depend on it. Therefore, dear readers, I recommend that you pay special attention to this topic. In this article, I will share with you very useful and valuable knowledge about the psychology of relationships, which will help you improve your relationships with other people and save you from many unnecessary mistakes in this difficult matter. You will also learn to build new, good relationships that you need with everyone you want. And this is guaranteed to change your life for the better and make you happier people. So let's take a closer look at this eternal and important topic for all of us. Well, let's begin. And first, let’s take a look at the psychology of relationships as broadly as possible in order to fully understand the range of its possibilities. Dear readers, please take note that the ability to build relationships, normal, useful relationships with other people is the key to success, well, if not in all matters, then in most matters for sure. Just think how much of everything in our lives, including our internal state, depends on relationships with people. Even if there aren’t very many of these people in your life, those with whom you communicate and interact are definitely important to you, and they inevitably influence you and your life quite strongly. Therefore, your relationship with them should be, let's say, more or less normal, or even better, good. And these relationships depend on you no less than on them. In general, I believe that each of us should take responsibility for relationships with other people. After all, this is so important - to be able to build relationships and maintain them in such a way as to receive not only benefit from them, but also pleasure. To do this, we must take responsibility for this skill upon ourselves. Do you agree with me? I'm sure you agree. This is why I believe that every person should be interested in the psychology of relationships. After all, people are such complex creatures, they have such a rich and mysterious inner world that it is so easy, without special knowledge, to build with them, well, if not ideal, then at least more or less normal relationships that satisfy your needs and desires, very not easy.

I also want to tell you that the psychology of relationships should be studied not only from books or articles like this, but from your own life experience. Friends, learn to draw deep conclusions from your relationships with other people - remember that everything that happens in your life happens so that you learn something. Any event in your life, both good and bad, is a lesson that you need to learn. You can draw no less benefits from your own life than from many of the smartest books, you just need to be very attentive to everything that happens to you and think about it. As for knowledge, there is a lot of it, a lot of it, so much that your life will not be enough to master even a small part of it. Therefore, try to choose those that are closest to your life. And relationships with people - with the opposite sex, with parents, with children, with friends, with bosses and subordinates, and so on - this, in my opinion, and I hope in your opinion too, is a skill very close to life. Consequently, the knowledge associated with it must be acquired to the detriment of many other knowledge, on which your life depends to a much lesser extent. After all, the most important thing in our lives and in particular in relationships with people is attention, our attention. The quality and success of our lives will depend on who and what we devote more of it to. If you pay attention to, let’s say, the wrong knowledge and the wrong people, you will become [or remain] unhappy people, not satisfied with their lives. And if you start devoting it to what is needed and to those who need it, everything will be fine with you. I hope you understand and agree with me. Well, now let's talk about the psychology of relationships in more detail.

The meaning of relationships

Everything in this life must have meaning, because it is in everything, but we do not always see and understand it. There is this meaning in relationships with different people, but for each of us it can be different, depending on our needs and desires. This is not what is important, what is important is your vision and understanding of this meaning. From my point of view, the meaning of any relationship is joy, harmony, peace, love and happiness, regardless of how you see it. Also, through relationships with other people, including those of the opposite sex, we satisfy our various needs, both physical and spiritual. In fact, satisfying these needs makes us happy people. But here it is important to understand that the most important thing in relationships between people is not to take, but to give. This is the meaning of relationships - to give people joy, to give them love, to make them happy. You will always have time to take what is yours, but giving it away is much more difficult. Those who prefer only to take can never build serious, strong, reliable, long-term, happy relationships with other people. You've probably noticed this, perhaps even in your own example. How often do we see how people make claims to each other because they lack something or want something, without thinking at all about the other person, about their partner, friend, comrade, just a casual acquaintance. Is it pleasant to be around such people? Do you really want to do something for them? Is it possible to open up completely to them? After all, we see that they don’t care about us, they just want to get something from us and are not going to give us anything in return.

