Spiritual intimacy between a man and a woman and how to achieve it?

The ability to love is the most valuable gift of a person; it, of course, is tied not only to the love of a man for a woman. The attitude of love towards children and parents, friends and loved ones, towards the work you do, towards art and nature, the beauty of the world and towards life itself, towards the Universe and towards God - this is the treasure that is inherent in us from the very beginning. You can't see it, but you can give it as a gift. It cannot be stolen, but it can be nurtured. No one can take it away, but it can be lost. It cannot be taught, but it can be learned.

Love between a man and a woman can be called the cornerstone at the foundation of other forms of love, because it is perhaps more difficult to learn, nurture and develop it correctly than other relationships. It is no coincidence that so much pain, misunderstanding, distortion and substitution of concepts have accumulated around these particular relationships throughout the history of mankind.

This love is often talked about in cynical words, wrapping the subtle matter of light in makeup boxes, in the shells of condoms and erotic videotapes. They often talk about the merging of flesh, believing that this is love.

But true love is the one that lifts you to the heights of understanding, when a person is loved for who he is, for what he is in the world. Love is not in bed or in clothing stores. Not in cars or at tables with champagne. It is in the hands of the Lord, by the grace of the Lord in the very essence of the human being. It is not begged for or deserved. She simply exists.

Our soul mate in the spiritual world

Sometimes people say: “There is no perfect love. Ideal love is a fantasy, and there is no need to strive for it.” At the same time, they secretly hope to someday meet their ideal, and can even outline it.

And sometimes we hear about deeply loving couples who have lived with each other their entire lives. Their relationship becomes more and more beautiful and touching as the moment of their separation in this world approaches, and we can’t help but think about why they were so lucky to find and keep their love? What secret do they know?

In fact, it is not difficult to answer these questions if you know the laws of harmony of the Universe and the laws of the development of love. The fact is that ideal love exists, and the ideal exists - they exist for each of us, and no one is deprived of this treasure. Only this love, like our unique talent, exists in the form of a precious seed that needs to germinate and come out. It needs to be cared for until it goes through all stages of growth and becomes a magnificent flowering tree. Only then will we be able to experience the full nectar of its fruits.

Ideal loving couples are those individuals who were able to grow this tree, in other words, they went through all seven stages of love.

Each of us has our “half” - a soul designed to perfectly complement us. If you manifest in a masculine form, then it is a manifestation of feminine energy. If you originated as a manifestation of feminine energy, then your soulmate is a masculine form of energy. She is born with us in the same spiritual family; we are connected with her by inextricable and constant ties, and it is she who is the ideal that we see in our dreams of perfect love.

Being in the spiritual world, you know very well who your “soul mate” is. This is not the case in the material world. You will not meet your soul mate, your ideal lover or lover, until you learn to love. This means that you will start and lose relationships with other souls in whom you will look for your ideal. Meanwhile, your other half will also go through their “lessons”, learn to cultivate love: find, part, care, forgive... And this will continue until each of you goes through the necessary stages of love. Only after this will you have the opportunity to meet your soul mate and never be separated from her again.

Once you achieve this in one of your lives, in all subsequent lives you will no longer have to painfully search for your love: you will meet her very early and live happily with her, because this will become one of the perfect facets of your talent. You will develop other aspects of your talent, but this will become an integral part of you.

Since your soul mate is one of your soul mates, they will constantly be born with you. Only the laws in the material world appear as if you are constantly playing hide and seek with your eyes blindfolded. Your soul mate may be born to your mother or child, brother or friend, grandfather or nephew, teacher or student, work colleague or travel companion. And you will not be able to recognize your ideal love in her until you are ready for this. You will learn love with many people, starting relationships with them and parting with them, meeting again in subsequent lives and learning something new each time. Nobody forbids us to study.

The relationships between a man and a woman are so diverse that it is impossible to exhaust them completely. Therefore, do not create for yourself a stereotype of one and only love for the rest of your life and for all time. If you have ended a relationship, and perhaps ended it painfully, this can only mean that space has been freed up in your life for many other previously unfinished relationships. Perhaps they will also be difficult, full of both joys and difficulties. All these relationships are work for the development and improvement of the soul. Without going through all the stages of love, you will not be able to find your ideal love.

And since your soul knows very well what its ideal is, falling in love for you usually begins with the fact that you suddenly see in this or that person one or even several traits inherent in our soul mate. Maybe it’s a smile, a way of looking, speaking or laughing, some feature of appearance or character that seems close and attractive to you. You may not suspect that something that attracted you is a memory of your “half”, recognition of one of its characteristics. For you, this is a flash of light, a powerful pointing sign, an impulse of attraction. You see just one line and instantly fall in love with this person. This is usually where the very first stage of love begins.

I. Stage of contemplation

The first stage of love can manifest itself gradually and sometimes unconsciously. It’s just that at some point a person appears in the space around you, subtly different from everyone else. Perhaps this is someone new, or perhaps you have known him for a long time, you just haven’t noticed that something attractive has appeared in him. You watch how he walks, talks, smiles - and something in his eyes, gestures, words seems cute, attractive, unexpected. He is interesting to you; you take a closer look at him, want to know more about him - where he lives, what he does, what he thinks about...

You feel sympathy and some special warmth. Even a chance meeting or conversation with him brings you joy, and you unconsciously or consciously begin to create situations that allow you to see or talk with him more often. You may not be thinking about starting any kind of relationship with him (or her) yet—just watching and trying to find out.

This process may or may not be reciprocal. Perhaps the object of your observation does not even realize that your gaze is fixed on him, and he does not care about you. Or it’s possible that he himself begins to pay attention to you: “Why did he suddenly start looking at me like that? Why did we start seeing him so often? Maybe he needs something from me? Some kind of elusive connection is created between two people - not even a thread, but rather a cobweb.

No one can predict how long this process of contemplation lasts. Sometimes this happens for several days, and sometimes for several years. And one fine moment everything changes.

Spiritual mother

Being a spiritual mother is a mysterious way to care for souls. This is the type of motherhood that nurtures the divine life in others. Spiritual motherhood is open to all women of different faiths regardless:

  • from age;
  • social class;
  • work activity.

From “Eucharistic Adoration for the Consecration of Priests and Moral Motherhood”: “This type of motherhood is intended not only for married mothers, but also for girls without a husband, a widow or one who is sick.”

II. Stage of sympathy

When completing a discovery, a person often describes it as a moment of sudden insight, a flash of light in which everything becomes clear and obvious. It was as if lightning had flashed in the night, revealing all the objects and their details.

So the second stage of love, in many senses of the word, can be called such a discovery. Even if the first stage of love lasted several months or years, a moment of insight comes when you suddenly understand that this person is not just interesting to you: you love him, you need him, he attracts you like a strong magnet. At this moment of understanding the essence of what is happening, the heart begins to open - a feeling of sweet pain appears in it, it rushes towards the person you love, and you can no longer remain silent about your feeling or hide it.

You are no longer just watching him - you are showing your attitude, trying to interest him in yourself, to please him, trying to show him signs of attention, do something for him, let him know about your feelings.

He undoubtedly experiences certain pleasant sensations - even if he has never liked you before or has never noticed you. The love you shower on a person begins to change their life. He becomes happier, more successful, because the flow of your love envelops him and initiates processes of harmony in him. Almost involuntarily he pays attention to the one who radiates it. He looks at you, thinks about what attracted him to you.

But how will he react to your love, will he answer you? It’s good if love is reciprocated, but this doesn’t always happen. In any case, the second stage of love cannot last long because it is like a smoldering fire that either dies out or flares up. If the fire begins to spill out, the third stage of love begins.

About the fear of betrayal

And sometimes we are afraid of betrayal. What if our openness is used to our detriment? What if our words and experiences become the subject of ridicule and discussion?

Here it is worth weighing the risk that we take by opening our soul (of course, not to the first person we meet, but to the person to whom we are attracted, with whom we want to build a relationship), and the pleasure from rapprochement, the unity of souls, which leads to the creation of truly happy relationships, including sexual ones. What could be greater pleasure from a spiritual connection with another person? It's worth the risk.

Moreover, the risk is not as great as we think. If you understand the person with whom you are building a relationship as well, and even better, than he understands himself. Even basic knowledge about the human psyche, obtained through training in system-vector psychology, makes this possible for everyone.

III. Heart opening stage

This time is usually the happiest for lovers. Love overwhelms a person, it glows, it completely opens his heart, fills all his thoughts and actions, gives energy, inspiration, and a feeling of happiness. It is at this time that wings “grow” and eyes burn. Right now he is drawn to express himself in poetic language - even if he has never written poetry. He is happy - simply because he loves; and in this state it doesn’t even matter whether the object of love reciprocates.