This selfishness in relationships kills them. It kills even those relationships that have been tempered by time and difficulties, as happens in family life, because if you always demand something and give nothing in return, then the relationship turns into some form of exploitation by one person of another person, they lose its basis in the form of love, respect, mutual understanding, mutual assistance and so on. This is how a parasite, without knowing the limits, destroys the body of its habitat, this is how excessive demands in relationships deplete their form and destroy their basis. So remember, friends, to build strong and reliable relationships, try to give more and take less. But give only to those who really deserve it, and only what they really need. And you and I know that not everyone deserves love and respect. Therefore, there is no need to sacrifice yourself for the sake of those who do not deserve it, do not seek from goodness - goodness. Thus, you must see meaning in relationships with different people, not only in order to understand what you can get from these relationships and how you can get it and whether you can do it at all, but also in order to understand what you can and the main thing is that you want to give to these people. I don’t advise you to be parasitic in your relationships with people. If you behave selfishly, sooner or later you will be surrounded mainly by egoists, just like you. That is, you will create wolfish living conditions for yourself, instead of building normal relationships with normal people. Well, decide for yourself what is considered normal in this matter. We all have our own values. Just don’t forget that your attitude towards other people will largely determine what kind of people will be around you and how they will treat you.

The essence of relationships

Now let's think about what the essence of relationships is. From the above, we can conclude that we need, as far as possible, to get to know and meet people with whom we can build normal relationships in order to receive benefit and pleasure from them, to fully enjoy life, achieve our goals, and successfully overcome difficulties in order to generally live your destiny happily. Without normal relationships with normal people whom you can trust, who you can rely on, with whom you can share your most intimate things, you simply cannot live a full life and enjoy it to the fullest. Thus, the essence of a relationship is pleasure and benefit, as well as the opportunity to fully open up next to another person. May you not be able to build relationships with all people that will help you fully open up, because not all people can be allowed into your soul, but only those who deserve it, who can brighten it, and not spoil it. But as for the benefit, it can be derived from relationships with all people, no matter what they are. Benefit, but not pleasure - keep this in mind.

Relationships can be different, depending on with whom and for what purpose you are building them. But if we are talking about relationships that should completely satisfy us, then it is quite obvious that they should be built only with worthy people. Let there be few of them, there should be few of them, the main thing is that they are people with whom you will feel good, to whom you can trust the most intimate things that are inside you. And, as we found out above, these should be people to whom you can give a part of yourself, for whom you can do good with all your heart, and not be afraid that they will use your kindness against you. After all, it makes no sense to give something to those people who only know how to grab and give nothing in return, who perceive the kindness of others as a weakness that they want to take advantage of. Therefore, it makes no sense to build relationships with such people, expecting from them something special, something sublime, something reliable and eternal, which they simply cannot give you. Those born to crawl will not be able to fly. So don't expect more from some people than they are capable of. And there is no need to give them anything - there is no need to throw pearls in front of those who trample on them. Look for people who fit the type of relationship you want and need. But do not forget that they need people as worthy as themselves. Let's say that relationships with the opposite sex will be as strong as how well people suit each other. You cannot find a good husband by being a bad wife, or a good wife by being a bad husband. And if people who are incompatible with each other do come together, then one of them will definitely begin to suffer. I have seen many incompatible couples in my life, and I knew that the relationship between these people would not last, that the time would come and this whole initially shaky structure would collapse, which is what happened later. You should be able to choose people to build with them - normal relationships, the kind of relationships that you need, and not try to change people so that they meet your requirements. And you yourself must correspond to the person with whom you are applying for a relationship. And only then can we talk about such things as respect, love, understanding and other things that give a person pleasure from relationships with other people, and what we see as the essence of relationships. As for the benefits, as I have already said, you can get them from relationships with any people, you just need to find the right approach to them in order to extract this very benefit from them.