It happens that the one with whom he is in love does not consider him a “suitable object”, or considers him to be far from their ideal. But for a lover this is not even very important. He needs communication, any look, any word, any sign of attention or gratitude is dear to him. He is happy to simply love, to simply do something for his beloved, and only one thing is important - that he is not rejected.

It happens that the object of his love is married and cannot return the feelings. And it happens that he (or she) is also unrequitedly in love with someone else. Then sometimes intimacy arises on the basis of this unrequited love.

If love is mutual, then happiness has no limits. We sometimes call this period the “honeymoon” - when the hearts of both open and exude streams of love and tenderness. They forget about everything in the world, it seems to them that they have found their soul mate, that they are fused together, understand each other without words. Love fills them so much that they don't even need words to express it.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the happiest periods at the initial stage of the development of love.


Since the emergence of the concept of “love,” it has been interpreted in different ways.
Attempts to express this type of love in concrete or abstract forms are unlikely to be successful. Moral love is the purest form of energy that man projects as a spiritual being. She is free from attachment and expectation, but full of care and mercy; it has a healing power that can change both the “sender” and the “receiver”.

Theologians claim that it is the creative energy that gave birth to us from the Source. Compassion, care, respect, forgiveness - these are the paths by which you can feel, see and recognize the light of love.

The simplicity and complexity of different meanings, coupled with the complexity of human emotions, make this concept difficult to articulate. A person must simply accept that spiritual love exists and is necessary for him. What matters is not how it is explained, but how it is felt: every person feels his inner meaning of love. Philosophers at different times have defined it as:

  • spiritual state;
  • human achievement;
  • harmony of intellect and light in the heart.

This love is pure, unconditional, it forgives and unites. By connecting partners, it flows between their hearts and enhances joint experiences. Moral love is limitless.

Often a romantic experience is the first experience of spirituality, although people do not realize it. With the emergence of addiction, they develop attachment and dependence, a desire to take care of the object of love. Moral love is a selfless feeling for another person. It brings inner peace to those who radiate and receive it.

The main goal of true love is the well-being of the one to whom it is directed. Giving back to the object of love is not as important as being able to give back. This is a more isolated feeling than what we are accustomed to consider love in our everyday relationships.

IV. Contact stage

In the fourth stage, a period of sobering begins; lovers may still retain passion and tenderness, but they begin to look at each other with different eyes - and much more closely than in the period when they were just getting to know each other. This is the verification stage - the most difficult and critical period.

They have already gotten to know each other enough over the past three or four years, but the passion is gradually cooling down, the veil of reckless love is falling, the rose-colored glasses are quietly sliding off their noses - and what does the couple in love see? That from the former ideal, perhaps only one feature remains that once attracted - a voice, a look or some kind of gesture. And if before the imagination helpfully completed the picture of the ideal, now the look becomes sober. “Where is everything else that I liked so much?” - thinks one of the lovers, and maybe both at the same time. And “Oh, he’s so determined!” turns into “He’s just a boor!”, “She’s so purposeful” - into “She’s just a bitch, going over the heads!”, “How gentle he is!” - in “He’s just a mumble!”, “She’s so affectionate!” - in “He’s always pushing himself with his kisses, and even in front of his friends!”

Features that previously seemed touching grow to the size of universal shortcomings. “He sits wrong, speaks wrong, looks wrong, listens wrong, falls asleep when they show the most interesting things, always opens the window when I’m already cold...”

When and in what cases does this happen? When people realize that his partner is not an ideal, but an ordinary person with all his shortcomings. And at the same time, both of them allowed passion to strangle true love. Passion goes away, but love is no longer there, there is no component that would allow one to turn flaws obvious to a sober eye into forgivable features. We often idealize those around us and place high demands on them.

And former lovers feel empty and disappointed; they are not looking for something that could bring them together again, but strive to separate as far as possible. They get irritated, they get angry, they quarrel, they allow their hearts to close. And since this stage cannot continue indefinitely, it is during this period that an internal or external gap arises between people. If at the third stage of love an official marriage was concluded and, moreover, children were born, then the gap at the fourth stage becomes very dramatic. Either the child experiences all the hardships of his parents' divorce, or - if the marriage is preserved for the sake of the child - he is forced to grow up in a home where there is no love and care.