I don’t know what kind of relationship each of you, dear readers, needs at the moment, but I want to say that building serious, reliable, lasting and generally successful relationships always comes down to building some kind of system, and a rather complex system at that, which will reflect your personal qualities and the qualities of those people with whom you build these relationships. To build this system, you need to have the necessary high personal qualities, which naturally need to be developed in yourself, first of all, in yourself. And only then you need to look for these qualities in other people. After all, a serious relationship between people is a high degree of organization of these people, requiring from them responsibility, decency, discipline, honesty, openness and many other highest human qualities. Therefore, building normal relationships can sometimes be very difficult if you and those with whom you are trying to build them are not sufficiently developed. You and I know that some people, for various reasons, can only squabble among themselves. They, to their own regret, do not know how to build normal relationships with each other; for them this is an impossible task. Such people often conflict, always try to use each other and often betray people close to them. They don't know how to do anything else. Therefore, in order to build, let’s say, great relationships, you need to develop as a person, be aimed at understanding, first of all, yourself, your behavior, your motives, desires, weaknesses. This will help to understand other people better, and what is especially important, thanks to this, a person will become tolerant of many undesirable phenomena in life, because of which he instinctively comes into conflict with others. After all, the less a person understands, the more he may dislike it and the more conflictual he may be. Relationships with people need understanding and patience, then they will be stable.

Relationship Goal

The purpose of a relationship determines its meaning. We talked about the meaning of relationships above, now let's talk about what goals you can pursue when building relationships with different people and how the psychology of relationships can help you with this. The goals of relationships can be very different, and therefore, relationships can also be different. For some, relationships with other people and in particular with the opposite sex are a desire to get what is theirs without giving anything in return, but for others, it is a mutually beneficial exchange when people help each other satisfy various needs when they are useful to each other. Well, some people just want to maintain normal, friendly relationships with other people, without any obligations, so to speak, for the sake of the soul, that is, to satisfy spiritual needs, to be more precise. But at the same time, we must always remember that any relationship must have a clearly understood goal, goals. This is necessary so that, firstly, there are no unnecessary people in your life who distract your attention, and especially people who can cause you harm, and secondly, so that you understand not only your own, but and other people's goals and tried, as far as possible, to help other people achieve them, so that they, in turn, help you achieve your goals. People also maintain a relationship with you for a reason; you, too, must be somehow interesting, useful, and beneficial to them.

Well, so that people do not derive one-sided benefit from your relationship with them, always try to find out why they maintain relationships with you or are trying to establish them and why you yourself maintain relationships with these people. And also, think about what other relationships you are doing this to the detriment of. You can’t pay attention to all the people in your life without exception, much less to those potential partners and friends you don’t even know about yet, but whom you may meet in the future. Therefore, you need to choose which of them is worthy and which is not worthy of your attention. Therefore, it makes no sense, if there is no goal, to maintain relationships with those people from whom you have absolutely no benefit, neither material nor spiritual, even purely hypothetical, and even more so with those who harm you, with whom you are uncomfortable, who cause you pain and makes you suffer. Don’t forget that life is not so long to waste it on unnecessary things, meaningless things, and especially on people you don’t need.

So never forget about the goals you want to achieve when building and maintaining relationships with certain people. Just think about what your needs, desires and feelings underlie your desire to build relationships with different people and with each specific person. What do you want from other people? What can you and are you ready to offer them in return? Do you think this exchange is fair? Do you think other people, another person, will think the same? For them, will your approach to relationships, your desire to get something from them, and your ability to give them something in return look attractive? Be sure to think carefully about these questions before you begin to build relationships with other people based on your interests and desires. Think about what other people might want, don't ignore their interests, but take them into account. After all, if you can approach the issue of relationships not only from the position of your interests, but also from the position of the interests of other people, then it will be easier, much easier for you to build these same relationships with them. And there is a high probability that these relationships will turn out to be mutually beneficial and mutually satisfying, and, thanks to this, quite strong.