But if people truly love each other and if at the third stage of the development of their love they did not give passion the opportunity to prevail over love, the fourth stage becomes for them a real test of feelings, a new stage of rapprochement, a search for common ground. This requires patience and consideration for each other. Points of contact must be found at all levels - spiritual, intellectual, social, psychological, social, emotional and physical. The best option would be one in which the points of contact give everyone vectors and incentives for each other’s development.

It is possible that by looking at each other with a new look, lovers will discover previously unnoticed traits in themselves - tolerance, generosity, selflessness, the ability to endure and forgive, show humor in difficult situations, give in in an argument, inspire in a moment of despondency, calm in a moment of anger. They may discover that they are different from each other in ways that previously seemed common, but are surprisingly unanimous in ways that they were previously unaware of.

If at the fourth stage of love both he and she have found many points of contact, common views and goals, and if their love, having passed the test stage, remains still strong, they can think about a future together. Only after completing the fourth stage can lovers start a family.

Features of energy exchange in a couple

From birth, a man feeds on energy from a feminine source. Initially, this source is his mother. From the first days of life, it is the mother who feeds with her energy, care, care and love. Growing up, the boy learns to set goals and achieve them, and his mother’s energy and support give him inspiration not to give up, to reach his goal and set a new one. Then the first love and relationship with a woman appears, which energetically nourishes and fills throughout life. It is in this filling that the secret of realizing male potential lies. In a union of two lovers, a woman is an energy source - she shows her care both morally and at the level of reason and feeds with her energy.

Thanks to this energy, a man begins to assert himself in life and realize himself in his career, then giving his soul mate love, care for finances, prosperity, and becomes support and support. With such dedication, a man inspires a woman to generate energy again and again. And with proper interaction, such energy exchange becomes constant and stable. But in this case we are not yet talking about an energy connection. Energy exchange occurs, but certain conditions are required for energy communication.

V. Stage of creation

Sometimes this stage is called spring or the “second wind” of love. At this stage, when people have already understood that they can and should, as they say, “sail in the same boat,” love in them begins to grow with renewed vigor.

Only if at the third stage of love its fire burned so that it interfered with seeing everything around and could burn, then at the stage of creation it flares up gradually and gives more even heat than heat. The hearts of lovers begin to open more and more and fill with warmth. They discover each other in a new way, they can see the world in a new way, in which they truly do not walk parallel to each other, but together. From that moment on, their hearts never close.

Now they are ready to start a family and share the warmth of their love with others: for example, to invite other souls who will become their children.

Their love becomes a garden in which beautiful flowers can grow, and they are ready to take care of each of these flowers. They are already full of deep mutual understanding, so the difficulties of caring for children and raising them become easily overcome. The child grows up in an atmosphere of love, warmth and mutual support of his parents. Even if people have reached the fifth stage of love, there is still a danger for them to separate. But even if this suddenly happens, they will try to maintain warm relations with each other and will never stop caring for their children.

Energy connection between the sexes

When people feel mutual sympathy, the mental connection gives them pleasure. In this case, upon contact, the energy of their biofields circulates. These streams differ greatly in color from each other. Only those with psychic abilities can see them.

Partners communicate with each other by combining certain chakras:

a related connection occurs along the base chakra; along the sexual chakra there is a union of the type of lovers, couples or friends for a short-term pastime; the umbilical chakra forms a connection between colleagues, those people with whom you have to compete; partners are connected through the heart chakra for life - but for this it is extremely important that their heart channels are well connected with each other; the throat chakra connects people whose relationships develop at the level of one idea, they become like-minded people; along the frontal chakra, the connection occurs unconsciously, a person copies his idol, the leader of a sect or some other organization; along the wedding chakra, only individual egregors that belong to the family are combined - such a connection is possible only between a mother and a child or people who love each other very much.

The more partners are interested in each other, the stronger the connections between them are built. When the relationship between partners is very close and strong, then the connection between them is observed through all channels.

This is how love relationships are formed. A mother always feels her child, no matter where he is. Even if a lot of time has passed between meetings.

VI. Self-sacrifice stage

People who have reached the sixth stage of love have almost achieved perfection in this relationship. “Almost” - because this stage can be called the dawn before dawn. After the stage of the sixth stage of love has been passed, a person is already given the opportunity to meet his true “soul mate,” his ideal love from the spiritual family.

This stage is also called “lack of motives.” If you start talking about how you love someone because “she’s beautiful and kind” or “she’s successful in her career and perfect in bed” or “he’s rich and looks the best on the beach” or “takes the kids to school and brings me coffee in bed,” then you either don’t know how to express your feelings, or you simply don’t love this person. If you tell a person that you will love him only if he does this or that for you, lives like this, thinks like this, looks like this, gives this, dances in front of you like this, then you are not him. love.

Love does not need any motives, any reasons, or any proof. Love is the energy that comes from a person with the only desire - to bring joy and happiness to his loved one. And here, at the stage of self-sacrifice, a person loves another without any motives.

Here love truly “endures for a long time, is merciful, does not envy, is not proud, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil...; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Here you are ready to sacrifice everything for your loved one, even your life - and sometimes you really have to do this. Fate often forces us to undergo trials; and at a certain stage, lovers also have to go through them. At the sixth stage of love, this can be the harshest and most uncompromising test.

Sometimes it can be a serious illness that will require all the dedication and all the patience from her or him. Sometimes you even have to sacrifice your relationship with your loved one. For example, when a person is not your soulmate, and may suddenly lose love for you and go to another person. Are you ready to continue to love him anyway, without any motive, or will you start to hate him?

Sometimes intense love breaks out between a man and a woman, one of whom is married and raising small children. If a lover begins to insist that his partner immediately leave the family and stay only with him, then he creates an unbearably difficult situation for him. If he manages to insist on his own, their relationship will sooner or later collapse anyway. If he has enough love to internally accept the situation as it is, this will become the self-sacrifice that will lead him to the stage of perfection.

But in the sixth stage of love, everything that was created artificially between people is finally destroyed, and only love remains. If you go through this stage, then in your next life you will meet your soulmate, with whom you will always be together and will never be apart.

Energy connection between a man and a woman.

Energy doesn’t matter whether you believe in it or not – energy exchange happens anyway, period!!!

And of course, it is better to have at least basic knowledge on this matter than to be ignorant of what is happening in our lives...

Unfortunately, sometimes people break up. And this desire is not always mutual for partners.

There are often situations when a person cannot come to terms with the thought of separation from his partner for years. What should such people do and why is it dangerous for them?…

If you are surrounded by such lucky people who, after breaking up, are constantly sad about their ex-halves, you understand what I’m talking about...

Surely you have noticed how quickly their condition is deteriorating, how they wither right before your eyes, completely ceasing to enjoy life...

The reason for this is the decreasing amount of sexual energy in these people every day. Or rather, her voluntary giving in favor of the person with whom they separated. At the same time, the former partner may be completely unaware of what is happening, and, therefore, he is completely innocent!

VII. Harmony stage

At this stage, the hearts of two people seem to be so united that there is practically no difference between them. They are in a single energy-information matrix, understand each other’s thoughts, feel each other at a distance, and strive for the same thing. The flow of love, like an inexhaustible waterfall, erupts around them, harmonizing space and time. Even severe pain cannot disturb the bliss of love. Souls that have reached this stage never separate, even after death. If one dies first, another is waiting to meet him again in the next life.

Usually those who were able to go through all seven stages of the development of love very quickly achieve spiritual perfection and return back to God.

There are no clear boundaries between the stages of love development. They can smoothly flow into one another, or they can appear simultaneously like an explosion. They can occur differently in people with different levels of consciousness.

As a man and woman go through the stages of love, they enter into one union or another. There is some difference between the word "union" and "family", just as there is a difference between the concept of "family" and the concept of "marriage". However, the union that a man and a woman enter into is generally called marriage in society.

Channels conducting energy between a man and a woman

If the relationship between partners is stable and healthy, channels are formed between them that work cleanly and brightly. In such relationships there is sincerity, mutual trust, but at the same time, each of them remains in his own personal space. This is the very case when the energy connection is equivalent.

Energy threads

  • In the case when one partner is dependent on the other, the channels become dim, which subsequently leads to a breakdown in relationships, aggressiveness, and irritability.
  • In a situation where one party seeks to completely subjugate the other, the dependent’s aura seems to be completely enveloped.
  • The end of the relationship leads to weakening of the channels. The more time passes, the less energy flows into them, and then the flow stops altogether, which ends with the former partners perceiving each other as strangers.
  • If lovers break up, but the channels are not closed, mutual attraction remains. It happens that one of them purposefully breaks the energetic connection, and then it is possible that its protection will be affected by the second.
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