The art of relationships

Now let's talk about the ability to build successful relationships with people, which we can well call an art. By the art of relationships, I, among other things, about which a lot has been written and said, understand the ability of people to make concessions to each other when necessary. And for this you need to be able to pacify your Ego and curb your selfishness. Most relationships reach a dead end only because no one wants to give in, everyone stands their ground, everyone considers himself absolutely right and does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of relationships with other people, including his own truth. But if you don’t give in, if you always stand your ground, there will be no normal relationship. It is clear that it is also unnecessary to always give in to everyone, otherwise people will climb on your neck, and this will also contribute to the destruction of relationships with them, because you cannot be a servant to other people, wanting to maintain normal relationships with them - this corrupts them. It is precisely because of the difficulty of determining the situation and even the moment when you need to give in to another person in order to maintain or build a relationship with him, that I call the ability to make concessions - the art of relationships. Do you understand the difference? It is not compliance itself that I call art, but the ability to yield when necessary. You need to understand, and sometimes feel, when and to whom you should give in in order to preserve, save, build relationships, and when you need to dig your heels in and stand your ground to the last.

So, the question is, how should we treat other people so that they, in turn, treat us the way we want? Fine? Badly? Or how? You know, it’s not so easy to answer this question. It would seem that you can simplify everything and say that you need to treat people the way you want them to treat you. And this is indeed true, but not in all cases. People who are wise in life know that other people do not always mirror our attitude towards them, and sometimes you need to treat some of them very badly in order for them to treat you well. Therefore, the following phrase would be more correct: people need to be treated the way they deserve. But it is quite difficult to find out what kind of attitude each specific person deserves towards himself; for this you need to get to know this person properly, understand what he is like. But to be kind to everyone is wrong, just as it is wrong to be evil to everyone. This means that you need to give in only to those people to whom you can and should give in, and only when it is necessary. So to build successful relationships with other people, good compliance is a very valuable skill, which I call the art of relationships. There are other useful skills that are also important, but this skill, in my experience, is especially important.

Psychology of relationships between men and women

The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the most important and at the same time problematic types of relationships between people, which interests and worries many people of both sexes. Many men and many women cannot build normal relationships with each other, including because of the reasons I mentioned above, which would completely satisfy them and allow them to live a full life, without all these scandals, showdowns, mutual accusations and forms parasitism on each other. Although they have such a desire. But desire alone is not enough. Relationships, like everything else, need to be learned, especially relationships with the opposite sex, for which it is extremely important to be able to enter into the position of another person in order to understand his needs, desires, problems and take them into account in your behavior with him. And it is very difficult, being a man, to enter the position of a woman, or being a woman, to enter the position of a man. To do this, you need to know well the psychology of the opposite sex and not be an egoist, thinking only about yourself and your desires.

In general, the relationship between a man and a woman is a rather subtle form of cooperation, and where it is subtle, it often breaks down. Such relationships require from people, as I said above, the ability to give in, the ability to negotiate, the ability to be useful to each other. And many men and women see in relationships with each other an opportunity to make only their own lives better; they do not take into account and therefore do not take into account the interests of their partner and live according to the principle - either me or me. Well, it’s impossible, you see, we are people, rational beings, we need to rely not on force in our relationships with each other, but on common sense. It is impossible to live happily, building relationships with the opposite sex on fear and violence, on the dependence of one person on another, on the use of one person by another, or, as is now common, on a consumerist attitude towards each other. A man and a woman are two parts of a single whole, they are created for each other, and not to oppose each other, that’s what is important to understand. They must see their own reflection in each other and treat each other the way each of them treats themselves - with understanding and respect. To achieve this, you need to know about all the advantages of normal relationships, then people will have a desire to build them, and they will build them, because they have such an opportunity.

You can also very often hear that the relationship between a man and a woman is based on their sexual attraction to each other. In general, this is true, but only partly, from a physiological point of view. We have a need for intimacy with the opposite sex, and we strive to satisfy it, so we show interest in the opposite sex. But you and I are talking, first of all, about psychology, about the secrets of our mysterious soul. And our soul requires not only physical, but also mental pleasure. So, tell me, dear readers, have you ever had such a thing that, looking at a person of the opposite sex, you felt at first a slight excitement, gradually turning into an ever-increasing heat in your chest, accompanied by some completely inexplicable, but very pleasant experience, as if something beautiful and wonderful wakes up in the depths of your soul, something enchanting that begins to embrace you from the inside, allowing you to experience incredible bliss? I hope that you have experienced something like this in your life, and if not, then rest assured, the time will come when you will definitely experience it.

I would like to note that it is not so easy to describe in words all the sensations that people may experience when a special person appears in their life. I’m sharing my own experiences with you, so I don’t even know how to describe them correctly, how to convey to you that state when you seem to feel the light in your soul that fills you from the inside and your soul, not your body, but your soul is pure , bright, eternal, reaches out to the soul of another person, wanting to merge with it into a single whole and dissolve in eternity. Is this love? Maybe. Most likely love. But this is not some kind of earthly love, but the kind of love that, once born, can live forever, and which allows us to feel like something more than what we know about ourselves. And against the background of this great feeling that we are able to experience, which we can enjoy, is it possible to talk about the relationship between a man and a woman as a relationship between a female and a male? After all, when you know that there is a feeling that is born in the depths of your soul and that can make you truly happy, don’t you want to experience it, don’t you want to enjoy it forever? Of course you will. Therefore, no, friends, the relationship between a man and a woman should and can be much more than just sexual attraction. We just need to know ourselves better to understand what we can gain if we strive not for primitive relationships with each other, but for relationships through which we experience great bliss.

To summarize all that has been said, I would like to note, dear readers, that the psychology of relationships does not stand still - it constantly learns something new about people and their relationships with each other, which allows us to better understand ourselves, our needs, desires, opportunities, which our behavior depends. Whatever kind of relationship we are talking about, be it the relationship between a man and a woman or the relationship between friends, work colleagues, parents and children - all of them are one way or another a consequence of our desire to make our lives better. We cannot be alone, we are social creatures, so in any case we need to interact with each other in some way. And if so, then it’s probably better to do it in such a way that, if possible, we all feel good, so that we are all happy with our relationships with other people. Is it possible? I think so. We just need to adhere to certain rules that bring the necessary order into our lives. I told you about the most, in my opinion, important of them in this article. We must understand that without certain self-limitations a person cannot be a person, or, if you like, a superman, which we all want to see in ourselves and others. Not force or fear, but reason and love should form the basis of our relationships with other people, then these relationships will be successful and happy.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman

All people's relationships are completely different and there is no point in comparing them. The most important thing in a relationship is mutual respect, love and honesty.

What types of relationships are most typical for many couples in love?

Independent relationships

Independence in family relationships is certainly important. But if partners cannot agree with each other on serious issues, this will not lead to anything good.

In a relationship, in addition to independence, compliance and the ability to support each other are of great importance.

If a couple constantly finds out who is in charge in the family, this can sooner or later destroy the relationship.

Interdependent relationships

That is, those when one of the partners cannot exist without the other.

Many problems can arise as a result of such a relationship. A dependent partner wants to do everything together with his significant other, and he forgets about family, friends, and his own development. He subordinates his entire life to his loved one, and the thought that this might someday end causes him panic.

Open relationship

This type of relationship is quite popular. Most often, it is chosen by people who are not ready for life with just one person.

Adaptive Relationships

Partners try to adapt to their significant other as much as possible. They adopt their habits and hobbies. Friends become common. They try to spend all their free time together.

But giving up your usual lifestyle can have negative consequences.

Frivolous relationships

That is, a relationship without any obligations and plans for the future. People who have recently experienced a breakup with a loved one or those who lack intimacy enter into such relationships. But they are not yet ready to create new relationships.

Friendly relations

At first glance, this may seem like an ideal relationship. Partners understand each other, get along, and can talk about anything. But there is one problem - there is no sex between them, and it is an integral part of a love relationship. Without sex, even the warmest relationships become just friendships.

Relationships built on intimacy

Because relationships are built only on sex, they have no future.

Long distance relationship

Usually such relationships begin with high hopes for the future. The partners are convinced that they can overcome any distance. But over time, it turns out that conversations on Skype and the phone are clearly not enough to maintain the spark in a relationship.

Full compatibility

Such relationships are based on love, respect, trust, mutual understanding, and honesty. Partners are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the other and do not consider this something supernatural.

Who doesn't dream of such a relationship?

Love and relationships: 6 steps to ideal.

There are several simple tips on how to make a love relationship comfortable, long-lasting, and almost ideal. There is no universal recipe, but there are tips that definitely won’t hurt to listen to.

Break traditions.

Almost all relationships suffer from routine, routine, and predictability. And when it gets boring, someone else meets. This will not happen if you add fuel to the fire at the right time. For example, surprise. Didn't take out the trash again? Hide a trash can in the closet. Half an hour late again? Sing stupid songs for the next half hour. And about how you can diversify your leisure time, write - not rewrite.


Oddly enough, sex, kissing during a meeting and hugging goodbye are not enough to create a special connection. Gentle stroking of the hand while watching a movie or preparing dinner is a completely different matter. Magic appears when we remove an eyelash from the cheeks of our loved ones, cover them with a blanket at night or massage our feet.

Look for a compromise.

Even the most harmonious couple does not see eye to eye on everything. And this is wonderful, because it is not boring, interesting, and always unpredictable. The main thing is to find a compromise. For example, he is used to spending Saturday evening watching an interesting film, and she is used to SUP surfing. You can alternate entertainment or meet in the middle: a woman is engaged in active sports on the water, and a man is watching his favorite blockbuster on the shore.

Listen and hear.

Psychologists have proven that most conflicts are caused by misunderstandings. It’s as if people are talking but not hearing each other. This is partly true. During the parterre's remark, we think about what we will say in response to him. A simple rule will help you get out of a blind corner - always repeat the words of your interlocutor, ending with the phrase: “Did I understand correctly?”


This is not about saying, “You did the right thing,” despite your own opinion. But emotional support is priceless, so you should always stand on the side of the partner. That is, listen to his arguments, feelings, try to understand. Mutual support gives a feeling of security, confidence, and brings people closer together.

What are the relationships between a man and a woman?

All people are different, each has their own temperament and character. Therefore, the relationships between people are also different.

They are:


This option is the most common. Its advantage is that all responsibilities between partners are divided equally. And when conflict situations arise, they discuss them and find a solution that suits both. Partners in this union are usually already fully realized people.

But this union also has disadvantages. Each partner does not ask for help from the other, but relies only on himself. It is more suitable for a man, because he is comfortable in it. A woman lacks a surge of emotions, and sooner or later she will want to find a person with whom she will feel like a weak woman.


All the attention of a woman and a man is directed to romance and feelings. They are a mutual source of inspiration and support. They do not notice everyday troubles. Immersed in their relationships, they do not pay attention to their development. They are only comfortable when they are together.


In this union, the woman is the most active. And if she does not reproach her partner for weakness, the union will be quite strong.


Typical and one of the most common relationships between a man and a woman. He is the breadwinner, she is the keeper of the hearth.


A woman is a muse for a man, inspiring him to great deeds. He idolizes her.


A romantic or sexual union involving more than one person. Unlike an open marriage, all participants are equal and included in the relationship. Important components of this relationship are awareness and honesty: partners voluntarily agree to this format and discuss everything they want to receive in the union.


Harmonious exchange in relationships. Research shows that polyamorous people have more honesty, intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and less jealousy than monogamous people. Sometimes in polyamorous relationships, the connection between partners can take different forms: for example, with someone they build a stronger spiritual connection, and with someone - a sexual one. So, polyamorous people do not expect “everything at once” from one person.

Mindfulness. The experience of such relationships helps people improve their emotional intelligence. They learn not only to understand their emotions, but also to talk about the feelings of other people. In addition, all participants in such a union closely monitor sexual health and contraception.


Equal attention to participants. Polyamory requires more responsibility. It is important for participants to discuss doubts, look for a format that is suitable for all participants, and devote time to all partners. They may begin to show more feelings for someone in the union, and this is already a problem for the others.

Raising common children. Difficulties arise if there are children in polyamorous families - they become attached not only to biological parents, but also to other partners (as well as their children). If partners change frequently, children have to go through the breakup again and again.

Unconventional relationships between a man and a woman

Relationships are:

  • Healthy;
  • Unhealthy;
  • Affiliate;
  • Dependent;
  • Happy;
  • Destructive;
  • Strong and not too strong;
  • Non-standard (polygamous).

Polygamous relationships are those in which there is no sexual attachment only to the husband or wife. In such a union, the wife or husband has one or more sexual partners.

Types of polygamous relationships

Polygamous relationships have several varieties:

  • Polyandry is when a wife has several husbands. There are practically no such marriages in the modern world. After all, a woman should be a standard of morality and ethics. The rarity of this type of polygamy is explained by the fact that women generally prefer to belong to one man and remain faithful to their husband throughout their lives;
  • Polygyny is when a husband has several wives. This type is typical for Muslims, who are traditionally allowed to have several wives;
  • Bigamy is bigamy. In some countries this is permitted by law. Here in Russia it is prohibited. Before starting a second family, a man must divorce his first.

Why do polygamous relationships occur?

A man develops a desire to have several partners at once for several reasons:

  • Lack of parental love in childhood. If a child, due to the constant employment of his parents, feels constantly unnecessary and unloved, growing up, he tries to compensate for the lost love with the help of other people. This way he increases his self-esteem and feels more confident;
  • Parental overprotection. All parents want their child to grow up in love and care. Therefore, they sometimes overprotect him and indulge all his whims. When he becomes an adult, his habit of being the center of attention remains. Therefore, he has many sexual partners and considers this normal;
  • Psychological complexes. This applies more to men. They are afraid of the responsibility for a serious relationship, and they try to prove their success through numerous sexual relationships;
  • Infantility. Some people, having already become adults, continue to behave and think like children. They do not want to get married for fear of taking responsibility for another person. Therefore, they lead open relationships and do not consider it necessary to remain faithful to one person.

Infantilism is immaturity in development, preservation in behavior of traits inherent in previous age stages.

Source Wikipedia

Open relationship or open marriage

In such couples, partners can, by agreement, meet and have sex with other people. Both have this right, but lovers do not become participants in the union. An example of such a relationship is the union of thinkers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, who proclaimed the “Manifesto of Love”: “Be together, but at the same time remain free.”


Freedom and trust. As the experience of people in open relationships shows, honesty is valued in such unions. For example, if one of the couple had sex with another person without discussing it with the partner, this could be considered cheating. Participants say that such relationships bring a sense of freedom combined with security, and also improve their sex lives.

Conscious attitude towards sexual health. Due to the presence of multiple sexual partners, participants in open relationships take the risk of sexually transmitted infections and contraception more seriously. Research shows that people who are in monogamous relationships and cheating are less likely to use condoms than those who openly negotiate non-monogamy.


Requirements for emotional intelligence. For an open relationship to work, you need to remain aware and understand the limits of your jealousy and possessiveness.

Guilt. In addition to the difficulties that may arise within the couple, participants in open relationships mention feelings of guilt towards people outside the “main” relationship. The reason for the conflict may be different expectations. Not all “other” partners know about the “main”, which makes the relationship unequal.

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